Friday, January 31, 2020

928 Het Coronavirus (2)...... waar eindigt dit? Chris Martenson.

Hier mijn eerste verslag van het Corona virus, toen nog op een andere blog.
(Ik ben daar uit boosheid opgestapt en op mijn eigen blog verder gegaan.)

Chris Martenson heeft een phD in een medische studie (pathologie) van Duke University.

Hij is heel bezorgd over het Coronavirus.

Maar ànders dan al die andere 'deskundigen'  legt hij precies uit hoe de zaak in elkaar zit en waarom de MSM  de zaak veel kleiner maken dan het in werkelijkheid is.
( Leuk:  mijn oude vrienden bij Blik beweren dat de MSM het veel gróter maken.)

Attentie:  Martenson toont hoe enorm vernietigend dit virus is als er NIETS wordt gedaan.  Maar er wordt héél veel gedaan: de Isolatie is maximaal: lege straten, geblokkeerde steden. ( Dat wijst er op dat China het virus uiterst gevaarlijk vindt. Dat er misschien in werkelijkheid wel een Ro=3 is. red.)

Het dodental zal dus zeker niet zo hoog worden als Martenson berekent,  maar wel op voorwaarde dat de maatregelen serieus worden genomen, en niet als flauwekul en hoax en 'big Pharma trick om geld te verdienen'   etc. worden afgedaan.
Mijn oude vrienden bij BLIK begrijpen dit niet. Ze zitten vaste geroest in hun vooroordelen. Ze kijken niet meer naar de realiteit. Ze weten het al.
Ze zijn net zo goedgelovig als hun opponenten van de MSM-adepten.
Ze hebben alleen een ànder geloof.  Geen 'Verlichting' te ontwaren.

Hier het filmpje van Martenson 30 januari:

Fataliteit   Griep: 0,1
                   nCoV=  3%

Ro   Griep=  1,28
        nCoV = 2,5 - 3,5

Intensive care bedden nodig:  Griep:  1 %
                                               nCov:  20%

nCoV verloopt logaritmisch,zowel qua infecties als qua  dodental.
Het is dus niet alleen erger dan griep,maar ook erger dan Swine flu en SARS.

= Bij CNN en  westerse media word steeds dezelfde fout gemaakt: Met vergelijkt de Sars getallen met de huidige nCoV getallen als men het over fataliteit heeft.
Maar Sars is afgelopen. Àlle infected mensen staan in de grafiek, naast àlle doden.
Maar bij nCoV  staat het aantal doden Nu naast het aantal infected mensen Nu.
Datis misleidend.  De Nu gestorvenen kwamen uit de infected groep van 7 dagen geleden. Die was veel kleiner.  ( Dit legt Christenson uit op min 4)
We zitten nu nog in de logaritmische fase.
Maar door de maatregelen in China zal dat straks niet meer zo zijn.

Zou men geen maatregelen nemen, dan zouden er over 30 dagen 115 miljoen doden zijn. Er zouden 30 miljoen mensen in intensive care verzorgd moeten worden....

10 min:  Er is een informatie stop vanuit China.
De  reddit draad is 'gemodereerd tot uselessness....'

Hier het filmpje van Chris Martenson 31 januari:

Het WHO zegt dat we het reizen en de handel niet hoeven te stoppen.
Dit is meer een politiek en economisch geïnspireerd advies, dan dat het op gezondheid is gebaseerd.

Christenson: dit is gevaarlijk, want:  lange incubatietijd,  behoorlijk besmettelijk en behoorlijk dodelijk.

Er zijn nu 8246 zieken en 170 doden.
Maar zijn er wel voldoende test-kits ?   Als je die niet hebt, dan is dit aantal te laag.
Er zijn geruchten dat China vele doden in crematoriums worden  gecremeerd.

Een John McGory is in Wuhan.  Hij toont beelden van totaal verlaten straten.
Hij schrijft:  "Wuhan artsen schatten dat er nu 250.000 zieken zijn."
Hij gaf les op een univ.  Die heeft alles lessen voor 3 maanden gestopt.
Hij zegt:  Er worden hier nu 2 hospitalen gebouwd.

In Maleisië is een 22 jarige man gestorven an Corona ( vermoedelijk)

Een voormalig adviseur van Obama zegt: " Stop met paniek.  De fataliteit si veel lager dan voor Sars! "

Martinson:  Daar klopt niks van !
Op dit moment in de epidemie ( dag 30) is dit nCoV al dodelijker danSars was in dag 30. En nCoV gaat exponentioneel. Sars niet.

CNN met een misleidend bericht: "Er is een besmettelijke zioekte die nu al 15 miljoe Amerikanen heeft besmet: het is Griep."

