Tuesday, February 20, 2024

1436 Informatie uit verdachte bron. Pro memorie

 Mijn informatie over het uitverkoren volk steunt vrijwel geheel op hun eigen geschriften zoals de Talmoed en het Oude Testament ( Torah)  (dat is dus geen  fake of kwaadsprekerij) en op mensen van hun eigen etnische achtergrond ( altijd veiliger dan antisemitsche bronnen).

Het is te gemakkelijk om nazi-litteratuur te nemen en die te geloven. 

Maar Wolf wees mij op een artikel uit 1934, van de nazi Julius Streicher , en dat artikel bevat heel veel data die je dus kan verifieren. 

Laat ik die dus maar hier bewaren, zodat we het later kunnen controleren: falsifieren of juist verifieren.

We weten van de joodse onderzoeker Toaff  die in 2007 toonde dat er wel degelijk bloed-offers werden gebracht (*).  ( Zie: Holodomor blog

Ook weten we dat ze 1050 keer een stad of een land zijn uitgezet. Dat zijn welbekende feiten.  De zigeuners,  nu ook niet de  meest geliefde mensen, zijn nog nooit een land uit gezet, zover ik weet ! Je moet het dus wel bont maken. 

Hier het artikel, om later nog eens rustig te kunnen lezen: 

HIER het origineel. ( Ik zou liever een Duitse versie hebben en die met DeepL vertalen.) 



The Jews are under a terrible suspicion the world over. Who does not know this, does not understand the Jewish problem. Anyone who merely sees the Jews, as Heinrich Heine (Chaim Bueckberg) described them, “a tribe which secures its existence with exchange and old trousers, and whose uniforms are the long noses,” is being misled. But anyone who knows the monstrous accusation that has been raised against the Jews since the beginning of time, will view these people in a different light. He will begin to see not only a peculiar, strangely fascinating nation; but criminals, murderers, and devils in human form. He will be filled with holy anger and hatred against these people.

The suspicion under which the Jews are held is murder. They are charged with enticing Gentile children and Gentile adults, butchering them, and draining their blood. They are charged with mixing this blood into their masses (unleavened bread) and using it to practice superstitious magic. They are charged with torturing their victims, especially the children; and during this torture they shout threats, curses, and cast spells against the Gentiles. This systematic murder has a special name. It is called






The knowledge of Jewish ritual murder is thousands of years old. It is as old as the Jews themselves. The Gentiles have passed the knowledge of it from generation to generation, and it has been passed down to us through writings. It is known of throughout the nation. Knowledge of ritual murder can be found in even the most secluded rural village. The grandfather told his grandchildren, who passed it on to his children, and his children's children, until we have inherited the knowledge today.

It has also befallen other nations. The accusation is loudly raised immediately, anywhere in the world, where a body is found which bears the marks of ritual murder. This accusation is raised only against the Jews. Hundreds and hundreds of nations, tribes, and races live on this earth, but no one ever thought to accuse them of the planned murder of children, or to call them murderers. All nations have hurled this accusation ONLY against the Jews. And many great men have raised such an accusation. Dr. Martin Luther writes in his book `Of the Jews and Their Lies': “They stabbed and pierced the body of the young boy Simon of Trent. They have also murdered other children...The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. Jesus Christ, the Almighty Preacher from Nazareth, spoke to the Jews: `Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning.'”



The Struggle of Der Stürmer



The only newspaper in Germany, yes, in the whole world, which often screams the accusation of ritual murder into the Jewish face, is Der Stürmer. For more than ten years Der Stürmer has led a gigantic battle against Judaism. This has caused Der Stürmer to be under constant attack by the Jews. Dozens of times it has been confiscated and prohibited. Its workers and, most of all, its editor, Julius Streicher, have been dragged into court hundreds of times. They were convicted, punished and locked into prisons. Der Stürmer has come to know the Jew from the confession which Dr. Conrad Alberti-Sittenfeld, a Jew, wrote in 1899 in No. 12 of the magazine Gesellschaft:

“One of the most dangerous Jewish qualities is the brutal, direct barbaric intolerance. A worse tyranny cannot be practiced than that which the Jewish clique practices. If you try to move against this Jewish clique, they will, without hesitating, use brutal methods to overcome you. Mainly the Jew tries to destroy his enemy in the mental area, by which he takes his material gain away, and undermines his civil existence. The vilest of all forms of retaliation, the boycott, is characteristically Jewish.”

Der Stürmer has not been stopped. Just in Nuremberg alone there have been fought dozens of Talmudic and ritual murder cases in the courts. Because of the Jewish protests the attention of the whole world was focused on these cases. Thereafter heavy convictions followed. At first no judge had the guts to expose the Jewish problem. Finally, in 1931 (a court case lasting from Oct. 30th to Nov. 4th) Der Stürmer won its first victory. The jury found the following:

1. Der Stürmer is not fighting against the Jewish religion; but against the Jewish race.

2. The Talmud and Schulchan Aruch are not religious books. They have no right to be protected under the religious statutes.

3. The laws of the Talmud, which are quoted and published in Der Stürmer are exact quotations from the Talmud.

4. The laws of the Talmud are in harsh contradiction to German morals.

5. The Jews of today are being taught from the Talmud.

With this verdict Der Stürmer brought about the first big breech in the Jewish-Roman Administration of justice, which was given the job before the National Socialist Revolution to protect Judaism and its government. The Jews, of course, became greatly agitated about it all. But for Der Stürmer this success was an omen of the victory yet to come. Of course, Der Stürmer does not stop half way. It knows what must be done. It is our duty to frustrate the gigantic murder plot of Judaism against humanity! It is our duty to brand this nation before the whole world, to uncover its crimes and to render it harmless! It is our duty to free the world from this national pest and parasitic race!

Der Stürmer will fulfill its mission. It will light up the darkness with the truth that shall rule the world. And it will always direct itself according to the following proverb: “He who knows the truth and does not speak it truly is a miserable creature.”






If you want to learn and understand why the Jews can commit such insane crimes as ritual murder, you must know the secret Jewish teachings. You must know the teachings of the Torah, the Talmud and the Schulchan Aruch. These laws and teachings are proof that the Jews feel themselves superior to all nations, that it has declared war on all other races, and that it is the sworn enemy of the whole of non-Jewish humanity. Even Tacitus, the Roman historian who lived shortly after Christ (55-120 A.D.) writes:

“The Jews are a race that hate the gods and mankind. Their laws are in opposition to those of all mortals. They despise what is to us holy. Their laws condone them in committing acts which horrify us.” (Historian V.3-8)

The Jew knows that when the non-Jewish world knows his laws and sees through his plans that he is lost. Therefore, by threat of death he forbids their translation and publication. A well-known Jewish scholar (Dibre David) writes:

“If the Gentiles knew what we are teaching against them, they would kill us.”

The Jewish secret laws are based on the fundamental principle that states: Only the Jew is human. In contrast, all non-Jews are animals. They are beasts in human form. Anything is permitted against them. The Jew may lie to, cheat and steal from them. He may even rape and murder them.

There are hundreds of passages in the Talmud in which the non-Jews are described as animals. Some of them are:

1. “The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.” (Talmud: Baba mezia 114b)

2.  “The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the dog more than the non-Jew.” (Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30)

3.  “Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form.” (Midrasch Talpioth p. 255, Warsaw 1855)

4. “A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal.” (Coschen hamischpat)

5. “The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called pigs.” (Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12 b)

6. “Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human.” (Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b)



So that the Jew will never forget that he is dealing with animals, he is reminded by eating, by death, and even by sexual intercourse constantly. The Talmud teaches:

“If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

“If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew. You should tell to the Jew: `God will replace “your loss,” just as if one of his oxen or asses had died.” (Jore dea 377)

“Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals.”(Talmud Sanhedrin 74b)



It is written in the Talmud about the murder of the Gentiles:

1.     “It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile.” (Sepher ikkarim IIIc 25)

2.     “It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah.” (Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5)

3.     “Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews) is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God.” (Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772)



These laws of the Talmud and the Torah were given to the Jews over 3000 years ago. They are just as valid today as they were back then. This is how the Jews are taught from childhood. The result of this stands before us. It is Jewish ritual murder.






The Jew is not only the murderer of the Gentile in theory. His history proves that he practices what he preaches. The history of the Jewish people is an unbroken chain of mass-murders and bloodbaths. It started before Christ and has continued with Trotsky and Zinoviev.

1. In Egypt the Jews rejoiced that their death angel had slaughtered all the first-born of man and beast.

2. The extremes to which the Jews will go was shown in Persia where the Jew Mordecai and the Jewess Esther had 75,800 anti-Semitic Persians murdered. They hanged the Persian King Xerxes' anti-semitic minister Haman along with his ten sons. They celebrated this bloody victory and to this day still celebrate it during the Feast of Purim. (Esther 9, 6ff)

4.     After Christ, in the years 115-117, on the island of Cyrene, the Jews revolted

under their leader Bar-Kochba. They murdered 220,000 (!!) non-Jews, sawed and chopped them, drank their blood, and ate their raw flesh. (Cassisus Dio: Roemische Jeschische XVIII, 32)

4. The Jews revolted in Russia in 1917 and established Bolshevism under the leadership of Trotsky, Zinoviev and other Jews, a total of 35 million (!!) people were shot, tortured and starved.

5. In Hungary, under the leadership of Bela Kuhn, a horrible massacre was prepared in which tens of thousands of non-Jews were murdered.

6. In Jewish-Bolshevik Soviet Russia mass-murders are being carried out even today. The executioners are mostly Jewish men and women. In inventing new methods of torture the Jews are masters. To let Gentiles die under torture gives them the greatest pleasure. English reporters write that the Chinese executioners frequently could not carry out their tortures and executions; they shuddered and could not continue. Undoubtedly the Jews and Jewesses have taken their place.

The history of the Jews is written with blood, the blood of non-Jews. It proves that the Jew is extremely cruel and at the same time is a big coward. The Jew is not a born soldier; he is a born sadist and murderer.






For a long time Der Stürmer has endeavoured to find the actual law of ritual murder, the law of human sacrifice. It finally succeeded in doing so. In a trial in which Julius Streicher and Karl Holz were being tried (because of: "offending the Jewish Religious Society") it was proposed that they call as a witness Dr. Erich Bischoff. Dr. Bischoff appeared. He is the leading German expert on the laws of the Talmud. He has dedicated his entire life to the study of the Jewish law books. Dr. Bischoff brought with him a translation of a secret Jewish law, which clarified with one stroke the question of ritual murder. It comes from the book of Zohar. this book is considered to be holy by the Jews. The eastern Jews especially conform to its laws. In the book of Zohar (a companion of the Talmud) it is written:



“Further there is a law concerning the slaughter of foreigners, who are the same as beasts. This slaughter is to be carried out in a lawfully valid manner. The ones who do not follow the Jewish religious law have to be offered to God as a sacrifice. It is to them that Psalm 44:22 refers: `Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.'” (Thikune Zohar, edition Berdiwetsch 88b)



Dr Erich Bischoff declared himself ready to offer an opinion on this expressed law of ritual murder. However he was rejected. The court, “for fear of bias,” did not admit him.  

The Catholic priest Dr. Gottsberger took his place. The defendants handed him the above-mentioned law in Hebrew and German. Dr. Gottsberger was embarrassed and confused. After a long consideration he stated that he would not be able to deliver an opinion on the law of human sacrifice. Due to this Julius Streicher and Karl Holz were sentenced to several months imprisonment. Later on, however, Dr. Bischoff (in the trial of 30th Oct. - 4th Nov. 1931) established the correct translation of this law.








The earliest of historians, Herodotus, informs us about the Hebrew cult of human sacrifice. He writes: “The Hebrews sacrificed humans to their God Moloch.” (Herodotus, Vol. II, p. 45) Christ said to the Jews: “Your father was a murderer from the beginning.” (John 8:44) By this he meant Moloch-Yahweh, the supreme Jewish Devil-God. Also, the prophets Isaiah (57:5), Jeremiah (7:30-31), Ezekiel (26:26-30), and Micah (6:7) reproached the Jews for their abominable offerings. Isaiah said:

“You enflame yourselves with idols under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys under the cliffs of the rocks!”

The ritual murders that have been passed down through writings since before the time of Christ until today are:



169 B.C. -- "King Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria, during the plundering of the Temple of Jerusalem, found a Greek lying on a bed in a secret chamber. He begged the King to rescue him. When he began to beg, the attendants told him that a secret law commanded the Jews to sacrifice human beings at a certain time annually. They therefore searched for a stranger which they could get in their power. They fattened him, led him into the woods, sacrificed him, ate some of his flesh, drank some of his blood, and threw the remains of his body into a ditch." (Josephus, Jewish historian, Contra Apionem)

418 A.D. -- Baronius reports the crucifixion of a boy by the Jews at Imm, between Aleppo and Antioch.

419 A.D. -- In the Syrian district of Imnestar, between Chalcis and Antioch, the Jews tied a Christian boy to a cross on a holiday and flogged him to death. (Socrat)

425 A.D. -- Baronius reports the crucifixion of a boy.

614 A.D. -- After the conquest of Jerusalem, the Jews purchased, for a small amount of money, 90,000 prisoners from the Persian King Chosros II and murdered them all in the most disgusting ways. (Cluverius, Epitome his. p. 386)

1071 A.D. -- Several Jews from Blois crucified a child during the Easter celebration, put his body into a sack and threw it into the Loire. Count Theobald had the guilty ones burned alive. (Robert of Mons, Mon. Germ. hist. Script VI 520)

1144 A.D. -- In Norwich, during Passover, 12-year-old St. William was tied by the local Jews, hanged from a cross, and his blood drained from a wound in his side. The Jews hid the corpse in the nearby woods. They were surprised by a local citizen, Eilverdus, who was bribed with money to keep quiet. Despite this the crime still became notorious. (Acta sancta, III March, Vol., p. 590)

1160 A.D. -- The Jews of Gloucester crucified a child (Mons Germ. hist. Script 520)

1179 A.D. -- In Pontoise, on March 25th before Passover, the Jews butchered and drained St. Richard's body of blood. Due to this, the Jews were expelled from France. (Rob. of Turn., Rig.u.Guillel. Amor.)

1181 A.D. -- In London, around Easter, near the church of St. Edmund, the Jews murdered a child by the name of Roertus. (Acta sanct, III March Vol., 591)

1181 A.D. -- In Saragossa, the Jews murdered a child named Dominico. (Blanca Hispania illustrata, tom. III, p. 657)

1191 A.D. -- The Jews of Braisme crucified a Christian who had accused them of robbery and murder, after they had previously dragged him through the town. Due to this King Philip Augustus, who had personally come to Braisme, burned eighty of them. (rigordus, Hist. Gall.)

1220 A.D. -- In Weissenburg, in Alsace, on the 29th of June, the Jews murdered a boy, St. Heinrich. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1225 A.D. -- In Munich a woman, enticed by Jewish gold, stole a small child from her neighbor. The Jews drained the blood from the child. Caught in her second attempt, the criminal was handed over to the courts. (Meichelbeck, Hist. Bavariae II. 94)

1235 A.D. -- the Jews committed the same crime on December 1st in Erfut. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 66)

1236 A.D. -- In Hagenau in Alsace, three Christian boys from the region of Fulda were attacked by the Jews in a mill during the night and killed in order to obtain their blood. (Trithemius; Chronicle of Albert of Strassburg)

1239 A.D. -- A general uprising in London because of a murder committed secretly by the Jews. (Matthew v. Paris, Grande Chron.)

1240 A.D. -- In Norwich the Jews circumcised a Christian child and kept him hidden in the ghetto in order to crucify him later. After a long search, the father found his child and reported it to the Bishop Wilhelm of Rete. (Matthew v. Paris, op. cit. V. 39)

1244 A.D. -- In St. Benedict's churchyard in London, the corpse of  a boy was found which bore cuts and scratches and, in several places, Hebrew characters. He had been tortured and killed; and his blood had been drained. Baptized Jews, forced to interpret the Hebrew signs, found the name of the child's parents and read that the child had been sold to the Jews when it was very young. Distinguished Jews left the city in secret. The Catholic Church venerated the Martyr under the name of St. Paul.

1250 A.D. -- The Jews of Saragossa adopted the horrible dogma that everyone who deliverd a Christian child for sacrifice would be freed from all taxes and debts. In June, 1250, Moses Albay-Huzet (Also called Albajucetto) delivered the 7-year-old Dominico del Val to the Jews for crucifixion. (Johan. a Lent, Schedias, hist. de pseudomes, judæorum, p. 33)

1255 A.D. -- At Lincoln, in England, on Peter and Paul's Day, 8-year-old St. Hugh was stolen by the local Jews, hidden, and later crucified. The Jews beat him with rods for so long that he almost lost all his blood. (Acta santa 6 July 494)

1257 A.D. --So that they could commit their annual sacrifice, the Jews of London butchered a Christian child. (Cluvirius, epitome historiarum, p. 541. col I)

1260 A.D. -- The Jews of Weissenburg killed a child (Annal. Colmariens)

1261 A.D. --In Pforzheim a 7-year-old girl who had been delivered to the Jews, was laid on a linen cloth and stabbed on her limbs in order to soak the cloth with blood. Afterwards the corpse was thrown into the river. (Thomas, Cantipratanus, de ratione Vitæ.)

1279 A.D. --The most respectable Jews of London crucified a Christian child on April 2nd. (Florent de Worcester, Chron. 222)

1279 A.D. -- The crucifixion of a Christian child at Northampton after unheard-of tortures. (Henri Desportes Le mystere du sang, 67)

1282 A.D. -- In Munich the Jews purchased a small boy and stabbed him all over his body. (Rader., Bavar. sancta I. Bd. p. 315)

1283 A.D. -- A child was sold by his nurse to the Jews of Mainz , who killed it. (Baroerus ad annum No. 61. Annalen von  Colmar)

1286 A.D. -- In Munich the Jews martyred two boys. The wooden synagogue was encircled with fire and 180 Jews burnt to death. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1286 A.D. -- In April, at Oberwesel on the Rhine, 14-year-old St. Werner was slowly tortured to death by the Jews over a period of 3 days. (Act. sct. II. Bd. b. Apr. p. 697 bis 740.)

1287 A.D. -- The Jews in Bern kidnapped St. Rudolf at the Passover, horribly tortured the child and finally slit his throat. (Hein, Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1292 A.D. -- In Colmar, the Jews killed a boy. (Ann. Colm., II, 30)

1293 A.D. -- In Krems, the Jews sacrificed a child. Two of the murderers were punished; the others saved themselves through the power of gold. (Monum. XI, 658)

1294 A.D. --In Bern, the Jews murdered a child again. (Ann Colm., II, 32; Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, p. 70)

1302 A.D. -- In Reneken the same crime. (Ann. Colm. II, 32)

1303 A.D. -- At Weissensee in Thuringen the young student Conrad, the son of a soldier, was killed at Easter. His muscles were cut to pieces and his veins were opened in order to drain all his blood.

1305 A.D. -- In Prague, around Easter, a Christian, who was forced by poverty to work for the Jews, was nailed to a cross; while naked, he was beaten with rods and spat on in the face. (Tentzel)

1320 A.D. -- In Puy, a choirboy of the local church was sacrificed.

1321 A.D. --In annecy a young priest was killed. The Jews were expelled from the town by a decree of King Phillip V. (Denis de Saint-Mart.)

1331 A.D. -- At Uberlingen in present-day Baden the Jews threw the son of a citizen named Frey into a well. The incisions found later on the body proved that previous to this his blood had been drained. (Joh. Vitoduran, Chronik.)

