Saturday, December 08, 2018

780 Zee van Azov. Het Kertsj incident : De tapes.

In blog 776 zagen we hoe de VS en de Oekraïne openlijk de plannen tonen om Rusland te provoceren tot een ingrijpen, zodat dit in de Media kan worden gebruikt als één van de 100 episodes die nodig zijn om een land en leider zwart te maken.  Propaganda is the name of the game.

In blog 777 zien we Oekraïense fans van de marine die haarfijn aantonen dat op 23 september drie Oekraïense schepen zonder problemen door 'Kertsj' mochten varen. We lezen dat een hoge functionaris zelf zegt dat ze bezig zijn Rusland te provoceren.

In dit blog zien we de uitgeschreven tekst zoals die vermoedelijk is gesproken door de schepen die deel uitmaakten van het Kertsj - incident.

Er is een tape op Youtube verschenen, gemaakt door een Oekrainse blogger.

Die tape is door een ander voorzien van een kleine inleiding en een uitleiding.
Maar het haat om de tussenliggende tekst:
van minuut 1 tot minuut 19  horen we de 'Schepen' met elkaar communiceren.

18 minuten tape, maar daarin lange stiltes.
In werkelijkheid heeft de 'ontmoeting' 4 tot 5 uur geduurd.
Het is dus logisch dat er stukken zijn weg gesneden.
Maar welke stukken: allen stukken waar géén tekst werd gesproken?  Of ook stukken waar iets werd gezegd.
In het eerste geval is de tape unbiased.
In het tweede geval kan hij biased zijn, maar dat hoeft niet.

Dan is er nog de kans dat de hele tape is gefabriceerd in Rusland.
Elke luisteraar moet dat zelf bepalen.
Ik denk dat de tape echt is. Ook omdat dit geheel past in het verdere beleid van Rusland en Oekraiene. De tape laat horen dat Oekraine uit is op een provocatie.  En ze laat horen dat de kustwacht eerst haar opdracht uit voert: eist dat de Oekraieners terug naar buiten de territoriale wateren gaan.
Maar enkele uren later wordt besloten dat ze moeten worden opgebracht (de Oekraieners mogen nu dus niet meer weg.  Juist dan besluiten ze wèl weg te gaan.
Een volledig negeren van de instanties die het daar voor het zeggen hebben, dat is met 100% zekerheid aansturen op een gewelddadig ingrijpen.
Voor mensen die de wereld kennen is het duidelijk dat de Russen niet agressief waren met dit gebruik van geweld.
Maar voor de Media is er niks gemakkelijker dan diegene die geweld gebruikt de schuld te geven. ( Niet als het in de VS, Londen of Parijs wordt gebruikt,  maar wel als het in Rusland of Syrië op Venezuela wordt gedaan.)

Zoals Malcolm X al zei:  The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty innnocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses


Hier de video die ik gebruik. 

Color codes used:
Rood is de tekst gesproken door  Rusland.
Blauw is de tekst gesproken door de Oekraieners 
Zwart is de tekst van andere schippers in de buurt.

Groen: deze tekst hoort bij de korte items die de Russische tv heeft gemaakt en die vóór en nà  het 'Scheeps-log' zijn gemonteerd. 

De film beging bij minuut 0.00 en eindigt bij minuut 19.14

10-4 is een code die volgens mij aangeeft dat de spreker klaar is met spreken. Wij zeggen dan 'over'. In de tekst staat dat het betekent: 'understood', maar dat is volgens mij een verkeerde vertaling.
Onder de gele streep heeft Rusland het besluit genomen dat de schepen moeten worden opgebracht ( wegens weigeren om naar de autoriteit te luisteren)

The passage took almost a day. At dawn, on November 25th the group entered the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. It´s a coastal stretch of sea, 22 Km wide. The small marine vessels Nikopol en Berdyansk, accompanied by the tugboat Yani Kapu, confidently headed towards the Kerch strait and the Crimean bridge, a piece of strategically important infrastructure, although the Ukrainian command filed no prior notice. The FSB border guard went out to intercept more ships: the Sobol, the Mangust, the patrol ship Don and the small anti- submarine corvette Suzdalets.
A serious force. The Berdiansk and Nikopol are equipped with quite powerful weapons; ´Barrier ´ missile systems: capable of penetrating 75 cm of hard armor from a distance of 5 km.

