Sunday, March 15, 2020

989 Off topic: Autisme en vaccinaties

Ik noem dit blog Off Topic omdat we nu eigenlijk geen tijd moeten vrijmaken voor iets anders dan Corona nieuws. 
'This is War' zoals dr Hatchett zei over Corona. 


Er waren tot enkele dagen geleden twee grote groepen die de ernst van Corona bewijfelden: 

1) De mensen die de MSM  geloven.  ( Griepje ! Geen paniek! ) 

2) De mensen die juist àlles van de alternatieve media geloven. ( Corona bestaat niet. Ze willen je bang maken en ons compleet gaan controleren) 

Deze 2e groep gelooft mij niet, want  ik beweer dat Corona echt is en dat we even alles opzij moeten zetten en dan over 6 maanden weer gaan discussiëren over zaken die dan weer belangrijk zijn. 

Om te laten zien dat de discussie over vaccinatie nog lang niet is opgelost en ik zeker niet denk dat vaccinaties àltijd goed zijn, wil ik een recente nieuwsbrief van Peter Myers hieronder plaatsen.

Om iedereen even weg te krijgen uit de linker bovenhoek van de Dunning Kruger grafiek voor wat betreft vaccinaties.
Ik heb het zelf niet gelezen. Dat is voor later.


Cuba is 99% vaccinated but has no Autism - incidence in US is 298 times
higher than in Cuba

Newsletter published on March 14, 2020

(1) Autism rate rose sharply as acetaminophen (Tylenon, Panadol) was
substituted for children's Aspirin
(2) Some pediatricians routinely use Acetaminophen to prevent
vaccine-related fever
(3) Cuba has the most extensive vaccination program in the world
(4) Five Compelling Reasons to Ditch the Tylenol (Panadol) with Vaccines
(5) Parent survey: Acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella
vaccination was significantly associated with autistic disorder
(6) Tylenol: A Major Culprit in the Autism, ADHD, and Asthma Epidemic
(7) Tylenol/Panadol use at vaccination causes Autism in genetically
vulnerable children - William Shaw (2015)
(8) Economist: More evidence that Autism is linked to Gut Bacteria
(9) Explosion of Autism in China after adoption of WHO-recommended
infant vaccination programs
(10) CBC documentary about Autism: The Autism Enigma, presented by David
(11) CBC documentary shows Autism caused by harmful Bacteria in the gut

(1) Autism rate rose sharply as acetaminophen (Tylenon, Panadol) was
substituted for children's Aspirin

Hanno Kirk: New link to autism epidemic

Apr 16, 2012

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Autism is reaching epidemic levels in the United
States. Many theories have been proposed.

For a while thimerosal, the mercury based preservative used in vaccines
was suspected. Many parents, not wishing to put their infant children at
risk, have refused to have their children vaccinated.

Now comes the news that the culprit is not the vaccines, or even the
mercury based preservative.  (In 2007 the FDA prohibited the use of
thimerosal in childhood vaccines).  Instead, convincing evidence from
multiple studies now points to the action of acetaminophen.

Since 1978, acetaminophen has routinely been given by American
pediatricians with vaccinations to prevent fever and pain.  That was the
year a study was published linking aspirin to Reyes syndrome.
(Subsequent studies have shown no linkage between aspirin and Reyes).

A study from California shows how the autism rate rose sharply as
acetaminophen was substituted for children's aspirin. Enter William Shaw
Ph. D. , Director of the Great Plains Laboratories, who had been
wrestling with the problem of the causes of autism for many years.  His
breakthrough Aha! came when he looked at the autism rates in Cuba.

That island nation with a population of 11 million has only 185 cases of
autism for a rate of 0. 00168 percent.  By comparison the Center for
Disease Control on March 30 published data that shows the prevalence of
autism in children up to age 8 to be 1 in 88 for a rate of 1. 13
percent.  This was a 23 percent increase over the previous survey in 2006.

The Cuban vaccination rate is 99 percent, and by age 6 each child has
received 34 shots.  By comparison vaccination rates in the United States
for most shots are in the 85 percent range.

The major difference is that in Cuba acetaminophen is available only by
prescription, and is never given with vaccinations.  Indeed the attitude
of the Cuban medical establishment is that fever is a normal and
beneficial side effect of vaccinations.  It is seen as proof that the
body's immune system is responding appropriately to the challenge of the
vaccination.  Their rule is not to give medication unless the fever is
above 104F or lasts longer than two days.

The stark differences in rates of autism between the two nations led
Shaw to conclude that it was not the vaccinations, but rather the
acetaminophen that was the culprit for the sharp rise in autism in
nations that routinely use products like Tylenol for children.

Dr.  Shaw came upon lots of evidence that when acetaminophen breaks down
in the body it produces several toxic metabolites.  One important player
in this drama is an enzyme known as Cytochrome p450 2E1.  This enzyme
breaks down the acetaminophen into a highly toxic metabolite NAPQI.
This metabolite attacks glutathione, which is the mainstay of the body's
immune system.

So, after a vaccination, when the body most needs to mobilize the immune
system to build antibodies, glutathione, the principal protein
supporting it, is being destroyed by the NAPQI.