1338 A.D. - The Jews butchered a noble from Franconia in Munich. His brother prepared a veritable bloodbath for the Jews. (Henri Desport)

1345 A.D. -- In Munich, the Jews opened the veins of a little boy Heinrich, and stabbed him more than 60 times. The church canonized Heinrich. (Rad. Bav. sct. II p. 333)

1347 A.D. -- In Messina a child was crucified on Good Friday. (Henri Desport)

1349 A.D. --The Jews wanted to attack and kill Christians assembled in their church at Rothenburg. A Jew's maidservant exposed the Jewish murder plot, and the Christians stormed out of their church and killed all the Jews. (Ziegler, Schauplatz p. 396 col. 1,2. Eisenmenger, entdecktes Judentum II, p. 219)

1350 A.D. --The boy Johannes, a student of the monastic school of St. Sigbert in Cologne, drew his last breath after being stabbed by local Jews. (Acta sancta., aus den Kirchenakten v. Koln.)

1380 A.D. -- At Hagenbach in Swabia several Jews were surprised while butchering a Christian child. (Martin Crusius, Yearbook of Swabia, Part III, Book V)

1401 A.D. --At Diessenhofen in Switzerland (near Schaffhausen), 4-year-old Conrad Lory was murdered. His blood was said to have been sold by the groom Johann Zahn for 3 florins to the Jew Michael Vitelman. (Acta sancta.)

1407 A.D. --The Jews were expelled from Switzerland because of a similar crime in the same region. (ibid.)

1410 A.D. -- In Thuringia the Jews were driven out because of ritual murder that was discovered. (Boll. II, April 838. Baronius 31)

1429 A.D. -- At Ravensburg in Wurttemberg, Ludwig van Bruck, a Christian boy from Switzerland who was studying in the town and living among the Jews, was martyred by 3 Jews amid numerous tortures and sexual violations. This happened during a big Jewish festival (Passover) between Easter and Whitsun. (Baron. 31, Acta sancta. III. Bd. des April p. 978)

1440 A.D. -- A Jewish doctor in Pavia, Simon of Ancona, beheaded a four-year-old child which was stolen and brought to him by a degenerate Christian. The crime became notorious when a dog jumped out of a window into the street with the child's head. The murderer escaped. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III. confid. 7.)

1452 A.D. -- In Savona, several Jews killed a 2-year-old Christian child. They pierced his whole body and collected the blood in the vessel they used for the circumcision of their children. the Jews dripped small pieces of sliced fruit into the blood and enjoyed a meal of them. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III, confid. 7.)

1453 A.D. -- In Breslau, the Jews stole a child, fattened him and put him in a barrel lined with nails, which they rolled back and forth in order to draw the child's blood. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 75)

1454 A.D. -- On the estates of Louis of Almanza in Castile, two Jews killed a Christian boy. They tore out his heart and burned it; threw the ashes into wine which they drank with their co-religionists. By spending considerable sums they succeeded in delaying the trial, since two of the three lawyers were of Jewish descent. Thereafter the Jews were banished from Spain. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum)

1462 A.D. -- In a birchwood at Rinn near Innsbruck the boy Andreas Oxner was sold to the Jews and sacrificed. The church canonized him. A chapel called "Zum Judenstein" (`To the Jews' Rock') was built. (Acta sancta., III. July Vol I. 472)

1468 A.D. -- At Sepulveda, in Old Castile, the Jews crucified a Christian woman on Good Friday upon the order of the Rabbi Solomon Pecho. (Did. de Colm. Gesch. v. Seg.)

1470 A.D. --In Baden the Jews were convicted of the murder of a Christian child. (Tho. Patr. Barbar.)

1475 A.D. -- In Trent on March 23rd (Maundy Thursday) before Passover, the Jews sacrificed a 29-month-old baby, St. Simon.

1476 A.D. -- The Jews in Regensburg murdered six children. The judge, in the underground vault of a Jew named Josfol, found the remains of the murdered victims as well as a stone bowl speckled with blood on a kind of altar. (Raderus Bavaria sancta Band III, 174)

1480 A.D. -- In Treviso, a crime similar to the one in Trent was committed: the murder of the canonized Sebastiano of Porto-Buffole from Bergamo. The Jews drained his blood. (H. Desportes, Le mystere du sang 80)

1480 A.D. -- At Motta in Venice the Jews killed a child at Easter. (Acta sancta I. Bd d. April 3)

1485 A.D. -- In Vecenza, the Jews butchered St. Laurentius. (Pope Benedict XIV Bull. Beatus Andreas)

1490 A.D. -- At Guardia, near Toledo, the Jews crucified a child. (Acta sancta I. Bd. d. April 3)

1494 A.D. -- At Tyrnau in Hungary, 12 Jews seized a Christian boy, opened his veins, and carefully collected his blood. They drank some of it and preserved the rest for their co-religionists. (Banfin Fasti, ungar. br. III. Dec. 5)

1503 A.D. -- In Langendenzlingen a father handed his 4-year-old child over to two Jews from Waldkirchen in Baden for 10 florins under the condition that he would be returned alive after a small amount of blood had been drained. However, they drained so much blood from the child that it died. (Acta sancta. II Bd. des April p. 839: Dr. Joh. Eck, Judebbuchlien)

1505 A.D. -- A crime, similar to the one in Langendenzlingen in 1503, was attempted at Budweis in Bohemia. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 81)

1509 A.D -- Several Jews profaned the host brought from a sanctuary dealer and murdered several Christian children. (Cluverius, Epitome hist. etc. p. 579)

1509 A.D. --The Jews in Bosingen (Hungary) kidnapped the child of a wheelwright, dragged him to the cellar, tortured him horribly, opened all his veins and sucked out the blood with quills. Afterwards they threw his body in a hedge, which the Jews admitted after repeated denials. (Ziegler Schonplatz p. 588, col. 1,2)

1510 A.D. -- In Berlin, the Jews Salomon, Jacob, Aaron, Levi Isaac, Rabbi Mosch and the butcher Jacob were accused of buying a three- or four-year-old Christian boy for 10 florins from a stranger, laying him on a table in a cellar, and puncturing him with needles in the large blood-rich veins until he was finally slaughtered by the butcher Jacob. An enormous trial began, and eventually a hundred Jews were locked in the Berlin prison. They partially admitted to having bought Christian children from strangers, stabbing them, draining their blood, and drinking the blood in case of illness or preserving it with tomatoes, ginger, and honey. No fewer than 41 of the accused Jews were sentenced to death-by-burning after their confession. All the other Jews were banished from the Mark of Brandenburg. (Richard Mun: `The Jews in Berlin')

1520 A.D. -- The Jews in Hungary repeated the crime of 1494 by murdering a Christian child in Tyrnau and Biring, and draining its blood. (Acta sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1525 A.D. -- A ritual murder in Budapest caused a widespread anti-Semitic movement among the population. In this year the Jews were expelled from Hungary (Henry Desportes, Le mystere du sang 81)

1540 A.D. -- At Sappenfeld in Bavaria, 4-year-old michael Pisenharter was kidnapped from his father before Easter and taken to Titting (North of Ingolstadt), where he suffered the most horrible tortures for three days, his veins were opened and his blood drained. The corpse showed signs of a crucifixion. The blood was found in Posingen. (Raderus, Bavaria sancta. III. Bd. 176f)

1547 A.D. -- At Rava in Poland 2 Jews stole a tailor's boy named michael and crucified him. (Acta sancta II. Bd. April p. 839)

1569 A.D. --In Vitov (Poland) Johann, the 2-year-old son of the widow Kozmianina, was savagely murdered by Jacob, a Jew of Leipzig. (Acta sancta ebenda.)

1571 A.D. -- M.A. Bradaginus was butchered by the Jews. (Seb. Munster, Cosmographia)

1571 A.D. -- Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg, was poisoned by a Jew with whom he had a trusting association. (Scheidanus X. Buch. seiner Hist. pag. 60)

1573 A.D. -- In Berlin a child who had been purchased from a beggar was tortured to death by a Jew. (Sartorious p. 53)

1574 A.D. -- At Punia in Latvia, the Jew Joachim Smierlowitz killed a 7-year-old girl called Elizabeth shortly before Passover. An inscription and a painting in the Chapel of the Holy Cross at Wilna proves that the child's blood was mixed with flour which was used in the preparation of Easter cakes. At about this time a Christian boy in Zglobice was stolen and taken to Tarnow, where another Christian boy was found in the hands of the Jews under suspicious circumstances: both were freed in time. (Act. sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1575 A.D. --The Jews killed a child, Michael of Jacobi. (Desportes)

1586 A.D. --In a series of cases Christian children were snatched away from their parents and killed; by breaking down these crimes, Rupert traced them back to the Jews. (Brouver Trier'schen Ann. v. J. 1856)

1592 A.D. -- At Wilna, a 7-year-old Christian boy, Simon, was horribly tortured to death by the Jews. More than 170 wounds, made by knives and scissors, were found on his body, besides the numerous cuts under his finger- and toe-nails. (Acta sancta III. Bd. des Juli)

1595 A.D. -- At Costyn in Posen a child was tortured to death by the Jews. (Acta sancta 389)

1597 A.D. -- In Szydlov the blood of a child was used in the consecration of a new synagogue. They eyelids, neck, veins, limbs, and even the sexual organs of the child showed countless punctures. (Acta sancta, II Bd. des April)

1598 A.D. -- In the village of Wodznick, in the Polish province of Podolia, the 4-year-old Roman Catholic son of a farmer was stolen by two young Jews and butchered four days before the Jewish Passover by the most horrible tortures in which the most respected Jews of the community took part. (Acta sancta, II Band des April 835)

1650 A.D. -- At Kaaden in Steiermark, 5½-year-old Mathias Tillich was butchered by a Jew on March 11th. (Tentzel)

1655 A.D. -- At Tunguch in Lower Germany the Jews murdered a Christian child for their Easter celebration. (Tentzel, monatl. Unterred. v. Juli 1693 p. 553)

1665 A.D. --In Vienna the Jews butchered a woman on the 12th of May in the most dreadful way. The corpse was found in a pond in a sack weighted with stones. It was completely covered with wounds, decapitated and the legs were cut off below the knees. (H.A. von Ziegler, Tagl. Schaupl. p. 553)

1669 A.D. -- On the way from Metz to Boulay, near the village of Glatigny, on Sept. 22nd, a 3-year-old child was stolen from his mother by the Jew Raphael Levy. He was horribly butchered. His body was found viciously mutilated. The  murderer was burned alive on Jan. 17th in 1670. (Abrege du proces fait aux Juifs de Metz, ebd. 1670)

1675 A.D. -- At Miess in Bohemia a 4-year-old Christian child was murdered by the Jews on March 12th. (Acta sancta II. Bd. des April)

1684 A.D. -- In the village of Grodno, Minsk government in Russia, the Jew Schulka stole the 6-year-old Christian boy Gabriel and carried him to Bialystock where, in the presence of several Jews, he was tortured to death and his blood drained. (Records of the magistrate at Zabludvo)

1753 A.D. -- On Good Friday, the 20th of April, in a village near Kiev (Russia), the 3½-year-old son of the nobleman Studzinski was kidnapped by the Jews, hidden in a tavern until the end of the Sabbath, and then monstrously sacrificed with the help of the Rabbi Schmaja. The blood was poured into several bottles. (Criminal Register of the City Court of Kiev)

1764 A.D. --The 10-year-old son of Johann Balla, who had disappeared on the 19th of June from Orkul (Hungary), was found in a neighboring wood covered with many wounds. (Tisza-Eslar, von einem ungarischen Ubgeordneten 108)

1791 A.D. -- On the 21st of February, the corpse of 13-year-old Andreas Takals, who lived with a Jew named Abraham, was found outside a village near Tasnad (Siebenburgen). The blood had been drained from him by severing his jugular vein. (Ger.-Akt i.d. Archiv. v. Zilah.)

1791 A.D. -- At the same time two blood murders were reported at Holleschau (Moravia) and at Woplawicz in the District of Duplin. (Tisza-Eslar, v.e. ungar. Abgeord.)

1791 A.D. -- During the reign of Sultan Selim III, the Jews in Pera killed a young Greek by hanging him from a tree by his legs. (Henri Desportes)

1803 A.D. -- On March 10th, the 72-year-old Jew Hirsch from Sugenheim seized a 2-year-old child between Ullstadt and Lengenfeld in Buchof near Nuremberg. Several days later the Jew denied having been in Buchhof at all on March 10th. The father of the child, who wanted to prove the contrary with witnesses, was rebuffed in court with threats and insults. On the 12th day the child was found dead, his tongue sliced and his mouth full of blood. The Jews besieged the district governor of Newstadt at that time until the matter turned out to their satisfaction. The father was forced under threats to sign a protocol, to which it attested that the child, still warm when he was found, had frozen to death. (Friedr. Oertel, "Was glauben die Juden?" Bamberg, 1823)

1804 A.D. -- In Grafenberg near Nuremberg a 2 to 3-year-old boy was kidnapped by an old Jew from Ermreuth by the name of Bausoh. Soldiers hurried to prevent the crime after hearing the child's scream. (Dr. J. W. Chillany)

1810 A.D. -- Among the records of the Damascus trial a letter exists from John Barker, ex-consul of Aleppo, which speaks of a poor Christian who suddenly disappeared from Aleppo. The Hebrew Raphael of Ancona was charged with having butchered her and draining all of her blood. (A. Laurent. Affaires de Syrie)

1812 A.D. --On the island Corfu in October three Jews who had strangled a child were condemned to death. Some time later, the child of a Greek, called Riga, was stolen and killed by the Jews. (Achille Laurent, Affaires de Syrie)

1817 A.D. -- The Indictment of the murder committed in this year against the little girl Marianna Adamoviez, was quashed due to a lapse of time.

1823 A.D. -- On the 22nd of April, at Velisch in the Russian government of Vitebsk, the 3½- year-old son of the invalid Jemelian Ivanov was stolen, tortured to death, and his blood drained. Despite a great deal of statements by witnesses charging the Jews, the trial was suddenly stopped. (Pavlikovsky, ebenda.)

1824 A.D. -- In Beirut the interpreter Fatch-allah-Seyegh was murdered by his Jewish landlord, as the investigation established, for ritual purposes.

1826 A.D. -- In Warsaw a murdered 5-year-old boy was found whose body had more than a hundred wounds showing that his blood had been drained. The whole of Warsaw was in a state of insurrection; everywhere the Jews protested their innocence without having been accused. The depositions made to the courts, together with the medical evidence, were removed from the documents. (Pavlikovski, wie oben p. 282)

1827 A.D. -- At Vilna in Russia the stabbed corpse of a farmer's child, Ossib Petrovicz, was found. According to the testimony of the 16-year-old shepherd Zulovski, he was kidnapped by the Jews. (Nach einer Mitteilung des gouvernement Vilna.)

1829 A.D. -- In Turin the wife of the merchant Antoine Gervalon was kidnapped from her husband. In the cellar she was prepared for her sacrifice by two rabbis. With her last bit of strength she answered her husband who was going through the Jewish quarter with several soldiers, calling her name aloud. Thus, she was freed. However, the Jews managed to hush up the incident with money. (Auszug aus einem Briefe des Barons von Kalte )

1831 A.D. -- Killing of the daughter of a corporal of the Guard in St. Petersburg. Four judges recognized it as a blood murder, while a fifth doubted it. (Desportes)

1834 A.D. -- According to the Testimony of Jewess Ben Nound who converted to Christianity, an old Gentile man in Tripoli was tied up by 4 or 5 Jews and hanged from an orange tree by his toes. At the moment when the old man was close to death the Jews cut his throat with a butcher knife and let the body hang until all the blood had been collected into a bowl. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 91)

1839 A.D. -- On the Island of Rhodes, and 8-year-old merchant's boy, who was delivering eggs to some Jews, did not return. Jewish money power took effect, and the court proceedings were delayed and finally suppressed. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 92)

1839 A.D. -- In Damascus the customs office discovered a Jew carrying a bottle of blood. The Jew offered 10,000 piastres in order to hush up the affair. (cf. Prozess bei A. Laurent, op. cit. S. 301)

1843 A.D. -- Murders of Christian children by the Jews on Rhodes, Corfu and elsewhere. (Famont L'Egypte sous Mehemet Ali, Paris, 1843)

1875 A.D. -- At Zboro, in the county of Saros in Hungary, several Jews attacked the 16-year-old servant girl Anna Zampa in the house of her master, Horowitz. The knife was already raised above her when a coachman accidentally intervened, thus saving her. The court President, Bartholomaus Winkler, who was in debt to the Jews, was afraid to bring the criminals to justice.

1877 A.D. -- In the village of Szalaacs, in the country of Bihar (Hungary), Josef Klee's 6-year-old niece, Theresia Szaabo, and his 9-year-old nephew, Peter Szaabo, were murdered by the Jews. However, a Jewish doctor held the inquest, who declared the children were not murdered, thus ending the affair. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. -- In Budapest, before the Purim feast, a young servant girl in the Jewish Quarter was put to sleep with a drink. 24 hours after the feast, she woke up so weak she could hardly walk. On her right forearm, her left thigh, and her body below the navel she discovered red circular wounds like spots of blood, with small openings in the center. Blood had been drained from her. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. -- At Kutais in the Caucasus, 4 Jewish image sellers killed a 6-year-old girl. Between her fingers had been cut with a knife; on her legs, a little above the calf, horizontal incisions had been made, and there was not one drop of blood in her veins. With the aid of the powerful Jews of Russia the guilty ones escaped punishment. (Univers.)

1881 A.D. --At Kaschau in Hungary the daughter of a certain Josef Koczis disappeared. Two weeks later the body was found in a well completely emptied of blood. (M. Onody, Tisza-Eszlar)

1881 A.D. -- In Steinamanger the 8-year-old granddaughter of a coachman who worked for the Jews disappeared. (M. Onody, evenda.)

1881 A.D. -- In Alexandria the Jews again killed a Christian child called Evangelio Fornoraki. The parents of the strangled child, discovered on the sea-shore, allowed a post-mortem examination which lasted several days and was the cause of riots against the Jews. The Baruch family, prime suspects in the murder, were arrested, but later released. (Civita cattolica, von des. 1881)

1881 A.D. -- In the Galician town of Lutscha, the Polish maid servant Franziska Muich, who worked for the Jewish tavern-keeper Moses Ritter, and had been raped by him, was murdered by Moses and his wife, Gittel Ritter, according to the testimony of the farmer Mariell Stochlinski. (Otto Glogau, der Kulturk. Heft. 128. 15. Febr. 1886)

1882 A.D. -- At Tisza-Eszlar, shortly before the Jewish Passover, the 14-year-old Christian girl Esther Solymosi disappeared. Since the girl was last seen nearby the synagogue, suspicion was directed immediately on the Jews. The two sons of the temple-servant Josef Scharf, 5-year-old Samuel and the 14-year-old Moritz, accused their father and stated that Esther was led into the Temple and butchered there. The corpse of the girl was never found.

1882 A.D. -- At Galata, the ghetto of Constantinople, a child was enticed into a Jewish house where more than 20 people saw her go in. On the following day a corpse was found in the Golden Horn causing a great agitation among the Christian and Moslem population.

1882 A.D. -- A short time later another very similar case transpired in Galata. Serious, a distinguished lawyer of the Greek community, sent a petition to the representatives of all the Christian European powers at Constantinople so that justice might be done: but the Jews bribed the Turkish police, who allowed certain documents in the case to disappear. Bribed doctors declared the mother of the kidnapped and murdered child to be mentally deranged.

