Saturday, February 22, 2020

956 Amerika en haar biologische wapens. Georgië.

[Waar is Covid-19 ontstaan? In meerdere blogs wil ik aantonen dat de VS al 100 jaar hard werkt aan biologische wapens. Mijn conclusie is dat Covid-19 mogelijk door de VS is verspreid, in haar strijd om de wereldmacht, tegen rivaal China.
Het betreft deze blogs: 926 ; 928: Francis Boyle, Whitney Webb ;   935: Roxxy Fox ; 950; Romanoff en dr Shenzo Ishii;  Ron Fouchier; Georgië  ;  Event 201 ] 

De nederlandstalige website die veel over geopolitiek schreef is al weer een jaar
ter ziele.

Jonathan van Tongeren werkt nu voor De Blauwe Tijger, en veel van de oude website is daar te vinden, hoewel niet gemakkelijk.

Ik moest flink googlen om het artikel van Stefan Beck te vinden , waarin hij heel uitgebreid verslag doet van de Bio-wapens-research dat de Amerikanen in Georgië doen.

En passant kreeg ik het hele 'Georgië' dossier onder ogen. Indrukwekkend!

Hier wil ik alleen maar het dossier over die biowapens herplaatsen.

Eerst het artikel van Stefan Beck  (HIER het origineel)  en dan 
het onderzoek van de Bulgaarse journaliste Dilyana Gaytandzhieva.

Als een aanwijzing over wie de dader van Covid-19 zou kunnen zijn.

Waar zou het corvid-19 virus vandaan komen, denkt Ù ?
'Als het loopt als een eend, kwaakt als een eend en er uit ziet als een eend',
dan zeggen onze media:  het is een schildpad.

NB: Gele markering door JV aangebracht.

Posted on 6 oktober 2018 by Stefan Beck


In het Lugar Centrum in Georgië doet de VS onderzoek naar biologische wapens, zo meldt de Bulgaarse journaliste Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. Tenminste een deel van de onderzoekers werkt onder een diplomatieke status in het land in de Kaukasus. Ook blijken pathogenen (ziekteverwekkers) te zijn vervoerd als diplomatieke vracht door de VS.

In een recent verschenen publicatie toont Gaytandzhieva dit aan. De Bulgaarse journaliste laat documenten zien waaruit blijkt dat pathogenen zijn getransporteerd naar Georgië als diplomatieke vracht. Door de vracht als ‘diplomatiek’ te bestempelen wordt de vracht vrijgesteld van belasting en bovendien van inspectie.

Gaytandzhieva laat zien dat, naast particuliere aannemers, biologen van de US Army Medical Research Unit-Georgia (USAMRU-G) werkzaam zijn in het Lugar Centrum. Één van hen, Joshua Bast, onderdirecteur van het USAMRU-G en entomoloog, is zelfs door Gaytandzhieva gevraagd of hij werkzaam is in het Lugar Centrum. Dit wordt door Bast ontkend, ondanks dat uit een gelekte mailwisseling tussen het Pentagon en het Georgische ministerie van Gezondheid blijkt dat hij daar werkzaam is via het Walter Reed Army Institute. Het is verder interessant dat Basts auto en nog vijf andere voertuigen nummerplaten hebben van de Amerikaanse ambassade. Doordat de onderzoekers officieel zijn geoormerkt als diplomaten genieten ze bijgevolg diplomatieke onschendbaarheid.

Een mysterieuze ziekte
In 2014 was er in Georgië een uitbraak van Krim-Congo-Hemorragische Koorts (KCHK) een ziekte die wordt overgebracht door teken. Een rapport van een lokale dierenarts suggereerde echter dat de uitbraak niet natuurlijk was. Van alle teken die door hen waren verzameld was er slechts één geïnfecteerd. Ook de bloedmonsters van dieren bleken allen negatief voor KCHK te zijn. Er zijn met andere woorden amper teken gevonden die de ziekte bij zich en ook het vee was niet besmet. Uit vertrouwelijke correspondentie tussen de Georgische minister van Gezondheid en de directeur van het Lugar Centrum bleek dat er in totaal 34 mensen geïnfecteerd zijn geraakt in 2014. (Sinds 2009 zijn er een totaal van slechts 60 gevallen van KCHK bekend in Georgië.) Het is verder interessant maar niet doorslaggevend te melden dat de epidemie van 2014 samenvalt met het openen van de entomologie (‘insectenleer’) afdeling in het Lugar Centrum.
Naast onderzoek naar teken werd ook onderzoek gedaan naar muggen en zandvliegen in het Lugar Centrum.