This is why so many of the children in the autism spectrum have a wide
variety of highly sensitive or weakened immune systems (allergies,
intestinal problems).

Part of the problem is that the concentration of acetaminophen in infant
Tylenol liquid is high enough to produce toxic reactions, including
possible liver damage with repeated doses over several days.

One other key piece of evidence came from cases where acetaminophen was
given starting five days before the vaccination.  In a significant
number of children, autistic regression started before the vaccination
was given.

One of the main uses of acetaminophen is for reducing pain.  It does so
by engaging the cannabanoid receptors in the brain (the same ones that
produce a feeling of well being after marijuana use). This is what
produces the analgesic effect.  This is where it gets complicated.  The
analgesic effect is produced by the breakdown of acetaminophen, but some
children process acetaminophen differently from others.

The process helps to eliminate acetaminophen from the body.  An impaired
process means that even "safe" doses can produce to an overdose effect.
  Too much acetaminophen not only affects the immune system, but also
impairs brain development.

In children who are diagnosed within the autism spectrum, this
developmental interference appears to be concentrated in several regions
of the brain.  One key area is the neural networks which process social
and emotional information.  The networks that modulate inhibition also
appear affected.  In some cases the development of speech is diminished.
Unfortunately much of this information is not yet widely known.

Acetaminophen is still one of the most widely used analgesics and fever

Kirk is a licensed independent clinical social worker in Lewisburg.

(2) Some pediatricians routinely use Acetaminophen to prevent
vaccine-related fever

Tylenol May Weaken Infant Vaccines

Acetaminophen Linked to Poorer Immune Response to Infant Vaccines

By Daniel J. DeNoon


Oct. 15, 2009 - Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, weakens
infants' immune responses to vaccines, a compelling new study suggests.

Infants often get a mild fever after getting vaccines. Some
pediatricians routinely use acetaminophen to prevent vaccine-related fever.

But that's not a good idea, finds an international research team led by
Roman Prymula, MD, of the University of Defense, Czech Republic.

In a study looking at whether acetaminophen really prevents
vaccine-related fever, Prymula and colleagues found that the common
over-the-counter pain remedy dampens vaccine-induced immune responses.

It's not yet clear whether other fever-reducing drugs, such as
ibuprofen, have the same effect. But the researchers warn doctors and
parents to try to avoid using acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or other
fever-reducing drugs to prevent vaccine-related fever. And of course,
aspirin should never be given to a child with fever.

It's good advice, says Robert T. Chen, MD, chief of vaccine safety for
the CDC's National Immunization Program.

"A fever is likely a critical part of the immune response to any
infection or vaccination, so dampening fever after immunization is
probably not a good idea for most kids," Chen tells WebMD.

If preventing fever with acetaminophen is a bad idea, what should a
parent do if a child develops a fever after vaccination?

"The issue is not whether the child has a temperature, but whether the
child is sick," Chen says. "So after immunization, if the child is fine
and happy, don't worry. But if the child is fussy and looks sickly,
consult your doctor to see whether you should give acetaminophen."

The Prymula study supports this advice. Even infants who were not given
acetaminophen rarely had a fever above 103 F.

However, the Prymula study did not look at other fever-reducing drugs --
ibuprofen in particular....

The Prymula study and an editorial by Chen and colleagues appear in the
Oct. 17 issue of The Lancet.

(3) Cuba has the most extensive vaccination program in the world

By a guest author posted on March 4, 2020

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde

Rosa Miriam Elizalde is a Cuban journalist and editor of the site
Cubadebate.  Reprinted from La Jornada, translation by Resumen
Latinoamericano, North America bureau.

[...] Cuba has the most extensive vaccination program in the world
(recognized by the Pan American Health Organization and other
international organizations), which includes universal coverage for
newborns with vaccines against 13 diseases; epidemiological surveillance
with the use of immunoassays for more than 20 diseases; hospitals
regularly use medicines such as interferon, monoclonal antibodies,
cytokines, and other biopharmaceuticals. ...

(4) Five Compelling Reasons to Ditch the Tylenol (Panadol) with Vaccines

5 Compelling Reasons to Ditch the Tylenol with Vaccines

by Katie Kimball @Kitchen Stewardship

February 19, 2016 (UPDATED: August 17, 2019)

Pain Relief and Vaccines a Dangerous Mix

Nobody wants to see their child in pain, especially wee little infants.

So, I’ve done it.

When my oldest was under a year old, I gave him Tylenol after he spiked
a fever a few hours after a round of vaccinations. I wasn’t a huge fan
of medications even before I was a very crunchy mama, so it was a
compromise even then. And now?

The evidence against mixing acetaminophen and vaccines is so
overwhelming, I couldn’t dream of it. The risk is too great and reward
almost non-existent.

I’ve had such fascinating conversations with Catherine Clinton, ND,
founder of WellFuture(today’s sponsor), and one pattern is always
consistent: She wants to get information out there into the hands of
parents who need it. She’s a passionate researcher and educator, and I
always come away with something new to chew on.