The Ukrainian sailors did not respond to the questions about their reason and purpose to be at this location. Moreover, they committed aggressive and unpredictable maneuvers.


Radio communications between the Russian coast guard and the Ukrainian ships:

RU- Russian Coast guard

Ukro- Ukrainian ship

Other- Other ships in area

RU: Move beyond the territorial waters, wait for permission, you can´t go just where you wish.

If you have already been allowed to pass before and there were no problems, no one created no obstacles for passage. But now you were told that traffic through the strait is temporary suspended; why it is suspended, we don´t have to explain to anyone. If traffic would have been open, we would have allowed you to go trough without a problem

[all this time Ukrainian ships ignoring Russian coast guard´s demand, and continue to move into Kerch strait towards the Crimean bridge]

RU: and no one would be calling anywhere and talk about ´agreements between Ukraine and Russia´
2: 00

RU: I order you to move beyond the border and wait for permission to pass.

RU2: Let´s just tow it.

RU: We recommended one thing- you did not do it, now you recommend me another thing and expect me to carry it out?


RU: I will simply continue, you understand? And I will stand till the end. Wouldn´t it be easier to simply move beyond the border and wait for permission? As I understand, our commanders will resolve this, not on our level- we are following orders, defending our borders.
Especially, after there was an precedent of the passage of your ships -they were allowed to pass just the other day. They passed safely, bur were escorted, and no one obstructed their passage. Why not the same now? As you were told before, now traffic is temporarily closed.

The reason for the closure? Not for us to decide. It is temprarily closed, not permanently.

This is my house, so it is open to me. If they close it down for everyone I would also not be allowed to go there. The closure is stated as meant: ´for foreign military and non-commercial ships´.


The closure is not for Russian ships, believe me, if it was, I would not be able to enter here neither.
Restriction is restriction, and I have to follow it just like you do. It is not a new thing, right?

[static] … I don´t know what channel it was, international or whatever.

That is not the point, I will point it out again: during the previous passages of your ships they had no issues. The were escorted and then went on their way. Nobody said a word to them.


Yes they were escorted, and there were no more questions. In this situation, the passage is closed to you until it is resolved on a higher level. Your task was to wait in the area outside the territorial waters. Because now it is regarded as a provocation, agree?

Whatever, they decided, we will act accordingly. Yes sir, 10-4 (10-4 is code for ´understood´).

I recommend you to stop your course and leave the territorial waters of the Russian Federation, do you copy?

Ukr: Both 354, I do not understand (in Ukrainian, with heavy Russian accent)

6:00 [someone comments something stupid in the background]

RU: I am ship 354, I am warning you: you are in violation of the state border: You are now not allowed to leave the territorial waters of Russia.

Ukr: 354, I am schooner 175, moving to the exit of the Kerch strait, which is Russian and Ukrainian. I am schooner 175, 10-4
other RU: Sink them already, or something (laughing)

Ukr: fuck you!

[Look, suddenly he can speak Russian, in background]


Ukr: be adequate, no need for that

RU: Your actions will be regarded as disobedience to the lawful order of the authorities of the Russian Federation I am ship 354, 10- 4

Other: chocolate candy will die (heavy Caucasian accent, laughing) 

RU: What are your actions?

Ukr: I explained our actions 30 minutes ago, that I´m leaving the Kerch stait towards the Black sea

Unidentified: OK, understood you are going back to your port, I understood you right?


Ukr: I am returning to my base port, 10-4

Unidentified: OK, got you, you will return to your port in Odessa.

RU I will repeat one more time our demand: stop immediately!