1883 A.D. -- Once more a ritual murder occurred in Galata. The police, bribed with Jewish money, prevented an investigation. The newspaper Der Stamboul, which strongly spoke out against the guilty ones, was suppressed. This suppression cost the Jews 140,000 francs.

1884 A.D. -- At Sturz (West Prussia) the dismembered body of 14-year-old Onophrius Cybulla was found one January morning under a bridge. According to the doctor's opinion, the dismemberments showed great expertise and dexterity in the use of the knife. Although the murdered boy had been strong and plethoric, the dead body was completely bloodless. Immediately suspicion fell on various Jews, and during the investigation some very troublesome facts emerged. These, however, were not considered sufficient and the arrested Jews were released. (Otto Glagau, der Kulturki, Heft 119. 15. Mai 1885)

1885 A.D. -- At Mit-Kamar in Egypt a young Copt was butchered for the Easter celebrations.

1888 A.D. -- At Breslau in July, a crime was committed by Max Bernstein, a 24-year-old Rabbinical candidate at the Talmudic college, against a 7-year-old boy, Severin Hacke, whom Bernstein had enticed into his room. Bernstein withdrew blood from the boy's sex organ. After the judge's verdict Bernstein confessed: "The Bible and the Talmud teach that the gravest of sins can only be atoned for through innocent blood." Therefore, he had withdrawn blood from the boy. The Jews recognized the danger and declared Bernstein to be a `religious maniac.'

1891 A.D. -- Murder of a boy at Xanten, on the Rhine. The 5-year-old robust boy of the Catholic cabinet-maker, Hegemann, was found in the evening at 6 o'clock on June 29th, by the maid Dora Moll, in the cow shed of the town councilor Kuppers, with his legs spread apart, laying on his side with a circular formed ritual cut, carried out by a skilled hand, and bled white. The boy was already missed at 10:30 in the morning. He was seen by 3 witnesses being pulled into the house of the Jewish butcher Buschoff.

1899 A.D. -- On March 26th the single 19-year-old seamstress, Agnes Kurza, was slaughtered by the hand of the Jewish butcher Leopold Hilsner. The corpse was found bloodless. The murderer was sentenced to death by the court of Kuttenberg.

1900 A.D. -- At Konitz (West Prussia) on the 11th of March 1900, the 18-year-old college freshman, Ernst Winter, was bestially murdered. Two days later pieces of his dismembered body were fished out of the Monschsee; almost five days later, on April 15th, the first Easter holy day, his head was found by children playing in the bushes. The corpse was completely bloodless. Winter was ritually murdered. The murder was carried out in the cellar of the Jewish Butcher, Moritz Levi, after the victim had been lured there by a young Jewess. On the day of the murder, a large number of foreign Jews were in Konitz who departed the next day without any plausible reason being given for their visit. Among them were the butchers Haller from Tuchel, Hamburger from Schlochau, Eisenstedt from Prechlau and Rosenbaum from Ezersk. The Konitz butcher Heimann disappeared shortly after the murder.

 1911 A.D. -- The 13-year-old schoolboy, Andrei Youshchinsky was murdered in Kiev on March 12th. After eight days, his corpse was found in a brickyard completely slashed to pieces and bloodless. Suspicion fell on the Jewish manager of the brickyard, Mendel Beiliss. The case did not come to trial until two and a half years later (Sept. 29th to Oct. 28th, 1913). In the intervening period numerous attempts were made to lead the investigating officers on to the wrong track. Meanwhile a large number of incriminating witnesses suffered sudden and unnatural deaths; false accusations and confessions followed one after another due to huge money bribes. Behind the accused lurking in the shadows, was the figure of Faivel Schneerson of the Lubavitchers, leader of the `Zadiks' (`Saints') of the Chassidim sect, who was the spiritual director of the murder. The trial ended with the release of Beiliss, but at the same time the court established that the murder had taken place inside the Jewish brickyard, which was the religious center of the Kiev Jews, for the purpose of obtaining blood. Almost all the prosecutors, witnesses, and authorities who had spoken out against Judaism, later fell victim to the Bolshevik Terror. (Ausfuhrliche Darstellungen des Prozeßes enthalten `Hammer' Nr. 271, 273, 274, 275; Oktober bis Dezember 1913)

1926 A.D. -- The bodily remains of the children Hans and Erika Fehse were found in a parcel on the public square in Breslau. The children had been butchered. The corpses were bloodless. The genitals were missing. The Jewish butcher was believed the culprit. He disappeared without a trace.

1928 A.D. -- The college sophomore Helmut Daube was butchered on the night of the 22nd-23rd of March, 1928. In the morning, the blood-drained corpse lay in front of his parents home. (cf. `Der Sturmer')

1929 A.D. -- The murder at Manau. The boy Karl Kessler was found butchered and bloodless on March 17th, 1929, several days before Passover. (cf. `Der Sturmer')

1932 A.D.-- Martha Kaspar was butchered and dismembered at Paderhorn on March 18th, 1932. The pieces of the corpse were drained of blood. The Jew, Moritz Meyer, was convicted and received 15 years in prison. (cf. `Der Sturmer')



These are the 131 ritual murders which are known and have been passed down to posterity in writing. How many have occurred and nobody today knows about them! How many thousands, yes, perhaps HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS have remained undiscovered! To torture young, innocent human beings, to kill and drink their blood, this is the greatest and most terrible aspect of all the crimes which International Jewry has taken upon itself!





Of Ritual Murder






Further and irrefutable proofs of the existence of Jewish ritual murder are the numerous Jewish confessions. They come from trials, voluntary statements and from confessions by former Rabbis. The confessions were made in two court cases. One of them took place in Trent in 1475, and the other one in Damascus in the years 1840-1842. The voluntary statement was made by the young Jewess Ben Noud, who made it to the French Count Durfort-Civrac. The confessions were made by the following Rabbis who changed over to Christianity: Drach and Goschler, Fra Sifto of Siena, Paolo Medici, Giovanni da Feltre and by the former Chief Rabbi Neofito, who later changed his name to Teofito and became a monk. These men more or less confirmed the existence of ritual murder. In 1803 the former Rabbi Neofito published a sensational book in the Moldavian language. In it he gives details about the terrible Jewish secret of the blood mystery. This book was translated in 1843 into Greek and later in 1883 into Italian, under the title `Il sangue cristiano nei riti ebraici della moderna Sinagoga,' causing the Jews to become very excited the world over.

On page 19 of this work the Jew Teofito confesses how he was initiated into the knowledge of ritual murder, and how the Jews for thousands of years have concealed it from the Gentile world. Teofito writes:

"This secret of the blood is not known to all the Jews, but only to the Chakam (doctors) or the rabbis and the scholars, who therefore carry the title `Conservators of the mystery of the blood'. They pass it on by word of mouth to the Jewish fathers. They in turn reveal it to their sons who regard this as a great honor. At the same time they make terrible threats of punishment if one of them betrays this secret.

"When I was thirteen years old," recalls Teofito, "my father took me aside, led me into a room, where nobody could listen, and after he described to me the hatred of Christians he taught me that God ordered the Christians to be slaughtered and to collect their blood....`My son,' he said (as he kissed me), `With this confession I have placed my trust in you.' With these words, he put a crown on my head and explained to me the Blood Secret, adding that Jehovah had revealed it to the Hebrews and commanded them to practice it...I was, in the future, the possessor of the most important secret of the Hebrew religion.

"...Thereafter followed the curses and threats of punishment if I should ever reveal this secret to anyone, neither my mother nor my sister nor brothers or future wife; but only to one of my future sons who was the most wise, eager, and most suitable. In this way the secret shall be inherited from father to son until the farthest descendant."

This is a part of the monk and former Chief Rabbi Teofito's confession. From other confessions and admissions there is a remarkable agreement on the following points:

1. The laws demand the Jews to butcher non-Jews from time to time. (of The Laws of the Talmud and Human Sacrifice)

2. The sacrifice shall take place chiefly:

     a) at the Purim Festival, and

     b) at the Passover Festival

It is demanded of the Jews to butcher an adult non-Jew for the Purim and to butcher a child for the Passover. The child must not be over seven years old and MUST die IN AGONY (!!!)

3. The blood of the victims must be violently drained. It is to be used at Passover in wine and in the Massen (bread). What this means is that a small part of the blood is mixed into the dough and the wine. The procedure is to be performed by the Jewish father.

4. The procedure takes place in the following manner: The father pours a few drops of fresh or dried or powdered blood into a glass, dips a finger of his left hand into it and sprinkles (blesses) everything which is on the table, saying: "Dam Issardia chynim heroff Jsyn porech harbe hossen maschus pohorus." (Erod. VII, 12) "We therefore beg God to send down the ten plagues upon all the enemies of the Jewish religion." (This means the Christians.) With this they dine and afterwards the father cries: "Sfach, chaba, moscho kol hagoym!" "Thus (like the child whose blood has been mixed in the bread and wine) may all Goyim burn in hell!"

(This wicked Jewish ritual is suspiciously similar to Christian Communion. In this the wine is taken in place of blood and the bread as the body. What Christians do symbolically, the Jew does in reality - this is the unique difference!)

5. The ritual blood is also used in other ways:

     a) The young married couple is given a hard boiled egg which is seasoned with dried blood which has been pulverized.

     b) It is also given to pregnant women in the same way in order to ease their child birth.

     c) It is mixed with egg-white, put on a linen cloth and placed on the chest of dead Jews so that they will enter heaven without atonement.

     d) At circumcision powdered blood will be sprinkled on the wound so it will heal quickly.

The blood can also be used in its liquid state:

     e) If you dip fruits or vegetables into it and then eat them (Talmud - Schuldran aruch, Orach cajjim 158,4) or

     f) If a dying or decrepit Jew can be saved with it. (Jore deah 155,3). (The Jews have a superstition which originates from the Orient. They believe that old people can become younger by drinking the blood of  young children.)

6. The remainder of the blood is preserved with the greatest of care by the local Rabbis and sold in small bottles by appointed wandering Jews at neighboring synagogues. This same Rabbi certifies that the blood is genuine pure Christian blood.

7. The ritual murder and the Blood Mystery are acknowledged by all Talmudic Jews, and practiced whenever possible. The Jew believes that he will be `atoned' by it.

These seven Jewish customs and regulations were established not only in the trials from Trent and Damascus, but in various trials and court cases which took place in different parts of the world throughout history. And of course they were completely independent of each other. This proves beyond a doubt their truth and validity.






The ritual murder at Purim is committed against adult Gentiles. Fresh strong men and women are preferred. The Purim festival is celebrated annually by the Jews in February or March. It is in commemoratiion of the 75,000 anti-semitic Persians murdered by the Jews. This massacre occurred under the Persian King Ahasueros (Xerxes). He had a minister (Haman) who recognized the Jewish danger and wanted to expel the Jews. The King's Jewish whore Esther persuaded him instead to hang Haman and his ten sons. After that came the murder of the 75,000 anti-semitic persians under the leadership of the Jew Mordecai. The following day the Jews celebrated with joyous festivities which are observed as the `Feast of Purim' even today.

At this festival the Jews usually become completely drunk. This occurs particularly at meetings of Orthodox Jews. During these orgies, plays are staged in which the murder of Haman is re-enacted by the Jews. An effigy of `Haman' is put on the stage and is hanged while the Jews curse and cast spells (directed against the `Goyim'). The Talmud commands the Jews to cry out aloud: "May Haman and the Gentiles be cursed. May Mordecai and all the Jews be blessed." (Talmud: Orach cajjim 690, 16). Finally the Jews throw stones at the effigy and stab it with knives.

In Palestine and in some areas of Russia the Jews hold their processions in public. At the head of the procession the effigy of Haman is carried, and is stoned, stabbed with knives, and beaten with sticks. In 1764, the Jews of Monastyr (Russia) celbrated Purim with a live `Haman.' The Jewish inn-keeper Moscho from Michalowetz had brought the drunken farmer Adamko to the festival in his wagon. The Jews took off his clothes, celebrated their festival, dressed him as `Haman' and gave him a savage beating. They also burned him on the back. Adamko arrived home totally drunk, complained of severe pains and died the next day. The Jew Moscho poisoned him so that he would never tell about the Purim Feast. The case was brought to trial, and the Jew Moscho was sentenced to death. (The documents from this trial were kept by the authorities at Kammetz until the Bolshevik revolution. They were then destroyed by the Jews. - Ed.)

Even today the Jews are celebrating similar Purim festivals throughout the world.







This happened in Damascus at the beginning of February of 1840. The Jews were preparing for the Purim feast which was to take place on February 5th, 1840. On the afternoon of February 5th the Capuchin Priest Thomas was sent for to attend a sick child. The Priest was a great healer and physician. He was respected and loved as a saint. On the way back from the child he was invited by his friend (!!) the rich Jew Davud Arari to come to his home. Father Thomas accepted. When he arrived the Jews immediately attacked, gagged and bound him up. They then dragged him into a secret room, and sent for the Jewish barber Soliman. The Priest was laid on a table and his head was held over a copper bowl. The barber seized the old priest by the beard, the Jew Aaron Arari held his head, and his brother Davud Arari (the Priest's friend!) slit his throat. The blood was collected in the copper bowl and filled into bottles.

Shortly afterwards the Priest's servant Ibrahim Amara appeared in the Jewish ghetto. The Jewish Arari brothers, who were standing in front of the house, said to him: "Come on in, your Master is with us." Ibrahim Amara was butchered in the same way as his master Father Thomas. The next day the Priest was missed and a search was made for him. The barber Soliman was suspect due to papers which were found on him belonging to the Priest. The French Consul, Ratti-Menton, under whom the priest had served, and the Sherriff Pascha led the investigation. Soliman made a full confession and was convicted. Traces of blood were found and pieces of the priest and his servant's body were found in the sewer. After this all the Jews that took part in the murder were arrested, and three of them confessed to the crime in detail. They were Mourad el Fath'al, the Gentile servant of David Arari, and the Jews Aslam-Farkhi and Monca Abou el Afieh. The latter was a Rabbi. He confessed that he himself had carried the blood that had been collected in bottles to the grand Rabbi Yakoub el-Antabi. After a thorough investigation the three Jews who confessed were pardoned. Ten others who took part in the murder were sentenced to death. Their names were Davud Arari, Aaron Arari, Isaac Arari, the Rabbi Bokhor Youda (called Salonikli), Mechir Farkhi, Mourad Farkhi, Aaron Stambouli, Isaac Picciotto, Tacoub Abou-el-Afieh, and Youcef Menakem Farkhi.

In the meantime the murder and the trial were publicized by the press throughout Europe. Instead of Jewry condemning this savage murder, and demanding a thorough investigation and just punishment, it did the very opposite. Jewry joined with its racial comrades and gove them its complete support. Collections were organized and TWO MILLION FRANCS were raised. The Jew Cremieux, who established the `Alliance Universelle Israelite' and who made the remark “All Israel goes to bail for one another,” led a large retinue to Mehemed Ali, the Viceroy of Egypt. His retinue included the Jews Munck and Moses Montefiore. And, of course, the two million francs. Mehemed Ali let himself be bribed to issue the following order:



“Due to the suggestions of the gentleman Moses Montifiore and Cremieux, who came to us as delegates of all European Jewry [!!-Ed.], we have recognized that they wish to see the liberation of the Jews who were arrested because of the disappearance of Father Thomas. As it would not be wise to refuse their request, due to their large population, we order that the Jewish prisoners be set free.”



The Jews were released. All Israel had gone to bail for them. But the remains of Father Thomas were buried in the cemetery at Damascus.

Upon the gravestone, in Arabic and Italian, was inscribed:



“Here lie the remains of Father Thomas of Sardinia, Capuchin missionary, assasinated by the Jews, February 5th, 1840.”



(The transcripts of this trial are in the Paris Archive. The French Orientalist Achilles Laurent duplicated the transcripts and published them in his book: "Relation historique des affaires de Syrie depuis 1840 jusqu'en 1842.")

This trial proves that Jewry acknowledges and tolerates ritual murder. That it conceals ritual murder from the public and protects its criminals. The Jews, by any method possible, without regard for the consequences, will attempt to set Jew criminals free; despite the fact that they are guilty. The Jews have proven in the case of Father Thomas that they are nothing more than a well-organized gang of criminals and murderers.






Three Jews, the junk-peddler Leopold Hilsner of Polna and his racial comrades, Erbmann and Wassermann, on March 26th, 1899, (at the time of Purim) enticed a 19-year-old seamstress, Agnes Hruza, into the Brezin Forest near the town. Her body was found April 1st, 1899. She was half naked and completely drained of blood. Her neck had a horrible gaping wound. Leopold Hilsner was arrested on suspicion of murder. He later made a full confession. He explained how he had chained the girl, with the help of the Jews Erbmann and Wassermann, and cut her throat. The blood was collected in a bucket. One of the helpers carried it away by train where it was used for ritual purposes. Hilsner first made a confession to one of his fellow prisoners, then to Inspector Misska, and then to the trial judge Baudisch. He repeated this confession over and over. The jury in Kuttenberg sentenced him to death by hanging. As in the case of Father Thomas, the Jewish press began to rave and scream during the trial and demand that Hilsner be set free. However, their attack failed against the incorruptibility and integrity of the appeals court judge, Dr. Schneider. With a will of iron he conducted a completely impartial trial.

Hilsner and his Jewish lawyers appealed the sentence. The government, which was influenced by the press and bribed by Jewish money, granted a new trial at Piseck. During this new investigation it was discovered that Leopold Hilsner had committed a second ritual murder. On July 17th, 1898, he had butchered Marie Klima, a Gentile girl, in the same way. Leopold Hilsner was tried for this murder. The jury in piseck confirmed the Kuttenberg death penalty. However, Jews have a powerful and strong arm. It reached out to protect the endangered racial comrade. The government (Kaiser Franz Josef) commuted this ritual murderer's sentence to life in prison.

This, however, was not the end of this extraordinary case. In 1918, Marxist Jews under the leadership of the Jews Viktor Adler, Otto Bauer, and Julius Deutsch revolted. The Jews remembered their racial comrade Hilsner. The prison doors were opened to him and the murderer and human butcher was joyously greeted and put into a Jewish old folks home (!!) Several years later he died and was buried in an honorary grave in Austria at the `Central Israelite Cemetery.'  In this case, which was proven beyond any doubt, the Jews proved themselves to be in support of ritual murder. Yes, besides that it HONORED the criminal! Once again Jewry proved itself to be nothing but a gang of organized criminals!







On the night of the 22nd to the 23rd of March, 1928 (it was the time of the Purim Festival) a shocking murder happened in Gladbeck, Westphalia. The young 20-year-old Helmuth Daube had passed his final exams in high school. He celebrated this event on the evening of March 22nd. He left for home at two o'clock in the morning. At five o'clock his parents found him lying dead in the street in front of his house. His throat had been cut down to his spine and his genitals had been removed. There was almost no blood found. The hands of the unfortunate youth were hacked to pieces and his abdomen showed several knife wounds.

There was no doubt that this was a case of ritual murder. The experts stated in court that the throat wound was an artistically performed cut that went in a circular form from ear to ear. It is very possible that Helmuth Daube was circumcised before the butchering. (There are ritual-murderers who circumcise their victims before the butchering. -Ed.) Since the circumcision would have proved that ritual murder had been committed, the genitals of the victim were completely removed.