Most recently, we talked about Tylenol and vaccines. It’s actually old
news in a way, with rumblings of problems starting as early as some 2008
research, but for whatever reason it’s just barely creeping into
mainstream knowledge now. Our pediatrician told us about it only last year.

This is the part of the show where Katie reminds everyone that she’s
"just a mom" and has a teaching and English degree, not a medical degree
of any kind. I just report on what I’ve read, and this is not to be
taken as medical advice of any kind. Just a conversation. Information.
Talk to your own trusted, certified doctor before making medical decisions.

Why Tylenol (Acetaminophen) Should Never be Used for Vaccine Preparation

Some of the studies cited here were done with Tylenol post-vaccines and
others before, but they all come down on the side of NO mixing. Here’s
what researchers found:

1. Acetaminophen (or likely any fever reducer) actually interferes with
the effectiveness of the vaccine itself! A vaccination is not a magic
shot that protects from disease like a shield of armor. The body needs
to respond by mounting a defense to the disease, and to do that, its own
immune system must be functioning well.

Because Tylenol is likely to reduce fever, researched here as, I assume,
a positive benefit, it actually prevents the body from doing its job as
effectively as it should to create protection from the disease. This has
been studied in children in 2009 and also young adults in 2014.

2. Tylenol also serves to deplete glutathione levels in the body, which
are responsible for detoxification. When little bodies need their
systems to be in tip top shape to process the ingredients in the vaccine
itself, acetaminophen makes that more difficult.

3. Tylenol use after vaccinations is correlated with 8x the rate of
autism as compared to ibuprofen. Correlation is not necessarily
causation, but evidence is mounting. (A study in 2008 demonstrated a
link, and Dr. William Shaw of the Great Plains Laboratory has been
researching a possible link between acetaminophen and autism in general,
with a published paper in the Journal of Restorative Medicine in October

4. Tylenol has also been linked generally (outside of vaccination time)
to autism and asthma, in 2005 and 2010.

5. And Tylenol has plenty of ingredients that we don’t normally give our
kids – Erin of the Humbled Homemaker wrote a great guest post a few
years ago at KS on what’s really in children’s medications.

Again, this isn’t new news – but it’s important!

The bottom line, from Dr. Catherine: Make sure your doctor does not
routinely give Tylenol or acetaminophen with childhood shots. Consider
ibuprofen only after vaccination to help with the more severe vaccine
side effects in your child. While fevers are a common side effect from
vaccines and can be uncomfortable for children, it is best to let the
fever run its course, rather than trying to suppress with acetaminophen
or ibuprofen. Remember the increased temperature is essential for the
body to mount the white blood cell defenses against the infection, or
vaccine antigen in this case.

(5) Parent survey: Acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella
vaccination was significantly associated with autistic disorder

Autism. 2008 May;12(3):293-307. doi: 10.1177/1362361307089518.

Acetaminophen (paracetamol) use, measles-mumps-rubella vaccination, and
autistic disorder: the results of a parent survey.

Schultz ST1, Klonoff-Cohen HS, Wingard DL, Akshoomoff NA, Macera CA, Ji M.

Author information


The present study was performed to determine whether acetaminophen
(paracetamol) use after the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination could be
associated with autistic disorder.

This case-control study used the results of an online parental survey
conducted from 16 July 2005 to 30 January 2006, consisting of 83
children with autistic disorder and 80 control children. Acetaminophen
use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was significantly associated
with autistic disorder when considering children 5 years of age or less
(OR 6.11, 95% CI 1.42-26.3), after limiting cases to children with
regression in development (OR 3.97, 95% CI 1.11-14.3), and when
considering only children who had post-vaccination sequelae (OR 8.23,
95% CI 1.56-43.3), adjusting for age, gender, mother's ethnicity, and
the presence of illness concurrent with measles-mumps-rubella
vaccination. Ibuprofen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was
not associated with autistic disorder.

This preliminary study found that acetaminophen use after
measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was associated with autistic disorder.

A response to the article on the association between
paracetamol/acetaminophen: use and autism by Stephen T. Schultz.
[Autism. 2009]

PMID: 18445737 DOI: 10.1177/1362361307089518

(6) Tylenol: A Major Culprit in the Autism, ADHD, and Asthma Epidemic

December 15, 2013/

by ACN Report

A recent journal article by William Shaw, PhD (left) details his claim
that use of acetaminophen (Tylenol) is behind the dramatic increase in
autism, asthma, and ADHD in the world. A researcher and director of The
Great Plains Laboratory, Dr. Shaw is so convinced of the dangers of
Tylenol that he has issued "A Call to Action" to stop its use in
children under the age of three, and to increase public awareness of its
potential for significant negative side-effects.

The incidence of autism in the USA is now 1 in 50. The dramatic rise
over recent decades is not due to "better diagnosis," as some like to
suggest. A search for environmental causes has yielded a range of
possibilities, but no single factor explains the depth of the crisis. In
his latest research paper, Dr. Shaw, an advisory board member for ACN
Latitudes, presents compelling data that points to the use of
acetaminophen by pregnant mothers and susceptible young children as a
key causative factor.

