Friday, December 07, 2018

779 George Soros is géén filantroop. Op geen enkele manier.


In onze media wordt Soros nog vaak 'een filantroop' genoemd.

Zijn 'Open Society' beweging probeert de regeringen van allerlei landen te verzwakken door 'goede doelen' te steunen.
Voorbeelden: vrijheden propageren, bestaande normen en waarden in twijfel trekken,  bestaande elites in een kwaad daglicht zetten, migranten helpen om naar rijke landen te verhuizen of te vluchten, vrijhandel propageren, globalisering bepleiten, privatiseren van allerlei   staatsbezittingen.

Een goed doel moet je zien als 'verwennerij  met suikergoed en marsepein'. Het is de wens van elk kind en lijkt dus heel aardig om dat te geven. Maar je geeft het alleen als je een kind te gronde wil richten).

Soros verdiende miljarden met geldhandel en speculatie.  Hij kon munten laten devalueren door acties te coordineren.

Zijn verweer was altijd hetzelfde: "Als ik het niet doe, dan doet iemand anders het wel. De zwakken zullen toch  het loodje leggen."

In de oorlog werd hij door zijn vader achtergelaten bij iemand die later joodse bezittingen ging onteigenen. De joodse Soros ging mee en hielp zijn adoptievader.
Of hij daar geen spijt van had?
"Nee, zegt Soros , op camera, "want als ik het niet had gedaan, dan zou iemand anders het wel doen."

We weten nu dus zeker dat Soros geen enkel besef heeft van moreel gedrag.
Hij rechtvaardigt elke misdaad met de uitspraak: "Als ik het niet doe, doet iemand anders het wel."

Nu zou  je kunnen denken: "Maar hij gebruikt zijn geld wel om zijn idealen te verwezenlijken. Hij gaat er niet zelf van genieten."

Soros bezit vele miljarden, dus dat halve miljard dat hij benut voor zijn 'goede doelen'  zal zijn levensstijl niet beinvloeden.

Maar zelfs dat geld komt niet allemaal uit zijn eigen bezit.
JudicialWatch heeft ontdekt dat Soros geld krijgt van de Amerikaanse belasting betaler.
Als dit openbare kennis was, dan zou het niet hoeven worden opgespoord door Judicial Watch.
Waarom is dit geheim?
Zou het kunnen zijn dat de Amerikaanse regering dienden doet die haar burgers niet mogen weten?

Soros is voor mij één van de vele manieren waarop de joodse elite probeert de wereld in haar macht te krijgen.
Zoals een roedel wolven samen de prooi aanvalt en doodt, terwijl die wolven zowel vóór als na 'the kill' met elkaar vechten, werken ze toch allemaal nar  hetzelfde doel: hun prooi doden.

Hier de tekst van Judicial Watch:

U.S. Subsidizes Soros Radical Leftist Agenda Worldwide, New Judicial Watch Special Report Shows