‘Internationaal recht niet van toepassing’
De Bulgaarse journaliste heeft verder documenten verkregen die aantonen dat het Walter Reeds Army Institute en het Georgische Nationale Centrum voor Ziektebestrijding het Pentagon toegang hebben gegeven tot een verzameling van dodelijke biologische agentia. Hieronder bevinden zich de pest, Brucella, hazenpest en Anthrax. De overeenkomst die deze toegang regelt bevat verder clausules dat:
De partijen komen overeen dat geen gerecht, tribunaal of vergelijkbare juridische of administratieve lichamen van de landen van beide partijen of enig andere internationale entiteit of land jurisdictie of autoriteit heeft om te beschouwen, recht te spreken over of een oordeel te vellen in geschillen die ontstaan tussen de partijen van deze overeenkomst.

En wordt in de overeenkomst genoemd dat ‘Het internationale recht niet van toepassing is’ op de overeenkomst.

‘Hoe heeft ze mijn e-mailadres gekregen?’
De Georgische minister van gezondheid, David Sergejenko, weigerde te antwoorden op vragen van Gaytandzhieva. Dit ondanks dat het zeker is dat Sergejenko de e-mail met de vragen heeft gezien. In een e-mail naar zijn perswoordvoerder schrijft hij namelijk: “Who the hell is she and where did she get my e-mail from?”
Het gebied rondom het Lugar Centrum blijkt streng beveiligd te zijn. Mensen die zich in een gebied van 100 meter van het centrum bevinden worden op film vastgelegd. Toen Gaytandzhieva zelf nabij het centrum onderzoek deed is zij eveneens gefilmd en gedwongen haar paspoort te laten zien. Bewoners die nabij het onderzoekscentrum wonen melden ’s nachts gekleurde rook te hebben zien opstijgen van het onderzoekscentrum en klagen over hoofdpijn. Gaytandzhieva zelf meldt ‘een chemische geur’ te ruiken. Ook melden meerdere bewoonsters dat er twee incidenten zij geweest met Filipijnse burgers die werkten op het centrum en plots ernstig ziek zijn geworden.

Andere biowapens
De publicatie van Gaytandzhieva is niet de enige die bio-onderzoek van de VS in een kritisch licht plaats. Zo zetten onderzoekers van het Max Planck Instituut en de Universiteit van Montpellier deze week vraagtekens bij een militair programma van het DARPA (VS) genaamd ‘Insect Allies’, waarin het er om zou gaan via virussen planten genetisch te modificeren. Het doel zou zijn om zo sneller genen te kunnen verspreiden die landbouwproductie ten goede komen. De onderzoekers plaatsen echter vraagtekens bij het programma. Ze zeggen dat er maar weinig informatie beschikbaar is over het programma. Daarnaast lijkt er maar weinig te zijn nagedacht over praktische bezwaren en regulering van zulke projecten. Hetgeen de wetenschappers doet vermoeden dat het hier om het ontwikkelen van biologische agentia voor militaire doeleinden zou kunnen gaan, wat een overtreding zou betekenen van het Verdrag Biologische Wapens.
Daarbovenop kwam het Russische ministerie van Defensie gisteren met een bespreking van een aantal documenten die gelekt zijn door een voormalige Georgische minister. Het Russische ministerie van Defensie wijst er op dat een middel tegen Hepatitis C dat in Georgië is getest op mensen tot een hoog aantal sterfgevallen heeft geleid.
“De documenten laten veel dodelijke aflopen zien onder de patiënten. Ondanks de dood van 24 mensen in december 2015 alleen, werden klinische testen doorgezet in overtreding van internationale standaarden en de wensen van de patiënten. Dit heeft geleidt tot de dood van meer dan 49 mensen.”
Het ‘medicijn’ werd geproduceerd door Gilead Sciences, een Californisch biomedisch bedrijf waarvoor ook Donald Rumsfeld – minister van Defensie van 1975 tot 1977 en van 2001 tot 2006 – heeft gewerkt. Ook in deze zaak bleek het Lugar Centrum in Georgië een rol te hebben gespeeld.