11 min:
Bloomberg: " Conspiracy  gekkeis zeggen:  bleekwater drinkejn helgt tegern nCoV.
En:  Er staan video's op youtube die zeggen dat MSM  misinformatie geven"

Martinson: dat bleekwater gedoe is om mij te besmeuren.

op 12 min:
Heel duidelijke uitleg wat er gebeurt als je alles doorrekent en géén isloatie als maatregel neemt.  ( Bij Griep nemen we geen maatregelen)

Hoeveel mensen zijn besmet na 10 keer 'doorgeven van de besmetting' ?

Ro= 1:   van 1 tot 10

Ro = 1,28     Van 1 tot 15

Ro=2         Van 1 tot 2000

Ro= 2,5      Van 1 tot 23000

Dus Bloomberg beweert dat griep ( Ro 1,28)  hetzelfde is als R0 2,5 .
15 is gelijk aan 23000 volgens Bloomberg.


Hier Chris Martensen met UPDATE van 31 januari

Er is een rapport bekend geworden bij Martensen dat door ongeveer 10 Chinese Instituten werd samengesteld.

De nieuwste wetenschappelijke vermoedens zijn erg verontrustend:

Ro = 4
Fataliteit:  6 %

De hoge besmettelijkheid geldt uiteraard als mensen niet van elkaar ISOLEREN.
Maar dat doen ze WEL.

Zou men geen maatregelen nemen, dan zou over een maand elke Chinees besmet zijn, en 6% van hen gestorven zijn. ( 80 miljoen dode Chinezen op 1 maart....)
(Martensen zegt het anders: Bij een Ro van 4 zijn er na 17 besmettings-cycli 1300 miljoen mensen besmet.   Dus heel China.
Ik weet niet hoe lang het duurt voor de eerste persoon zijn 4 slachtoffers heeft besmet (Stel 3 dagen)  en ik weet niet hoe lang het duurt voor je - eenmaal besmet-  zelf besmettelijk wordt ( stel 4 dagen), maar dan zou 1 cyclus 7 dagen duren.  17 cycli duren dan 17 x 7 =  119 dagen, ofwel 4 maanden.

Het is duidelijk dat de ISOLATIE  al na 1 maand rigoureus is aangepakt in China, dus het zal zeker niet zo ver komen als deze berekeningen tonen, maar het kan toch een groot probleem worden.

Stel dat de ziekte nu 45 dagen oud is en dat een cyclus 7 dagen duurt (  is puur een gok van mij, blogger. ) en dat hij de eerste 30 dagen vrij kon verspreiden omdat er nog vrijwel geen Isolatie  was.  Dan zouden 4 cycli zijn gepasseerd:
1 > 4 >  16 > 48 > 200  (vier cycli, ofwel 28 dagen)
Dat klopt dus niet.
De besmetting is al langer bezig.
1 > 4 >  16 > 48> 200 > 800 > 3200 > 12000  ( 8 cycli ofwel 56 dagen)
We zitten nu tussen cyclus 7 en 8.
Dan zou het virus ca 50 dagen geleden zijn ontstaan.

Dat zou kunnen kloppen. Ik las ergens dat het virus al begin december was gevonden.

Nogmaals:  die  '7 dagen= 1 cyclus'  heb ik zelf uit mijn duim gezogen.
Geen idee hoe lang de werkelijke (gemiddelde)  cyclus duurt.

Hier Chris Martensen met UPDATE van 1 februari. ( Niet zo informatief)

NB: Moon of Alabama is niet bang. Denkt dat alles OK is.  ==========================================

Hier Chris Martensen met UPDATE van 2 februari

Martensen zegt dat deze site heel goede info geeft:

NB: 300 doden?  Er is in één stad al een crematorium met 30 ovens, dat 24 uur per dag werkt.

Een burgerjournalist maakt  ( streng verboden!)  beelden, en wordt aan het eind van de video thuis opgepakt.  ( Ik meen dat er 7 jaar gevangenis op staat)
( De video laat niet zo heel veel zien.  Wel een busje waarin hij 8  doden in zakken telt.)

NB:  Een duitser werd ziek en was besmet.  De volgende dag was hij beter.
Maar 2 dagen later zat er nog enorm veel virus ( 100 M virussen per ml)in zij sputum.  Was hij toen nog besmettelijk ?? Zo ja:  dat zou een catastrofe kunnen worden.

Hier Chris Martensen met UPDATE van 4 februari

Martensen zegt dat er nu veelmeer erkening is - internationaal-  voor de ernst van de pandemie. ( Zoals Schopenhauer zei:  eerst maken ze je belachelijk. Dan bestrijden ze je. En daarna verkondigen ze luid wat jij hen hebt verteld.)

Gevaarlijk:  In de rijke noordelijke landen wordt goed op de ziekte gemonitord.  Daar vind je in 33 landen dus ook zieken.

Maar in Latijns Amerika en Afrika is nog niemand ziek!
Heel waarschijnlijk zijn ook daar zieke mensen heen gereisd, en ontstaan daar nu grote nieuwe haarden van de ziekte !

Interview met insider Francis Boyle. 
Hij heeft 3 Harvard diploma's. was decennia lang adviseur van DC. 
Nu is hij zeer negatief over  DC en  CDC etc.
Ik meen dat hij over Ebola wel iets te negatief was destijds. 

