Sunday, December 28, 2014
433. De toestand in de wereld. (1)
Ik ben van plan op onregelmatige tijden mijn verwachtingen voor de ( nabije) toekomst op dit blog te plaatsen. Steeds onder dezelfde titel. Alleen het volgnummer zal veranderen.(*)
De Neocons bepalen in Amerika de buitenlandse politiek. De Neocons zijn een joodse organisatie met ook niet-joodse leden zoals Rumsfeld, Cheney en Bush.
In 2000 besloten de Neocons dat de VS nog 100 jaar baas van de wereld moest zijn, en dat elke potentiele troonpretendent in de knop zou moeten worden vernietigd.
Na een False Flag ( 911) is een enorm 'apparaat' opgebouwd dat bedoeld is om de wereld goedschiks èn kwaadschiks te controleren. Maar zolang de mensen nog in de goede bedoelingen geloven, zal men 'goedschiks' te werk gaan.
Het vernietigen van Afghanistan, Irak, Libië, Syrië waren nog maar het begin, en waren vooral bedoeld om Israel te bevrijden van buurlanden die de in fases uitgevoerde 'kleine genocide' op hun Palestijnse broeders misschien niet langer kunnen accepteren.
De echte troonpretendenten voor de hegemon zijn vooral China en Rusland, waarbij Rusland de zwakste is en Putin al 14 jaar een doorn in het Amerikaanse oog is. Om Putin in de val te lokken gebruikt men de Ukraine. Voor Putin is dat een Catch 22 situatie. Geeft hij toe, dan zal de NATO de Ukraine overnemen en is Rusland strategisch enorm verzwakt. Biedt hij weerstand, dan kan men dat gebruiken om Rusland te destabiliseren, en daarna tot vazal te maken.
China ziet wat er gebeurt en begrijpt: Als we Rusland net helpen, moeten we straks alleen tegen de VS, of we moeten akkoord gaan met de status van vazal.
Amerika importeert zeer veel goederen uit China en leeft van geld drukken, oliedollars en wapenindustrie. De staatsschuld is erg hoog, de kosten van Defensie en Oorlogen zijn erg hoog.
Maar wat erger is: de wereldbevolking begint te doorzien dat de VS haar al jaren heeft beroofd en gekoeioneerd. Bespioneerd en gechanteerd. Amerika voelt aan dat haar leugens steeds duidelijker worden. Amerika is oud, gedegenereerd, hypocriet. China is jong en haar bevolking wil hard werken om vooruit te komen. Rusland heeft energie in overvloed.
Ik denk dat als Amerika Rusland niet kapot zal maken in 2015, dat ze dan te laat is. Samen met China zal Rusland een tweede machtsblok in de wereld gaan vormen.
Amerika is een land in nood en kan dus irrationeel gedrag gaan vertonen. Ik schat de kans dat Amerika een kernwapen zal gebruiken tegen Rusland op zeker 20%. Het is de enige kans die ze hebben om de baas te blijven in de wereld.
Als Putin dan zo onverstandig is om ook een atoombom te gooien, dan kan het uitlopen op een zeer triest einde.
Tot zover de samenvatting.
China heeft bij monde van minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Wang Yi, op 22 december verklaard: " Rusland heeft het economisch moeilijk, maar ze zal in staat zijn het te redden. We zullen Rusland helpen als dat nodig is." ( bron)
Uit andere bronnen weten we dat de samenwerking tussen China en Rusland al veel langer behoorlijk verregaand is. Niet alleen de grote olie en gascontracten van dit jaar, maar ook contracten over wapenleveranties, GPS kennis, gezamenlijke legeroefeningen, etc., etc. ( Zie Larchmonter )
Binnen 1 jaar tijd is Rusland 'uit Europa' verdreven, door manipulaties van de VS.
De VS maakte daarbij gebruik van de Oekraïne als 'tool' om Rusland te beschadigen.
De aanval is in 2004 al begonnen, maar nadat Putin de destructie van Syrië voorkwam, is de strijd veel harder geworden.
