Wednesday, November 10, 2010

23. Saddam werd gebashd en toen geslacht.

This blog:

Victor Ostrovsky, die jaren bij de Mossad werkte en daar een boek over schreef,  "By way of deception", citeert zijn baas Ephraïm die hem de werkwijze van de Mossad uitlegt (op pag117):

"After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. 
Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. 
We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. 
It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work." 

Waarom werd Lybië door de VS gebombardeerd ? 
Hoe werd Saddam van een 'moderne bondgenoot' tot de Grote Duivel ? 

Ostrovsky beschrijft het in zijn boek.
Peter Myers heeft ook dit boek op zijn website samengevat.

De Mossad heeft een zender in Tripoli geplaatst en van daar uit berichten verzonden die de Amerikanen en Europeanen moest doen geloven dat er in Tripoli Islam-terroristen  vrij konden werken en aanslagen konden plannen en uitvoeren in diverse steden in de wereld.

Westerse inlichtendiensten ontdekten dat natuurlijk, en Reagan besloot om de stad Tripoli te bombarderen. 
Werkwijze: De Mossad maakte van Khadaffi een Gevaar en liet de VS het vuile werk opknappen.  

Hoe deed de Mossad die truc van 'zwartmaken en laten vernietigen door anderen' ten aanzien van Saddam ?  
De VS was bevriend met Saddam. Zij leverden wapens aan Irak om daardoor de oorlog  Iran-Irak  flink veel ellende te laten veroorzaken. Hoe minder Iraniers en Iraki's er over blijven, en hoe zwakker die landen, des te beter voor Israel.
Zij leverden de gifgassen waarmee hij de Koerden kon doden en dus controleren. 
Dat de VS ook wapens aan Iran leverde zullen ze beslist niet aan Saddam verteld hebben.

Omstreeks 1990 begon de Emir van Kuweit vreemd te doen. Hij verkocht de olie onder de prijs van de Opec-afspraken.  Saddam, die zich min of meer de regionale leider voelde, riep de Emir op om daar mee te stoppen. 
Maar de Emir luisterde niet. 
( We hoeven er niet aan te twijfelen dat de Emir was ingefluisterd dat hij zich moest gedragen zoals hij deed. Waarschijnlijk door Amerikanen met een Israelisch hart. Sayanim dus. Dat klinkt misschien niet overtuigend, maar wat nog zou de Emir tot deze vreemde daad  kunnen aanzetten? De man dankt elke dag dat hij in weelde leeft volledig aan de Amerikaanse beschermers.                      )

Saddam werd boos en peilde (*)  bij de VS ambassadeur hoe de VS zou reageren als hij Kuweit zou bezetten. Per slot van rekening hoorde Kuweit historisch gezien bij Irak, en was het door de Westerlingen alleen uit strategische motieven tot een onafhankelijk landje gemaakt. 

De VS ambassade heeft toen bij Saddam de indruk gewekt dat ze niet zouden ingrijpen als Saddam (hun vriend) Kuweit zou binnenvallen.

Maar zie wat er gebeurde:  Saddam werd in de Media als de Grote Duivel afgeschilderd. 

De VS besloot militair in te grijpen ( de eerste Golfoorlog in 1991) en een flink deel van het Iraakse leger werd vernietigd. 
De moordpartij op 20.000 Iraakse soldaten die in koelen bloede, vanuit de lucht,  aan flarden werden geschoten  vindt in de hele WO2 geen parallel.  
Werkwijze: De Mossad maakte van Saddam een Gevaar en liet de VS het vuile werk opknappen. 

Na 911 werd Saddam opnieuw gebashd. Hij zou massavernietigings wapens hebben ( WMD's), hij had contacten met Al Quaida, etc. etc.
Op grond van die onjuiste demonisering is de VS toen Irak binnen gevallen.  
Naar later bleek waren alle beschuldigingen onterecht, en wist men dat maar al te goed in Washinngton en Londen. Maar het grote publiek wist het op dat moment niet, en dus kon de inval gewoon doorgaan.
Uit Israelische kranten en uit verklaringen(**) van insiders blijkt dat het vernietigen van Saddam vooral voor Israel van belang was.
Het motto van de Mossad is niet voor niets :  'By way of deception we shall do war'. 