Shaw’s article, "Evidence that Increased Acetaminophen use in
Genetically Vulnerable Children Appears to be a Major Cause of the
Epidemics of Autism, Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity, and Asthma,"
is published in the Journal of Restorative Medicine (October 2013).

Those with the scientific background to tackle the chemistry behind Dr.
Shaw’s hypothesis will find his explanations detailed and fascinating.
Others will be able to skip article sections that are too technical and
still grasp his urgent message. ...

(7) Tylenol/Panadol use at vaccination causes Autism in genetically
vulnerable children - William Shaw (2015)

Evidence That Increased Acetaminophen Use In Genetically Vulnerable
Children Appears To Be A Major Cause Of The Epidemics Of Autism,
Attention Deficit With Hyperactivity, And Asthma

November 16, 2015  Mental Disorders

William Shaw, Ph.D.


One of the puzzling aspects of autism is the marked increase in the
incidence of autism that began in the United States in the early 1980s
and has appeared to increase continuously since then. The highest
incidence of autism has been reported to be South Korea, where the
incidence is now reported to be one in 38 boys. [1]Increased incidence
of autism due to more effective diagnosis was disproved in the study of
Irva Hertz-Picciotto who showed that perhaps 12% of the increased autism
diagnoses could be attributed to improved diagnosis [2]. A wide range of
environmental factors has been associated with increased autism
incidence, including pesticides, chemicals, phthalates, polychlorinated
biphenyls, solvents, heavy metals or other pollutants. [3]Although toxic
chemicals are undoubtedly not beneficial for the health of any person,
is there any information that indicates that a toxic avalanche of
chemicals inundated the United States in the early 1980s? Indeed a
wealth of knowledge about environmental chemicals has led to marked
reductions in exposure to chemicals such as lead and
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in the United States over the past
50 years. For example, acceptable safe limits for levels of lead in the
blood have decreased from 60 mg/dL in 1960 to <5 mg/dL in 2010 [4].

Making a connection between disease appearance and causative agent is
important. Clinical studies, epidemiological studies and post-market
pharmacovigilence are of utmost importance in recognizing signals and
drug-induced side effects. One of the most notable cases of serious
adverse effects caused by a pharmaceutical agent was the terrible
developmental epidemic of the birth of children with seal-like arms and
legs (phocomelia) that was linked to the maternal use of the sedative
thalidomide 20–35 days after conception [5]. What would have happened if
the thalidomide connection had never been made? One of the difficulties
with chemical studies of autism associations is that most chemicals are
used worldwide, making it difficult to find a "clean" environment where
autism might be less prevalent. One of the clues that led to the
discovery of thalidomide as the causative agent of deformed limbs was
that it was much more commonly used in Europe than in the United States.
Countries with the greatest use of thalidomide by pregnant women during
pregnancy were those with the highest incidence of deformed babies. If
there was a geographic region in the world in which the incidence of
autism was much lower than that in the United States, a comparison of
medical or dietary differences might provide a significant clue to the
major cause of autism.

Such a country is Cuba. The highest estimate of the total incidence of
autism in Cuba is 185 cases out of a total population of 11,000,000
(0.00168% of the population) compared with an estimate of as high as 1.5
million in a total United States population of 300 million (0.50%) [6,
7]. The percentage of the population with autism in the United States is
thus 298 times higher than in Cuba. Cuba is much more economically
challenged than the United States, with the per capita income of Cuba
approximately eight times lower than that in the United States. Despite
the economic challenges presented to the communist government of Cuba,
basic healthcare is readily available and there are a large number of
physicians trained in 14 different medical schools. Unlike the United
States, where vaccines are optional in many states, vaccines are
compulsory in Cuba and Cuba has one of the most highly vaccinated
populations in the world against a wide variety of infectious agents.[8]
For example, the vaccination rate for measles was reported to be 99.7%.
The association of autism with various vaccines has had a very
controversial history with inflamed passions on both sides of the debate
and will not be examined here.

However, a topic much less frequently addressed in association with
autism is the therapies that are given in conjunction with vaccines.

The practice of prescribing acetaminophen as a prophylactic fever
preventative is widespread in the United States but is very uncommon in
Cuba (personal communications, Dr Olympio Rodriquez Santos MD, MSc,
Allergist, Camaguey, Cuba). In the United States, some physicians have
started to advise parents to begin to take acetaminophen
prophylactically daily 5 days prior to childhood vaccines; some children
on such prophylactic treatment had an autistic regression that began
prior to vaccination (personal communication, Kerry Scott Lane MD,
Anesthesiologist, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA). In Cuba, acetaminophen
is not approved as an over-the-counter (OTC) product, however, it has
been available as an OTC product since 1959 in the United States.
Furthermore, in Cuba, prophylactic use of antipyretic drugs is not the
standard medical treatment for vaccine-related fever (personal
communications with Dr Olympio Rodriquez Santos). If high fever
continues after vaccination in Cuba for more than 2 days, the parents
are advised to visit the physician's office where the drug metamizole is
most commonly prescribed. Prescription of acetaminophen in such cases is
rare. Metamizole is used in many countries throughout the world but is
banned in the United States and some other countries because of a rare
association with agranulocytosis.[9]

Could the Use of Certain Antipyretic Drugs, Especially in Conjunction
with Vaccines, be a Cause of Autism?