Maar de andere landen zien wat er gebeurt. China begrijpt: als Rusland valt, zijn wij aan de beurt.
Amerika houdt pas op als de hele wereld naar haar pijpen danst.
Maar China en Rusland beseffen ook: Wij samen hebben alles wat nodig is: een intelligente bevolking, een grote en werklustige bevolking, een gigantisch aaneengesloten gebied met alle delfstoffen en energie die nodig is. Een enorme kernmacht ( Rusland). Waarom zouden we over ons laten lopen. Waarom zouden we onze regeringen kapot laten maken. Waarom moeten we de financiële terroristen uit New York en Londen blijven voeden? We hebben al een goede organisaties: de BRICs landen met hun bank, en de Shanghai Samenwerkings Organisatie, ( SCO) waarin China en Rusland al economisch, politiek en militair samen werken. Er zijn contacten over mogelijke toetreding met Iran, India, Turkije en Pakistan. Dan heb je de halve wereldbevolking te pakken: 3000 miljoen mensen.
Daar tegenover staat Amerika met haar vazallen Europa, Canada en Australie. Een gebied met ca 700 miljoen mensen met gigantische schulden, een hoge levensstandaard en een barbaars verleden van moord en doodslag. De hele wereld ( behalve zijzelf, want hun inwoners gelovende mooie verhalen over 'humanitair' en 'tegen de terreur' en 'tegen de dictator') kotst hen uit.
Amerika is al 100 jaar de baas in de wereld, en heeft zich tot doel gesteld om dat nog eens 100 jaar te blijven. ( Zie: PNAC report)
Daarvoor heeft ze zich enorm bewapend. Zodanig dat ze twee oorlogen op twee verschillende fronten tegelijk kan winnen. ( Dat was het streven in het PNAC rapport in 2000)
Door een False Flag (911) te plegen heeft men kans gezien om het staatsapparaat heel sterk te maken: sterk leger, sterke inlichtingen organisaties, alles wat nodig is om politici en burgers onder de knoet te houden, openlijk of onopvallend.
De Westerse pers blijkt volledig onder controle te blijven van de Masters of Discourse.
Wat men echter in 2001 niet kon vermoeden is de enorme vlucht van de social media.
Vrijwel iedereen die nu niks meer gelooft van 911, geloofde de eerste jaren nog 'automatisch' de officiele versie. Maar als je eenmaal op youtube gebouw WTC7 zag inzakken met de snelheid van vrije val, dan weet je dat de officiele versie een leugen moet zijn.
Op het internet vind je bronnen die je vroeger nooit had kunnen vinden.
Op youtube zie je de enorme hoeveelheid 'circumstantial evidence' die aantoont dat de officiele versie kletskoek is. Je ziet hoe gerenommeerde 'Gezond Verstand Pundits' als Matt Taibbi volledig voor gek worden gezet door 'conspiracy gekkies' als David Ray Griffin. (Polemiek).
Bij de 'ingezonden reacties' zijn de mensen die Putin verdedigen al vaak talrijker dan de mensen die de officiele versie aanhangen.
Putin leek een brave technocraat die in de lijn van Yeltsin zou doorgaan. Kat in 't bakkie voor de VS. Maar hij bleek een wolf in schaapskleren. Hij gooide eerst de pro-Amerika oligarchen het land uit, en maakte de anderen duidelijk dat hij de baas was, en biet zij. En dat ze zich niet met de politiek moesten bemoeien. Er groeide een symbiose tussen Europa ( energie behoefte) en Rusland (afzetmarkt). Putin zag hoe Afghanistan en Irak werden vernietigd op basis van verzinsels. In de kwestie Libië zag hij hoe Het Westen haar mandaat 'tot protectie' gebruikte om Regime Change te plegen, of liever: om Chaos te creëren. Toen de VS met Syrië hetzelfde van plan was zette Putin de voet dwars. Hij begreep: èlk land dat de VS niet als zijn Baas erkent komt aan de beurt. Wij dus ook.
Dergelijke opstandigheid moest hard en snel worden afgestraft, vóór het school zou gaan maken.