You are a violator of the state border of the Russian federation: stop course, 10-4

Ukr: Ship354, I am schooner 175, I am moving out of the Kerch strait, according to the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation concerning shipping in the Kerch strait and sea of Azov.


RU: 175?? 10-4

Ukr: Ship 354, I am schooner 175, moving out of the Kerch strait, I am not using armed aggression, not using, going for the exit, 10-4

Ship 354, I am schooner 175, moving out of the Kerch strait, I am not using armed aggression, not using, going for the exit, which is for the movement of Ukrainian and Russian ships, Ukrainian and Russian ships.

… by the agreement of Ukraine and Russia on the use of the Azov- and Kerch- strait.

RU: Signal LIMA (= nautical code for: ´Stop your vessel instantly!´)

RU: You are a violator of the state border of the Russian Federation, stop your ship immediately!


Ukr: I am schooner 175, I am not using armed agression, I am not using armed agression, moving out of the Kerch strait. Ship 354, your actions are 

Violating the UN charter of International Maritime Law.

RU: This is ship 354, I will repeat: signal LIMA, stop your vessel immediately!

RU3: This is the Coast Guard ship. 10- 4.

Ukr: 947, I am jmoving out of the Kerch strait, I am not using weapons, not using weapons. Have no intentions of armed aggression, have no intentions of armed aggression, moving out of the Kerch strait.

12:00 the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation concerning shipping in the Kerch strait. I am schooner 175.

All ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait-- I am schooner 175, along with schooner 176 and Desna 947, moving out to the Black Sea.

I am not using weapons, not using weapons. According to the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation concerning shipping in the Kerch strait.

All ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait-- I am schooner 175, along with schooner 176 and Desna 947.


Other: Shoot him so he will stop yelling...

Ukr: I am not using weapons! I have no intentions of using weapons or armed aggression; moving out of the Kerch strait. According to the agreement between...
other: Shut up your fucking face, bitch!

Ukr: I am schooner 175, 10-4.

Other: learn to speak Ukrainian.

Ukr: All ships, all ships in the area... 

14: 00

RU: Schooner 175; I demand you stop immediately, or weapons will be used against you!

Ukr: I am not using weapons! I am acting according to the norms of International Maritime Law. And the UN chapter...

Other: poroshenko´s candy.

RU: Schooner 175, 176 and 947: I am the ship 354, I demand you stop immediately, or weapons will be used against you.

RU: I am the ship 354, 10- 4.

Other: Use it now! Fucking enough of this circus, dammit!

15: 00

Ukr: All ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait.. I am schooner 175, along with schooner 176 and Desna 947. Moving out of the Kerch strait towards the Black sea. I am not using weapons! I have no intentions of armed aggression. According to the UN convention and International Maritime Law; According to the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on joint use of the Kerch strait and sea of Azov. I am schooner 175.

RU: Schooner 175: This is ship 354, I demand you stop immediately, or weapons will be used against you. This is ship 354, 10- 4.


Ukr: To all ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait-- I am schooner 175, moving out of the Kerch strait towards the Black sea. I am not using armed aggression, not using weapons. According to the UN rights...

RU: Stop the ship and stay adrift. Attention Ukrainian ships: You are a violators of the state border of the Russian Federation! Signal LIMA, stop your ships!... Signal LIMA, stop your ships!

Ukr: I am not using weapons! I have no intentions of armed aggression..


Ukr: Not aiming artillery systems, moving towards the Black sea, not using weapons! I have no intentions of armed aggression, and according to the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on joint use of the Kerch strait and sea of Azov. I am schooner 175.

Other: Sink them already, dammit!

RU: Desna 947, schooner 175 and 176, you do not obey the legal orderas of the coast guard ship of the Russian Federation; signal LIMA, Stop the ships immediately, or weapons will be used against you!

18: 00

Ukr: all ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait-- I am schooner 175, along with schooner 176, moving out of the Kerch strait towards the Black sea, not using weapons, have no intentions of armed aggression .
Other: Should have sunk them a long time ago, dammit!