The Jewish press distracted the public's attention from this Purim murder and wrote that it was a sex murder. It directed suspicion toward the young friend of Daube, Huszmann. The public prosecutor in this case was Rosenbaum, a Jew!! Huszmann was indicted. The investigation was not carried out by the Gladbeck police, but instead detectives were sent for from Berlin. They were under the command of the Jewish (!!) police commissioner Dr. Bernhard Weiss. Of course they did not find a ritual murder, but found that it was a sex murder. When the trial came up, the Jewish press from all over Germany appeared. The trial proceeded under their control. The public prosecutor Rosenbaum made himself and the entire court look ridiculous with his charge against Huzsmann. One exposure followed another, but he maintained the accusation regardless. An acquittal naturally followed. The fact was: due to the numerous Jewish editors present, no one dared to speak of ritual murder. Only the Bochumer Abendblatt in its edition No. 251 noted the similarities between this case and the ritual murder of the schoolboy Winter in konitz. Der Stürmer wrote about ritual murder and explained that from this point of view the case was completely understandable. This issue was confiscated and banned; its editors were prosecuted and sent to prison. The ritual murderer of Daube was never prosecuted and is still walking around free.







In Paderborn, Martha Kaspar was the Gentile servant in the home of the Jewish butcher Moritz Meyer. She was an honest and hard-working peasant girl. The old Jew Meyer (about 60 years old had a son, Kurt Meyer, 24 years old. One day he attacked the unsuspecting girl in the hayloft and raped her. He sneaked into her small room, which could not be locked, whenever he felt like it. Martha Kaspar became pregnant and demanded that the Jew Kurt marry her. She, of course, was not aware that while the Talmud permits the Jew to use the non-Jewess as he pleases, it strictly forbids him from marrying her. To keep her quiet, The Jew Kurt Meyer promised to marry her, but secretly the father and son decided to murder the troublesome girl. It appeared that they made the necessary arrangements with the local Jewish `Masters.'

The Purim feast was approaching. Then one morning Martha Kaspar disappeared. This was on March 18th, 1932. Six days later, on March 24th, the Feast of Purim took place. Early on the morning of March 18th the girl was seen in the courtyard. She had been ordered by the Jew to sharpen a knife. While she was sharpening the knife she said to neighbors: “A calf is going to be butchered here today.” She was never seen again. It struck the neighbors as odd that Martha Kaspar was not to be seen any more. They discussed it among themselves and the rumor spread all over Paderborn: "Martha Kaspar was butchered by the Jews." It was reported to the police that she was `missing,' but they didn't search the Jew's house. However, the disappearance of the girl was brought to the public's attention in the most shocking manner. A young couple went for a walk outside Paderborn on Sunday, March 20th, 1932. In the middle of the road they found what appeared to be a piece of meat. On closer examination they discovered that it was the genitals, which had been expertly removed, from a female body. (The same as with Helmuth Daube. -Ed.) It appeared that it had been purposely placed there with the intention of leading the public to believe: “This is a sex murder.” The young couple reported their horrible finding to the police. Promptly the Jewish press began to cry that “Martha Kaspar was the victim of a sex murder,” and promptly the police fell for it.

The police began a thorough search of the house and discovered the bloodstained clothes of Kurt Meyer and traces of blood in the hay-loft. Kurt and Moritz Meyer were arrested. At first Kurt Meyer denied everything, but his mother demanded that he take all the guilt upon himself so that his father would be set free. So that the main danger which faced the Jew could be avoided the father began to talk like a lunatic. Due to constant pressure by the Jewish lawyer, Dr. Frank, he was put into an insane asylum (!!) and then set free. He immediately fled abroad. (This acquittal is so shocking and unbelievable that one can only understand it if he knows that at this time the entire government and legal system was Jewish through and through. -Ed.) Moritz Meyer's son then made his `confession'. He claimed that he had  “attempted an abortion,” and, as a result, Martha Kaspar had bled to death. (He explained to the court that he had attempted this abortion without any instruments, and that he had done it several times to cows (!!) with success.) Afterwards (because he was a butcher) he had dismembered the body. In the meantime, pieces of the body were found everywhere. The Jew had cut Martha into pieces of flesh, which weighed about a pound each, and together with his father had scattered them throughout Paderborn. They were found in a small wood, in meadows, in willow stumps (!!), in a pond, in a brook, in a sewer (same as Father Thomas), and in a manure pile!! Her breasts, which had been sliced off, were found in the hayloft. The Jew fed her intestines to the pigs!!!

The most peculiar thing was that no blood was found anywhere. A small pool of blood was found in the hayloft and at most contained only half a pint. It turned out that all the pieces of her flesh were completely drained of blood. The police detectives and an expert German doctor testified during the trial that several quarts of blood had disappeared. One detective said that he believed it was carried away in bottles (!!)

The trial lasted from Sept. 13th until Sept. 16th, 1932. Kurt Meyer sat shamelessly in the courtroom. In contrast to the Gladbeck murder trial the Jewish press was not represented, because, this time, a racial comrade was on trial. The big newspapers, which had earlier carried large reports on their front pages about the trial of the Gentile Huszmann, reported absolutely nothing about the trial of the Jew Kurt Meyer. “All Israel goes the bail for one another.”

It was established during the trial that the `confession' of the Jew about an attempted abortion was a lie. This was proven by the pieces of flesh that had been found. The Jew finally admitted tearfully that he had beaten Martha Kaspar to death in a "fit of rage." The court accepted this second `confession' with gratitude. They were noticeably relived that the question of ritual murder had not arisen. The state prosecutor accepted `manslaughter.' Kurt Meyeer was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

In reality the whole trial was a comedy, which challenged the credibility of the judicial system. The murder of Marth Kaspar was obviously a Purim butchering. It was established that, shortly before the murder, people has gathered in secret at the Jew's house, and then disappeared the day of the murder. It was also proven that the old Jew Moritz Meyer went to the Synagogue (!!) immediately after the murder. It is also known that the entire Jewish Meyer family left Paderborn and Germany shortly after the National Socialists were elected to power.

The truth in this case is as follows: Kurt Meyer, together with his father and most likely other Jews (Rabbis?) butchered Martha Kaspar. He butchered her in the attic, her head was held over the trap-door by the Jews and her blood was collected in a bucket. The two assistants carried the blood away and the old Jew went to the Synagogue where he either reported the deed or prayed to his Devil-God. The body was then dismembered so that the ritual cut would not be discovered.

In this trial, too, Der Stürmer pointed out that a ritual murder had taken place. The consequence of this action was: confiscation and banning of Der Stürmer, and the start of legal action against its editors.

The Jew Kurt Meyer accepted the judgment of the Paderborn jury with obvious enjoyment and gratitude. He did not appeal. The Supreme Court, for its part, did the same. It approved the verdict at Paderborn and with that there was one more ritual murder, which went unrecognized and unpunished.






Ritual murder at the time of Passover is similar in certain respects to the Purim feast. The Purim feast commemorates the day of the Persian murders, while the Passover commemorates the day when Christ was murdered. At the Purim feast the Jews murder an adult Gentile as a replacement for Haman, while at Passover they murder an innocent Gentile child as a replacement for Christ. Purim murder is usually a plain and simple butchering, but, on the other hand, the Passover murder is usually a tortuous death. In both cases, however, the object is to obtain blood, which is used for ritual purposes. And both crimes occur out of a desire to murder and torture and from a hatred for Gentiles.

The sacrifice, however, of a human being on Passover has existed not only since the murdering of Christ. It is as old as the Jewish race itself. For centuries it was their custom to sacrifice a lamb, a cock, or a monkey at this festival in place of a Gentile human. The lamb is used as a substitute for an innocent Gentile child.

Typical examples of ritual murder at Passover are:







 Ben Noud, born in Aleppo, confessed to Count Dufort-Civrac that at the age of seven (in 1826), she traveled from Iattakia to Antioch.  And, while she was staying there in a Jewish home, she witnessed the Jews hanging two children from the ceiling by their feet.  One of those children was about 5 and the other was a 12-year-old. Frightened by this spectacle she ran to her aunt and told her what she had seen. The aunt laughed at her and explained that it was probably only two naughty boys being punished. To get her mind off it, Ben Noud's aunt sent her to the `Bazaar.' When she returned the two bodies had disappeared, but she noticed a brass vase on the floor, which the Arabs call “laghen,” completely filled with blood.







As early as the year 1600, there were people who defended the Jews. They took the Jews under their protection and wrote books in their favor. Dr. Eck, the opponent of Martin Luther, wrote in reply to these defenders of the Jews. The latter wrote a treatise in which it was maintained that there was no such thing as ritual murder, and that a grave injustice was being done to the Jews. Dr. Eck's book, written in reply to this, was entitled Ains Judenbuchlein Verlegung. It was printed by Alexander Weissenhorn at Ingolstadt in 1541. In it, Dr. Eck published a confession by a Jew who converted to Christianity. Dr. Eck writes:

“Because he [the pro-Jewish author -Ed.] makes the claim that no baptized Jew has ever acknowledged such a crime on the part of the Jews, I am replying:  It is not true that no baptized Jews have ever acknowledged a child murder. For example, Emanuel (baptized in the Year of our Lord 1456), son of the doctor Solomon of Genoa, testified to the martyrdom of two Christian children after he had become a Christian. One of these cases was reported second-hand. He related how master Simon from Ancona, a doctor by profession, had beheaded a small child. The child's head was then dragged outside into the street by a dog. Officials followed the bloodstains and discovered the child's body in the Jew's house, lying in a tub. The Jew, however, escaped across the sea. The other murder he saw with his own eyes in Saona, a province of the Republic of Genoa. He stated: My father led me into a house where eight Jews were assembled. They took a sacred oath that they would rather suffer death or kill themselves before they would confess to the deed they were going to commit. After that, they brought in a two-year-old Christian child. One Jew held its right arm, another his left arm, and the third one held his head so that he formed the shape of a cross. The fourth violator had a long, sharp, pointed needle or scalpel in his hand. With it he stabbed the child from his stomach to the heart. He quickly pulled the needle back and stabbed once more so that the blood began to flow freely from the wounds into a basin held beneath. This was repeated until the child died. They then threw the child's body into a secret chamber. Afterwards, they dipped slices of apples, pears and other fruits into the blood and ate them. He, Emanuel, ate some of them himself. This made him so nauseated that he was unable to eat for two days. He felt as if his bowels wanted to come out of him. He stated he felt this way before as well as after his baptism that took place at Valle, in Castile. He made this confession before the Master Garsias of Boamon, Bishop of Lucena; before Master Peter Basques, dean of Compostella: before Peter Vela, Quardian; and before Peter Martin of Gnetario, notary public and secretary to the Bishop. This story was proven true by documents preserved by the Franciscan monks. At his baptism Emanuel was Christened `Francisco.'”






In the second chapter, Dr. Eck writes:

"So that the believing reader will not be hindered by further discussion, and the defenders of the Jews will not be able to say that Dr. Eck has no proof for what he says; I would like to report an account of ritual murder. I did not learn of this from hearsay, but from having seen the victim with my own eyes. in the year 1503, when I traveled from Cologne to Freiburg, because of my studies, I received the information that a child was missing from a farm at Langendentzlingen. A neighbor found the body in the woods, after his attention was brought to this horrible discovery by the lowing of the oxen. Shortly afterwards, the child's father was arrested on suspicion of robbery and was taken to Buchen near Freiburg. He was questioned about the murder of his child, but he claimed that he knew nothing about it. Afterwards the murdered child's body was brought into him and he confessed without painful questions (meaning `without torture' -Ed.), that he sold his four-year-old child to two Jews from Waldkirchen. They assured him that they did not want to kill the child; only take some blood from him. He regretted that things had gone awry, and that his child had died as a result of being bled. I have seen this small child's wounds with my own eyes, and have touched and examined the wounds. I was also present when the father was executed at Buchen. He maintained his innocence even to the executioner and went calmly to his death. The Jews had gestupft his child to death. (gestupf means: to torture to death by pricking with a needle. -Ed.) In this case the slanderer of Chistians cannot say that the actions of the authorities were due to their desire for Jewish property. Chief among these authorities was Herr Konrad Sturtzel of Kinzingen, under whose jurisdiction Buchen came; a man who was known in the four counties of Alsace, Breisgau, Suntgau and Tirol as a man of honor, who, with manliness and diligence maintained his loyalty at all times despite offered bribes and gifts, to his prince Duke Sigmund of Austria, and who never was led by threats to forsake his lord or his honesty and faithfulness. Furthermore, I have seen the Christian who received the child's blood from the Jews of Waldkirchen so that he could carry it to the Jews of Alsace. This Christian was executed at Breisgau by the judgment of the noble and honorable council of Freiburg. Despite the certainty of a death-sentence he confessed that he had brought the child's blood for the Jews from Buchen to Alsace. This confession was heard not only by me, but it was heard by many hundreds of people who saw how the criminal calmly went to his deserved death. There were, from both districts, a great number of people present at the site of execution. All this, my Jew-defender, is certain; it is evidentia facti.  For everyone saw the child. One could see and touch the punctures and wounds. Even though the Jews did not torture this child as unmercifully and horribly as they did the child of Sappenfeld here in the bishopric of Eichstadt, the facts of the case remain the same. Furthermore, I have not yet finished, and will sing many a song to the defenders of the Jews until their ears are ringing!"

Der Stürmer also has not yet finished. Its battlecry shall ring all over the world in the ears of the Jews and their defenders.







The small Simon, a little boy from Trent, was slain on the 21st of March, 1475, on Maundy-Thursday during Holy Week. The Jews of this town wanted to celebrate Passover in their own way; so they secretly abducted the small boy and carried him to the house of the Jew Samuel. During the Holy Week, on the day before Passover, about three hours after supper, the little boy, like children do, was sitting in front of his parents' house. Neither his father or mother were home at the time. It was at this time that the Jew Tobias approached the child, who was not quite 30 months old, and while speaking kindly to him, picked him up and carried him at once to the house of the Jew, Samuel. When night fell, the twin brothers Saligman and Samuel, with Tobias, Vitalis (Veitel), Moses Israel and Mayr, undressed the little boy and unmercifully butchered him. While Moses strangled him with a handkerchief as he lay across Samuel's knee, pieces of flesh from his neck were cut with a knife and the blood collected in a bowl. At the same time, they punctured the naked offering with needles and murmured Hebrew curses. They then cut pieces of flesh from the boy's arms and legs and collected the blood in pots. Finally, the torturers imitated the crucifixion by holding the twitching body upside down and the arms outstretched and during this horrible act they spoke the following: “Take this, crucified Jesus. Just as our forefathers did once, so may all Christians by land and sea perish.” They then rushed to their meal. When the child had died they threw his body in the river that flowed by their house. After this, they joyously celebrated Passover.

The case was prosecuted by Bishop Hinderbach, and the Jews sentenced to death. Immediately, all the Jews in the area protested the sentence and succeeded in gaining a new trial for the accused. It was tried before Guidici of Ventimiglia, and he confirmed the sentence. Again, because of Jewish protests, the case came before the court of Pope Sixtus IV. He commissioned the greatest and most famous professor of law at that time, Panvino, to serve as Chief justice. Assisted by six Cardinals, he too confirmed the sentence. the court stated:

“The Hebrews killed the little boy Simon, in order to obey a rabbinical religious law; their motive being to serve a most wicked piety and devotion by obtaining Christian blood for their celebration of Passover.”

The records of this trial were originally kept in the secret archive of the Citadel of St. Angelo and were then transferred to the Vatican, where they are now available for examination. They were disclosed by Pope Benedict XIV; Pope Clement XIV as legal counselor for the Holy Office, before he became Pope, verified the murders of both St. Simon and St. Andreas of Rinn as cases of ritual murder almost 300 years later, in 1770. The boy who was tortured to death at Trent was canonized by Pope Sixtus IV.







On April 22nd, 1823, on Easter Sunday, 2½-year-old Feodor Jemeljanov of Welisch (Russia), the son of a soldier, disappeared without a trace. His body was found one week later outside of town in a condition that left no one in doubt that the child had been tortured to death by the Jews. The whole body was covered in abrasions, as if it had been rubbed with a rough object. The fingernails were cut off, and over the whole body were small wounds as if made with a needle. The suffusion of blood to the feet indicated that there had been tight bandages put on below the knees. The nose and lips were pressed flat by tight bandages, and finally the Jewish circumcision (!!) was performed. The doctor testified under oath that the child had been deliberately tortured to death. This savagery was carried out on the child while he was naked. The body was then washed and dressed again, because the clothes showed not the slightest trace of blood. From the carriage tracks found nearby you could see that a two horse carriage had been turned off of the road and driven to a suitable spot. From there the body was carried a little further and thrown down at the edge of the swamp.

The case was investigated. After years of investigations and hearings, the crime was solved. A large number of Jews were arrested. They were: Channa Zetlin, Slavka Berlin, Mirka Berlin (Jewesses), Schifra Berlin, Jossel, Orlik, etc. (Jews). Three Russian women converted to Judaism (Terentjeva, Maximova, and Koslovskaja) made a confession from which the following facts were established:

During the great fast of 1823, one week before the Jewish Passover, the tavern proprietress Channa Zetlin (the Zetlins were highly-respected and rich Jews in Welisch) got the Russian woman Terentjeva drunk, gave her some money and asked her to bring her a small boy. On Easter day Terentjeva spotted the boy Jemeljanov by a bridge. Terntjeva took the child and Channa Zetlin met them in the street in front of her house. Terentjeva then took the child to Mirka Berlin (the Berlins were also influential Jews who controlled large amounts of property). She took the child to her daughter Slavka's room, where already a large number of Jews were assembled; the child was then taken into a small chamber.

On Monday of the following week, the Jewess Channa served the two women with wine and took them to the Berlins, where numerous Jews had met with Slavka Berlin. Mirka gave them more to drink and asked them to throw the boy's body into the river at night. They then brought the little boy out of the chamber, undressed him at a Jew's command and laid him on the table. One Jew performed the circumcision while Schifra Berlin cut his finger-nails down to the flesh. At this time the woman Koslovskaja came back from the tavern. Slavka met her in the front room, and when she realized the woman had seen something, she led her into a chamber where the Jews threatened that if she revealed what she had seen, they would do to her what they had done to the little boy. She swore to remain silent. The Jews began their incantations and Terentjeva held the child over a bowl while Maximova washed it. Afterwards he was put into a barrel from which the bottom half was removable. After Jossel had put the bottom half of the barrel back together again, he began, with the help of Terntjeva, to roll it about on the floor. Then all the others joined in and helped, working in pairs, they relieved each other every two hours. The child was removed very red, as if he had been scalded. (This agrees completely with the testimony given by the doctor). Terenjeva wrapped him up in a cloth and laid him on the table; all three women dressed themselves in Jewish clothes and carried the child to the school. the Jews followed behind them. At the school there were already a number of Jews, who laid the boy into a trough on the table which was lined with nails. Terentjeva tied the little boy's feet together below his knees. Then a large, sharp nail was given to Terentjeva, who was ordered to stab the boy in the temple and sides with it. All the Jews, one after another, did the same. Orlik twisted and turned the child back and forth in the trough. At first he screamed, then he was quiet, looking at everyone and breathing very heavily. He soon bled to death and gave up the spirit. The women Terentjeva and Maximova then carried the body into the woods.