Dat is wat we nu zien gebeuren in de Ukraine. Dat land wordt gebruikt om Rusland te verzwakken door verdeeldheid te zaaien. De vrienden en steunpilaren van Putin waren de eerste sancties-slachtoffers. Dan werd de hele economie getroffen door sancties, lage olieprijs en devaluatie van de roebel. 'New York' schrijft dat Putin het nog slechts 2 jaar kan volhouden, dan zijn de Russen de ellende beu.
Maar...... nu heeft China officieel verklaard dat ze Putin zal gaan hepen. Met leningen. Met know how. Rusland en China blijken op militair vlak al heel veel samen te doen, en ze doen ook oefeningen samen. Zeer belangrijk omdat de taal natuurlijk een groot probleem is in dit geval.
Ik denk dat een symbiose tussen Rusland en China er voor zal zorgen dat Rusland sterker en rijker zal worden. Mocht het zover komen dat Europa geen Russisch gas meer zou krijgen, dan wordt het voor Europa wel erg moeilijk om mee te komen op de wereldmarkt.
Tot zover voorlopig deze blog.
(*) Zo kun je zien wat je 'destijds' echt dacht. Ons geheugen is geneigd coulant te zijn. Ik prefereer de harde waarheid.
Vanaf 1956 tot 1999 was er éénmaal per week een 'pundit', mr GBJ Hilterman, die elke zondag een half uur lang uitlegde wat er in de wereld aan de hand was.
De titel van het programmna: "De Toestand in de wereld met mr. GBJ Hilterman."
Saturday, December 27, 2014
432 Neocons besloten al in 2004 om Putin te elimineren.
Paul Craig Roberts vindt het onderstaande artikel van Thad Beversdorf belangrijk.
Hier een korte samenvatting van Beversdorf's atikel.
Vorige week nam Het Congres Resolutie 758 aan waar een aantal zeer twijfelachtige beweringen tot FEIT werden verklaard. Het doel van de resolutie is om militaire agressie tegen Rusland in de toekomst gemakkelijker te maken, zo zegt Ron Paul.
Dit procedé wordt vaker gebruikt. Eerst legt Beverdorf uit hoe de destructie van Irak en Syrië werden voorbereid. En daarna toont hij aan dat de voorbereiding om Putin kapot te maken al in 2004 begon.
Irak en Syrië.
In 1996 was er een clubje mensen die een advies uitbrachten aan de Israelische President Netanyahu:
Dat Rapport heette 'A Clean break'.
Israel moest radicaal stoppen (a clean break maken) met de zachte benadering, en in de aanval gaan, maar wel op verdekte manier (met hulp van proxys).
Syrië en Irak moesten worden verzwakt of kapot gemaakt. (*)
De schrijvers besteden veel aandacht aan de vraag hoever men kan gaan: Wat zal Amerika nog wel accepteren, en wat niet meer.
Opmerkelijk was dat de schrijvers van 'A Clean Break' grotendeels lieden waren die in Amerika al invloedrijke figuren waren: Richard Perle, de heer en mevrouw Wurmser, Douglas Feith. Allemaal fervente Neocons. ( Niet àlle Neocons zijn joods, maar àlle Neocons zijn wel bereid om de VS Macht te gebruiken ten bate van Israel.)
In januari 1998 werd een gelijksoortige brief geschreven door een groepje Neocons, aan President Clinton: Clinton moest gaan pleiten voor destructie van Irak en Syrië.
Dat zou goed zijn voor de VS !
Uiteraard hadden de Amerikanen geen zin om een oorlog te beginnen in het Midden Oosten.
Maar het idee was in de week gelegd, en nu was het wachten op een 'aanleiding'.
Dat werd 911. Al binnen enkele dagen na 911 gonsde het van de plannen om 7 moslim-landen te gaan aanvallen. ( Zie wat generaal Wesley Clark, destijds presidents-kandidaad, er over zei.)
De rest is U bekend: noch Irak, noch Syrië zullen een gevaar voor Israel vormen.
(Opmerkelijk: ISIS heeft tot nu toe niet één Amerikaan of Israeli gedood. Zie: Khamenei. )
Ik zal deze blog later afmaken.