Het artikel op de site van de Bulgaarse journaliste is 90 pagina's lang.  Heel veel foto's  en ook documenten. Het lukt niet om dat hier te plakken. 
Hier is het origineel: HIER. 
De versie zonder foto's en grafieken en documenten is 15 pagina's, en die plaats ik hieronder. 

US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program
By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva -September 12, 201872111616

Pentagon scientists have been deployed in 25 countries and given diplomatic immunity to research deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins at US military offshore biolaboratories under a $2.1 billion DoD program. (Source: DTRA)
The US Embassy to Tbilisi transports frozen human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo for a secret US military program. Internal documents, implicating US diplomats in the transportation of and experimenting on pathogens under diplomatic cover were leaked to me by Georgian insiders. According to these documents, Pentagon scientists have been deployed to the Republic of Georgia and have been given diplomatic immunity to research deadly diseases and biting insects at the Lugar Center – the Pentagon biolaboratory in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.

This military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program – Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.

Instead of investing in the health of its own citizens the US government has spent $161 million of US taxpayer money on the Lugar Center in Tbilisi for research on deadly diseases and biting insects abroad. (©Al Mayadeen TV)

The secret facility is located just 17 km from the US Vaziani military airbase in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.
The Pentagon biolaboratory is heavily guarded. All passers-by within a radius of 100 m are filmed although the military biolaboratory is located within a residential area.

I am being filmed while talking to local residents on the street near the Pentagon biolaboratory and I want to know why the security guards are filming me. (©Al Mayadeen TV)
The security guards warn me that if I do not comply, show my passport and leave this place, I will be arrested. My official request to the Lugar Center for access to the facility and for interviews has also been rejected.

Secret experiments at night

However, I go back at night when the laboratory is seemingly still working. No matter how far the distance the air is laden with the smell of chemicals. This smell coming from the Lugar Center at night is blown by the wind to the residential area. Local residents from the Alexeevka neighbourhood, where the laboratory is located, complain that dangerous chemicals are being secretly burnt at night and that hazardous waste is being emptied into the nearby river through the laboratory’s pipes.

A diplomatic car with US Embassy registration plates can be seen in the car park of the Lugar Center at night when the laboratory is seemingly still working. (©Al Mayadeen TV)

A few hours later, the diplomatic vehicle is still in the car park of the Lugar Center. There is a strong smell of chemicals in the area. (©Al Mayadeen TV)
Locals complain of constant headaches, nausea, high blood pressure and dizziness when chemicals are being burnt at night in the laboratory which is just a couple of hundred meters from their homes.

“There is a smoke – black, red, green at night or especially early in the morning at around 3, 4 a.m. Even the hens have died. They put a big pipe underground and connected it to the drains. This smell comes from there. It smells like rotten eggs and decaying hay. The smell is so bad and is spread in different directions by the wind”, says Eteri Gogitidze who lives in a block of flats next to the laboratory.

“I have a thyroid disease. There are families of three people in the neighborhood and all three of them have a thyroid disease. They say it is because of the laboratory”, explains Eteri Gogitidze from the Alexeevka Neighbouthood where the laboratory is located. (©Al Mayadeen TV)

Albert Nurbekyan who lives about 300 m from the laboratory shows the four chimneys from the Lugar Center which release smoke at night. (©Al Mayadeen TV)
“Sometimes the wind spreads a smell of rotten eggs. Once I woke up early in the morning and noticed violet smoke coming from the laboratory. At night time they let the smoke out so that people don’t see. Why at night, what are they hiding from us?, he asks and then provides another worrying fact: “There are big blue plastic pipes along this street (from the laboratory) and from where everything goes to the river which is 3-4 km away. Not only do they pollute our air, but they also poison our water.”

Locals: Poisonous gas killed two Filipinos

Neighbours recall a tragic incident involving four Filipinos who worked at the Lugar Center. Two of the foreigners died of an alleged gas poisoning in their rented flat in block 44 of the Alexeevka Settlement.