(*) Dat Saddam 'toestemming' vroeg om Kuweit binnen te vallen heb ik op meerder plaatsen gelezen.
(**) Dov Zakheim zei het in een speech op een universiteit, maar die link ben ik kwijt.

There is a man who reviewed over 900 books on Amazon. 
He worked in US-intelligence. 

I want to quote his review on a book here completely, as I think it has weight and it shows how the world really is: 

 34 of 39 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars The One Book No US Politician Will Read, That You SHOULD ReadJune 18, 2007
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Web of Deceit: The History of Western Complicity in Iraq, from Churchill to Kennedy to George W. Bush (Hardcover)
This is one of two books that I have read together, both documenting the decades of deceit by both the US and UK governments, and to a much lesser degree, by France, Germany, and Russia, among others.

The two compelling facts that stay with me as I put the book down, are two:

1) From Churchill to Kennedy to Bush (Cheney), all of our Presidents in the US, but most especially Reagan, Bush, Clinton (Brzezinski), and the current and failed crew of neo conservatives that use Bush Junior as a talking doll, have been complicit--let me spell that again--complicit in the mass murders, the massacres, the torture that we first condoned and now practice ourselves. The US White House denizens are all long overdue for formal indictment, at least by a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The author documents, very ably, a long string of broken promises (e.g. to the Bedouin leader for a free Arab state in return for help in WWI, to the Kurds, etc.) and complicity in mass murder. In the author's views, the sanctions are a war crime against the children, women, and elderly of Iraq, a war crime that lasted thirteen years.

2) Salaam Hussein was a creature spawned in large part by the CIA. Although I have spent 30 years in the intelligence business, it was not until I embarked on my broad non-fiction reading program that I have been able to understand that the CIA specifically, but all the rest of the classified intelligence community, is complicit in mass murders, genocides, running cocaine into the US to wipe out poor communities now addicted to crack, made affordable by the CIA's drug runners, and made politically kosher because Wall Street demands drug money--laundered drug money--for its liquidity.

I join Lee Iacocca in asking, "Where is the outrage?" There is not a candidate for President today, not even Ron Paul, who can outline in chapter and verse, as I now can on the shoulders of the 900+ authors whose hard-earned insights I have absorbed these past six years, the evil that Lionel Tiger and others show is inherent in industrialization and the centralization of power. We need to destroy the current corrupt elections process, implement electoral reform across the board, and start putting bright honorable people in office, instead of these nakedly immoral and profoundly evil creatures who will inflict any sacrifice, impose any burden, on We the People so that they may profit.

A few of the many gems from this superb work:

1) All our Presidents in recent time have lied to us, and the most humiliating of all of these lies was not the weapons of mass destruction, but the abandonment of the Kurds and the refusal to listen when Iraqi generals approached Iraqi dissidents who in turn came to the Department of State only to be shunned away. Salaam Hussein promised to leave Kuwait, but US wanted to destroy his army, and refused to hold off on what proved to be 40 hours of pure slaughter. Gulf II was not only more lies, but the active suppression of facts and dissident views, not least of which were General Tony Zinni's views--he was called a traitor by Condolezza Rice, who appears to know nothing of honor, decency, and truthfulness.

2) CIA is creating more long-term havoc than it is worth. I am finally persuaded, with absolute certainty, that we need to get out of the covert action business. CIA should become the National Analysis Agency, and the small clandestine arm should be limited to multinational operations against transnational crime and terrorism, with an Inspector General in every Station.

3) Jimmy Carter, advised by Zbig Brzezinski, comes out of this book looking both more ignorant and more unscrupulous than Reagan or either of the Bushies. Brzezinski not only masterminded the tacit okay for Pakistani development of nuclear weapons in return for aid in Afghanistan, he also began the process of helping Salaam Hussein acquire, develop, and utilize weapons of mass destruction, and I hold Brzezinski directly accountable for the mass murder of Kurds, Iraqi Shiites, and Iranians.

There are many other notes from this book that I have, but rather than lay them out here I am going to simply say that this book moves to the top of my list of books on evaluating the Iraq misadventure that has given us a $2 trillion debt and 75,000 amputees whose lives are forever shattered ***for no good reason***

The betrayal of the public trust by both the Executive and Congress, by both politicians and senior civil servants and military flag officers, has been outrageous. The author uses the words ignorance, arrogance, incompetence, amorality, illegality, hypocrisy, and cynicism sparingly. This is not a vendetta book. This is a reasons indictment and joins a host of other books that demand the immediate impeachment not only of the sitting President and Vice President, but also of the Republican ***and*** Democratic leadership in the Senate and the House of Representatives.