Torres was the first to ask if the suppression of fever by antipyretic
drugs commonly used at the time of vaccination might cause the severe
immune abnormalities that are prevalent in autism.[10] Schultz et al.
were even more specific when indicating in a series of articles that
biochemical and immune disorders caused by increased use of the common
drug acetaminophen may have caused the autism epidemic (Figure 1).[11–14]

Acetaminophen is also termed paracetamol and N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (AAP
or APAP). More than 70% of the population in western countries has taken
acetaminophen at least once, and a relevant percentage takes the drug
chronically as a mild pain reliever and antipyretic.[15]

Acetaminophen is used to treat pain and fever and it has become one of
the most popular OTC non-narcotic analgesic agents. For example, this
compound has been taken at least once by >85% of children under the age
of 91 months in the UK.15 In the US, approximately 79% of the general
population regularly takes acetaminophen, including more than 35% of
pregnant women.[15]Acetaminophen has grown in popularity in large part
due to its reputation for safety. For generations, Tylenol® (a popular
brand of acetaminophen) advertisements have painted it as "the pain
reliever hospitals use most." Acetaminophen is in >600 OTC and
prescription products, from headache and cold remedies to cough syrups
and sleep aids.[16]

The study by Schultz et al. was the first to specifically link increased
acetaminophen use to increased autism.[11]This study included a graph
similar to Figure 1 temporally relating increased autism incidence in
California with increased acetaminophen use in the United States and
decreased acetaminophen use with decreased rate of autism in California.
In addition, similar increases in the rates of asthma correlated with
the usage of acetaminophen were also noted by Becker and Schultz.[14]

They noted that the rates of autism incidence and asthma stopped
increasing in the months following two attempted extortion events in
which acetaminophen was deliberately laced with cyanide.[14] The changes
in the incidence of these very different diseases at exactly the time
acetaminophen use dropped for a significant period of time is remarkable
and may indicate the same factor as causing the two diseases. In
addition, the autism paper by Schultz et al. included the results of an
online survey of parents who had given their child the combined measles,
mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, which revealed that children with autism
had more adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine and were more likely to
have been given acetaminophen than ibuprofen for those reactions.[11]

Compared with controls, children aged 1–5 years with autism were eight
times more likely to have become unwell after the MMR vaccine, and were
six times more likely to have taken acetaminophen. Children with autism
who regressed in development were four times more likely to have taken
acetaminophen after the vaccine. Illnesses concurrent with the MMR
vaccine were nine times more likely in autistic children when all cases
were considered, and 17 times more likely after limiting cases to
children who regressed. There was no increased incidence of autism
associated with ibuprofen use.

The incidence of attention deficit with hyperactivity over the last 50
years follows patterns similar to those of autism and asthma, although
the data for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not
available to the same depth as the data for autism and asthma. Before
1970, the diagnosis of ADHD was relatively rare for schoolchildren and
almost nonexistent for adolescents and adults. Between 1980 and 2007,
there was an almost 8-fold increase of ADHD prevalence in the United
States compared with rates of 40 years ago.[25]Prevalence of ADHD in
American schoolchildren was 1% in the 1970s, 3–5% in the 1980s, and 4–5%
in the mid-to-late 1990s.[18–24] A study of hospital discharge rates for
ADHD between 1989 and 2000 found a 381% increase over the study period.[25]

Use of acetaminophen dramatically increased in the United States in the
1980s due to a concern over an association of aspirin with Reye's
syndrome, although a number of critics reject this hypothesis.[26–28]

For example, the current recommendations for the management of children
with Kawasaki disease include treatment with high-dose aspirin in the
acute phase, and low-dose aspirin during the period of thrombocytosis.
For those with residual coronary problems, low-dose aspirin is often
given over an even longer term. In Japan alone, up to 200,000 children
have received aspirin for Kawasaki disease. Interestingly, only one case
of Reye's syndrome associated with Kawasaki disease has ever been
reported, and only in the Japanese literature, giving an incidence of
0.005%.[26] In addition, retrospective reevaluation of patients with a
diagnosis of Reye's syndrome who survived has revealed that many, if not
most, had an underlying inborn error of metabolism (IEM).[28] Many of
these IEMs had not even been described when the diagnosis of Reye's
syndrome was made. Inborn errors that may mimic Reye's syndrome include
fatty-acid oxidation defects, amino and organic acidopathies, urea-cycle
defects, and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.[28] Future discovery
of other IEMs may ultimately explain even more of these cases.
Additional etiologies that may mimic Reye's syndrome include viral
infections, neuromuscular diseases, adverse drug reactions, and exposure
to toxic chemicals and plants that cause hepatocellular damage and
encephalopathy.[28] Diagnostic methods such as GC/MS became more widely
available in the 1980s and later so that the patients with IEMs were
diagnosed with an IEM instead of Reye's syndrome. The main cause of
Reye's syndrome appears to be the accumulation of nonesterified fatty
acids and lysolecithins that have a high detergent activity and thus
denature all proteins.[29]

It is interesting that Cuba, which has a lower autism rate than the
United States, allows the use of acetaminophen only by prescription,
therefore, the use of acetaminophen in Cuba is only a minuscule fraction
of acetaminophen use in the United States and many other countries
throughout the world. When acetaminophen use was limited by a
prescription requirement in the United States, the rate of autism was a
small fraction of current rates of autism.