Ukr: ; Moving out of the Kerch strait , not using weapons, have no intentions of armed aggression . We are not using weapons, not aiming (poiniting) our artillery systems
RU; (in Ukrainian): Stop dangerous maneuvering!


Other: When the fuck are they gonna board your ships already, and exchange your bitch asses for Russian citizens?

19: 14

[According to the mother of one of the Ukrainian sailors- : They had an order to sail through the Kerch strait without stopping for anyone or anything, and if needed, to shoot back]

[TV commentator ´Rossya´ at the sequesterd ships: the Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yany kapu - Here you see that Yanu Kapu is written in Ukrainian.- Take a look at the deck. Ammunition boxes have been put here, as part of the investigation. The investigators moved them here. You can also see kalashnikov rifles. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 assault rifles, magazines, and life jackets. And hgere are two DshK machine guns. Night time now, they are forced docked at the FSB pier. The Ukrainian ships are docked in the Russian harbor. The 30 mm guns on the Berdyansk and Nikopol are unsheated. Back at sea, one of the gunboats aimed its gun at the Russian Coast Guard ship. The coast guard did not leave the provocation unanswered. 
The trauma unit of the First Kerch Hospital. The injured Ukrainian sailors are here. They received medical help, and their lives are not in danger. They have already been questioned by the investigators. Every now and then, uniformed people enter the unit. The Ukrainian sailors are guarded. All visits are strictly forbidden.

Here is the famous arch of the Crimea bridge. It is not only marvelous, but also strategically important. Foreign ships can only sail under the arch after acquiring permission. In that case, they are safely escorted. But this time was different, and the drama was triggered within 23 km (14 miles) of the Crimean coast. It is unclear how much time the Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yany kapu will have to spend here. The investigation is ongoing. Both ships and crew will have to wait for the court´s decision.]

Mijn korte analyse:
1 We zien dat de RU spreker zich keurig aan zijn taak hield.
Hij gaf de juiste opdrachten. Heeft de Oekrainers niet vernederd, en probeerde  soms op wat informeler toon de Oekerainer over te halen om te luisteren en zich aan de regels te houden, zodat alles goed zou verlopen.
Hij legt steeds maar uit dat de Oekraiener wellicht door kan varen als hij zich eerst aan de regels houdt.

2. We zien dat de Oekraine in het begin niet antwoord.
Dat was ook bekend uit andere bronnen. En we zien het hier ook in deze geluidstape, wat er op wijst dat de tape wellicht een correct beeld geeft.( Dat misschien àlle gesproken communicatie in deze tape is weergegeven )

3, We zien dat er drie Russische sprekers zijn : RU,  RU2 en RU3.
En er zijn andere sprekers van andere schepen. Zij zijn wat informeler in hun woorden, en hun afkeer van de Oekraine en haar president houden ze niet geheim.

4 Na minuut 6 van de video ( in werkelijkheid wellicht pas na 2 tot 3 uur ongeveer, heeft de hogere leiding van de Russische marine besloten dat de drie schepen moeten worden opgebracht. Ze mogen nu dus niet meer weg varen.
Pas dan besluit de Oerkrainer te vertrekken.

5 Dan herhaalt de Oekraine steeds het zelfde bericht: dat ze het recht hebben om daar te varen ( Ja, maar alleen als ze zich aan de regels houden. Dat weigeren ze) , dat ze geen wapens gebruiken en niet agressief zijn (wat niet echt juist is) en dat ze terug varen naar Odessa ( terwijl ze zojuist op rechtmatige wijze zijn aangehouden.)


  1. Vervolg transcript:

    RU: I am the ship 354, 10- 4.

    Other: Use it now! Fucking enough of this circus, dammit!

    15: 00

    Ukr: All ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait.. I am schooner 175, along with schooner 176 and Desna 947. Moving out of the Kerch strait towards the Black sea. I am not using weapons! I have no intentions of armed aggression. According to the UN convention and International Maritime Law; According to the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on joint use of the Kerch strait and sea of Azov. I am schooner 175.