Lang artikel (10 pag.)  van een van de meest interessante journalisten van deze tijd, Whitney Webb. 
Ze toont aan dat de vleermuizen zeer in de belangstelling staan van de lieden die bio wapens willen maken. 
Er worden voor vele miljarden aan onderzoek aangedaan. 
Vreemd genoeg tot voor kort dood China en de VS samen.  ( Hoewel de VS zeker ook militair geïnteresseerd is, want die lieden zitten mee aan tafel.) 

Hier Chris Martensen met  2e  UPDATE van 4 februari

= Martensen zegt dat de beurzen overal flink omhoog gaan om 'het volk' om de tuin te leiden.     NIKS AAN DE HAND!  is de boodschap. 
= Martensen vertrouwt de Chinese cijfers niet: vele  te laag. 
= Engeland wil dat alle 30.000 Engelsen  repatrieren.  
= Hyundai sluit  AL HAAR FABRIEKEN  in Korea, omdat ze niet genoeg onderdelen uit China krijgen. 


Hieronder het volledige document waar Martensen in Update 31 jan naar verwijs, het Ro=4 onderzoek. 

Hier de link:

Download takes a few minutes.  I think Bing works better than google. 
All below in these 2 graphics it looks like 'infection rate' is the same as Sars was in Guangzhou. But mortality is higher.