After the women left, Jossel poured some blood into a bottle and ordered Koslovskaja to carry it to Slavka Berlin; the rest being left in the little trough at the school. When Terentjeva and Maximova returned from the woods, they met Jossel and a second Jew in a carriage pulled by two horses. (Seven witnesses stated under oath that they had seen the carriage rushing there and back at dawn). They had driven out to supervise the women. Jossel stepped down and inspected the spot where the body had been hidden. The Jews then drove back into town. Mirka gave both women plenty of wine to drink; Slavka gave them money and warned them not to tell anyone what they had done, because the Jews would deny everything and they alone would be the guilty ones. The Next day, Fratka, the wife of Rabbi Orlik, gave Terentjeva a drink of brandy, dressed her in Jewish clothes and took her to school where the same Jews, along with Koslovskaja, were present. The little trough containing the blood was still on the table, and next to it were two empty bottles. (A third bottle had already been taken to Slavka Berlin the day before.) Channa Zetlin arrived with Maximova, who brought yet another bottle, a funnel, and a jug. Terentjeva stirred the blood with a small spatula and Jossel poured it into the bottles. A piece of linen was dipped into the excess blood. Jossel then cut this into little pieces. (Orlik dipped the nail in what was left of the blood, put a drop on each piece of linen and drew various figures on them.) A piece was given to each person present, including the three Russian women. They then left.

The trial went before the Imperial Council at St. Petersburg. In all previous instances the Jews had been found guilty, but the Imperial Council did exactly the opposite. With their judgement of January 18th, 1835, the three Russian women were sent to Siberia and the Jews were set free! Jewry returned its thanks for the compliance of the government 82 years later, when it overthrew the House of Romanov, established Bolshevism, and committed mass murders, mass tortures, and mass ritual murders in such horrifying ways that all previous efforts (including the torture death of Feodor Jemeljanov) were put in the shade.






In Lower Franconia, near Hofheim, lies the village of Manau amid lovely countryside. Here is where the Kessler family lived. They were humble people with four children. The youngest was the little boy Karl Kessler. He was a lively, well-developed, blond-haired five-year-old boy. On March 17th, 1929, at five o'clock in the afternoon, Karl Kessler walked down the road towards Walchenfeld, where his sisters were celebrating the end of the school term. From that moment on he was never seen alive again. He did not come home in the evening. The village became alarmed, and then his body was found in a small wooded area not far from Manau. The corpse was fully clothed and had one large wound, consisting of a deep incision in the neck that had severed the artery. From the broken branches lying around it was evident that the boy had put up a struggle.

The knife had been used several times. Near the throat artery smaller stab wounds were found. Also a light incision had been made across thye throat from ear-to-ear. It looked exactly like a ritual cut except that it was only skin-deep. The murderer had committed ritual murder symbolically, then, like a ritual murder, caused the victim to bleed to death by slicing the throat artery. Technically it was a ritual slaughter in the "lawfully valid manner" prescribed by the Jewish law of Human Sacrifice. The child's body was completely drained of blood. On the right thigh and right forearm there were marks of where pressure had been applied. This indicated that the boy must have been held upside down for a while to insure that he bled to death quickly. There was no blood found at the scene of the murder. Also, the killing occurred just before Passover. It was suspicious that the day after the murder a Jewish butcher from Hofheim disappeared forever.

The body of Karl Kessler was examined by the coroner, Dr. Burgel of Bamber. After noting the characteristic marks he stated: "We are dealing here with a ritual murder." The entire populace was of the same opinion. "A child murdered before Passover--the throat cut through--the blood drained--the Jews had done it!"   This opinion spread like wildfire throughout the entire region. An intense bitterness and animosity seized the Gentile community. The crime was taken up by Der Stürmer, meetings were held by the National Socialists, and anti-Semitism made tremendous strides.

Immediately all of Jewry began to howl. They began to agitate within their political parties, and send delegates from one official to the next. The Jews threatened the governing party (Bavarian National Party). It promptly took action. The police, the court, and the public prosecution all received similar instructions. The public prosecutor's office was forced to issue a statement saying that the case was not one of ritual murder, even though the proceedings were still pending and the facts were not all clear. Teachers were given orders to instruct their children that ritual murder did not exist and belonged in the realm of fantasy. The affair came up in the diet. The Culture Minister Goldenberger (Bavarian National Party) intervened on behalf of his “Jewish national comrades” with suspicious fervor. In Wurzburg the  `Central Organization of German Socialists of Jewish faith' held a mass meeting and invited the National Socialists to debate. They broke it up. Throughout the nation the Jews wrote newspaper articles until they had writer's cramp. In one of those articles the Berlin police President, Dr. Bernhard Weiss, called the editor of Der Stürmer, Julius Streicher, an “evil instigator.” In all the newspapers, large amounts of space were bought to run `declarations.' One of them ran the following




"The loathsome crime of the child murder at Manau is again giving unprincipled instigators the welcomed opportunity to spread among the populace the tale of ritual murder, branded countless times as a lie.

"This infamous charge was raised equally unjustified against the Christians in the first centuries of Christianity, just as it is now raised against the Jews.

"We feel it a disgrace that Judaism is forced to defend itself against such a scandalous charge which must appear to even the most superficial reader of the Bible as a deception based on hatred.

"Herewith we declare most solemnly:

"The sources of Jewish teaching, especially the Talmud, contain no word which could even remotely be interpreted in the sense of this devlish accusation.

"Also, no sect or `tribe' of any kind, as maintained in anti-Jewish statements, has ever advocated such an hideous doctrine or been guilty of such a deed.

"This solemn declaration is fully endorsed by the fundamental works of the most important Christian scholars, of the Catholic Priest, Dr. Frank of Konigshofen, and the Protestant Professor and Privy Councillor Strack of Berlin.

"The ritual murder lie is a product of dark hatred, a defamation of our faith which we repudiate with the deepest indignation. We are prepared to prove the truth of this declaration against all defamers before every court.

"(Signed) The Governing Committee of the Bavarian Rabbinical Conference Rabbi Dr. Freudenthal, Nuremberg; Rabbi Dr. Stein, Schweinfurt; Rabbi Dr. Baerwald, Munich; Rabbi Dr. Hanover, Wurzburg; Rabbi Dr. Solomon, Bayreuth; Rabbi Dr. Wohlgemuth, Kitzingen; and District Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Burgpreppach."



Der Stürmer replied to this declaration. It was confiscated and banned. The laughable author of the Jewish government of that time and certain bureaucratic creatures went so far, that a high court judge explained to the press: "The acceptance of a ritual murder charge is absurd and ridiculous. The boy most likely accidentally hit a tree-branch (!!) (The stab wound was 12 inches deep!-Ed.) or was attacked by a hungry deer." (Thus, the high court judge, to please the Jews, excluded the deer from the ranks of the herbivores and ranked it under the carnivores and beasts of prey! Besides, in March the deer do not have antlers (with which Kessler's throat was supposed to have been pierced), but only a very sensitive and soft, so-called `bast.'

The `child murder of Manau' passed, as was expected, into obscurity. The perpetrators were never found. Unatoned, the spilled blood screams heavenward!

  (*) Pasque di Sangue: Ebrei d’Europa e omicidi rituali(Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder)(2007).  Toaff is a professor of medieval and Renaissance history at Bar Ilan University, and son of the former chief rabbi of Rome.  Another Italian Jewish academic, Sergio Luzzatto, a professor of history at the University of Turin, reviewed Toaff’s book in -F12- Il Corriere della Sera (Feb. 6, 2007).  The newspaper also published extracts.  According to Luzzatto, the book suggests that “from 1100 to about 1500. . . several crucifixions of Christian children really happened. . . perhaps even many,” with their blood being used by fundamentalist Ashkenazi Jews in Passover rites. 


  1. NPO RADIO 1
    'We zijn moreel verplicht om de vrouw van Navalny te blijven steunen en volgen' | NPO Radio 1

    Vast staat het volgende: 1) Navalny was een racist tot en met. De beelden waarin hij pleit om moslims dood te schieten zijn op internet te vinden.
    2) Navalny sprak een demonstratie met nazistische jongeren toe ( veel hakenkruisen) Beelden op internet.
    3) Navalny vond dat de Krim terecht was ingenomen ddoor Putin in 2014. LEES VERDER:
    Maar onze opportunistischer Media maken een heilige van hem. Daar hebben ze geen moeite mee.
    De man kon geen burgemeester van Moskou worden: hij verloor die verkiezingen.
    Putin heeft 82% van het volk achter zich, Navalny minder dan 3%
    Omdat Putin een paar paleizen heeft? Erg hè ! (als het waar is).
    Onze Elite -miljardairs verdienden 150 miljard in de eerste 2 Corona jaren. Sssst... niet meer over praten.
    In Rusland steeg de levensstandaard met 400% tijdens de Putin -jaren. Sssst .... niet over praten.

    1. @johanvermeulen4081
      1 seconde geleden
      De secretaresse van Yulia Navalny heeft documenten geopenbaard waaruiit blijkt dat ze met vrienden vakantie houdt op buitelandse standen. ( Vliegtickets en foto's). Ook zegt men dat ze kort voor Navalny's dood hem bezocht en voedsel en medicijnen aan hem gaf. Geen idee wat hiervan waar is.

    2. [ze met vrienden vakantie houdt op buitelandse st(r)anden.]
      Tja, wat moet je anders, als je vent voor 19 jaar in de bak zit. Zij heeft al een tijd geleden afscheid genomen en is bezig een ander leven op te bouwen.
      npo1 is al langer Roomscher dan de Paus, dus die wil haar wel ophemelen voor het 'goede doel'. Over 2 weken horen we de uitslag van de obductie. Weer wat gerommel gedurende 1 week. Na 4 weken hoor je er niets meer van, is mijn voorspelling.

    3. Nee zo gaat het tegenwoordig: Het nieuws is heftig, maar na 2 weken vergeten.
      Gaza... O ja.

    4. [We zijn moreel verplicht om de vrouw van Navalny te blijven steunen]
      Daar denkt de Moeder van Navalny toch heel anders over. Die schrijft vernietigend over haar 'schoondochter'.

  2. Via via, je weet hoe dat gaat, een website gevonden, waar heel veel oude boeken als .pdf download zijn te verkrijgen. Even 3 voorbeelden: de talmud, de Bijbel, de Quran en vele andere.
    Check Holybooks dot com. "Voor elck wat wils".
    Ook Noorse Sagen & Legendes.

    1. https://www.holybooks.com/sitemap/

      Ja, het is onvoorstelbaar !
      Maak ik te zijner tijd een aparte blog van, zodat het niet meer verloren gaat.
      Een bonte verzameling !

    2. In de comments staat nog zo'n verzamel site: https://sacred-texts.com/

      Onthouden voor later !

    3. Nee,ik wil alleen die lijst, zodat je weet wat er te koop is, kopieren en plaatsten.

    4. Ok. Dat is prima reclame voor zijn site. Daar zal hij blij mee zijn.

  3. Heb zojuist deze reactie geplaats . Rootman, Leysen en Venture hunter zijn drie reageerders die er bovenuit steken bij Tom Lassing. Ze staanook aan Russische zijde.
    Ik schreef:

    Schmitz, Leysen, Hunter.... ik volg het van een afstand, maar zag ergens dat Putin had gezegd dat - als de VS geen wapens en munitie meer stuurt - de oorlog eind van de zomer afgelopen kan zijn.
    Nogmaals: ik weet er weinig van, maar heb het gevoel dat de verschillen nu erg groot worden: Rusland voldoende wapens en verse manschappen, Oekraiene niks meer van dat alles.

    Ik vermoed dat Putin zal tonen dat zijn leger zonder moeite kan door-rollen naar de Poolse grens, maar dat hij tevoren aan biedt: De Dnjepr word de grens, en Odessaq wordt Russisch, maar met haven-faciliteit voor Oekraiene. En dan is het kiezen of delen.
    Lijkt me sterk als de oekraieners dan nog door willen: dan wordt het hele land ingenomen door Rusland. Dat willen ze niet.
    Misschien eist Putin ook wel: geen Nato-troepen in Finland en Zweden - maar wel Nato lid ( dus bescherming van artikel 5 in geval Rusland hen zou aanvallen.)

    Het is maar wat koffie-dik kijken hoor. Soms ook leuk om te doen.

  4. Ik ga dit Streicher document nog in het Nederlands vertalen.

  5. BIj de Avondshow geplaatst:

    1) In 2010 roept Navalny dat moslims moeten worden doodgeschoten. De video staat op internet.
    2) Ook spreekt hij grote groepen jongeren toe die vlaggen met hakenkruizen dragen en de hitlergroet brengen. Video op internet.
    3) In 2010 vraagt Navalny's rechterhand Ashkurov aan een Britse spion mr Ford om 10 of 20 miljoen $ per jaar, om Rusland te destabiliseren ( in de hoop een pro-Amerikaanse regering te vestigen). Video op internet.
    4) Eerder, in 2006 was Navalny leider van de groep DA! die geld kreeg van het Amerikaanse NED, een organisatie die buitenlandse regeringen probeert te ondermijnen. Bron: Wikileaks cable: Date:2006 November 30, 13:46 (Thursday) Canonical ID:06MOSCOW12709_a

    Als Navalny een Europees politicus was geweest zou hij uitgekotst worden door onze Media, als nazi-vriend en vreemdelingen-hater. Hij zou hier geen enkele kans maken.

    Maar misschien in Rusland wel?
    Navalny verloor de strijd om het burgemeeterschap van Moskou.
    En volgens peilingen van Lebada ( een ondewrzoeksbureau in Moskou met Amerikaanse eigenaar) zou hij nooit tot president gekozen kunnen worden.

    Hij pleegde fraude en landverraad, schond zijn meldplicht en zette aan tot haat.
    Uiteindelijk kreeg hij een lange gevangenisstraf.

    Navalny speelde geen enkele rol meer in Rusland.
    Waarom zou Putin hem laten doden ?
    Dat draagt alleen maar bij aan de demonisering van Putin.
    En die is nodig om westerlingen te laten betalen voor een groot westers leger dat Rusland bedreigt.

    Ik denk dus dat Putin er alles aan gedaan heeft om Navalny veilig en in leven te houden.
    Maar er is iets mis gegaan.
    Vergiftigd door zijn eigen overspelige, ambitieuze vrouw die nu zelf een hoofdrol wil gaan spelen?
    Het zou zo maar kunnen. Ze bracht hem voedsel en medicijnen daags voor het overlijden.
    Het 'National Endowment for Democracy' heeft per slot van rekening al 18 jaar contact met de Navalny's.
    En die kijken niet op een miljoen en op een moord meer of minder.

    1. Leuke vraag voor de avondshow: Wat is de werkelijke reden, dat AN werd "vermoord?"

  6. BNR Ochtendspits: Column van Hammelburg.

    0 seconden geleden
    22:45 Over Putin's moorden. Piotr Verzilov.
    In 2018 was Verzilov getuige in een Pussy Riott rechtszaak en toen hij daar naar buiten liep verloor hij het gezichtsvermogen en spraakvermogen. Tijdelijk.
    Google: NPOradio 1 woordvoerder-pussy-riot-op-intensive-care-is-hij-vergiftigd LEES VERDER:
    Mijn kijk op de zaak: Piotr is zeker niet populair in Rusland en bij Putin. Hij richtte Pussy Riott op, en dat groepje combineert obsceen gedrag met blasfemische optredens in heel dicht aan het Russische hart liggende Kathedralen. Harder kun je mensen niet op hun ziel trappen.
    Heiligschennis was nog nooit zo schunnig. En dat is ook de bedoeling: mensen ten diepste kwetsen.

    Piotr is ook half Canadees en waarom moet hij actie voeren voor een land dat hij de rug heeft toegekeerd? Hij heeft gestemd met zijn voeten. Hij zal toch niet betaald worden door de CIA ?

    Er is geen zinnig woord te zeggen over wie Piotr een - niet effectief- middeltje heeft toegediend in die rechtbank, maar het kan even goed een van zijn 'medestanders' zijn: die zit naast hem in de bankjes en de publiciteit is enorm en het is niet moeilijk om het publiek te doen denken dat Putin hier achter zit.
    Maar welk nut heeft Putin hier van?
    Alleen maar nadeel.
    De werkwijze van Putin is helder : deze mensen worden altijd juridisch gepest. Zie ook Pussy Riott.
    En de straffen zijn in Rusland niet eens zo hoog.
    Minder hoog dan in de VS.
    Een katholieke non van 84 jaar, Megan Rice ( zie wikipedia) was een vliegbasis binnen gedrongen om daar vredes-leuzen op vliegtuigen te schilderen: ze kreeg 3 jaar gevangenisstraf !
    Pussy Riott zat slechts 2 jaar in de gevangenis.

    1. @johanvermeulen4081
      12 minuten geleden
      22:33 Over Putin's moorden. November 2006. Alexandr Litvinenko.
      Ex FSB agent. Naar Londen gevlucht. Ontmoet twee Russen ( o.a. Loegovoj) en is daarna met radioactief polonium vergiftigd. Ook Litvinenko schreef een boek waarin het de FSB er van beschuldigde dat ze voor de bomaanslagen verantwoordelijk waren. LEES VERDER:
      ( Ik deed dit onderzoek in 2015. Eenkele video'sa zijn nu van youtube vverwijderd) .
      Putin gebruikte die aanslagen om af te rekenen met het opstandige Chechenie.
      Bert Lanting, Volkskrant : "Het polonium spoor leidt terug naar Moskou, naar Loegovoj, maar men wil hem niet uitleveren."

      Litvinenko was een van de velen die de FSB bechuldigde van de bomaanslagen. Daar kan nooit een motief liggen voor moord. Verder citeer ik hieronder uit Willy van Damme, Vlaams journalist met status en een geweldig blog.

      Litvinenko stierf door Polonium 210, net als Yasser Arafat. Zeer zeldzame stof. De Russen zouden al hun polonium 210 aan de VS hebben verkocht. De beweringen over een spoor naar Rusland komen uitsluitend van de Britse geheime dienst. Er is van alles mis met deze zaak: het verzoek aan Rusland om uitlevering van Loegovoj was nauwelijks onderbouwd met documentatie. Daar kon Rusland nooit gevolg aan geven. (JV: Bovendien is de rechtspraak in Het Westen in dit soort zaken onbetrouwbaar: denk aan Meghrabi die op basis van vals bewijs is veroordeeld in Zeist, voor Lockerbie. Was een politiek vonnis.)

      Een man met wie Litvinenko eerder een ontmoeting had, vertoonde ook sporen van Polonium 210.
      Toen Loegovoj naar Londen vloog, was er geen Polonium 210 in zijn omgeving, maar toen hij uit Londen vertrok wel...
      Dan is er nog de buurman van Litvinenko die ooit minister was van Chechenié, toen daar strenge moslims aan de macht waren. Boris Berezovski, óók al een vijand van Putin, ontving deze beide vijanden van Putin in Londen.
      Enfin, leest U het hele verhaal maar bij Willy van Damme.
      Google: >> Willyvandamme De Standaard over Litvinenko <<
      Het polonium 210 wijst naar Israel als daders, en ook de heer Goldfarb die de 'afscheidsbrief' van Litvinenko voor las is in feite verdacht, als Israelier.
      Het is niet ondenkbaar dat Litvinenko alleen maar is omgebracht om Putin zwart te maken.

      UPDATE: 22 min. durende video die overtuigend is en ontlastend voor de beschuldigde Rus Loegovoj. (Video niet meer op youtube beschikbaar)
      Hier enkele items uit de inhoud van die video:
      =Een heel ervaren engelse deskundige (Blake Burgess) op het gebied van leugendetectors heeft de Rus Loegovoj onderzocht en is zeker dat die niet de dader is.
      =Een Princeton professor zegt: Dat Polonium kun je gemakkelijkk maken uit een grondstof die bij elke tekstielfabriek aanwezig is: ( Ook deze video staat niet meer op youtube)
      = Een uitbater van de bar waar Litvinenko besmet zou zijn door Polonium zegt dat
      'maanmannetjes' van de politie zijn hele bar hebben onderzocht en dat er sporen van polonium waren op de plaatsen waar Litvinenko had gezeten, dagen vóór hij Loegovoj ontmoette in de Milennium bar. Hij is verbaasd dat dit niet wereldkundig is gemaakt. Hij zegt: Men wilde natuurlijk een Russische dader, en daar kon alleen die ontmoeting in de Milennium Bar voor dienen. ( Bar -eigenaren zijn meestal niet de meest betrouwbare getuigen, maar deze komt wel heel overtuigend over.)