Ik begon er een weekje geleden mee, maar werd grieperig.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
431 Canadian-Ukrainian professor: Maidan Masssacre NOT done by Yanukovich.
We already understood from a leaked telephone call by Umar Paet to Catherine Ashton that the MaidanMassacre was not doen by Yanukovich People, as Western media keep telling us.
We heard it from the German TV documentary of Monitor.
Also: see my blog.
Also see this blog about the trial of 2 Berkut men: ( Trial)
We understood it because the investigations were simply forgotten.
But now we have a professor in Canada, with Ukrainian roots, who speaks the language, and who has done in depth investigation. And he comes to the same conclusions.
His Report can be found HERE.
The first 9 pages of the article were copied and pasted by me, below.
It is not simple copy-paste, so I did only 9 of the total of 26 pages.( for now)
Here is a video by the same professor: Video. ( Part 2) (coming later.)
A summary was written by Brendan:
The pretext for the western-supported overthrow of Ukrainian President Yanukovych was the massacre of more than a hundred protestors in Kiev in February 2014, which Yanukovych allegedly ordered his forces to carry out. Doubts have been expressed about the evidence for this allegation, but they have been almost entirely ignored by the western media and politicians.
Ukrainian-Canadian professor Ivan Katchanovski has carried out a detailed study of the evidence of those events, including videos and radio intercepts made publicly available by pro-Maidan sources, and eye witness accounts. His findings point to the involvement of far-right militias in the massacre and a cover-up afterwards:
– The trajectories of many of the shots indicate that they were fired from buildings that were then occupied by Maidan forces.
– Many warnings were given by announcers on the Maidan stage about snipers firing from those buildings.
– Several leaders of the then opposition felt secure enough to give speeches on the Maidan around the time that gunmen in nearby buildings were shooting protestors dead, and those leaders were not targeted by the gunmen .
– Many of the protesters were shot with an outdated type of firearm that was not used by professional snipers but was available in Ukraine as a hunting weapon.
– Recordings of all live TV and Internet broadcasts of the massacre by five different TV channels were either removed from their websites
immediately after the massacre or not made publicly available.
– Official results of ballistic, weapons, and medical examinations and other evidence collected during the investigations have not been made public, while crucial evidence, including bullets and weapons, has disappeared.
– No evidence has been given that links the then security forces’ weapons to the killings of the protesters.
– No evidence has been given of orders to shoot unarmed protestors even though the new government claimed that Yanukovych issued those orders personally.
– So far the only three people have been charged with the massacre, one of whom has disappeared from house arrest. Note by Jan Verheul: These 3 people were Berkut militia. So, officially under orders from Yanukovich. They killed 39 out of 50 people on 20 februar. One would expect this to be publicised and showed expensively in the media. Instead of that, we do not hear about them, and the main culprit has been able to fly. I personally think that these berkut were ordered and working together with the nazi protesters. The first 9 out of 26 pages of the Snipers Massacre-Report by Prof. Katchanovski:
The “Snipers Massacre ”
on the Maidan in Ukraine
Katchanovski, Ph.D.School of
Political Studies &Department of CommunicationUniversity of OttawaOttawa, ONK1N 6N5, Canadaikatchan@uottawa.caPaper presented at the Chair of
Ukrainian Studies Seminar at the
University of Ottawa, Ottawa,October
1, 2014.

The “Snipers " Massacre Question
massacre of several dozen Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping
point in the escalating conflict between the West andRussia over Ukraine. The mass
killing of the protesters and the mass
shooting of the police that preceded
it led to the overthrow of the highly corrupt and pro-Russian but
democratically electedgovernment of
Viktor Yanukovych and gave a start to a large-scale violent conflict thatcontinues now in Donbas in Eastern Ukraine. A
conclusion promoted by the post-Yanukovychgovernments and the media in Ukraine
that the massacre was perpetrated by government sniperson a
Yanukovych order has been nearly universally accepted by the Western governments andthe media, at least publicly, without concluding
an investigation and without all evidenceconsidered.
speech to the US Congresson September 18, 2014 again claimed that the
Yanukovych government overthrow resulted frommass peaceful protests against police violence, in
particular, killings of more than 100
protesters by snipers on
February 20, 2014.The question is which side
organized the
“snipers massacre.”