“The first time when they called the Emergency service we were told that they had food poisoning from fish. But the second time when the ambulance came there was foam coming out of their mouths. They were shouting: “Help, Help!” When they passed away, they took them away and covered it all up. It all happened here”, Albert Nurbekyan shows the sealed off flat where the foreign scientists died.

Another witness, Elvira Ratiani who lived next door witnessed the foreigners die before her eyes. “They were my neighbors, we lived on the same floor, and once they were poisoned, and asked us to call the Emergency service. We phoned and the Emergency service saved them. They said it was probably fish poisoning. The second time, they knocked on the door and again asked for help. There were four Filipinos, two of them were saved, but the other two died”, recalls Elvira Ratiani who lives in the fatal block 44 of the Alexeevka Settlement right next to the laboratory.

Human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo to the US Embassy – leaked documents

Internal documents and correspondence between the Ministry of Health of Georgia and the US Embassy to Tbilisi show what experiments have been conducted at the Lugar Center. Leaked documents reveal that the US Embassy to Tbilisi transports pathogens, as well as frozen human blood, as diplomatic cargo.
The US Embassy to Tbilisi is the address to which pathogens and blood samples are being shipped as diplomatic cargo. The Embassy’s press office declined to comment. (©Al Mayadeen TV)

This letter from the Ministry of Health of Georgia to the US Embassy in Tbilisi exempts the importation from registration as the American diplomats claim the frozen human blood is needed for research purposes in connection with an American program on Hepatitis C in Georgia.
Diplomatic cargo shipments are exempt from inspection and taxes. According to instructions from The Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which oversees and funds the laboratories, biological material for the needs of the program must be shipped as hand-carrying items to the US embassies.

In cases of importing to Russia, this biological material must be carried by diplomats in a diplomatic pouch and sealed as diplomatic cargo.

The Pentagon: Prostitutes strictly prohibited, no sex abroad

Other instructions to US personnel working under the military program prohibit the use of prostitutes, and any interaction with individuals who may reasonably be assumed to be working as prostitutes.

Romantic, intimate or sexual relations with local citizens or among team members are strongly discouraged as “foreign security services are known to use the enticement of such relations to exploit foreign officials”. As such, a relationship with foreign nationals must be reported to DTRA as soon as possible, the document reads.

US scientists test viruses under diplomatic immunity

Tasked with the program at the Lugar Center are biologists from the US Army Medical Research Unit-Georgia (USAMRU-G) along with private American contractors and the US Center for Disease Control (CDC). Certain zones of the laboratory are classified zones and are accessible only to American citizens with security clearance. They are accorded diplomatic immunity under the 2002 US-Georgia Agreement on defense cooperation. 

The USA-Georgia agreement accords diplomatic status to the US military and civilian personnel (including diplomatic vehicles), working on the Pentagon program in Georgia.
Joshua Bast is the deputy director of the US Army Medical Research Unit-Georgia (USAMRU-G). The American military scientist drives a diplomatic car and enjoys diplomatic immunity, without being a diplomat.

Joshua Bast leaves the Lugar Center in a diplomatic car of the US Embassy to Tbilisi. (©Al Mayadeen TV)
He has been deployed to Georgia since 2015 by the Pentagon Walter Reeds Army Institute of Research. His military unit also operates a separate laboratory inside the Lugar Center – the Walter Reeds Army Institute of research laboratory. However, when I confront him at the entrance of the laboratory, he flatly denies that he works at the Lugar Center.

However, leaked e-mails between the Pentagon and the Georgian Ministry of Health (below) proves him wrong. Joshua Bast does work at the Lugar Center.

Joshua Bast is the deputy director of USAMRU-Georgia, according to leaked correspondence between the Pentagon medical research unit in Georgia and the Georgian Health Ministry. The address of USAMRU-Georgia indicated in this official e-mail (above) is the address of the Lugar Center (16 Kakheti Highway, Tbilisi).

Why does a Pentagon employee lie about his workplace? I have not received any answer. Joshua Bast drives off immediately after being challenged. He is not the only US non-diplomat working on the Pentagon program, who has been accorded diplomatic immunity. There are six diplomatic cars in the car park of the laboratory, all of them with registration plates of the US Embassy. 

Six diplomatic vehicles of the US Embassy are parked in the car park of the Lugar Center. (©Al Mayadeen TV) 

The Lugar Center security guard warns me to stay where I am and not to move. However, I run away. (©Asya Ivanova)
After I refuse to comply the security guards jump into an unmarked car. But I manage to escape.