Unlike thalidomide, which was once promoted for its extreme safety prior
to the discovery of its teratogenicity, acetaminophen has a long history
of serious side effects associated with its use (Table 1).[47]

Table 1 (Click for larger view) Table 1 (Click for larger view)

Acetaminophen produces neurotoxic effects on rat brain neurons both in
vitro and in vivo, its use during pregnancy is associated with
teratogenic defects in testicular function and the gastrointestinal
tract, and there is increased incidence of asthma in maternally exposed
and postnatally exposed children.[13–15, 30, 31, 44-46]Acetominophen is
converted to the very toxic metabolite N-acetyl-pbenzoquinone imine
(NAPQI; Figure 2), which can cause oxidative damage to proteins, nucleic
acids, amino acids, and lipids, in addition to increased mitochondrial
and cellular damage and death.[32–35]

Acetaminophen also causes severe immune abnormalities at doses that do
not damage the liver, depresses the immune response to vaccination, can
cause severe metabolic acidosis when glutathione (GSH) is depleted, is
the leading cause of liver failure and death in the United States, is
associated with increased rates of certain blood cancers, and results in
tens of thousands of visits to the emergency room and hospitalizations
in the United States.[14, 36–43] A PubMed search of the scientific
literature indicated the presence of 2685 articles regarding
acetaminophen toxicity.

An article with the title, "Did acetaminophen cause the autism
epidemic?" was more pointed.[48] The rest of this article will deal with
the known toxicity of acetaminophen and how other known anatomical,
immunologic, biochemical, and infectious aspects of autism can be
related to the effects of acetaminophen. ...

(8) Economist: More evidence that Autism is linked to Gut Bacteria

Antibiotics and the MMR vaccines (or perhaps just the Tylenol) change
the gut bacteria. This article shows that The Economist, representing
London bankers, is rejecting the Medical Establishment's theory that the
cause of Autism is genetic, not environmental. But Wikipedia still
adheres to the genetic theory. - Peter M.

Autism-spectrum disorder

More evidence that autism is linked to gut bacteria

Understanding that link may be crucial to treatment

Print edition | Science and technology

May 30th 2019 | PHOENIX, ARIZONA

Paradigm shift is an overused term. Properly, it refers to a radical
change of perspective on a topic, such as the move from the physics of
Newton to the physics of Einstein, or the introduction of plate
tectonics into geology. Such things are rare. Something which history
may come to regard as a true paradigm shift does, however, seem to be
going on at the moment in medicine. This is a recognition that the
zillions of apparently non-pathogenic bacteria on and in human bodies,
hitherto largely ignored, are actually important for people’s health.
They may even help to explain the development of some mysterious conditions.

One such condition is autism—these days often called autism-spectrum
disorder (asd). asd is characterised by repetitive, stereotypical and
often restricted behaviour such as head-nodding, and by the difficulties
those with it have in reading the emotions of, and communicating with,
other people. These symptoms are noticeable in children from the age of
two onwards. Currently, in America, about one child in 59 is diagnosed
with asd.

What causes asd has baffled psychiatrists and neurologists since the
syndrome was first described, in the mid-20th century, by Hans Asperger
and Leo Kanner. But the evidence is pointing towards the bacteria of the
gut. That suggestion has been reinforced by two recently published
studies—one on human beings and one on laboratory rodents.

Restoring the balance

The human study, the latest results of which came out a few weeks ago in
Scientific Reports, is being conducted by Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown of
Arizona State University and her associates. It was prompted by earlier
work in which Dr Krajmalnik-Brown and James Adams, a colleague at
Arizona State, sequenced the dna of gut bacteria from 20 autistic
children to discover which species were present. They found that the
children in their sample were missing hundreds of the thousand-plus
bacterial species that colonise a "neurotypical" person’s intestine. One
notable absence was Prevotella. This bug, which makes its living by
fermenting otherwise-indigestible carbohydrate polymers in dietary
fibre, is abundant in the alimentary canals of farmers and
hunter-gatherers in places like Africa, rare in western Europeans and
Americans, and nearly nonexistent in children with asd.

Their discovery led Dr Krajmalnik-Brown and Dr Adams to the idea that
restoring the missing bacteria might alleviate autism’s symptoms. Two
years ago they tested a process called microbiota transfer therapy (mtt)
on 18 autistic children aged between seven and 16. Of their participants
15 were regarded, according to the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, as
having "severe" autism.

mtt is a prolonged version of a process already used to treat infection
by a bug called Clostridium difficile, which causes life-threatening
diarrhoea. It involves transplanting carefully prepared doses of faecal
bacteria from a healthy individual to a patient. The researchers gave
the children, first, an oral antibiotic, a bowel cleanse and an oral
antacid (to ensure that microbes administered by mouth would survive
their passage through the stomach). They followed this up with either an
oral or a rectal dose of gut bacteria, and then, for seven to eight
weeks, a daily antacid-assisted oral dose.