This paper is the firstacademic study of this crucial case of the
mass killing. Analysis of a large amount of
evidence inthis
study suggests that certain elements of the Maidan opposition,
including its extremist farright wing, were involved in this massacre in order to
seize power and that the governmentinvestigation was falsified
for this reason.
Evidence used in this study includes publicly available
but unreported, suppressed, ormisrepresented videos and photos of suspected shooters, live
statements by the Maidanannouncers, radio intercepts
of the Maidan “snipers,” and snipers and commanders from the special Alfa unit of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), ballistic
trajectories, eyewitnessreports by both Maidan protesters and government special
unit commanders, public statements by both former and current government
officials, bullets and weapons used, types of woundsamong both protesters and
the police, and the track record of politically motivatedmisrepresentations by
the Maidan politicians of other cases of violence during and after
theEuromaidan and historical conflicts. In particular, this study examines
about 30 gigabytes ofintercepted radio exchanges of the Security Service of Ukraine Alfa unit,
Berkut, the InternalTroops, Omega, and other government agencies during the
entire Maidan protests. These fileswere posted by a pro-Maidan Ukrainian
radio amateur on a radio scanners forum, but they neverwere reported by the
media or acknowledged by the Ukrainian government.The timeline of the massacre
with precision to minutes and locations of both the shootersand the
government snipers was established in this study with great certainty
based on thesynchronization of the sound on the main Maidan stage, images, and
other sources of evidencethat independently corroborate each other. The study
uses content analysis of all publiclyavailable videos of the massacre, in
particular, an unreported, time-stamped version of a previously
widely seen, long video of the massacre on Instytutska Street, videos of
suspectedsnipers and reports of snipers in live TV broadcasts and Internet
video streams from the Maidan(Independence Square), time-stamped and unedited
radio intercepts of SBU Alfa snipers andcommanders, and radio intercepts of Internal
Troops on the Maidan. The analysis also uses liveInternet broadcasts.
Recordings of all live TV and Internet broadcasts of the massacre byEspresso
TV, Hromadske TV, Spilno TV, Radio Liberty, and Ukrstream TV, were
eitherremoved from their websites immediately following the massacre or not
made publicly available.

4These recordings were mostly made by Maidan supporters, but they got
very scant attention orremoved from public access.Similarly, official
results of ballistic, weapons, and medical examinations and otherevidence
collected during the investigations concerning this massacre have not been
made public, while crucial evidence, including bullets and weapons disappeared under the post-Yanukovych government. This
investigation relies on such evidence reported by the media andreliable
information in the social media. An on-site research on the site of the
massacre on theMaidan itself and on Instytutska Street was also conducted
for this study by the author.