1  Article Summary Line: This modeling study indicates that 2019-nCoV has a     higher
2 effective reproduction number than SARS with a comparable fatality rate.
3 Running Title: Effective reproduction number of 2019-nCoV
4 Keywords: Epidemiology, Computer Simulation, Disease Outbreaks, Coronavirus
6 Estimating the effective reproduction number of the 2019-nCoV in China
7 Authors: Zhidong Cao1
, Qingpeng Zhang1
, Xin Lu, Dirk Pfeiffer, Zhongwei Jia, Hongbing
8 Song, Daniel Dajun Zeng
9 Affiliations:
10 Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation, Beijing, China (Z. Cao, D.D. Zeng)
11 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (Z. Cao, D.D. Zeng)
12 Shenzhen Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Institute (Longhua), Shenzhen (Z. Cao,
13 D.D. Zeng)
14 City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Q. Zhang, D. Pfeiffer)
15 National University of Defense Technology, Changsha (X. Lu)
16 Peking University, Beijing (Z. Jia)
17 Chinese PLA Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing (H. Song)
It is made available under a CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license .
preprint (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
medRxiv preprint first posted online Jan. 29, 2020 ; doi: . The copyright holder for this
25 Abstract—35 words
26 We estimate the effective reproduction number for 2019-nCoV based on the daily reported
27 cases from China CDC. The results indicate that 2019-nCoV has a higher effective
28 reproduction number than SARS with a comparable fatality rate.
29 Text—799 words
30 As of 01/26/2020, the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), originated in Wuhan
31 China, has spread to 29 mainland provinces, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, as well as 11 other
32 countries (1, 2). Early genome sequence and clinical studies of 2019-nCoV provided the
33 evidence of human-to-human transmission and revealed its similarity to as well as differences
34 from SARS (3-5). However, epidemiological investigations of 2019-nCoV are just
35 beginning, and data-driven studies are critically needed to develop insights into this ongoing
36 outbreak and evaluate the effectiveness of public health strategies, such as the currently
37 implemented lockdown of Wuhan.
38 An important epidemiological understanding of 2019-nCoV is concerned with its
39 transmissibility, quantified by the basic reproduction number and the effective 𝑅0
40 reproduction number . is the expected number of secondary infectious cases generated 𝑅 𝑅0
41 by an infectious case in a susceptible population. is the expected number of secondary 𝑅
42 cases generated by an infectious case once an epidemic is underway (6). , where 𝑅 = 𝑅0
𝑥 𝑥
43 (0, 1) is the proportion of the population susceptible. Following (7), is calculated as 𝑅
44 follows:
45 𝑅 = 𝐾
(𝐿 × 𝐷) + 𝐾(𝐿 + 𝐷) + 1,
46 where is the average latent period, the average latent infectious period, the logarithmic 𝐿 𝐷 𝐾
47 growth rate of the case counts as reported by China CDC. This form of is appropriate 𝑅
48 because 2019-nCoV is still at its early growth stage. According to China CDC, we set 𝐿 = 7
49 days and days. Experiments with varying and values were also conducted. 𝐷 = 9 𝐿 𝐷
It is made available under a CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license .
preprint (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
medRxiv preprint first posted online Jan. 29, 2020 ; doi: . The copyright holder for this
50 Let denote the number of days since the start of the outbreak and the number of 𝑡 𝑌(𝑡)
51 cases. is estimated based on at six time points. (Time-1) 12/31/2019, when the 𝐾 𝑌(𝑡)
52 authorities reported the first 27 cases with the infection dated as early as 12/16/2019. As
53 such, , . (Time-2) 01/04/2020, , ; (c) 01/21/2020, , 𝑡 = 15 𝑌(15) = 27 𝑡 = 19 𝑌(19) = 41 𝑡 = 36
54 𝑌(36) = 375; (Time-3) 01/22/2020, , 𝑡 = 37 𝑌(37) = 437; (Time-4) 01/23/2020, , 𝑡 = 38 𝑌
55 (38) = 507; (Time-5) 01/24/2020, , 𝑡 = 39 𝑌(39) = 572; (Time-6) 01/25/2020, , 𝑡 = 40 𝑌(40)
56 . = 618 Note that the case data between 01/05/2020-01/20/2020 were discarded due to
57 significant changes experienced in this time period in the case reporting requirements and
58 practice.
59 Using the data described above, is estimated to be 4.08, indicating that an infected 𝑅
60 patient infects more than four susceptible people during the outbreak. This value substantially
61 exceeds WHO's estimate of (supposed to be smaller than ) between 1.4 and 2.5, and is 𝑅0 𝑅
62 also higher than a recent estimate between 3.6 and 4.0 ( 𝑅 8). Compared against the 2003 0
63 SARS epidemic, of 2019-nCoV is higher than that of SARS in both Beijing (2.76) and 𝑅
64 Guangzhou (3.01) (calculated using the same method). To test the robustness of findings, we
65 performed sensitivity analyses by adopting varying values of and , generated from a 𝐿 𝐷
66 Gaussian distribution with and . The resulting mean of R estimates is 𝐿~𝑁(7,1) 𝐷~𝑁(9,1)
67 4.08, as expected, with SD=0.36 (95% CI 3.37~4.77).
68 To predict the future outbreak profile, we developed a model based on the
69 deterministic Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered-Death-Cumulative (SEIRDC)
70 structure (9). Overall, our model appears to explain the reported case counts very well during
71 the current early stage of the outbreak. An interesting finding is that by setting the start date
72 to a time earlier than 12/16/2020 (the experimented range is from 12/01/2019—12/15/2019),
73 the SEIRDC model is able to provide a better fit for the case counts. This indicates that
74 human-to-human transmission may have started earlier than what the current prevailing 
It is made available under a CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license .preprint (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.medRxiv preprint first posted online Jan. 29, 2020 ; doi: . The copyright holder for this
75 viewpoint suggests. Obviously, further molecular and epidemiological studies are needed to
76 draw any conclusions in this regard.
77 The SEIRDC model estimates the fatality rate for 2019-nCoV is 6.50%. As a base of
78 comparison, the fatality rate for 2003 SARS was 7.66% and 3.61% for Beijing and
79 Guangzhou, respectively. We used the model to predict the confirmed case counts and death
80 counts in the first 80 days of the ongoing 2019-nCoV outbreak. We simulated these counts
81 for the 2003 SARS outbreaks in Beijing and Guangzhou as well, using the case counts as
82 input. The basic assumption is the absence of any control measures in all these scenarios. At
83 the end of this 80-day period, according to our simulations, the 2019-nCoV case counts
84 (35,454) is close to that of SARS in Guangzhou (37,663) and much higher than that of SARS
85 in Beijing (17,594). The 2019-nCoV death count (1,089) is much higher than that of SARS in
86 Guangzhou (725) and Beijing (690).
87 Our study also suggests that by reducing the average infectious period to <2.3 days,
88 the resulting will decease to a value less than 1, meaning the epidemic can be effectively 𝑅
89 controlled.
90 In conclusion, considering transmissibility and fatality rate, 2019-nCoV poses a major
91 public health threat, at least at the level of 2003 SARS. Epidemiological studies are critically
92 called for to evaluate the effectiveness of stringent measures such as lockdown and help the
93 design of refinements and development of potential alternative strategies for the next phase of
94 the 2019-nCoV outbreak.
95 Acknowledgments
96 This work was supported in part by grants from the Ministry of Science and
97 Technology (2016QY02D0305), National Natural Science Foundation of China (71621002,
98 71771213, 71790615, 71972164 and 91846301), Chinese Academy of Sciences (ZDRW-XH99 2017-3), and the Hunan Science and Technology Plan Project (2017RS3040, 2018JJ1034).
It is made available under a CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license .
preprint (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
medRxiv preprint first posted online Jan. 29, 2020 ; doi: . The copyright holder for this
100 Disclaimers
101 Nil.
102 Author Bio
103 Dr. Zhidong Cao is a researcher in the State Key Laboratory of Management and
104 Control for Complex Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation. His
105 primary research interests are infectious disease informatics, spatio-temporal data processing,
106 and social computing.
107 Footnotes
108 1 These first authors contributed equally to this article.
109 References
110 1. The Lancet. Emerging understandings of 2019-nCoV. Lancet. January 2020.
111 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30186-0
112 2. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The 2019 novel coronavirus.
113 [cited 2020 Jan 26].
114 3. Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel
115 coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet. January 2020. doi:10.1016/S0140-
116 6736(20)30183-5
117 4. Chan JF-W, Yuan S, Kok K-H, et al. A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with
118 the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a
119 family cluster. Lancet. January 2020. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30154-9
120 5. Xu X, Chen P, Wang J, et al. Evolution of the novel coronavirus from the ongoing
121 Wuhan outbreak and modeling of its spike protein for risk of human transmission. Sci
122 CHINA Life Sci. 2020. doi:10.1007/S11427-020-1637-5
It is made available under a CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license .
preprint (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
medRxiv preprint first posted online Jan. 29, 2020 ; doi: . The copyright holder for this
123 6. Castillo-Chavez C, Feng Z, Huang W. On the computation of R0 and its role on global
124 stability. In: Castillo-Chavez C, Blower S, van den Driessche P, Kirschner D, Yakubu
125 A, eds. Mathematical approaches for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases: an
126 introduction. New York: Springer, 2002: 229–50.
127 7. Lipsitch M, Cohen T, Cooper B, et al. Transmission dynamics and control of severe
128 acute respiratory syndrome. Science (80- ). 2003;300(5627):1966-1970.
129 doi:10.1126/science.1086616
130 8. Read JM, Bridgen JR, Cummings DA, Ho A, Jewell CP. Novel coronavirus 2019-
131 nCoV: early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic predictions.
132 medRxiv. January 2020:2020.01.23.20018549. doi:10.1101/2020.01.23.20018549
133 9. Chowell G, Nishiura H, Bettencourt LMA. Comparative estimation of the reproduction
134 number for pandemic influenza from daily case notification data. J R Soc Interface.
135 2007;4(12):154-166. doi:10.1098/rsif.2006.0161
137 Address for correspondence: Daniel Zeng, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of
138 Automation, Room 1202, Automation Building, 95 Zhongguancun East Road,
139 Haidian, Beijing 100190, China, email:
141 Figure. SEIRDC model predictions for (A) cumulative numbers of infected persons and (B)
142 deaths of 2019-nCoV, 2003-SARS in Beijing, and 2003 SARS in Guangzhou in the first 80