Ten weeks after treatment started the children’s Prevotella levels had
multiplied 712-fold. In addition, those of another species,
Bifidobacterium, had quadrupled. Bifidobacterium is what is known as a
"probiotic" organism—something that acts as a keystone species in the
alimentary ecosystem, keeping the mixture of gut bacteria healthy. Now,
two years later, although levels of Prevotella have fallen back
somewhat, they are still 84 times higher than they were before the
experiment started. Levels of Bifidobacterium, meanwhile, have gone up
still further—being five times higher than they had been at the
beginning of the study. This, says Dr Krajmalnik-Brown, suggests the
children’s guts have become healthy environments that can recruit
beneficial microbes by themselves.

Crucially, these changes in gut bacteria have translated into
behavioural changes. Even 18 weeks after treatment started the children
had begun showing reduced symptoms of autism. After two years, only
three of them still rated as severe, while eight fell below the
diagnostic cut-off point for asd altogether. These eight thus now count
as neurotypical.

Exactly how gut bacteria might contribute to autism is a puzzle. But
light has been shed on the matter by the second study, published this
week in Cell by a team led by Sarkis Mazmanian of the California
Institute of Technology. Dr Mazmanian and a group of colleagues that
also included Dr Krajmalnik-Brown performed a type of mtt on mice. They
collected bacteria from the faeces of both neurotypical and autistic
people (who ranged in their symptoms from mild to severe) and
transplanted these into hundreds of mice. They then interbred the
recipient mice and studied the offspring of these crosses—animals that
had picked up the transplanted bacteria from their mothers at birth.

Signal results

They were looking for the rodent equivalent of asd. And they found it.
Most of the young mice harbouring gut bacteria from autistic human
donors showed features of autism themselves. These included repetitive
behaviours, reduced social and vocal communication with other mice, and
restricted movement. In contrast, none of the mice colonised with
bacteria from neurotypical people ended up autistic. Dr Mazmanian and
his team discovered, moreover, that the intensity of a human donor’s
autism was transferred to the recipient mice. If an individual’s
symptoms were severe then so, too, were those of mice that hosted his
gut bacteria.

Dr Mazmanian’s study also dealt with the question of mechanism. One
long-held suspicion is that a molecule called gamma-aminobutyric acid
(gaba) is involved. gaba is a neurotransmitter, meaning that it carries
signals between nerve cells. In particular, it counters the action of
another neurotransmitter, glutamate, that excites nervous activity in
the brain. Studies have shown that levels of gaba are lower than normal
in the brains of autistic children (though, inexplicably, not in
autistic adults). Some researchers suspect that this deficiency takes
the brakes off glutamate’s excitatory activity, thus stimulating things
like repetitive behaviour.

Dr Mazmanian and his colleagues produced evidence supporting this idea.
They collected faeces, blood and brain tissue from the rodents in the
experiment. When they analysed these they found that the "autistic"
animals were deficient in taurine and 5-aminovaleric acid, two
substances that stimulate gaba’s activity.

They, too, drew potentially therapeutic conclusions from their results,
and tested those conclusions by giving the missing substances to female
mice carrying autism-inducing bacteria in the weeks before those females
become pregnant. The resulting offspring, though still showing some
symptoms of autism, scored 30% better on the rating scale than did the
offspring of untreated females.

Meanwhile, the success of the study in Arizona has prompted America’s
Food and Drug Administration (fda) to look into the matter. A firm
called Finch Therapeutics Group, based in Massachusetts, hopes to
commercialise the use of mtt as a treatment for autism and the fda has
now granted this effort "fast track" status, which should speed up the
review process. Dr Krajmalnik-Brown and Dr Adams are now recruiting
volunteers for a large-scale trial of mtt for adults with autism, to see
if they, too, can benefit. The paradigm, it seems, really is shifting.

This article appeared in the Science and technology section of the print
edition under the headline "Guts, brains and autism" ==

(9) Explosion of Autism in China after adoption of WHO-recommended
infant vaccination programs

Newsletter 24: The Startling Emergence of Epidemic Autism in the New China

Dear Readers, In this installment of my free newsletter series I have
decided to share with you a history that has been deeply buried by major
international media. As it documents a phenomenal explosion of instances
of child autism in the last decade in China, parallel with the adoption
of WHO-recommended infant vaccination programs, it provides a chilling
indication of how corrupt pharmaceutical majors and institutions such as
the World Health Organization combine on an agenda that has little to do
with improving the health of human beings. [...]

(10) CBC documentary about Autism: The Autism Enigma, presented by David

The Autism Enigma

The Nature of Things with David Suzuki

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Review - Abstract

The purpose of this article is to introduce readers to a CBC documentary
about a topical new research direction in autism – namely the
possibility of a relationship between autism and bacteria in the gut.
Key topics and controversies covered in the documentary are highlighted.
Relevant background information, commentary, and references have been
included to permit a critical perspective.