An Academic Investigation
A recently released time-stamped version of an over 40-minute-long video, which
wasfilmed at a close distance on Instytutska Street
starting at 9:06am, covers, with some unexplainedomissions, the most intense
parts of the killings. It confirms that the mass killing of
Maidan protesters on February 20 began on the adjacent Instytutska Street
around that time. The Berkutanti-riot police and Internal Troops units, which
were besieging, storming, and blocking theMaidan for almost three months,
hastily abandoned their positions and fled by 9:00am,
while protesters then started to advance from their stronghold on the
Maidan up Instytutska Street.This and other videos show members
of the special elite unit of the Berkut anti-riot police
and “Omega” Internal Troops special unit, including two snipers,
temporarily halting the
advance of protesters near Zhovtnevyi Palace starting at 9:05am, shooting
with both liveammunition from the Kalashnikov assault rifles (AKMS) and rubber
bullets, and pointing sniperrifles in the direction of
the protesters and then retreating along with Berkut and Internal
Troopsunits, who were resting in Zhovtnevyi Palace. After retreating to these barricades under fire,respectively,
at 9:20am and 9:28am, Berkut and Omega were doing the same from two
barricades on Instytutska Street and nearby buildings of the
National Bank and the Club of theCabinet of Ministers. Directions of many bullet holes and their impact marks in the electric poles, trees, and
walls of Zhovtnevyi Palace and the Hotel Ukraina also indicate that the policefired
at the direction of the protesters and the protester-held buildings. SBU
snipers were locatedin the Cabinet of Ministers, the Presidential
Administration, and neighboring buildings.The new Ukrainian government and the head of the parliamentary commission publicly
stated that “snipers,” who massacred the unarmed protesters, were from
these units
. Specifically,the Prosecutor General Office announced on September 12,
2014 that its investigation found aBerkut commander and two members of his unit
responsible for killing 39 Euromaidan protesters, or the absolute majority
of some 50 protesters killed or mortally wounded onFebruary 20, 2014. But this Berkut commander was then put under
house arrest, and hedisappeared. In contrast, the government deliberately denies or ignores evidence of shooters andspotters in at
least 12 buildings occupied by the Maidan side or located within the
generalterritory held by them during the massacre. This includes the Hotel
Ukraina, Zhovtnevyi Palace, buildings on both sides that were not
previously identified as locations of snipers, and several buildings on
the Maidan (Independence Square), such as the Conservatory, the Trade
Unionheadquarters, and the Main Post Office. (See Map 1).The Hotel Ukraina was
controlled by the Maidan side since about 9:00am. During avolley of fire
by the government forces near Zhovtnevyi Palace at 9:10-9:11am, and within a
fewminutes of calling for ambulances and medics, an announcer on the Maidan
stage publiclywarned the protesters about two to three snipers
on the pendulum (second from the top) floor ofthe Hotel Ukraina on the opposite
side of the street. The first wave of casualties among the protesters
included Bohdan Solchanyk, a history instructor at the Ukrainian Catholic
The Snipers Massacre Question
The massacre of
several dozen Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point
in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the escalating conflict between
the West andRussia over Ukraine. The mass killing of the protesters and the mass
shooting of the police that preceded it led to the overthrow of the highly
corrupt and pro-Russian but democratically electedgovernment of Viktor
Yanukovych and gave a start to a large-scale violent conflict thatcontinues now
in Donbas in Eastern Ukraine. A conclusion promoted by the
post-Yanukovychgovernments and the media in Ukraine that the massacre was
perpetrated by government sniperson a Yanukovych order has been nearly
universally accepted by the Western
governments andthe media, at least publicly, without concluding an
investigation and without all evidenceconsidered.
speech to the US Congresson
September 18, 2014 again claimed that the Yanukovych government overthrow
resulted frommass peaceful protests against police violence, in particular,
killings of more than 100 protesters by snipers on February 20, 2014.The
question is which side organized the “snipers’ massacre.”
This paper
is the firstacademic study of this crucial case of the mass killing.
Analysis of a large amount of evidence inthis study suggests that certain
elements of the Maidan opposition, including its extremist farright wing,
were involved in this massacre in order to seize power and that the governmentinvestigation
was falsified for this reason.
Evidence used in
this study includes publicly available but unreported, suppressed,
ormisrepresented videos and photos of suspected shooters, live statements by
the Maidanannouncers, radio intercepts of the Maidan
“ snipers,” and
snipers and commanders from the
special Alfa unit of the Security
Service of Ukraine (SBU), ballistic trajectories, eyewitnessreports by both
Maidan protesters and government special unit commanders, public
statements by both former and current government officials, bullets and
weapons used, types of woundsamong both protesters and the police, and the
track record of politically motivatedmisrepresentations by the Maidan
politicians of other cases of violence during and after theEuromaidan and
historical conflicts. In particular, this study examines about 30 gigabytes
ofintercepted radio exchanges of the Security Service of Ukraine Alfa unit,
Berkut, the InternalTroops, Omega, and other government agencies during the
entire Maidan protests. These fileswere posted by a pro-Maidan Ukrainian
radio amateur on a radio scanners forum, but they neverwere reported by the
media or acknowledged by the Ukrainian government.The timeline of the massacre
with precision to minutes and locations of both the shootersand the
government snipers was established in this study with great certainty
based on thesynchronization of the sound on the main Maidan stage, images, and
other sources of evidencethat independently corroborate each other. The study
uses content analysis of all publiclyavailable videos of the massacre, in
particular, an unreported, time-stamped version of a previously
widely seen, long video of the massacre on Instytutska Street, videos of
suspectedsnipers and reports of snipers in live TV broadcasts and Internet
video streams from the Maidan(Independence Square), time-stamped and unedited
radio intercepts of SBU Alfa snipers andcommanders, and radio intercepts of Internal
Troops on the Maidan. The analysis also uses liveInternet broadcasts.