      Update 1 juli 2018: UNZ: Ryan Dawson, 2015: Litvinenko: What really happened.
      Dawson heeft een goed verhaal: dat polonium zou miljoenen $ gekost hebben om 1 man te doden.
      Litvinenko handelde wellicht in Polonium, en is door een ongelukje zelf besmet geraakt. Er is ook een spoor van en naar Israel, waar Litvinenko ook zaken deed. Loegovoy, de man die van de moord is beschuldigd, was mogelijk ook mede betrokken, maar niet om L. te doden, maar als handelaar.
      ( Ik las het enkele dagen geleden en herinner het me niet exact.)

    2. 22:27 Over Putin's moorden. Politovskaya. ( zie de UPDATE onderaan.)
      Politovskaya schreef een zeer kritisch boek over Putin en schreef over de oorlog in Chechenië.
      Vonnis: Er zijn vijf Chechenen veroordeeld, maar het is onduidelijk wie de opdrachtgever
      voor de moord was. LEES VERDER:

      Weerwoord: Eerst werden drie mensen vrijgesproken. Maar de Russische Hoge Raad vond dat het proces opnieuw moest worden gedaan. Later zijn dan 5 Chechenen veroordeeld.
      Waarom zou Putin Politkovskaya laten vermoorden?

      In haar boek 'Putin's Russia' uit 2004 is ze heel negatief over het land en de corruptie. Begrijpelijk, maar Putin erfde die ellende van Yeltsin, de grote vriend van Amerika. Putin gooide 'Amerika' er uit. Dat was al gevaarlijk genoeg voor Putin. Als je àlle vijanden van het volk tegelijk wil aanpakken, dan loopt het met je af als met Kennedy. Na 23 jaar Putin is 80% van de Russen tevreden over hem. Dat lijkt me voldoende om Politkovskaya's boek als kwaadsprekerij ( ongetwijfeld door de VS 'ingestoken') af te doen.
      Waarom zou Putin deze mevrouw 2 jaar na dat boek laten vermoorden? Ze had met een ander boek ook veel vijanden in Chechenië gemaakt. Er is geen reden om te denken dat de moordenaar niet uit die hoek kan komen.

      Update: Zelfs collega's van Novaya Gazeta ( Anna's werkgever) verdenken de Chechenen, en niet Putin. Alleen de westerse pers geeft steeds weer de suggestie dat Anna door Putin's toedoen vermoord zou zijn.

  7. 22:55 Over Putin's moorden: Vader en dochter Skripal.
    Ik ben zelf in Salisbury geweest en heb op het bankje gezeten waar de Skripal's op zaten toen ze onwel werden. Ik heb hun huis opgezocht. Ik heb getracht met buren te spreken. Ik was bij het ziekenhuis en probeerde met verplegend personeel te spreken op de parkeerplaats.
    Mijn ervaring: niemand durft te praten.
    Iedereen kijkt bezorgd , als ze mijn vraag horen. Maar ze geven geen antwoord. Ze kijken niet op mij neer, dat voel ik wel aan. Ze willen gewoon geen gedonder, want ze weten niet wie ik ben.

    Toen ik 10 minuten op het parkeerterrein stond en al enkele verpleegsters had aangesproken met mijn vraaag kwam er een soort 'burgerwacht' die mij in de boeien sloeg. Dan belden ze de politie. De agent was heel sympathiek en liet mij vertrekken. Maar op dat moment was mijn ' Sherlock Holmes' ambitie ook al aardig verdwenen. Ik wilde wel weg.
    Ik ben ook niet meer naar Porton Downgegaan, het onderzoeks-bedrijf dat heel dicht bij dat ziekenhuis is en waar de Britse Geheime Dienst haar chemische wapens ontwikkelt en uit test.

    Verder: De Skripals waren niet dood. Kan de KGB er nu helemaal niks meer van, of is er iets anders aan de hand? Is novichok ineens niet meer 'super dodelijk' ?

    Verder: Ja, er zijn twee Russen naar Salisbury gereisd en ze waren op die dag in de buurt van de Skripals, maar nooit dicht bij het huis, dus konden ze niet de brievenbus besmetten.

    Verder: In hun hotel hebben deze Russen veel bonje gemaakt met dames van plezier. Ik meen dat de politie er bij was gehaald. Dat is natuurlijk niet wat een Russisch geheim agent doet als hij de volgende dag een moord gaat plegen.

    Mijn vermoeden is dat die twee Russen naar Salisbury zijn gelokt door de Engelse Geheime Dienst om als 'patsy' te dienen. Maar dat de zaak waarvoor ze naar Salisbury gingen voor hen beschamend was, en dat ze dat dus hebben verzwegen.

    Hoe dan ook: De Skripals mochten niet meer met hun familie spreken in Rusland, en één keer heeft dochter Skripal nog kunnen melden aan familie dat ze graag weer naar Rusland terug wilden, maar niet mocht. Daarna zijn beiden van de aardbodem, verdwenen. Alleen de Britse Geheime Dienst weet wat er met hen is gebeurd.
    Het is zelfs mogelijk dat de Skripals nooit echt ziek zijn geweest en dat alles in scene is gezet en dat de dochter er voor koos om met haar vader verder oud te worden op een geheime plek in Engeland. We weten het niet. Hoe dan ook:

    De hele vertoning was weer goed voor een reeks extra sancties tegen Rusland, want dat is de (goedkope) manier waarop de oorlog tegen Rusland op dat moment nog gevoerd werd. Men hoefde maar wat 'in scene te zetten ' en te roepen: "Het is heel waarschijnlijk een poging tot moord door Putin" ( " higly likely") en kijk aan: Europa was weer bereid in eigen vlees te snijden door meer sancties aan Rusland op te leggen. (Terwijl de handel met de VS zelf in die jaren toenam ! )

  8. 22:57 Over Putin's moorden. Kara-Murza.
    De wikipedia pagina van Kara-Murza is erg interessant. Je mag hem wel 'van adel' noemen ( Zwarte Prins) , en hij is erg nauw verbonden aan de Westerse Elite: opgeleid in Camebridge en journalist in Engeland en New York etc. Hij was door John McCain verzocht om diens doodskist mee te dragen. Dan zit je dicht bij de Rusland-hatende Macht in de VS.
    Hij werkt nauw samen met Chodorkovsky en was lang de baas van "Open Russia", waarover ik lees:

    This first incarnation of Open Russia has been described by The Guardian as a charitable organization.[4] Its board included Henry Kissinger and Lord Jacob Rothschild.[7][8] According to the Moscow Times, the earlier incarnation of Open Russia funded “many philanthropic projects, including educational projects for young people, the Federation of Internet Education, the Club of Regional Journalism and projects of human rights NGOs.”[9]
    Nou, dan weet je het wel. Een heel moderne manier van oorlog voeren is via 'do-good' organisaties. Met hun NGO's infiltreren de Rothschilds en de Rockefellers en de Soros-assistenten een land en vormen daar organisaties die protesten op touw zetten, kleuren revoluties organiseren en actie-groepen bouwen. Ook gezins-ondermijnende onderwijzers worden opgeleid en gezags-ondermijnende propaganda wordt door hen met gulle hand verzorgd. Alles om een volk terug te brengen tot een groep individuen zonder cultuur.

    Chodorkovsky en zijn mede orligarchen ( op 1 na allemaal joods) wisten binnen 10 jaar alle bodemschatten aan het Russische volk te ontfutselen, voor triljoenen dollars waarde. Toen Chodorkovsky de gevangenis in moest liet hij zijn bedrijf Yukos door de Rothschilds verder besturen. Een land leeg roven? De core-bussiness van deze Rothschilds. Beter ingelichte mensen dan ik beweren dat de Rothschilds 3300 miljard dollar waard zijn, als ik me goed herinner.. Twintig maal Elon Musk, de rijkste man ter aarde. Hun invloed is enorm. Die invloed loopt via mensen als Kara-Murza.

    De handlanger Kara-Murza zit nu een lange gevangenisstraf uit. Hij zou twee vergiftigins-pogingen overleefd hebben. Kan iemand mij duidelijk maken waar die pogingen toe dienen?
    En waarom ze steeds mislukken? Dat hij een land-verrader is, dat moge duidelijk zijn. En dat op land-verraad vaak de doodstraf staat, dat weten we ook, dus ik denk niet dat je erg ethisch bezig bent als je wèl medelijden toont met Kara-Murza, maar niet met de Russen die in de Jeltsin-jaren , dus vòòr Putin, honger leden, in de alcohol vluchtten, hun huis werden uitgezet en wiens levensverwachting met 8 jaar daalde...
    Toch is dat wat Hammelburg doet...medelijden met de dader, en boos op de redder van het volk. Schande , heer Hammelburg.

  9. ​ @mariopopma7164 Mario, trieste zaak natuurlijk, de dood van Lira. Maar ik weet niet of hij vermoord is. Wel weten we dat de westerse pers er niet over spreekt.

    Wil je mij een plezier doen?
    Wil je mijn artikeltjes over 'Putin's moorden' kopieren en opslaan in een eigen Word -bestand?

    Dan kun je ze steeds opnieuw plaatsen op websites en onder youtubes van de Grote Leugenaars.
    Misschien dat ze uiteindelijk toch een keer door krijgen dat ze vreselijke onmensen zijn.

    PS: Youtube zoekterm:
    1) Ex-CIA director Pompeo: 'We lied, we cheated, we stole'
    2) Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins Book Summary
    3)Inside the Mossad: Ronen Bergman in Conversation with David Sanger

    ( Politieke moorden mogen alleen door Israel gepleegd worden: 30 per jaar.)

  10. 21:59 Over Putin's moorden. Het OPCW,
    Het OPCW was een neutrale organisatie die het gebruik van chemische wapens de wereld uit moest helpen. Zie wikipedia: José Bustani. Hij was de eerste directeur van deze organisatie, maar toen hij niet corrupt bleek te zijn , werd hij door Amerika de laan uit gestuurd. John Bolton zei: "Wij weten waar jouw kinderen op school zitten, Bustani ! (in New York.)
    Toen ISIS van Assad verloor en de hulp van de VS wilde forceren, gooiden ze een gifbom op burgers in Ghouta. Er kwamen heel snel OPCW medewerkers kijken en die zeiden: Dit is niet door Assad gedaan. De bom was veel groter dan het gat in het dak. Het is door ISIS gedaan. (Cui bono: ISIS, en niet Assad.)
    De nieuwe OPCW directeur was wèl corrupt. Hij gooide het originele rapport weg en stuurde een ander team, dat in een vluchtelingen-kamp in Turkije 'getuigenissen' ging noteren: die 'getuigen' zeiden: Assad gooide het gif. Niemand die dat gelooft uiteraard. The GreyZone heeft dit dossier zeer goed gedocumenteerd.

    Ik kan me voorstellen dat Rusland wel eens wilde kijken of ze afluister-apparatuur in dat OPCW gebouw konden aanbrengen. Wat is daar mis mee? Is dat een politieke moord? Of is dat juist bedoeld om politieke moorden te voorkomen?

    Moeten we Hammelburg geloven? Zouden de vier KGB-ers echt een briefje van het KGB adres op zak hebben, omdat ze het adres waar ze werken niet kunnen onthouden? Heeft Hammelburg een briefje op zak met het adres van de studio waar hij werkt? Hammelburg kletst volgens mij.

    Ten slotte:
    PS: Youtube zoekterm:
    1) Ex-CIA director Pompeo: 'We lied, we cheated, we stole' (2 min)
    2) Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins Book Summary ( 2 min)
    3)Inside the Mossad: Ronen Bergman in Conversation with David Sanger ( 50 min) ( Politieke moorden mogen alleen door Israel gepleegd worden: 30 moorden per jaar. Niet één die het nieuws haalt.)

  11. 3:22 Navalny, onze grote FASCIST en RACIST en DE HEILIGE lieveling van onze Elite.
    1) In 2010 roept Navalny dat moslims moeten worden doodgeschoten. De video staat op internet.
    2) Ook spreekt hij grote groepen jongeren toe die vlaggen met hakenkruizen dragen en de hitlergroet brengen. Video op internet. LEES VERDER:
    3) In 2010 vraagt Navalny's rechterhand Ashkurov aan een Britse spion mr Ford om 10 of 20 miljoen $ per jaar, om Rusland te destabiliseren ( in de hoop een pro-Amerikaanse regering te vestigen). Video op internet.
    4) Eerder, in 2006 was Navalny leider van de groep DA! (Ja! in het Russisch, styat voor Democratic Action) die geld kreeg van het Amerikaanse NED, een organisatie die buitenlandse regeringen probeert te ondermijnen. Bron: Wikileaks cable: Date:2006 November 30, 13:46 (Thursday) Canonical ID:06MOSCOW12709_a

    Als Navalny een Europees politicus was geweest zou hij uitgekotst worden door onze Media, als nazi-vriend en vreemdelingen-hater. Hij zou hier geen enkele kans maken.

    Maar misschien in Rusland wel?
    Navalny verloor de strijd om het burgemeeterschap van Moskou.
    En volgens peilingen van Lebada ( een ondewrzoeksbureau in Moskou met Amerikaanse eigenaar) zou hij nooit tot president gekozen kunnen worden.

    Hij pleegde fraude en landverraad, schond zijn meldplicht en zette aan tot haat.
    Uiteindelijk kreeg hij een lange gevangenisstraf.

    Navalny speelde geen enkele rol meer in Rusland.
    Waarom zou Putin hem laten doden ?
    Dat draagt alleen maar bij aan de demonisering van Putin.
    En die is nodig om westerlingen te laten betalen voor een groot westers leger dat Rusland bedreigt.

    Ik denk dus dat Putin er alles aan gedaan heeft om Navalny veilig en in leven te houden.
    Maar er is iets mis gegaan.
    Vergiftigd door zijn eigen overspelige, ambitieuze vrouw die nu zelf een hoofdrol wil gaan spelen?
    Het zou zo maar kunnen. Ze bracht hem voedsel en medicijnen daags voor het overlijden.
    Het 'National Endowment for Democracy' heeft per slot van rekening al 18 jaar contact met de Navalny's.
    En die kijken niet op een miljoen en op een moord meer of minder.

    Politieke moorden? Dat doen wij toch niet ?
    Youtube zoekterm:
    1) Ex-CIA director Pompeo: 'We lied, we cheated, we stole' (2 min)
    2) Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins Book Summary ( 2 min. Moord voor het geld, niet als verdediging)
    3)Inside the Mossad: Ronen Bergman in Conversation with David Sanger ( 50 min) Dit boek leert ons dat Politieke Moorden alleen door Israel gepleegd mogen worden: 30 moorden per jaar dus 4 per miljoen Israeli's.
    Zou Rusland 4 x 150 ( miljoen) = 600 politieke moorden plegen?

  12. @johanvermeulen4081
    0 seconden geleden
    Dit ga ik wel bewaren:

    6 uur geleden
    Goeiedag meneer lassing mogen we inhoudelijk kritiek geven? Dank u op voorhand voor antwoord.



    Tom Lassing - Beursbox

    1 antwoord

    6 uur geleden
    Ja, inhoudelijke reacties zijn welkom, OOK als je het niet met me eens bent. Als we elkaar maar in onze waarde laten.

  13. 2:21 Ollongren: "Oekraiene wil niet onderworpen worden aan Putins regime."
    Correct, mevrouw Ollongren. En terecht. Oekraïene is een soeverein land. Het mag doen wat het wil. Het mag allianties aangaan die het wil aangaan. Daar heeft Putin nooit een probleem van gemaakt.
    Maar toen Oekraiene lid van de EU wilde worden , vroeg Rusland om LEES VERDER:
    een afbakening van de vrijhandel tussen Oekraiene en Rusland. Het mocht niet van Amerika.... Toen vroeg Janukovich aan de EU: dan verlies ik mijn handel met Rusland... dat levert ons 160 miljard schade op.

    Wil de EU dat betalen? Peanuts voor de EU, maar vreemd genoeg zei de EU: NEE.
    Dat was raar: de EU kon honderden miljarden verdienen en weigerde 160 miljard te investeren...... Vermoedelijk was dit het plan van Nuland om zo de Maidan -opstand van de grond te trekken:
    boze jonge Oekraieners... Later werden die boze burgers vervangen door in het zwart geklede huurmoordenaars die dan de coup van 20 febr 2014 hebben veroorzaakt
    door 100 mensen neer te schieten.

    Daarna bleek er een pro Amerikaanse regering te komen. De namen waren 5 weken tevoren al bekend: Zoals Victoria Nuland tegen Jeffrey Pyatt zei een maand vóór de coup in Kiev: " Yats moet premier worden, niet Klitsch en niet Tyagnybok." YT Zoekterm >> Oekraïne, hier de waarheid en feiten <<

    Die nieuwe regering ging meteen de etnische Russen bedreigen. Poroshenko zei: " hun kinderen zullen in kelders schuilen terwijl onze kinderen naar school gaan."
    De Russische taal werd verboden.
    Op deze video zien we hoe gewone etnische Russen, burgers, in brand werden gestoken en daarna gewoon werden doodgeknuppeld:
    You Tube zoekterm: >>> Burnt alive in Odessa: Truth seeker. <<<
    Op 12:18 zie je hoe iemand die uit het raam sprong, word doodgeknuppeld als een zeehond.

    In de jaren daarna nam de dreiging toe: Zelensky zou kernwapens gaan maken.
    Er kwamen bio-labs om Russen te doden. Kiev zou de Krim gaan heroveren.
    En het ergste van alles: De Nato zou haar raketten gaan opstellen op de drempel van Moskou.
    Daarmee was Rusland eigenlijk verslagen. Niet meer te verdedigen.
    Het einde vande Russische Soevereiniteit.

    En dàt, mevrouw Ollongren, dat kan niet.
    De VN heeft als doctrine aangenomen dat een land zijn eigen veiligheid niet mag verhogen door tegelijkertijd de veiligheid van een ander land te verlagen.
    John Mearsheimer zegt het simpeler: " Ja, elk land is soeverein, behalve de landen die vlak naast een Superpower liggen. Die hebben niet de vrijheid om als lanceer-platform voor de vijand van die superpower te gaan fungeren. Dat bleek al tijdens de Cuba crisis. En dat blijkt nu bij de Oekraiene crisis" .

  14. BNR Rooyakkers - Ollongren Defensieminister


    2:58 Ontsteltenis bij Rooyakkers: "Een deserteur wordt geliquideerd ! "
    Toch is dat de straf die er volgens mij in elk leger voor staat: standrechtelijke executie.
    En deze soldaat had ook nog een (schaars) moordwapen mee genomen naar de vijand.
    We moeten er van uit gaan dat hij niet alleen deserteerde, maar ook LEES VERDER:
    nog de dood van 20 of 30 of misschien wel 100 collega-Russische soldaten heeft veroorzaakt.
    ( Ik weet niet hoeveel vijandiger soldaten de gemiddelde helikopter uitschakelt.)

    Hebben we trouwens dezelfde ontsteltenis gehoord bij Rooyakkers als hij meldde dat er in Gaza inmiddels "30.000 dode Palestijnse burgers" zijn gevallen , 2/3 bestaand uit vrouwen en kinderen?
    Heeft U de verontwaardiging gehoord?
    Of heeft hij er helemaal niks over gezegd ?