143 days after the outbreak.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

927 Amerika-vriend over het Coronavirus.

In de reacties op Godfree Roberts  (vorig blog) zien we een post die nu juist argumenten aan draagt die willen tonen dat Amerika niks te verwijten is.

Hoe het ook zij:  dat het virus spontaan in de wereld is gekomen lijkt me intussen wel onwaarschijnlijk. 
En dat is toch nog steeds het verhaal dat de MSM ons voorhouden.

(reactie 13 op 
GodfreeChina says:Next New Comment
This is a total distortion and inversion of what has actually happened.
Charles Lieber has been arrested. He was paid by Wuhan University of Technology, to build a laboratory in Wuhan. $1.5million. He didn’t declare it to the Department of Defence. He didn’t declare it to the National Health Institute.
China’s first BSL-4 Lab was established in Wuhan in 2017. It was tasked to study the emergence of Zoonotic viruses – those that jump to humans from animals, such as SARS or Ebola.
This was Lieber’s team. Full of Chinese who have obtained senior roles in the United States institutions. All are now under suspicion of being accessory to Federal crimes and sedition.
Lieber is prolific in papers on nano/bio technology, cyborgs and neurology. Including and especially Nanoviruses and Nano-Virus transmittors.
In 2013 a novel strain of Corona virus was found in the Middle East. Suspected origin was bats. This was sent to a Dutch lab. They sent it to the BSL-4 lab in Canada.
Researcher Xiangguo Qiu worked at this lab working on the Ebola vaccine.
During a 2 year period Qiu made multiple trips to China helping them design and train staff for a bio facility just like the one she worked at in Canada.
This facility is located in Wuhan – 20 miles from the market the virus originated from. But the map marker server has now been removed by the CCP.
In March 2019 the deadly virus was shipped to samples – samples studied by Xiangguo Qui in 2013.
In July 2019 Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, and Chinese research students were removed from the Canadian BSL-4 lab, access removed, and an investigation into ‘breached protocol’ was initiated.
It’s amazing how Godfree has spun this to Baghdad Bob levels as somehow a plot against the CCP.
Then you have Xing-Ye Gi, who has written numerous papers on SARS, ebola and coronavirus from the West and China – see Google Scholar.
He co-authored a paper on manipulating a bat Coronavirus to infect humans, and succeeded.
Gi works/worked in Wuhan, at the Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan, China.