Recordings of all live TV and Internet broadcasts of the massacre by Espresso
TV, Hromadske TV, Spilno TV, Radio Liberty, and Ukrstream TV, were either removed
from their websites immediately following the massacre or not made publicly
These recordings were mostly made by Maidan supporters, but they got very scant attention orremoved from public access.Similarly, official results of ballistic, weapons, and medical examinations and otherevidence collected during the investigations concerning this massacre have not been made public, while crucial evidence, including bullets and weapons disappeared under the post-Yanukovych government. This investigation relies on such evidence reported by the media andreliable information in the social media. An on-site research on the site of the massacre on theMaidan itself and on Instytutska Street was also conducted for this study by the author.
An Academic
A recently released time-stamped version of an over 40-minute-long video, which
wasfilmed at a close distance on Instytutska Street
starting at 9:06am, covers, with some unexplainedomissions, the most intense
parts of the killings. It confirms that the mass killing of
Maidan protesters on February 20 began on the adjacent Instytutska Street
around that time. The Berkutanti-riot police and Internal Troops units, which
were besieging, storming, and blocking theMaidan for almost three months,
hastily abandoned their positions and fled by 9:00am,
while protesters then started to advance from their stronghold on the
Maidan up Instytutska Street.This and other videos show members
of the special elite unit of the Berkut anti-riot police
and “Omega” Internal Troops special
unit, including two snipers, temporarily halting the
advance of protesters near
Zhovtnevyi Palace starting at 9:05am, shooting with both liveammunition from
the Kalashnikov assault rifles (AKMS) and rubber bullets, and pointing sniperrifles in the direction of
the protesters and then retreating along with Berkut and Internal
Troopsunits, who were resting in Zhovtnevyi Palace. After retreating to these barricades under
fire,respectively, at 9:20am and 9:28am, Berkut and Omega were doing the same
from two
barricades on Instytutska Street
and nearby buildings of the National Bank and the Club of theCabinet of
Ministers. Directions of many bullet holes and their impact marks in the electric poles, trees, and
walls of Zhovtnevyi Palace and the Hotel Ukraina also indicate that the
policefired at the direction of the protesters and the protester-held
buildings. SBU snipers were locatedin the Cabinet of Ministers, the
Presidential Administration, and neighboring buildings.The new Ukrainian government and the head of the parliamentary commission publicly
stated that “snipers,” who
massacred the unarmed protesters, were from these units
. Specifically,the Prosecutor
General Office announced on September 12, 2014 that its investigation found
aBerkut commander and two members of his unit responsible for killing 39
Euromaidan protesters, or the absolute majority of some 50 protesters killed
or mortally wounded onFebruary 20, 2014. But this Berkut commander was then put under
house arrest, and hedisappeared. In contrast, the government deliberately denies or ignores evidence of shooters
andspotters in at least 12 buildings occupied by the Maidan side or located within
the generalterritory held by them during the massacre. This includes the
Hotel Ukraina, Zhovtnevyi Palace, buildings on both sides that were not
previously identified as locations of snipers, and several buildings on
the Maidan (Independence Square), such as the Conservatory, the Trade
Unionheadquarters, and the Main Post Office. (See Map 1).The Hotel Ukraina was
controlled by the Maidan side since about 9:00am. During avolley of fire
by the government forces near Zhovtnevyi Palace at 9:10-9:11am, and within a
fewminutes of calling for ambulances and medics, an announcer on the Maidan
stage publiclywarned the protesters about two to three snipers
on the pendulum (second from the top) floor ofthe Hotel Ukraina on the opposite
side of the street. The first wave of casualties among the protesters
included Bohdan Solchanyk, a history instructor at the Ukrainian Catholic
In Lviv. He was killed by a 7.62mm bullet in the area
between the hotel and Zhovtnevyi at9:12am or within a couple minutes earlier.