    RU: Schooner 175: This is ship 354, I demand you stop immediately, or weapons will be used against you. This is ship 354, 10- 4.


    Ukr: To all ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait-- I am schooner 175, moving out of the Kerch strait towards the Black sea. I am not using armed aggression, not using weapons. According to the UN rights...

    RU: Stop the ship and stay adrift. Attention Ukrainian ships: You are a violators of the state border of the Russian Federation! Signal LIMA, stop your ships!... Signal LIMA, stop your ships!

    Ukr: I am not using weapons! I have no intentions of armed aggression..


    Ukr: Not aiming artillery systems, moving towards the Black sea, not using weapons! I have no intentions of armed aggression, and according to the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on joint use of the Kerch strait and sea of Azov. I am schooner 175.

    Other: Sink them already, dammit!

    RU: Desna 947, schooner 175 and 176, you do not obey the legal orderas of the coast guard ship of the Russian Federation; signal LIMA, Stop the ships immediately, or weapons will be used against you!

  2. Laatste deel Transcript:

    18: 00

    Ukr: all ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait-- I am schooner 175, along with schooner 176, moving out of the Kerch strait towards the Black sea, not using weapons, have no intentions of armed aggression .

    Other: Should have sunk them a long time ago, dammit!

    Ukr: ; Moving out of the Kerch strait , not using weapons, have no intentions of armed aggression . We are not using weapons, not aiming (poiniting) our artillery systems

    RU; (in Ukrainian): Stop dangerous maneuvering!


    Other: When the fuck are they gonna board your ships already, and exchange your bitch asses for Russian citizens?

    19: 14

    [According to the mother of one of the Ukrainian sailors- : They had an order to sail through the Kerch strait without stopping for anyone or anything, and if needed, to shoot back]

    [TV commentator ´Rossya´ at the sequesterd ships: the Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yany kapu - Here you see that Yanu Kapu is written in Ukrainian.- Take a look at the deck. Ammunition boxes have been put here, as part of the investigation. The investigators moved them here. You can also see kalashnikov rifles. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 assault rifles, magazines, and life jackets. And hgere are two DshK machine guns. Night time now, they are forced docked at the FSB pier. The Ukrainian ships are docked in the Russian harbor. The 30 mm guns on the Berdyansk and Nikopol are unsheated. Back at sea, one of the gunboats aimed its gun at the Russian Coast Guard ship. The coast guard did not leave the provocation unanswered.
    The trauma unit of the First Kerch Hospital. The injured Ukrainian sailors are here. They received medical help, and their lives are not in danger. They have already been questioned by the investigators. Every now and then, uniformed people enter the unit. The Ukrainian sailors are guarded. All visits are strictly forbidden.

    Here is the famous arch of the Crimea bridge. It is not only marvelous, but also strategically important. Foreign ships can only sail under the arch after acquiring permission. In that case, they are safely escorted. But this time was different, and the drama was triggered within 23 km (14 miles) of the Crimean coast. It is unclear how much time the Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yany kapu will have to spend here. The investigation is ongoing. Both ships and crew will have to wait for the court´s decision.]

  3. De tape is wel ge-edit. De tijdsspanne is in elk geval verkort, de stukken zonder communicatie zijn in elk geval zeker uitgeknipt. Ook is er klassieke achtergrondmuziek toegevoegd.

    1. Rootman,

      heel erg bedankt.
      Het lijkt me toch veel meer werk dan ik gedacht had.

      Bij de Saker is een video verschenen. Die ben ik nu aan het uitschrijven en vooral samenvatten.
      Dan blijkt dat het eigenlijk wel 20 uur geduurd heeft, en eigenlijk al op 24 november begon.
      Maar het is geweldig om de letterlijk uitgesproken teksten te hebben. Dat maakt die 8 dec persconferentie van de FSB ook weer geloofwaardiger.