Security guards are patrolling the area around the laboratory while I am hiding on the nearby bridge. (©Asya Ivanova)
These security guards patrolling the area around the laboratory in an unmarked car are paid for by the Pentagon and not by the government of Georgia, according to information obtained from the US Federal Contract registry. Hence, Georgia has no control over the activities of its foreign sponsor. Furthermore, the Pentagon scientists can work in direct violation of international law.

International law is not applicable

Under a 3 year-long agreement between the Walter Reeds Army Institute and the Georgian National Center for Disease Control (NCDC), the Pentagon has been given full access to the local collection of deadly bio agents in order to study them. These are agents which can cause Anthrax, Tularemia, Brucella and plague. 

According to the agreement’s provisions, “international law is not applicable to this Agreement, the parties agree that no court, tribunal or international entity has jurisdiction or authority to consider or provide judgement in case of disputes arising between the parties of this agreement”.
Drone for releasing of toxic mosquitoes

The work that US diplomats perform at the Lugar Center has nothing to do with diplomacy and does not fall under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Joshua Bast, for instance, is an entomologist and researches insects, according to a video released by the US Embassy to promote the peaceful purposes of the otherwise military program of the US in Georgia.

A screen grab from a video promoting the peaceful intentions of the Pentagon program. Joshua Bast is presented as entomologist.
Why does an entomologist work for the US Army and why is he accorded diplomatic immunity? Entomological warfare is a type of biological warfare that uses insects to transmit diseases. Georgia borders on the US main rival – Russia. Moscow has repeatedly voiced its concerns about the potential development of biological weapons near the Russian borders, including the spread of diseases through insects.

Such fears are not groundless, considering a recent US patent for a Toxic Mosquito Aerial release system, granted by The United States Patent and Trademark Office in 2014. The invention includes a drone which can release infected mosquitoes. 

According to the patent documents, the drone is capable of delivering lethal and non-lethal toxins, including any agent that can be carried and administered by a mosquito.
The inventor of the drone for the releasing of toxic mosquitoes S. Mill Calvert has patented 42 similar military inventions for the US Army and Special forces, including stroke-inducing bullets ,in a span of just two years from 2013 to 2015. A person with such a name however does not exist in the US citizens registry. The US patent Lawyer, Louis Ventre, who filed the application, declined to comment if this name was a pseudonym and who his client actually was (the e-mails below).
Documents show a number of Pentagon projects involving insects as possible vectors of diseases in Georgia. In 2014 The Lugar Center was equipped with an insect facility and launched a project on Sand Flies in Georgia and the Caucasus. In 2014-2015 sand fly species were collected under another project “Surveillance Work on Acute Febrile Illness” and all (female) sand flies were tested to determine their infectivity rate. A third project, also including sand flies collection, studied the characteristics of their salivary glands. Sand flies carry dangerous parasites in their saliva which they can transmit to humans through a bite.

Since the start of the project on flies at the Lugar Center Georgia has been infested with sand flies. Local people complain of being bitten by these newly appeared flies while naked in their bathrooms (a fly in a bathroom on the right)

The Pentagon scientists have also performed experiments involving tropical mosquitos and ticks in Georgia. In 2016, 21 590 ticks were collected for a DNA database for future studies at The Lugar Center under the Pentagon project “Assessing the Seroprevalence and Genetic Diversity of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV) and Hantaviruses in Georgia”.  The Pentagon projects involving ticks coincided with an inexplicable outbreak of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) which is caused by infection through a tick-borne virus. In 2014 34 people became infected (amongst which a 4-year old child). A total of 60 cases with 9 fatalities have been registered in Georgia since 2009, according to a leaked e-mail sent by the Lugar Center director Amiran Gamkrelidze to the Minister of Health of Georgia David Sergeenko.

34 people became infected with CCHF in Georgia in 2014 alone. (Source: NCDC-Georgia)

White Powder over Chechnya

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which runs the US military program at the Lugar Center in Georgia, is alleged to have already performed field tests with an unknown substance in Chechnya, Russia. In June 2017 local citizens reported on a drone disseminating white powder close to the Russian border with Georgia.