    1. [We moeten er van uit gaan dat hij niet alleen deserteerde, maar ook]
      2 collega's vermoordde, alvorens over te lopen. Die zaten bij hem in de heli.

    2. Volgens een artikel bij Southfront: "to be paid 500 thousand euros for stilling Russian helicopter and killing the crew."

    3. , who was promised to be paid 500 thousand euros for stilling Russian helicopter and killing the crew.

      stilliong moet zijn: stealing , denk ik.
      Maar waar komt de info vandaan dat hij twee andere mensen in de helicopter heeft vermoord?

    4. [Maar waar komt de info vandaan]
      Dat staat op veel TG-kanalen: "Just a reminder: After accepting the offer from the Ukrainian secret service, which in October 2022 had offered all Russian military pilots to defect with their planes for 500,000 euros and live a new life in Europe with a new passport, Kuzminov killed his two comrades, landed his MI-8 helicopter at the location indicated by the Ukrainian secret service, and surrendered" en van hemzelf.

  15. 1. Zoals Dick Cheney in 1992 zei: De Russische Federatie moet ook nog in 4 stukken worden gehakt. ( Bron: Autobiografie Robert Gates, CIA baas)
    2 Zoals Wolfowitz als onderminister besloot: Rusland mag nooit meer opkrabbelen. ( Wolfowitz Doctrine 1994)
    3 Zoals top-adviseur van Carter en diverse presidenten schreef: "Oekraïne moet los van de Russische Federatie worden getrokken. ( Boek Brzezinsky: The Grand Chessboard)
    4 Zoals de Neocons in hun PNAC Report schreven: "We moeten nog 100 jaar de wereld domineren door haar te koeioneren: met proxy oorlogen, met biowapens , met kleurenrevoluties,. met media-leugens etc etc.
    5 Zoals Victoria Nuland tegen Jeffrey Pyatt zei een maand vóór de coup in Kiev: " Yats moet premier worden, niet Klitsch en niet Tyagnybok." >> Oekraïne, hier de waarheid en feiten <<

    6 Zoals Georges Soros in 1993 al schreef: "Een Oost Europees land moet oorlog voeren tegen Rusland en wij moeten dat organiseren en financieren en ze bewapenen. Zij sterven, onze belastingbetaler betaalt en wij profiteren."

    7. Putin zag dat Amerika een Oranje Revolutierr pleegde in 2004.
    8 Putin zag dat Amerika een coup pleegde op 20 februari in Kiev
    9 Putin zag dat de nieuwe regering het Russisch verbood en ewtnische Russen in brand stak
    10 Putin zag dat etnische Russen werden doodgeslagen: You Tube zoekterm: Burnt alive in Odessa: Truth seeker. Op 12:18 zie je hoe iemand die uit het raam sprong, word doodgeknuppeld als een zeehond.
    11 Putin zag dat Kiev vol stroomde met CIA en Mossad ( getuigen: Pioeter Waterdrinker, Jeffrey Sachs, Marie Therese ter Haar )
    12. Putin zag dat er een leger van 80.000 man bij de Donbass en Krim werd opgesteld
    13 Putin hoorde Zelensky roepen: "We gaan de Krim bevrijden."
    14 Putin hoorde Zelensky roepen: "Ik ga een kernbom bouwen."
    15 Putin wist over de 400 dode etnische Russen als gevolg van biolabs.
    16 Putin had gelezen dat de Neocons met biowapens wilden gaan werken: Op pag 78 van het PNAC report lezen we dat de Neocons positief staan tegenover bio-warfare:
    And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
    17 Putin vroeg half december 2021 voor de zoveeslte keer: Stop met de Nato oostwaars uuit te breiden, zoals U beeloofde in 1991. Stop met de moord op de Donbass bevolking zoals u in Minsk 2 toe zegde.
    Het Westen lachte hem uit. HA HA HA HA.

    1. VERVOLG:

      18 Putin zag dat het OVSE eerst 50 bominslagen per dag noteerde, maar vanaf 16 februari 1400 bominslagen per dag.
      19 Putin kon wachten tot Kiev zou aaanvallen, maar kwam dat net iets te laat , als de eerste klap die een daalder waard is, al was geweest.
      20 Putin kon pre-emptive aanvallen, wetend dat hij dan voor altijd als 'de agressor' zou worden afgeschilderd
      21 Putin besloot toch het advies van Sun Tzu op te volgen en zelf als eerste aan te vallen: de eerste klap is een daalder waard, en de propaganda-oorlog kan hij in Het Westen toch nooit winnen. Nooit. Dat is al heel vaak aangetoond.
      22. Al na een maand was het duidelijk voor Kiev: er was geen beginnen aan. Kiev sloot vrede met Putin. Putin deed veel water bij de wijn. Er kwamm een vrede. Einde oorlog.
      De vier onderhandelaars zeggen het op youtube:
      Nato zou niet oostwaars uitbreiden:

      De verklaringen van Bennet en Arakhamia en Arestovych en Chalyi staan op video:
      Vul onderstaande woorden in op de YouTube -zoek functie. Kijk naar de gegeven tijd.

      1 Naftali Bennett Interview: Ukraine War Negotiations
      2 Interview with David Arakhamia, head of the Ukrainian delegation at the peace talks
      3 Unherd Oleksiy Arestovych: Zelenskyy’s challenger Tijd: 35:50
      4 Breaking the Stalemate to Find Peace: The Russia-Ukraine War – A Geneva Security 38:37

      23. En toen vloog Boris namens 'Het Westen' naar Ankara en zei:


      24 En ziehier deze 'experts' die dag in dag uit aan ons komen zeggen dat wij ons moeten verdedigen tegen een gevaarlijk agressieve Putin.

      Het zijn deze mensen die mijn en ùw toekomst aan het verwoesten zijn.

      Maar ja, U heeft natuurlijk wel wat anders te doen. Uw favoriete tv soap begint zodadelijk....

    2. [Het zijn deze mensen die mijn en ùw toekomst aan het verwoesten zijn.]
      Je zou een tijd geleden door een advocaat laten uitzoeken, of die figuren niet kunnen worden vervolgd als oorlogshitser o.i.d. Is daar nog wat mee gedaan?


  16. @rodrigodiazdevivar1734
    30 minuten geleden
    Interessant dat je deze zaak benoemt, ik hoorde laatst dat een britse schrijver hierover een boek had uitgebracht, daarin wordt ook Navalny benoemd. Dit zaakje stinkte ook aan alle kanten.


    0 seconden geleden
    @rodrigodiazdevivar1734 Rodrigo, ik dacht dat Craig Murray ewr een boekl over had geschreven, maar daar vind ik niks van terug.
    Toch is hij de go-to persoon.
    Google eens op deze woorden:
    Craig Murray pure-ten-points-i-just-cant-believe-about-the-official-skripal-narrative/

  17. Tom Lassing gaat censureren, want hij is op de teentjes getrapt ! ha ha.

    5 uur geleden
    Tom, je riep altijd "Kremlintrol" naar mij. Stopt dat ook ?



    Gemarkeerd antwoord

    3 uur geleden (bewerkt)
    Hierbij wat handvatten. Dat ligt aan je eigen bedrage natuurlijk. Maar als je onderstaande even rustig doorleest en verre van buiten houdt dan komt alles goed.



    0 seconden geleden
    @dnsswiss Waar kan ik 'onderstaande' vinden?
    "Tommie' is geen scheldwoord, je kan het evengoed zien als een koosnaampje.
    Maar OK: het werd hier als een pesterijtje gebruikt. Toen ik zag dat Tom er heel gepikeerd over deed heb ik het expres ook een keer gebruikt , meen ik. Zoals Johnny Cash zijn zoon hard maakte door hem Sue te noemen. Laat het maar slijten, kweek wat eelt.

    Maar 'trol' voor iemand die wèl met onderbouwde informatie en bronnen komt , dat lijkt me toch wel 'schelden'. Dat heeft niks met een volwassen discussie te maken.

    1. [hij is op de teentjes getrapt !]

      Hij heeft dan ook héééĺe lange tenen, net zoals zijn 🐷neus🐷.

  18. Film over Julian Assange: "This part of the documentary focuses on Julian Assange's prison life and its challenges, especially during the COVID-19 quarantine period, the continued severe restrictions on the WikiLeaks founder, and the beginning of the battle against his extradition to the 🤡United States🤡." (0:53 uur)

    Ten overvloede: Alle films hier gepost zijn ook gedownload als bewijs. Als YT het wist, is hier altijd een exemplaar aanwezig.

  19. Gisteren de hele dag op Youtubes gereageerd, wegens stortvloed aan leugens.
    Vandaag weer een stortvloed, maar heb nu totaal geen tijd.

    Ik heb hulp nodig !

    Wie wil, desnoods tegen betaling , de standaard -leugens met standaard feiten ( documenten., video's , historie, ) werleggen?

    Vergis U niet: In 1913 was het een andere wewreld dan in 1923.
    Het volldige Oostenrijks-Hongaarse Rijk was een achterbuurt geworden !
    Wien... das war einmal !

    Ons staat misschien hetzlfde te wachten, maar als we het tijdig zien, kunnen we het voorkomen.

    Ik zal alle 'Putin -Moorden' op dit blog weerleggen

    De zaken van Skripal, Kara Murza, Nemtsov en Navalny voeg ik toe: ik zet ze in de reacties van dat blog 454 . Later als ik tijd heb misschien in het blog zelf.

    1. goede actie. Zet de laatste moorden maar in het blog, dan blijft het compleet.

  20. Rand Corp begint al voorzichtig na te denken, hoe het verder moet, als de oorlog tegen UA wordt verloren en ook heel veel russofobe opmerkingen. Maar dat beschouw ik als zwakte.

    1. Biden degradeert zichzelf door VVP een SOB te noemen. Het nieuwe élan onder de diplomatie zullen we maar denken.

    2. Nieuws, wat 'onze' 🤡msm🐷 heeft gemist: Het is over en uit met goedkope fish & chips in 🤡UK🤡 na 68 jaar. Dat komt ervan, als je Russische producten extra gaat belasten.

      Ook Maduro klapt uit de school, door de j🐷den te vergelijken met Nazi's.
      Lula van Brazilië heeft hierin het voortouw genomen en al al tot "Persona Non Grata" verklaard. Het gaat goed daar in Zuid-Amerika.

  21. Weer een goede site gevonden, die gaat over Thruth (waarheid). Normaliter ben ik nogal allergisch voor dat woord, maar hier valt het mee.
    Een artikel over NATO membership or death!, oftewel de UA-oorlog, die volledig door de 🤡otan🤡 is uitgelokt. Enige minpuntje is, dat zij de bombardementen op de Donbass niet hebben meegenomen. Verder een uitstekende beschrijving van het totale proces.

    Ook staat er een artikel over de Voter-fraude in de 🤡SLI🤡. Daar werd verwezen naar een link, waar een .pdf zou staan, over "1000 cases, documented with court papers. Note the official government website for the download! Helaas krijg je een 404. Een instantie, die het allemaal heeft uitgezocht, Heritage Foundation, geeft nog wel de nodige informatie, alleen in een andere vorm.
    Het gezochte dokument is nog wel op het Archief te vinden, maar alleen vóór 2022. Alles daarna is ook weer niet te vinden. Hieruit blijkt, dat onwelgevallige info ook uit het Archief kan worden verwijderd, als je maar machtig genoeg bent.
    In ieder geval is die .pdf hier wel te vinden. (Let op, download start direct).

  22. @willemgrooters4958

    ( Ik ga een beetje faantaseren over de toekomst)

    Ik persoonlijk denk dat de NAVO nog maximaal 10 jaar bestaat. Maar ik acht het ook zeer goed mogelijk dat de NAVO binnen 12 maanden niet meer bestaat / implodeert.



    Over 15 jaar is de toestroom uit Afrika niet meer te stoppen. Kan geen kwaad als we dat collectief kunnen tegenhouden. Als daar een soort Nato voor nodig is: prima.

    Nu is de Nato een manier voor de neocons om ten bate van Israel moslimlanden kapot te slaan en dat mes werkt aan twee kanten: de vluchtelingen verzwakken de eenheid van de Europese landen, zodat die originele Europeanen geen vuist kunnen maken tegen de joodse overheersing. Grote droom van Coudenhove-Kalergi en zijn Rothschild vrienden.
    Nato is ook een geweldige melkkoe voor de amerikaanse wapenindustrie, die miljoenen aan de Congresleden en Senatoren geeft,
    Trump heeft nu een nòg beter idee gekregen: Laat Europa zelf hun wapens betalen. En waarschijnlijk blijven ze bij ons kopen ( wapens uniform houden)! En de VS bepalen nog steeds welke oorlogen er gevoerd worden.

    Dus ja: als de Europeanen dat door krijgen en zien dat Putin geen interesse heeft in een groter Rusland ( Is Rusland al niet te groot eigenlijk?) , dan worden de oude politici weg gestemd en zullen de nieuwe uit de Nato stappen.
    Misschien een deal met Rusland maken: Zet de gaskraan weer open, en wij stappen uit de Nato. Samen ons stevig verdedigen tegen de rest van de wereld: Azie, Afrika en de VS.

  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=270vNitQods&lc=UgxLHYXdDtn63jCq4Fx4AaABAg

    1. Het Navalny artikel, met deze inleiding:

      Begrijp goed: uit Wikileaks weten we dat Navalny al 18 jaar geld ontvangt van het land
      dat al 30 jaar roept en schrijft dat het Rusland kapot wil maken: wikileaks.
      Weet U nog: Het Canadese Parlement dat een staande ovatie gaf aan een actief deelnemer aan de Holocaust?
      Dat is wat BNR hier ook doet. Ik leg het uitl LEES VERDER:
      Dit zijn de data die BNR niet vertelt.
      BNR, u geeft ons een onjuist wereldbeeld. Lying by omission, heet dat.

    2. Bijna alle comments laten blijken, dat 🤡bnr🤡 verkeerde -en geselecteerde- info laat zien. 't Is bijna allemaal negatief naar 🤡bnr🤡 toe. Wat een masochisten daar.

  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DaUXH7m3nc&lc=UgwXGjDn1gAka_PDrUJ4AaABAg

    1. Het lange artikel van punt 1 Cheney tot punt 24.

    2. [Het lange artikel van punt 1 Cheney tot punt 24.]
      Als je bedoelt, dat je dat als comment hebt geplaatst, moet ik je teleurstellen: het is al weg.

      Ik merk wel op, dat 🤡bnr🤡 steeds minder comments krijgt en steeds dezelfden. Bijna geen hond! kijkt er meer naar.

      Wel veel plusjes en minnetjes uitgedeeld.🐺

    3. Misschien is dat ook wel erg lang.
      Ik zal het in stukken gaan hakken.

      Ja er kijken minder mensen naar de video's, maar er luisteren wel veel mensen naar vrees ik.

  25. Beetje achtergrondinformatie over de basis van het 🤡SLI🤡 in Syrië/Jordanië met vele links in het document, waarvan dit een van de belangrijkste is.

  26. Een prachtige meme over VVP: klimt zelf in het vliegtuig via de ladder, stijgt op en bestuurt zelf het vliegtuig. Hij zit op de commander stoel. Biden kan niet eens zelfstandig fietsen ...

    1. Vergezeld van de zegen van 🤡otan-leden🤡, aangezien D.Medvedev -gelukkig- niet meevloog.

  27. Oekraïners beginnen het door te krijgen, wat Dostojewski indertijd bedoelde met zijn uitspraak, dat ze die gasten met messen & bijlen moesten opwachten. Hulde!

    1. Of bedoel je Solzhenitsyn: die zei dat ze onder in de flatgebouwen 's nachts op wacht hadden moeten staan ?

    2. [Of bedoel je Solzhenitsyn]
      Je hebt gelijk, ik haal altijd die figuren door elkaar. Hij had toch ook in de Goelag gezeten?

  28. Generaal Harald Kujat was ooit de hoogste militaire autoriteit in de NAVO: chef van het het CMC.
    Van 2002 tot 2005. Hij weet waarover hij praat, en kan vrijuit praten.
    Ik citeer hem: " Nu Rusland aan de winnende hand is verspreiden zogenaamde 'militaire experts' bijna hysterische ANGST VOOR OORLOG.
    Of dit door onwetendheid komt of door geldingsdrang, dat weet ik niet." LEES VERDER:
    Misschien willen ze al hun foute voorspellingen mog wat langer verdoezelen.
    "Putin zei ooit: Wie het instorten van de USSR niet met verdrietig maakt heeft geen hart. Wie de USSR terug wil heeft geen hersens.
    En: Rusland is het grootste land op aarde. We hebben niet meer land nodig.
    Kujat: " Putin viel in 2022 aan met 190.000 man. Oekraïne had toen een goed getraind leger dat twee keer zo groot was." Ondenkbaar dat hij dacht het land te gaan veroveren,
    Kujat: "In Oost Duitsland, dat qua oppervlak 10% van de Oekraine omvat, lagen 450.000 Russische soldaten in 1991."
    John Mearsheimer: " Hitler ging de westelijke helft van Polen veroveren en had daar 1,5 miljoen soldaten voor nodig."
    Het is idioot om, te denken dat Putin ooit van plan was om geheel oekraïne te veroveren. Volledig mesjogge... Maar ze roepen het, want het volk kun je gewoon àlles wijs maken ! Àlles !

    Hier is Kujat op youtube >> Ex-NATO Official REVEALS The Lies Of Neocon Warmongers To German Public <<

    Je kan ook de Nederlandse tekst lezen: ondetiteling > instellingen > ondertiteling > automatisch vertalen > Nederlands.

    1. Ik heb 'm gelijk maar binnengehaald. Ik vond dit wel een leuk commentaar. De Generaal werd maar gelijk tot Poetin-Lover gebombardeerd. Ze zijn onderhand krankzinnig geworden.

      Ook gezien bij 🤡rtlZ🐷, dat voorzichtig wordt voorgesorteerd, dat 🤡M.Rutte🤡 de nodige weerstand kan ondervinden richting 🤡otan🤡? Hongarije zal sowieso veto-en en er zijn nog een paar landen. 🤡Markje🐷 kan het wel vergeten.

  29. De NOS op 3 De strafkampen van Poetin

    Waarom halen jullie reacties weg? Leg me dat eens uit?
    Er was een reactie die toonde dat de gevangenissen van de etnische Russen ( onder de Tsaren) veel humaner waren,
    De Gulags zijn door een Vijandige Elite ingericht. De lui die ook het Communisme in Rusland brachten, wat 60 miljoen Russen het leven heeft gekost.
    Waarom zien jullie niet dat je nu aan de kant van diezelfde groep mensen staat?
    De beschrijving van het boek van Solzhenitsyn:
    Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who first exposed the horrors of the Stalinist gulag, is now attempting to tackle one of the most sensitive topics of his writing career - the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges.
    In his latest book Solzhenitsyn, 84, deals with one of the last taboos of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much perpetrators of the repression as its victims. Two Hundred Years Together - a reference to the 1772 partial annexation of Poland and Russia which greatly increased the Russian Jewish population - contains three chapters discussing the Jewish role in the revolutionary genocide and secret police purges of Soviet Russia.