The U.S. government subsidizes billionaire George Soros’ radical leftist agenda dedicating hundreds of millions of dollars to his deeply politicized Open Society Foundations (OSF) worldwide, records uncovered by Judicial Watch show. In a special investigative report Judicial Watch documents the financial link between U.S.-funded entities and OSF affiliates to further the Hungarian-born philanthropist’s agenda seeking to destabilize legitimate governments, erase national borders, target conservative politicians, finance civil unrest, subvert institutions of higher education, and orchestrate refugee crises for political gain. The special report also illustrates the financial and staffing nexus between OSF and the U.S. government.
In 2018 OSF projected expending more than $530 million to promote Soros’ radical globalist agenda in every corner of the world under the guise of supporting democratically elected governments, strengthening the rule of law and promoting fairness in political, legal and economic systems. The reality is far different, the report shows. Soros, with the help of American taxpayer dollars, bolsters a radical leftwing agenda that in the United States has included: promoting an open border with Mexico and fighting immigration enforcement efforts; fomenting racial disharmony by funding anti-capitalist racialist organizations; financing the Black Lives Matter movement and other organizations involved in the riots in Ferguson, Missouri; weakening the integrity of our electoral systems; promoting taxpayer funded abortion-on-demand; advocating a government-run health care system; opposing U.S. counterterrorism efforts; promoting dubious transnational climate change agreements that threaten American sovereignty; and working to advance gun control and erode Second Amendment protections.
The Soros network is engaged in an active effort to affect politics, economics, and societies globally, including in Europe (Albania, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary) and Latin America (Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico). Judicial Watch has successfully investigated and litigated to document the paper trail left by the OSF network as it operates, at taxpayer expense, to subvert and manipulate the sovereignty of constitutional republics and allies of the United States. Last year Judicial Watch exposed a collaborative effort between the U.S. government and Soros to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia. Records obtained by Judicial Watch in that investigation show that the U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia worked behind the scenes with OSF to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The cash—about $5 million—flowed through the State Department and USAID.
The new report identifies OSF affiliates worldwide that receive U.S. government funding as well as the alarming figures. The Soros operations are highly sophisticated and work across academia, the legal system, labor, agriculture and “social justice” organizations as well as religious and political groups. Key personnel in the multi-faceted OSF network are former American government officials known to leverage their status and access to benefit the OSF’s goals. The report identifies a number of them, including Barack Obama’s Domestic Policy Council Director, Cecilia Muñoz, who currently serves on OSF’s U.S. Programs board and OSF President Patrick Gaspard, Director of Political Affairs in the Obama White House and the U.S. Ambassador to South Africa. Others include OSF Director of Global Security Denis Reynolds, a former Supervisory Special Agent with the Diplomatic Security Service at the State Department, and OSF Senior Policy Advisor Emily Renard, a former State Department Foreign Service Officer and Africa Policy Officer.
OSF-funded groups reportedly promoting, organizing and supporting the illegal immigrant caravan that started in Honduras are also identified in the report. Many of the leftist groups also get hefty sums from Uncle Sam. They include the Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC), the American Constitution Society, Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (Center for Legal Action in Human Rights, CALDH) and a multitude of others, including those named in a special report published by Judicial Watch earlier this year focusing on OSF in Guatemala. The big question is, why are American taxpayers funding Soros and his highly politicized OSF. Judicial Watch will continue investigating and litigating to get answers.


  1. Hierbij de eerste helft van het transcript. Vanwege stijlfouten in de youtube vertaling heb hier en daar een heel klein beetje gewijzigd:


    0:00 The passage took almost a day. At dawn, on November 25th the group entered the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. It´s a coastal stretch of sea, 22 Km wide. The small marine vessels Nikopol en Berdyansk, accompanied by the tugboat Yani Kapu, confidently headed towards the Kerch strait and the Crimean bridge, a piece of strategically important infrastructure, although the Ukrainian command filed no prior notice. The FSB border guard went out to intercept more ships: the Sobol, the Mangust, the patrol ship Don and the small anti- submarine corvette Suzdalets.
    A serious force. The Berdiansk and Nikopol are equipped with quite powerful weapons; ´Barrier ´ missile systems: capable of penetrating 75 cm of hard armor from a distance of 5 km.

    The Ukrainian sailors did not respond to the questions about their reason and purpose to be at this location. Moreover, they committed aggressive and unpredictable maneuvers.


    Radio communications between the Russian coast guard and the Ukrainian ships:

    RU- Russian Coast guard

    Ukro- Ukrainian ship

    Other- Other ships in area

    RU: Move beyond the territorial waters, wait for permission, you can´t go just where you wish.

    If you have already been allowed to pass before and there were no problems, no one created no obstacles for passage. But now you were told that traffic through the strait is temporary suspended; why it is suspended, we don´t have to explain to anyone. If traffic would have been open, we would have allowed you to go trough without a problem

    [all this time Ukrainian ships ignoring Russian coast guard´s demand, and continue to move into Kerch strait towards the Crimean bridge]

    RU: and no one would be calling anywhere and talk about ´agreements between Ukraine and Russia´
    2: 00

    RU: I order you to move beyond the border and wait for permission to pass.

    RU2: Let´s just tow it.

    RU: We recommended one thing- you did not do it, now you recommend me another thing and expect me to carry it out?


    RU: I will simply continue, you understand? And I will stand till the end. Wouldn´t it be easier to simply move beyond the border and wait for permission? As I understand, our commanders will resolve this, not on our level- we are following orders, defending our borders.
    Especially, after there was an precedent of the passage of your ships -they were allowed to pass just the other day. They passed safely, bur were escorted, and no one obstructed their passage. Why not the same now? As you were told before, now traffic is temporarily closed.

    The reason for the closure? Not for us to decide. It is temprarily closed, not permanently.

    This is my house, so it is open to me. If they close it down for everyone I would also not be allowed to go there. The closure is stated as meant: ´for foreign military and non-commercial ships´.