A local resident from a village in Chechnya close to the Russia-Georgia border shows traces of white powder on his car, which he says is regularly spread in the area.

The Pentagon does have drones for powder dissemination of biological agents, according to information obtained from the US Federal contracts registry. Such field tests involving drones for bio-agent dispersion have been performed since 2012 at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. The military facility not only produces live bio agents which includes anthrax, botulinum toxin, tularemia, etc. under the pretext of studying them, but also disseminates them though aerosol, powder and explosives, as proven in a 2012 US Army Report.

An offer for commercial work by the US Army – field tests involving bio-agents and drones can be found published on a US federal contracts website.
US Army documents and photos show that the Pentagon has developed various dissemination methods for bioterrorism attacks including by explosives.

Source: Capabilities Report 2012, West Desert Test Center

Dissemination of contaminants for biological/chemical tests (©Dugway Proving Ground)

Dissemination of simulants by explosives. (©Dugway Proving Ground)

Liquid Dissemination (©Dugway Proving Ground)

Powder Dissemination (©Dugway Proving Ground)

Dissemination on the test grid (© Dugway Proving Ground)
Besides having various military capabilities to disperse bio agents, DTRA has also full access to the Russian borders, granted under a military program called Georgia Land Border Security Project. The activities, related to this project have been outsourced to a private American company – Parsons Government Services International. Parsons has been awarded a $17.7 million contract under the Pentagon border security project in Georgia. DTRA has previously contracted Parsons for similar border security projects in Lebanon, Jordan, Libya and Syria. Interestingly, a subcontractor working on this border security project – TMC Global Professional Services, also happens to be contracted by DTRA for scientific support at the Lugar Center. The same American company – TMC, which works at the Lugar Center also carries out surveillance for WMD on the Georgian borders. The project coincides with the incident involving powder dissemination which was reported and filmed in neighbouring Chechnya close to the Georgian border.

Private contractors

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has outsourced much of the work under the military program to private companies, which are not accountable to Congress, and which can operate more freely and move around the rule of law.

This e-mail for instance, dated 16 February 2018, was sent by an employee of the private Contractor, TMC Global Professional Services, on behalf of the Pentagon unit at the Lugar Center, to ask for a meeting with the Georgian Minister of Health.
TMC was awarded a $3.8 million contract in 2016 running until 2021 for support services at the Lugar Center. Interestingly, the same year the same private company was awarded another $975 million counter narcoterrorism contract by the Pentagon.  Why has a company, which works for the Pentagon on a program to counter narcotics, been concurrently given work at a military laboratory which burns chemicals at night?

Leaked documents reveal another company involved in the program in Georgia – Booz Allen Hamilton.

In June 2013, Edward Snowden — at the time a Booz Allen employee contracted to projects of the National Security Agency (NSA) — publicly disclosed details of the classified mass surveillance and data collection programs of the US around the world.
Snowden’s former employer – Booz Allen Hamilton, has been awarded five lucrative contracts by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) since 2010 running until 2022, totaling at least $ 358 million for intelligence support and chemical weapons agents support services. According to the company’s website it has developed a web-based platform for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the US intelligence community. The system currently holds more than 9 terabytes of intelligence data and grows by about 1.5 million records every week.

The Pentagon has spent at least $161 million on the Lugar Center in Tbilisi under a contract with the private American contractor – CH2M Hill. This is half of the total sum of $ 361.4 million that the company had been awarded to operate Pentagon bio-laboratories in Georgia, Uganda, Tanzania, Iraq, Afghanistan and South East Asia.

According to CH2M Hill, the US company has secured biological agents and employed former bio warfare scientists at The Lugar Center. These are scientists who are working for another American company involved in the military program in Georgia – Battelle Memorial Institute. 

Battelle as a $59 million subcontractor at the Lugar Center has extensive experience in research on bio-agents, as the company has already worked on the US Bio-weapons Program under 11 previous contracts with the US Army in the past. Source: US Army Activities in the US, Biological Warfare Programs, vol. II, 1977, p. 82

The same company also worked for the CIA under the Project Clear Vision (1997-200) Its stated goal was to reconstruct a Soviet-era anthrax bomblet in order to test its dissemination characteristics. The clandestine CIA-Battelle operation was omitted from the US Biological Weapons Convention declarations submitted to the UN.