Videos indicate that one of the two protesters shotthere at 9:14am appears to had been wounded in
his backside from a direction of the hotel.A Radio Liberty video shows at least one protester shot near the
Maidan side ofZhovtnevyi Palace at 9:10am and two other protesters on the
ground near the middle section ofthis building at 9:19am. The first location
matches a reported place of
killings of Vasyl Moiseifrom the Volhynian company of the Maidan
Self-Defense and an elderly protester, likely, IosypShilling. The
government investigation, the media, and the Volhynian
company commanders concluded that the
Berkut shot dead these protesters during its counterattack. However,
theyomitted bullet impact traces in trees, poles, and Zhovtnevyi Palace
facade within meters of thesespots of the killings. Similarly, they
omitted reports by the Maidan protesters witnessesconcerning shooters in the
Hotel Ukraina within minutes of these killings. In addition to the
Maidan stage warning about
“snipers” in the Hotel Ukraina at 9:11am, a
video shows protesterstaking cover under a pedestrian
bridge on Instytutska Street between the hotel and ZhovtnevyiPalace and
pointing out at 9:23am live ammunition fire at them and other protesters
from a topfloor of the hotel.A BelSat video from the Hotel Ukraina depicts a bullet
hitting a tree in front of a group of protesters from the direction
of the hotel at 9:38am. A BBC video shows a sniper firing at theBBC television
crew and the Maidan protesters from an open window on the pendulum
floor ofthe hotel at 10:17am, and the BBC correspondent identifies the shooter as having a green
helmetworn by the Maidan protesters. Two protesters at 10:24am point out
sniper fire from the pendulum floor of the Hotel Ukraina in another video filmed from amid a group of protestersunder
the deadly fire on Instytutska Street. A first-hand account by Ilya Varlamov, his photos, a testimony
by another
eyewitness, and two nearby shots in the live broadcast, which was recorded from this hotel
starting at 8:49am, suggest that two other people were shot at
10:30-10:31amfrom the Hotel Ukraina on the Maidan side.Warnings from the Maidan
about “three snipers” or “snipers”
“shooting to kill” the
Maidan protesters from the same
hotel, specifically on Instytutska Street, were made again as thekillings
continued there, for example, at 10:36, 10:59, 11:07, and 11:09am in the live broadcast.Eyewitnesses
in another video of the shooting around 4:00pm and the
direction of the entrywound indicate that a bystander was killed by a bullet
from the Hotel Ukraina in front ofZhovtnevyi Palace. In the late afternoon,
a speaker on the Maidan stage threatened to burn theHotel Ukraina, as they did the Trade
Union building a day earlier, because of constant reports ofsnipers in the
hotel. But a previously unreported radio intercept of the Omega commander
informed at 10:37am on
February 21about gunshotscoming from the Hotel Ukraina.Many eyewitnesses among
the Maidan protesters reported snipers firing from the HotelUkraina during
the massacre of the protesters, specifically, about killing eight of them and atleast one member of the Volhynian company of the Maidan
Self-Defense on Instytutska Street.Bullet holes in trees and electricity poles on the site
of the massacre and on the walls ofZhovtnevyi Palace indicate that shots
came from the direction of the hotel.When the Hotel Ukraina was controlled by
the Maidan,“snipers” there were alsoshooting at the police. A Berkut
policeman was killed in front of
Zhovtnevyi Palace by two shotsat 9:16am, minutes after the announcement about “snipers” in
the hotel. There were bullet impacttraces in a trees and poles within
meters of this spot from a Hotel Ukraina direction. A Berkutcommander stated that snipers in the Hotel Ukraina were
shooting at the policemen from
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