Michelle Malkin has covered the extent of J-i vis Chinese military operatives in the United States. Expect Twitter to remove that posting.
Harvard Business Services recently established SyllabusX.Inc which is a Coronavirus conference.
Chinese operatives in league with Jews in the Ivy League conducted ‘Gain-of-function’ research, which also could act as ‘Dual-use research’ with a weaponized purpose.
The Wuhan facility supposedly BSL-4 level was completely unsuitable for such a safety designation.
A weaponized agent unlawfully obtained by Chinese operatives in the United States escaped from their Wuhan facility, when it was intended to be deployed against western populations. That, subject to further research and collaboration with predominately Jewish academic networks in the United States and the West to target western genetic signatures exclusively.
All of what you say could be true, and it is totally irrelevant to the course of this event.
This was a Chinese operation conducted in conjunction with various parties committing treason in the West.
The Chinese were unable to maintain the integrity of their facility, and their bio-weapon has dispersed amongst their Chinese population.
This event perfectly demonstrates the dangers of China’s integration of academia and military purposes and exploitation of western open society.
It also demonstrates the degree of treason that is occurring in American institutions, subject to review.
What makes more sense. Godfree’s series of Commie shilling circumstantial non-sequiturs , or the actual timeline that is subject to Federal investigation and proceedings right now? Americans are dying from this event.
This is what has happened. This was not the United States of America.
• Troll: vot takd dan
• Replies: @Skeptikal@obwandiyag@Alden

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

926 China-vriend Godfree Roberts over het Corona virus

Godfree Roberts  schreef vele interessante artikelen op over China.

Ook in dit artikel geeft hij ons erg veel interessante feiten.

Hij zegt eerst dat er altijd en overal erg veel mensen sterven aan de griep en dat soort ziekten.

Ik (blogger) wil daar graag iets over zeggen. Een organisme wordt van alle kanten bedreigd. Het afweersysteem weet die bedreigingen te pareren, zolang men sterk en gezond is. Maar als de aanvaller (de bacterie of het virus)  totaal nieuwe wapens heeft, of als de mens zijn levenskrachten verloren heeft, bijv. wegens ouderdom,  dan sterft men aan die oorzaak. Maar een organisme dat zèlf verzwakt en op weg is naar zijn einde, moet opeen of andere manier de genadeslag krijgen. Hij krijgt kanker, longontsteking een hartstilstand of,  en dat ligt het meest voor  de hand, want virussen en bacterien vallen ons dagelijks met duizenden te gelijk aan: hij sterft door een 'infectie'. Is het virus dodelijk, of was die patient te zwak geworden voor het leven in de vrije natuur , en was dit een natuurlijke manier van sterven? Zouden er geen bacterien zijn, en geen virussen, kanker  of longontsteking, dan zouden deze mensen sterven 'van uitputting' : het hart stopt met slaan. We zijn versleten. Maar een kleine aanval  van een virus is deze 'natuurlijke dood' meestal net vòòr. 
Een geheel andere zaak wordt het als een virus zo nieuw is en zo fataal , dat ook heel gezonde en jonge mensen er aan sterven. Zeker als dit gepaard zou gaan met een lange incubatietijd ( wel geïnfecteerd en besmetting verspreidend, maar nog niet wetend dat men ziek is) en hoge besmettelijkheid ( Ro > 3)  en hoge fataliteit ( > 30%). Dan is er sprake vaan een gigantisch  probleem en een gigantische pandemie. 
Dan zegt G. Roberts dat China de epidemie snel en doortastend aan pakt.

Die aanpak is misschien ook wel geboden. Volgens een Bill Gates onderzoek kan zo'n nieuw corona virus-pandemie wel 65 miljoen mensen doden. ( Is dat als men geen maatregelen neemt?)  In de comments lezen we dat Chinezen niet erg hygienisch zijn. Hun toiletten zijn vies. Ze eten de raarste zaken. Ze spugen op straat.  Dat spugen doen ze omdat ze geloven daarmee slechte sappen te verwijderen uit het lichaam. Het besef dat het lichaam besmet kan worden door viezigheid uit de omgeving is wellicht laag ontwikkeld.  men denkt dat het gevaar ìn het lichaam ontstaat en dat men zich er van dient te 'ontlasten'. 

De Donkere Kant.

Dan gaat Godfree Roberts  allerlei argumenten geven die er sterk op wijzen dat we hier met een Amerikaanse aanval te maken hebben.
Amerika heeft een lange geschiedenis van 'biowapens' gebruiken, mensen moedwillig infecteren, bioterrorisme als oorlogsmiddel, laboratoria waar virussen tot wapen worden omgebouwd etc etc.

Roberts toont zeer nauwkeurig aan dat de huidige uitbraak in China bijna wel mòet zijn geplant door Amerikanen, want
1) Amerika doet dit àltijd
2) Amerika is in een 'leven of dood' competitie met China
3) Amerika was in de gelegenheid om het virus in Wuhan te verspreiden.
4) Het virus heeft ( volgens dr Cantwell)  zo'n structuur dat het niet in de natuur kan zijn ontstaan: het moet wel man-made zijn.

Als U het artikel niet leest, lees dan toch het blauw gemaakte deel van 'The dark side'.