The inauguration of the Lugar Center in Tbilisi in 2011. Andrew C. Weber (on the right) –then US Assistant Secretary of Defense (2009-2014), US DoD Deputy Coordinator for Ebola Response (2014-2015), is currently a Metabiota ( the US contractor) employee.
The US Company Metabiota Inc. has been awarded $23.9 million in federal contracts under the Pentagon’s DTRA program in Georgia and Ukraine for scientific and technical consulting services. Metabiota had been contracted to perform work for DTRA befor and during the Ebola crisis in West Africa and was awarded $3.2 million (2012-2015) for work in Sierra Leone at the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak.

Metabiota worked on a Pentagon’s project at the epicenter of the Ebola crisis, where three US biolabs are located.
Journalist expelled from the European Parliament for confronting US official on bioweapons

I asked US Assistant Secretary of Health Robert Kadlec for a comment during a conference on biological weapons at the European Parliament in Brussels and was immediately expelled from the conference.

Ethnic Bioweapons

Documents reveal some of the projects funded by the Pentagon. Among them projects related to Russia. The US Air Force has been specifically collecting Russian RNA and synovial tissue samples raising fears in Moscow of a covert US ethnic bio-weapons program.

The Pentagon has also studied the Russian Anthrax Strain at the Lugar Center for which Russia has a vaccine, a Russian Yersinia pestis Strain (which causes plague), as well as the Genome sequence of the Russian Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus strain.

According to the genome study, the Russian “DNA is available from Dr. Mikeljon Nikolich”. He is one of the Pentagon scientists at the Lugar Center and is tasked with genome research on strains in pathogen collections from former Soviet Union countries, as a leaked document (below) reveals.

In 2017 Pentagon scientists sequenced the genome of a Russian strain of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF).
Leaked e-mails, between the director of the Lugar Center Amiran Gamkrelidze and the Minister of Health of Georgia David Sergeenko, also reveal an ongoing Pentagon project on Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic fever in the country.

Georgians used as laboratory rabbits

The minister’s e-mails also reveal another American project on Hepatitis C in Georgia including cases of death. The pilot study of the US Center for Disease Control in Georgia is called “Simplified Diagnostics and Monitoring of Hepatitis C Infected Patients in Rural Primary Care Settings Using Newly Approved Pan-Genotypic Antiviral Therapy”. It is designated as confidential information. The Ministry of Health of Georgia has signed an Agreement with the US Center for Disease Control and the private American pharmaceutical company Gilead. According to this agreement, the American side provides free medicines for Hepatitis C treatment. In exchange, the private American company cannot be held accountable for any damage (intentional or not) which may result from the program. The agreement is signed by David Sergeenko from the Georgian side.

Minister of Health of Georgia David Sergeenko in a Gilead drugs advertisement promoting the success of the program. (©Gilead)

Minister David Sergeenko has signed an agreement with Gilead which absolves the private American pharmaceutical company of any investigation – meaning that Gilead cannot be held accountable for any damage (intentional or not) which may result from the program.
From Paris with love

Leaked e-mails between minister Sergeenko and the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) which supports the program on Hepatitic C in Georgia reveal private meetings in Paris between the government officials and Gilead.

Confidential reports: At least 100 death cases in Georgia

Leaked confidential documents show at least 100 deaths reported to Gilead, over the last 3 years, of patients under treatment with the Gilead drugs Sovaldi and Harvoni which had been provided to them for free.

Georgians have been used as laboratory rabbits for a new Hepatitis C experimental treatment  by the private American company along with the US Center for Disease Control. Moreover, in some of the death cases reports sent to Gilead from the Georgian Ministry of Health the cause of death is indicated as unknown or not related to the treatment. 30 Georgians died during the drug clinical trials in December 2015 alone. Another 30 death cases were reported in April 2016, also in the span of only a month. It is worth noting that the drugs are neither emergency resuscitation drugs for patients in clinical death condition, nor cancer palliative drugs. Most causes of death remain obscure and some diagnoses do not correlate with the International Classification of Diseases by WHO.
A discrepancy in a 2017 death case report from the Georgian Ministry of Health to Gilead raises questions – how can a dead patient continue his treatment after his death?
30 cases of death were reported in April 2016 alone. According to the reports, however, the cause of death was not linked to the treatment or was unknown.