  2. Transcript 2e deel:


    The closure is not for Russian ships, believe me, if it was, I would not be able to enter here neither.
    Restriction is restriction, and I have to follow it just like you do. It is not a new thing, right?

    [static] … I don´t know what channel it was, international or whatever.

    That is not the point, I will point it out again: during the previous passages of your ships they had no issues. The were escorted and then went on their way. Nobody said a word to them.


    Yes they were escorted, and there were no more questions. In this situation, the passage is closed to you until it is resolved on a higher level. Your task was to wait in the area outside the territorial waters. Because now it is regarded as a provocation, agree?

    Whatever, they decided, we will act accordingly. Yes sir, 10-4 (10-4 is code for ´understood´).

    I recommend you to stop your course and leave the territorial waters of the Russian Federation, do you copy?

    Ukr: Both 354, I do not understand (in Ukrainian, with heavy Russian accent)

    6:00 [someone comments something stupid in the background]

    RU: I am ship 354, I am warning you: you are in violation of the state border: You are now not allowed to leave the territorial waters of Russia.

    Ukr: 354, I am schooner 175, moving to the exit of the Kerch strait, which is Russian and Ukrainian. I am schooner 175, 10-4

    other RU: Sink them already, or something (laughing)

    Ukr: fuck you!

    [Look, suddenly he can speak Russian, in background]


    Ukr: be adequate, no need for that

    RU: Your actions will be regarded as disobedience to the lawful order of the authorities of the Russian Federation I am ship 354, 10- 4

    Other: chocolate candy will die (heavy Caucasian accent, laughing)

    RU: What are your actions?

    Ukr: I explained our actions 30 minutes ago, that I´m leaving the Kerch stait towards the Black sea

    Unidentified: OK, understood you are going back to your port, I understood you right?


    Ukr: I am returning to my base port, 10-4

    Unidentified: OK, got you, you will return to your port in Odessa.

    RU I will repeat one more time our demand: stop immediately!

    You are a violator of the state border of the Russian federation: stop course, 10-4

    Ukr: Ship354, I am schooner 175, I am moving out of the Kerch strait, according to the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation concerning shipping in the Kerch strait and sea of Azov.


    RU: 175?? 10-4

    Ukr: Ship 354, I am schooner 175, moving out of the Kerch strait, I am not using armed aggression, not using, going for the exit, 10-4


    Ship 354, I am schooner 175, moving out of the Kerch strait, I am not using armed aggression, not using, going for the exit, which is for the movement of Ukrainian and Russian ships, Ukrainian and Russian ships.

  3. Transcript part 3

    … by the agreement of Ukraine and Russia on the use of the Azov- and Kerch- strait.

    RU: Signal LIMA (= nautical code for: ´Stop your vessel instantly!´)

    RU: You are a violator of the state border of the Russian Federation, stop your ship immediately!


    Ukr: I am schooner 175, I am not using armed agression, I am not using armed agression, moving out of the Kerch strait. Ship 354, your actions are

    Violating the UN charter of International Maritime Law.

    RU: This is ship 354, I will repeat: signal LIMA, stop your vessel immediately!

    RU3: This is the Coast Guard ship. 10- 4.

    Ukr: 947, I am jmoving out of the Kerch strait, I am not using weapons, not using weapons. Have no intentions of armed aggression, have no intentions of armed aggression, moving out of the Kerch strait.

    12:00 the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation concerning shipping in the Kerch strait. I am schooner 175.

    All ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait-- I am schooner 175, along with schooner 176 and Desna 947, moving out to the Black Sea.

    I am not using weapons, not using weapons. According to the agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation concerning shipping in the Kerch strait.

    All ships, all ships in the area of the Kerch strait-- I am schooner 175, along with schooner 176 and Desna 947.


    Other: Shoot him so he will stop yelling...

    Ukr: I am not using weapons! I have no intentions of using weapons or armed aggression; moving out of the Kerch strait. According to the agreement between...

    other: Shut up your fucking face, bitch!

    Ukr: I am schooner 175, 10-4.

    Other: learn to speak Ukrainian.

    Ukr: All ships, all ships in the area...

    14: 00

    RU: Schooner 175; I demand you stop immediately, or weapons will be used against you!

    Ukr: I am not using weapons! I am acting according to the norms of International Maritime Law. And the UN chapter...

    Other: poroshenko´s candy.

    RU: Schooner 175, 176 and 947: I am the ship 354, I demand you stop immediately, or weapons will be used against you.