Hier het artikel van Godfree Roberts:

Coronavirus: the Dark Side

  1. Vioxx killed 500,000 Americans: a toll that could have been reduced by 90% had the FDA issued a timely warning.
  2. Pharmaceuticals, correctly and legally prescribed, kill 140,000 Americans each year, yet most people are unaware of their lethality and do not know how to a prevent being killed this way.
  3. Coronavirus deaths are few, its victims are elderly, and prevention is simple.
  4. Media report American flu deaths this season stand at 8200 so far, and that’s not newsworthy?
  5. 142,000 Americans died due to pharmaceutical drug use in 2016, but that’s not news, either
  6. But 100 Chinese–mostly born during WWII, malnourished and carrying a heavy disease burden–have died from a novel virus and that’s an epidemic?
This year marks the centenary of Spanish flu, the most deadly pandemic in human history. It is estimated that five hundred million people contracted it – a third of the global population in 1918 – and that between fifty and a hundred million of them died. Asians were thirty times more likely to die than Europeans.
Every year it kills hundreds of thousands of people on every inhabited continent while globally, many tens of millions catch the flu bug every year. All these many millions of infected people inoculate others at home, work, schools, places of worship, in travel and in every imaginable public place, spreading their viruses across the planet.
The strain involved in the last flu pandemic, the swine flu outbreak in 2009, was highly infectious, but milder than previous pandemic strains. Of the 61.7 million people living in the UK in 2009, 457 died from it – similar to the usual annual death toll for flu. The 1957 Asian flu and the 1968-69 Hong Kong flu pandemics were more serious; the death toll in each case was estimated at around a million worldwide.
Flu Kills 646,000 People Worldwide Each Year while globally, tens of millions catch the flu. All these many millions of infected people inoculate others at home, work, schools, places of worship, in travel and in every imaginable public place, spreading their viruses across the planet.
The mortality rate of ‘severe’ flu infections worldwide is about 13%–about the same as for ‘severe Sars infections. The new virus may be considerably lower.

Western media condition us to a Pavlovian fear of China with maps like the above, while howling to get China’s flu declared an international health emergency and global pandemic but, so far, the WHO Declines to Declare China Virus Outbreak a Global Health Emergency. How could it, looking at the farcical map shown above?
China’s Public Health Service is probably the most efficient on earth, which is why Chinese children will live longer, healthier lives than their American contemporaries. But that’s not news, either.
Says Nature: The speed and openness of the scientific response to the coronavirus has been unprecedented. Ten days after it was first reported in people, scientists in China and Australia released the virus’s genetic sequence. Within hours, research labs worldwide were putting all hands on deck to understand the disease. “This is one of the first times we’re getting to see an outbreak of a new virus and have the scientific community sharing their data almost in real time,” says molecular biologist Michael Letko.
David Ho, the HIV/AIDS medical researcher, pointed out that as of late last week, the mortality rate appeared to be around 2.5 percent, which is “about 3-4-fold lower than SARS,” adding, “The deaths are occurring in people who are old or those with prior medical conditions. If we were to put the influenza figures next to this new CoV, the absolute case numbers and mortality rates would be much greater [for the regular flu]. But we are rather complacent with flu even though it is quite deadly to the very young, the elderly, and those with underlying medical problems.
No deaths have been reported outside of China, corroborating the relatively low mortality rate from official data in China. The
New York Times summarizes the latest international infection situation:
Thailand and Hong Kong have each reported eight cases of infection; the United States, Taiwan, Australia and Macau have five each; Singapore, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia each have reported four; France has three; Canada and Vietnam have two, and Nepal and Cambodia each have one.
  • Since the 20th century, the West has been and continues to be the most avid users of bioweapons. The United States is the biggest user of biochemical weapons in history, including in Cuba; Iraq, Syria and Iran (by proxy); Serbia, Japan, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, and America has eagerly used them on its own people, apparently more often than we care to admit.
  • In the 1940s the United States purposely infected thousands of Guatemala, natives with syphilis and gonorrhea, to test these human guinea pigs with antibiotics. Of course, these suffering souls were sexually active for the rest of their lives and unwittingly infected everybody they came in contact with, including spouses.
  • At Tuskegee, hundreds of American blacks were allowed to carry syphilis from the 1930s to the 1970s, to act as human petri dishes. This was to track the progress of the disease and observe the eventual macabre deaths that this bacteria is wont to inflict on its victims, in its final stages: insanity, nervous disorders, liver and heart disease.
  • The United States has a long, illustrious history of using bioterrorism around the worldCuba has been a favorite target and has seen hundreds of thousands of its people infected with Dengue fever as well as its entire swine herd wiped out by swine fever.
  • he United States of America holds the exclusive patent on the Ebola virus: US patent number 20120251502, is owned by the American government. Ebola has been Uncle Sam’s bioweapon plaything since 1976, when it was discovered in Zaire and shipped 3,500km by America’s bio-warfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, then to West Africa for cultivation and development (via the UK’s bio-warfare labs in Porton Down and with the help of the World “Health” Organization), specifically, to Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, the current epicenters of the Ebola epidemic on the Great Continent.
  • The 2014 Ebola outbreak came as a result of another rogue US Military operation in austral Africa from which the Soros/Gates-funded Kenema bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone was involved.
  • The US has a long history of biowarfare against China. The Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of Facts Concerning Bacteriological Warfare in Korea and China (ISC report) validated claims by North Korea and China that the US had launched bacteriological warfare (biological warfare, BW) attacks against both troops and civilian targets in those two countries over a period of months in 1952. This 667 page truth commission report has the dubious distinction of being the most vilified written document of the 20th Century. The report’s release in September 1952 brought a withering international attack. It was roundly denounced by American and British politicians of the highest rank, ridiculed by four star generals, accused of fraud by celebrated pundits, misquoted by notable scientists, and scorned by a compliant Western press. In subsequent decades, volumes placed in American university library collections were quietly and permanently removed from circulation. When the rare copy came up for auction, it was discretely purchased and disappeared from public view.
  • In March 2019, in a mysterious event, a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s NML biological labs ended up in China. Canadian officials say the shipment was part of its efforts to support public-health research worldwide. They claimed that it was just normal procedure. What is unclear is why it was done in secret, and why the Chinese officials lodged a complaint. For certain, if this was just a routine transfer, the Chinese government would have been notified. In July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly dispatched from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML). The NML is Canada’s only level-4 facility and one of only a few in North America equipped to handle the world’s deadliest diseases, including Ebola, SARS, Coronavirus, etc.