30 cases of death were reported in April 2016 alone. According to the reports, however, the cause of death was not linked to the treatment or was unknown.
To make things worse, the US government agency has launched the ostensibly altruistic project on free medicines for the poor Georgian people in partnership with the private American company Gilead thus being in direct conflict of interest.  A financial report for 2017 reveals that the same company Gilead is among the main sponsors of the Center for Disease Control Foundation.

The biggest shareholder in Gilead is the former US Minister of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

On 5 September 2018, the Anticorruption Department of the Georgian National Security Agency announced that it had launched an investigation into the Hepatitis C program.

The US-funded Lugar Center in Tbilisi may have been involved in illegal experiments on Georgian citizens, the country’s former security minister Igor Giorgadze has claimed, citing leaked documents he obtained. He said he managed to acquire over 100,000 pages of documents about the research done at the Richard Lugar Center.

The minister of Health of Georgia David Sergeenko did not respond to my questions. The leaked e-mails though show the minister’s reaction.
The minister has forwarded the e-mail to his press center swearing at me in Georgian: “Who the hell is she and where did she get my e-mail from?”
Coincidentally I was inexplicably locked up in the bedroom of my rented flat in Tbilisi while sleeping and was freed by Emergency services who accessed the locked room through the roof.

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva

How I was locked up in the bedroom of my rented flat in #Tbilisi while investigating a US military program including a pilot study with 100 death cases reports. Fire fighters came down from the roof and saved me. Thank you to the Georgian Emergency service for the quick reaction

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4:59 PM - Jul 29, 2018
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The police have no answer as to who had broken into the flat, locked me up and why, given that nothing had been stolen.  Probably someone does not want journalists to investigate what chemicals are secretly burnt at night in the Pentagon funded laboratory and why a private contractor on a Pentagon program to counter narcotics also happens to work at the same laboratory.

*This report is part of an upcoming documentary for Al Mayadeen TV to be broadcast on 20 September.


  1. @Jan, zouden de Chinezen zelf niet ook aan zulke wapens (kunnen) werken? Waar anders hebben ze zo'n biolab in Wuhan voor nodig?

    1. Sofia,

      De beschuldiging dat China er zelf achter zit is al gedaan.
      China heeft dan min of meer de onderzoekingen in Canada gestolen, middels spionage: Harvard prof. Lieber die heel veel geld ontving en Chinese wetenschappers die plots Canada werden uitgezet.

      Je kan het hier lezen:

      ( Ik ga er van uit dat Canada een stroman is voor de VS in dit geval)

      Wat we weten:

      1) China heeft veel ervaring met het lijden onder

      2) China heeft geen bio-wapens nodig om haar opponenten te verslaan. Ze doet dat door hard te werken en heel goedkoop de producten te verkopen.

      3) Maar best mogelijk dat China deze virussen in een vroeg stadium wilde hebben, om dan aan vaccins te kunnen gaan werken. Dat is het enige dat je kan doen als je begrijpt dat jouw opponent dit wapen ontwikkelt en tegen je wil gaan gebruiken.

      Alles is dus nog mogelijk:
      - dat het toch uit eendier komt en toeval is.
      - Dat het door de VS is gemaakt en verspreid
      - Dat het naar China ging voor onderzoek en per ongeluk daar is verspreid.

      Dat China het zelf tegen zijn eigen bevolking heeft ingezet, lijkt me onwaarschijnlijk: dit kan het land volledig in chaos brengen. Geen enkele regering doet dat bewust.
      Maar wetenschappers die in Wuhan werken zouden wel kunnen zijn omgekocht door de VS.

    2. @Jan, ik bedoelde niet te zeggen dat China (mocht het om een bio-wapen gaan) dit tegen haar eigen bevolking heeft ingezet maar meer dat het nogal naief is om te denken dat alleen de V.S. bezig is met zulke wapens.

    3. [Maar best mogelijk dat China deze virussen in een vroeg stadium wilde hebben, om dan aan vaccins te kunnen gaan werken. Dat is het enige dat je kan doen als je begrijpt dat jouw opponent dit wapen ontwikkelt en tegen je wil gaan gebruiken.]

      Wat andersom dus ook zo is.