Autism has quickly changed from being a somewhat rare disorder to the
most commonly identified developmental disability in the industrialized
world. Since 1990, we have seen in North America an increase of about
600 per cent in children identified with autism (Hertz-Picciotto &
Delwich, 2009; Suzuki, 2012). As of 2013, there are no accurate
statistics on the prevalence of autism in Canada, though epidemiologi-
cal research studies are underway (National Epidemiologic Database for
the Study of Autism in Canada, 2012). In 2012, the prevalence in the
United States was reported to be 1 in 88 based upon data collected
between 2000–2008 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC],
2012). A new National Interview Survey from the United States based on
parent interviews is suggestive that the rate may be as high as 2% or 1
in 50 for children between 6 and 17 years of age, with boys being about
four times as likely to be affected as girls (Blumberg et al., 2013). It
has been argued that much of the prevalence increase since 2007 has been
the result of diagnoses of children with previously unrecognized dis-
order (Blumberg et al., 2013). Nevertheless, the finding of a rapid rise
of autism diagnoses, particularly in certain popu- lations of new
immigrants in certain geographical regions, strengthens the suspicion
that there may be environmental causes (Barnevik-Olsson, Gillberg, &
Fernell, 2010; Gruner & MacFabe, n.d.; Keen, Reid, & Arnone, 2010). [...]

The rest of this Review is at

You can watch The Autism Enigma at

(11) CBC documentary shows Autism caused by harmful Bacteria in the gut

by Peter Myers, March 14, 2020

On Monday 27th August, 2012, Four Corners (on ABC TV in Australia)
broadcast a documentary called "The Autism Enigma" which up-ended the
conventional medical view that Autism is a genetic condition.

The program shows that Autism is caused by harmful Bacteria, and that
overuse of Antibiotics, by killing off good Bacteria, can enable those
harmful Bacteria to take over.

It was produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC-TV), and
presented by David Suzuki in his program The Nature of Things.

It features eminent Microbiologist Professor Sydney Finegold. He says,
in an interview with Marion Gruner, that it might be possible to develop
a vaccine "to totally prevent the disease and wipe it out":

The challenge to orthodoxy arose not within Science or Medicine itself,
but among distraught parents trying to help their afflicted children.
They were assisted by dissident scientists not subservient to orthodoxy.

Some of the parents were migrants from Somalia. Their children back home
were not developing Autism, but those in the West were – it could not be

In Somalia and Ethiopia, they were eating a lot of fermented foods,
which may have protected them.

Autistic children are adversely affected by propionates (a common
preservative) in foods.

You can watch The Autism Enigma at

Since then, there has been more evidence assembled, eg 'Mental Health
May Depend on Creatures in the Gut' - Scientific American:

But the medical establishment still peddles the 'genetic' theory of Autism.

Although the program does not deal with vaccines, the connection is that
they can change the gut bacteria. The MMR Vaccine (or maybe just the
Tylenol) may change the gut bacteria in genetically vulnerable children,
leading to Autism. But the Cuban evidence shows that vaccination can be
done safely - their way, not the Western / WHO way.

Contrary to the usual view that Science is monolithic, scientists in all
domains are bitterly divided, have heated arguments, disparage one
another, and even refuse to speak to one another. The Peer Review system
allows one faction to gain power at the top of the tree, and to  impose
an Inquisition on those who disagree.

In addition, industries can capture their regulator. Eg Boeing captured
the FAA, Big Pharma has captured the FDA, and the 5G companies have
captured the Electromagnetic regulator.


  1. Replies
    1. Ik las laatst dat Interferon ook een Cubaanse uitvinding was ( tegen kanker destijds, en zou nu effectief tegen Corona zijn).

    2. Het lijkt er wel op:

  2. Het lijkt er op dat die theorie van de combinatie Paracetamol/ vaccinatie, dat dat de kans op autisme verhoogt, misschien wel waar is. Dat zou wel de allereerste keer zijn dat ik zoiets zelfs maar zou overwegen. (en dat zegt HEEL veel!)

    Al die oudere theorieen daarover klonken totaal ongefundeerd, en eerlijk gezegd, totaal belachelijk.

    Ik ben zeker nog niet overtuigd, maar ben zeker bereid naar Cubaanse artsen te luisteren!

  3. NB: over paracetamol gesproken:
    De Italianen strooien meet koorts verlagende middelen.
    Oude traditie.

    Laat koorts nu net datgene zijn wat Corona doodt...

    1. We hebben het nog steeds slechts over een vermeerdering van 2- 3 maal.

      Dat wil niks zeggen over mijn waardering over slimme tips, alhoewel het nog steeds vrij marginaal is.

      Mijn oudste dochter (supergenius!): drink (Gin?)- tonic en neem zinktabletten. Het smerige drankje bevat Quinolone, wat het zink de cellen in kan brengen. Intercellular zink kan de RNA cyclus van het virus blokkeren.