  30. Over 10 jaar zit U in een gevangenis.
    Ik ga het U uitleggen. Neem even de tijd.
    “Hij die je niet mag bekritiseren heeft de macht in handen.”
    Ik kan dus niet zeggen wie U in de gevangenis zal zetten, maar ik kan wel beschrijven hoe het zal gaan. Ik zal de groep aanduiden met ‘De Eskimo’s”.
    De Eskimo’s hebben de westerse media volledig in handen. Al pakweg 40 jaar. En al die tijd wordt er gezuiverd, maar op bijna onmerkbare wijze. Het liefst hebben ze jonge mensen zonder veel kritische neigingen, maar met veel drive en behoorlijke intelligentie.
    Geef een jonge hond een ideaal, maak hem wijs dat hij de wereld aan het verbeteren is en dat zijn tegenstanders misleid zijn door de duivel, en je kan hem àlles laten verkondigen.
    Hij ziet de waarheid niet meer, en wil die ook echt niet meer zien.
    Met een paar False Flag aanslagen ( met bloed, puin en babies) die je aan jouw tegenstander toeschrijft , zijn die jonge honden helemaal zeker dat ze bij de good-guys horen.
    Er is een reeks dode Russen en vergiftigde Russen die allemaal tegenstanders van Putin waren. Iedereen kan hen gedood hebben. Putin, Putin’s Russische tegenstanders, Putin’s Amerikaanse tegenstanders, de Engelse MI6 , de Mossad. Iedereen. Maar de dood werd steevast gebruikt om Putin zwart te maken. En die zwartmakerij was nodig omdat er een oorlog tegen Rusland op de rol stond. Putin moet weg. Hij heeft Rusland weg gerukt uit de klauwen van Westerse Oligarchen en terug gegeven aan het Russische Volk, en dat pikken de Eskimo’s niet langer.
    Want ze hebben grootse plannen. Ze moeten de hele wereld onderwerpen aan hun wil. Het is de opdracht van hun eigen God aan hen: zij zijn het uitverkoren volk, en alle andere volken moeten voor hen buigen. Hun slaaf worden. Hen onderdanig zijn.
    Nou , in het Westen is het bijna in kannen en kruiken.

    De media zijn in de Eskimo-handen. Maar ook de bankenwereld, De Index-Beleggers (Blackrock, State Street etc) , de FED, Big Corporations met Big Pharma en Big Food) , de Politici, de Denktanks, Academia, de NGO's.
    Binnen enkele jaren zal er geen cash geld meer zijn, en kun je dus alleen iets doen als je niet geblokkeerd bent.
    Dat hangt van jouw gedrag af en van wat jij zegt in jouw woonkamer, en wat je schrijft op het internet. Als je door hebt hoe de Eskimo’s te werk gaan, word je vermoedelijk al vrij vroeg met een smoes afgevoerd naar een verre fysieke gevangenis. Of je krijgt een ziekte die jou per post is bezorgd en dodelijk blijkt. Of er overkomt je een vreemd verkeersongeluk.

    1. VERVOLG

      Maar het zal zeker niet meer mogelijk zijn om jouw verhaal over de Eskimo’s aan anderen te vertellen, zoals ik dat nu nog kan doen. En durf doen.
      ( Vandaag spreekt Redacted met Glenn Greenwald over Assange. Het vreselijke lot van Assange dient er voor om mensen als Greenwald, Blumenthal, Finkelstein, Jimmy Dore en nog veel meer dapperen, te ontmoedigen: Het lot van Assange zou ook hen kunnen gaan treffen, in de toekomst Of hun kinderen. )

      Recapitulerend: Het Westen is al in bezit van de Eskimo’s, maar het is belangrijk dat ze ook Rusland en daarna China en de rest van de wereld gaan beheersen. Dus moet de sterke man in Rusland worden vervangen door een handlanger.
      Daarvoor is westers geld nodig, en propaganda dat Putin slecht is en dat de Russen de agressor zijn.
      Dat is wat we nu hele dagen op onze media horen. Een korte indruk van de laatste twee dagen:
      NOS op3 : De strafkampen van Poetin
      Nieuwsuur: De langzame dood van de Russische oppositie
      BNR : 'Poetins hoogste doel duidelijk: terug naar grondgebied van Sovjet-Unie'
      BNR: Bert Koenders: 'Moeten het Russische volk niet als vijand kwalificeren'
      BNR: ‘Dood Navalny gaat geen Russische revolutie veroorzaken’
      BNR: ‘Russische raketten kunnen ook Nederland treffen; bouw VDL-fabriek om tot wapenfabriek’

      Onze Grote Media zijn dus onbeschaamde propaganda -verspreiders geworden. Zij bereiken het hele volk, en middels emotie -berichten ( bloed, puin en babies) kunnen ze iedereen zwart maken, zelfs de Paus, zoals we weten.
      Als ergens 30.000 mensen worden gedood en ze willen niet dat er moeilijk over gedaan wordt kunnen ze dat ook voor mekaar brengen. Niet door het onbenoemd te laten, maar door het veel minder vaak te benoemen en door altijd weer twijfels, motieven en verzachtende omstandigheden onder de aandacht te brengen.

      Genoeg hierover. Onthoud: Over 10 jaar bent U een gevangene: Total Surveillance en uitsluitend nog digitaal geld zal zorgen dat U van honger zal sterven als U zich tegen hen wil keren. En mocht U eerder sterven, dan toch uw kinderen.
      Uw enige hoop is dat Rusland en China overeind blijven en bereid zijn U te hulp te komen. U begrijpt dat dat niet waarschijnlijk is, en daar hebt U het zelf naar gemaakt.

      Dus ik dacht: ik zal een artikel schrijven waarin ik de grote lijnen uitleg.
      Dat is bovenstaand artikel.
      Zalwel veel te lang zijn.
      Morgen ga ik het nalewzen en kijken of ik het korter en duidelijker kan schrijven.

      Ik heb het nu op drie plaatsen geplakt:

      Bovenstaande verhaal geplakt onder:
      Econoom waarschuwt: 'Oppassen met denken dat inflatie nu onder controle is'

      Twee jaar is verstreken sinds de escalatie van de oorlog in Oekraïne

      Zet vrouw Yulia de strijd van overleden Aleksej Navalny voort? 'Het zou die kant op kunnen gaan'

  31. "Jullie praten steeds over Navalny, nooit over Assange ! "
    Nieuwsuur verdedigt zich: "Nee hoor, kijk maar hier: Nieuwsuur: Het eindspel voor Julian Assange."
    In de reklame weet men: Pas als de reklame 7 keer is gezien, wordt de boodschap 'waarheid' voor de consument.
    In de psychologie, in het experiment van Ashe zien we: als 9 mensen dezelfde evidente leugen beweren, dan zal persoon 10 die leugen als waarheid aannemen.
    Ik vind dat wij keer op keer worden voorgelogen, en slechts heel zelden een stukje waarheid horen.
    De media maken gebruik van wat de Reklamewereld en de psychologen al weten: herhalen, herhalen herhalen en de leugen wordt waarheid.

    De media hebben de plicht om het publiek in te lichten over de werkelijke toestand in de wereld.
    Lees de Code van Bordeaux er maar op na ( Wikipedia)
    Dat vereist objectieve en evenwichtige berichtgeving.
    Met één keer 'Assange' is het evenwicht niet in orde.
    Bovendien hoor je bij Navalny nooit over zijn racisme en zijn nazistische sympathiën, en over zijn werk voor de Amerikaanse Geheime Dienst, wat hem in feite een landverrader maakt. Landverraders komen meestal niet in de gevangenis, maar voor een vuurpeloton.
    Assange wordt wèl langzaam vermoord, maar daar spreekt Nieuwsuur niet over. Ze spreken over de aanklacht tegen Assange, en dat hij van spionage is beschuldigd en dat hij mogelijk zaken deed die niet mochten.
    Dat deed hij niet. Hij ontmaskerde een Criminele Regering.
    Het is de kerntaak van de pers om een Criminele Regering te ontmaskeren.
    Dat zal Nieuwuur niet doen. Die gaat aan de foute kant staan.

    Post Scriptum:
    De dood van de Russische staatsburger Navalny is gemiddeld gemiddeld 14,5 maal in de grote Amerikaanse media vermeld, in de eerste paar dagen na zijn dood.
    De dood van de Amerikaanse staatsburger Gonzalo Lira in een Oekraïense gevangenis is 0,2 maal vermeld in de tien grootste Amerikaanse media. ( 2 keer in 10 media)
    Je zou het omgekeerde verwachten. Niet alleen was Lira een Amerikaan, maar hij was ook nooit en racist, geen nazi en heeft nooit zijn eigen land aangeboden (uitgeleverd) aan de vijand voor 15 miljoen dollar per jaar, misdaden die Navalny wèl heeft gepleegd.

  32. Wolf,
    geplaatst bij BNR, onder laura Starink verhaal...

    kan ie wel? Of is dit te ver? In feite waarschuw ik hen: wees voorzichtig. Er zijn mensen die wèl begrijpen wie deze oorlog hebben mogelijk gemaakt

    IK schreef:
    >> Ik zou niet graag in de schoenen van Laura Starink en Hubert Smeets en al die ouwe generaals en kolonels en fanatieke BNR journalisten staan: ik neem aan dat er toch een aantal jongens terug gaan komen van dat Oekraïense front die verdomd goed weten welke Westerse Talking Heads hun kameraden hebben vermoord.

    blog 573: dec 2016:

    Friedman laughs: I could give you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened.

    1. [Of is dit te ver?]
      Zeker niet, je spreekt ze in persoon aan, dat komt wat dwingender over. Zo kan je twijfelaars over de streep trekken.

    2. Maar we leven in een gekke wereld hè. De criminelen sleuren de oprechte mensen voor het gerecht...
      De land-vertraders beschuldigen de patriotten van landverraad.
      Ik weet niet of ik dit allemaal zou durven als ik 40 jaar jonger was.

  33. Als het wáár is, is het een bombshell: Zaluzhny roept op tot verzet! Tot dit moment nog geen recente nieuwsberichten hierover. Ben nog zoekende naar het origineel.🐺

    1. Let op: het verhaal wordt gebracht door een 🐷Neus-Eskimo🤡. Je bent gewaarschuwd.

  34. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xMaidan Katchanovski

    YT: >> Ukrainian Professor EXPOSES The West's Lies About The Maidan Massacre Of 2014! (Part 1) <<
    ( De professor is moeilijk te verstaan. Ik geef dus een goede samenvatting hieronder)

    Katchanovski is een Oekraïener die in Canada professor is en zich specialiseert in de studie van alle conflicten die sinds 1930 in Oekraïene plaats vonden.
    Hij vind de inval op 22-2-2022 door Rusland onjuist. Hij is dus niet pro Russisch te noemen.
    Maar hij heeft àlle mogelijke bewijzen dat de sluipschutters op de Maidan die 100 mensen dood schoten op 20 februari 2014, onder controle stonden van de Maidan-opstandelingen. Niet van Yanukovich. Ondanks al zijn bewijzen en boeken en de vele video’s en de honderd interviews die dat ondersteunen, is het mogelijk dat een paar personen de Wikipedia pagina’s over deze aanslag blijvend kunnen veranderen : ze schrijven positief over de Nazi’s in Oekraïene en ze beweren dat Yanukovch opdracht gaf deze 100 mensen ( protestanten en poltie-agenten) te doden. Die aanslag verdreef Yanukovich en maakte de staatsgreep van Amerika in Kiev mogelijk. Daarna begon Kiev de etnische Russen te doden met bombardementen op Donbass en gruweldaden in Odessa.
    YT: >> Burnt alive in Odessa: Truth seeker. <<
    Op 12:18 zie je hoe iemand die uit het raam sprong, word doodgeknuppeld als een zeehond. dat maakte het noodzakelijk dat Putin de Krim bezette.

    We horen vaak dat Rusland de oorlog begon, maar het is Amerika dat is begonnen. Lang voor 2014 zelfs. Rusland was defensief. De Krim is van vitaal belang voor Rusland en werd direct toegelatren tot Rusland ( de bevolking is Russisch en doodsbang voor de Ameriklanen en Nazi’s die nu Kiev controleerden).
    Pas in augustus 2014 begon Rusland de Donbass te helpen en de rebellen wonnen en er werd tot een vrede besloten: Minsk2.
    Maar Minsk2 werd niet uitgevoerd. “We logen tegen Putin, zeiden Merkel, Hollande en Poroshenko later.”)

    Met de ‘Amerikaanse’ regering in Kiev is 7 jaar lang toegewerkt naar een sterk Oekraïens leger (360.000 man eind 2021) dat de Krim en de Donbass kon gaan heroveren.
    De Nato hielp Oekraïene bij de opbouw van dat leger.
    Er werden Amerikaanse biolabs gebouwd, speciaal op het doden van Russen gericht..
    Er zouden Aegis raket-lanceerplaatsen worden gebouw, zoals ook in Roemenie en Polen.
    Zelensky riep dat hij de Krim ging heroveren, en dat hij een kernwapen ging ontwikkelen.
    Het aantal bommen op Donbass steeg tot 1400 per dag.
    Het was duidelijk: Oorlog was onvermijdelijk.
    Biden bleef roepen dat Rusland aan troepen-opbouw deed ( correct), maar Oekraïene had twee maal zoveel troepen klaaar staan!

    In december 2021 vroeg Putin voor het laatst om vrede:
    Nato niet naar het oosten, zoals U beloofde. (1)
    Minsk2 uitvoeren, zoals U beloofde. Putin werd uitgelachten.
    Op 22-2-2022 viel Putin met 180.000 man de Oekraïene binnen, een land dat op dat moment 360.000 soldaten had. Om Oekraïene te veroveren had Putin hij minstens 1 miljoen soldaten moeten inzetten. ( Hitler viel Polen aan met 1,5 miljoen soldaten in 1939. )

    (1) Google: >> nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early <<
    Youtube: >> Abmachung 1990: "Keine Osterweiterung der NATO" || Aussenminister Genscher & Baker <<

    ---------------= Janmaat. Zondag 25-2. Hier geplaatst:
    BNR: 'Militaire situatie Oekraïne nu grimmiger dan ooit'
    WNL: Herdenking twee jaar Oekraïne-oorlog maakt veel los
    Balie: Ooggetuigen van de verwoesting
    Nieuwe Oogst: Oekraïne-vlogger Kees Huizinga: ‘Een wonder dat die stal nog staat!’

  35. Als ik google op GDP and PPP zie ik dat Rusland 5,3 biljoen PPP heef en Nederland ongeveer 1 biljoen.
    Duitsland staat zowat gelijk aan Rusland.
    In Rusland is weinig geldschepping en weinig Financials die geld rond pompen ( om en passant de werkende man te bestelen) , dus dat is een echtre fysieke ecopnomie.
    Duitsland is ook fysiek, maar heeft geen betaalbare economie meer, en gaat naar de klote. Ik voorspelde het 2 jaar geleden in BNdeStem, en nou lees ik hey ook in BNdeStem: Europese industrie op instorten: ‘Wij kunnen niet op tegen pakket dat China en VS op tafel leggen’
    Dat heb je met die mensen die zien wat ze wensen te zien: die zien Russen met schoppon vechten, maar moeten een jaar later toegeven dat ze zelf alleen nog schoppen hebben om te vechten. Tja...

    1. Lassing: De economie van Rusland tegenover de westerse economieën


  36. Alles gaat dus geheel volgens plan. Uit de Protocollen van de ouderlingen van Zion: "Neem de leiding over de media en gebruik ze voor propaganda voor onze plannen."
    En: "Uiteindelijk zullen de Gojim zo boos zijn op hun regeringen (omdat wij ze de schuld zullen geven van de chaos die volgt) dat ze blij zullen zijn dat wij het overnemen."

    ( dit kwam ik tegen in mijn notities. Het is precies wat ik zelf ook al voorspelde.)

    1. Je moet positief blijven denken. Ik zal later vertellen waarom. Er wordt niets overgenomen. Nu maar slapen.

    2. Dat argument van de pers is aan het wegvallen, er wordt steeds minder geloofd wat de 🤡msm🐷 ons probeert wijs te maken. Indicatie: Er komt steeds meer reclame, om een abonnement te nemen, het is bijna gratis. Ik let ook op de krantenbak bij de supermarkt, die is 's avonds nog net zo vol als 's morgens.

      Als we daar alleen van afhankelijk waren, had je gelijk. Maar nu is er internet, wat er niet was, toen die protocollen werden geschreven. Mensen kunnen nu hun eigen nieuws gaan zoeken.
      Ik verwacht wel onrust, maar dat is er eigenlijk al, zie o.a. de boeren. Ook zie ik steeds meer berichten, waarin mensen worden opgeroepen bepaalde figuren 'uit te schakelen'. Die berichten worden nauwelijks verwijderd.

      Dus dat 'overnemen' kunnen ze ook gerust vergeten.

    3. Dat de 'toon' van de pers aan het veranderen, kan je hier o.a. zien.

  37. Nieuwsuur: Waarom Finland klaar is voor een Russische invasie
    ( Van 1 jaar geleden)

    30 seconden geleden
    Al 80 jaar ligt Finland veilig naast Rusland.Zonder Nato-bescherming. Al die tijd was Rusland veel sterker dan Finland. Rusland respecteert dus de soevereiniteit van Finland.
    Er is geen enkele reden voor Finland om bang te zijn.
    Maar Amerika heeft indiezelfde jaren de soevereiniteit van heel erg veel landen geschonden:
    List of USA agression after 1945:
    Bo = bombed. RC = succesfull regime change. Rc = unsuccesful Regime change.
    China 1949 to early 1960s rc
    Korea and China 1950-1953
    Albania 1949-53 rc
    Syria 1949 RC


    1. [List of USA agression after 1945]
      Zet hiervoor het woord: zoekargument, dan komt de lezer precies bij wat jij bedoelt.

    2. Bedoel je deze site:

      Maar ik vind die lange lijst juist heel indrukwekkend.
      Als ze die zien, weten ze het.
      De kans dat ze zelf gaan zoeken is kleiner.
      Deze wikipedia pagina is ook niet zo erg overzichtelijk.

  38. 4:50 Ellian: "Hij beledigt eigenlijk je verstand."
    Mijnheer Ellian, U en uw vrienden beledigen mijn verstand elke dag opnieuw, al jaren lang.
    De VS is al 30 jaar bezig om Rusland kapot te maken.
    Ze schreven er over: Cheney, Wolfowitz, Brzezinksy, het PNAC Report;
    Ze finacierden het: Nuland: We spent 5 billion $$ to bring democracy to Ukraine. ( video uit dec 2013.)
    NED-baas Carl Gerschman: Het NED doet het werk dat de CIA vroeger deed: landen destabiliseren.
    Nuland 'produceerde ' samen met Paruby en vrienden de Coup in Kiev, 20 febr 2014. Bewijs: Al in januari wist ze wie ze de leiding van Oekraïene zou geven.

    Enfin: dit is een heel lang verhaal, met Aegis raketten, met bio-labs ( ook toegegeven door Nuland) , met de leugen dat men Minsk2 zou uitvoeren, terwijl met het Oekraïense leger trainde en opbouwde tot 360.000 man, klaar om de Krim aan te vallen etc. etc.

    Sun Tzu adviseerde Putin: " Ze gaan de Donbass en de Krim pakken , de etnische Russen verder uitmoorden, en ze gaan de Nato op jouw stoep vestigen met kernwapens op 7 minuten afstand van Moskou. NU moet je pre-emptive aanvallen ! Dwaas ! je bent al veel te laat ! "

    U beledigt mij , beste heer Afshin, omdat U dit verhaal had moeten kennen, nadat ik en anderen het U vele malen vertelden, en U had het kunnen verifieren en dan ontkrachten. Eén keer ontkrachten is voldoende. Maar U zweeg. Mijn verhaal klopt. U staat aan de kant van de agressor. Het Oekraïense bloed hangt aan ùw handen, heer Ellian !