I am ashamed of our Republic and what these amoral thieves have done "in our name." I am disheartened by the knowledge that all of our brave troops have died, been disabled, and suffered for ***no good reason.*** This makes me very angry. Angry enough to begin speaking out, pleading with America to wake up and find within itself the means for a non-violent restoration of the Constitution and We the People as individuals with liberty for all, lest America be disgraced, and our children's' futures sacrificed, forevermore. Shame, shame, shame.

Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam (American Empire Project) (American Empire Project)
Unintended Consequences: The United States at War
The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic (The American Empire Project)
Manufacture of Evil: Ethics, Evolution, and the Industrial System
Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude
Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency
Statecraft as Soulcraft
Why the Rest Hates the West: Understanding the Roots of Global Rage
The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People
Breaking the Real Axis of Evil: How to Oust the World's Last Dictators by 2025


Here is a letter from a nun who worked in Iraq, written around 2000: 
( Website

Oil, and not Saddam, worries Washington 
Dawn/LAT-WP News Service (c) Newsday. 
By Margaret Galiardi

WASHINGTON: I had two days until departure and a million things to do. I hoped I could quickly refill a prescription. Then the pharmacist asked me, "Sister, where are you going?"
"Iraq," I replied, knowing that it would now take me 20 minutes to get out of the store. His eyes widened. He asked, "Why? Is that allowed?"
"No," I responded truthfully, adding that UNICEF is reporting the death of 5,000 children each month in Iraq. His face registered shock.
I went on to explain that I would travel with six nuns and one priest from my worldwide Dominican order. I explained how I spent the morning filling my suitcases with medical supplies. "The situation over there is desperate."
He posed another question: "Why don't we know about this?" I explained about the 140 Dominican nuns and priests, many native Iraqis, who have recounted this carnage through the internal communication network of the order. Then his final question, "Sister, will you come back and tell us the truth about what is happening in Iraq?"
I think the truth is: too many innocent people have suffered too long. It's time to lift unconditionally the United Nations sanctions imposed against Iraq.
The Iran-Iraq war is the first reason. A million young men died. It's common knowledge that the US armed both sides in this war. A Reagan administration official told The New York Times, "We wanted to avoid victory by both sides." Henry Kissinger was quoted as saying, "I hope they kill each other" and "Too bad they both can't lose."
The second reason is the Persian Gulf war. By the end of the 42-day assault, the US press reported the tonnage of high-explosive bombs exceeded the combined Allied air offensive of World War II.
About 110,00 sorties had dropped 88,500 tons of bombs, the equivalent of 7.5 atomic bombs the size that incinerated Hiroshima. Our aircraft attacked Iraq on an average of once every 30 seconds.All of this violated commonly accepted "rules of engagement," including the UN Charter, provisions of the Hague and Geneva conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, even the laws of armed conflict cited in several of our own military-service manuals.
Taking responsibility for the consequences of the embargo is the third reason. Our delegation visited hospitals, schools, orphanages, camps for displaced people. We met with relief workers, a UN official, the papal nuncio and the archbishop of Basra. All repeated the same fact: the sanctions are killing us.
Coincidentally, the day we left, the International Committee of the Red Cross released a new report: Iraq: A Decade of Sanctions. It notes, "Deteriorating living conditions, inflation and low salaries make people's everyday lives a continuing struggle, while food shortages, lack of medicines and clean drinking water threaten the survival of the people."
Finally, it is time to call it as it is. Our policy toward Iraq has more to do with oil than it does with the actions of Saddam Hussein. Former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft said: "Every president since Nixon has recognized that ensuring Persian Gulf security and stability is a vital US interest. It is imperative that all parties understand an important strategic reality: the US is in the Persian Gulf to stay."

I need to get back to my pharmacist. I want to tell him it is time for an unconditional lifting of the sanctions. More than 1.5 million people have already died. No misconduct by the government of Iraq can justify the continuing deaths of infants, pregnant and nursing women, the chronically ill and the elderly. What's left of our national honour is at stake.-Dawn/LAT-WP News Service (c) Newsday. 

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