  • On October 18th, 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in conjunction with the World Economic Forum assembled “15 leaders of business, government, and public health” to simulate a scenario in which a coronavirus pandemic was ravaging the planet. Major participants were American military leadership, and certain neocon political figures. The Chinese were not invited. The members took notes, and then returned to their day to day operations.

  • In Simulation Run 3 Months Ago, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Predicted Up To 65 Million Deaths Via Coronavirus.

  • 300 US military personnel arrived in Wuhan for the Military World Games on October 19. The first coronavirus case appeared two weeks later, on November 2. Coronavirus incubation period is 14 days.

  • Two months later a very similar coronavirus pandemic hit China at Wuhan, a major transport hub in Central China and for the high-speed train network, and with 60 air routes with direct flights to most of the world’s major cities, as well as more than 100 internal flights to major Chinese cities right at the Spring Festival travel rush when hundreds of millions of people travel across the country to be with their families.

  • The Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is an entirely new strain related to the MERS (MERS-CoV) and the SARS (SARS-CoV) viruses, though early evidence suggested that it was not dangerous. SARS was proven to be caused by a strain of the coronavirus, a large family of mostly harmless viruses also responsible for the common cold, but

  • SARS exhibited characteristics never before observed in any animal or human virus, did not by any means fully match the animal viruses mentioned above, and contained genetic material that still remains unidentified – similar to this new coronavirus in 2019.

  • SARS had the hallmarks of a bioweapon. After all, aren’t new biological warfare agents designed to produce a new disease with a new infectious agent? As in prior military experiments, all it might take … to spread SARS is an aerosol can . . .” Several Russian scientists suggested a link between SARS and biowarfare. Sergei Kolesnikov, a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, said the propagation of the SARS virus might well have been caused by leaking a combat virus grown in bacteriological weapons labs. According to a number of news reports, Kolesnikov claimed that the virus of atypical pneumonia (SARS) was a synthesis of two viruses (of measles and infectious parotiditis or mumps), the natural compound of which was impossible, that this mix could never appear in nature, stating, “This can be done only in a laboratory.” And Nikolai Filatov, the head of Moscow’s epidemiological services, was quoted in the Gazeta daily as stating he believed SARS was man-made because “there is no vaccine for this virus, its make-up is unclear, it has not been very widespread and the population is not immune to it.”

  • Virologist Dr. Alan Cantwell wrote at the time that “the mysterious SARS virus is a new virus never before seen by virologists, “This is an entirely new illness with devastating effects on the immune system, and there is no known treatment.” Dr. Cantwell noted that the genetic engineering of coronaviruses has been occurring in both medical and military labs for decades. When he searched in PubMed for the phrase “coronavirus genetic engineering”, he was referred to 107 scientific experiments dating back to 1987. To quote Dr. Cantwell: “I quickly confirmed scientists have been genetically engineering animal and human coronaviruses to make disease-producing mutant and recombinant viruses for over a decade.”

  • The virus outbreak coincides with the trade war on China.

  • The virus outbreak coincides with the HK “pro democracy” riots fully funded and instigated by the NED / CIA.

  • The virus outbreak occurred just after Swine Flu decimated the Chinese pork industry.

  • The virus outbreak occurred just after Bird Flu decimated the Chinese chicken industry.

  • The virus outbreak occurred just before NED support and training of Uyghur Muslim extremists.

  • This month, CNN published a gleeful (and untrue) report, “China’s economy is slumping and the country is still suffering the effects of the trade war with America. An outbreak of a new and deadly virus is the last thing it needs.”