Friday, July 06, 2012

219 The truth in Syria

This blog:    Text in red: Written by Jan Verheul.

A crucial question about the revolt in Syria is this: 

was this a genuine  peaceful  demonstration of the people who want a better government, a true 'arab spring' so to say, 
was it more like a coup that was pre-planned by people from outside Syria,  which used the demonstrations as a cover ? 

Let's look carefully at what happened on the first day of the demonstrations.

Here are 4 sources that speak about the first days :  

1    Israel National News.
2.   Pax Christi: Wijnincks 
3.   Arnold Karskens.
4.   Prof. Chossudowski 
5.   (July 2013) Roland Dumas. See my blog: Dumas.
6.  Wikileaks;  
7.  The Saker and friends (blog).
8.   Comment.
9.   ( June 2013) Syria: how the violence began, in Daraa
10. (June 2013) A student who fled Syria 11 years ago, wrote on 26 febr 2011 that the revolt was being prepared and would probably start around march 15, 2011. The revolt started on march 17, 2011.

From sources 1 and 2 ,3, 4 and 5  we learn that the revolt was exogene from the start. So our 'democracy' motives are not at all valid. 

From sources 4 and 5,  I learn that the Assad regime is far from perfect. I has cruel aspects, but these (a.o. torture) were often used by the west, so our 'human rights' motive is completely hypocrite. 

If Assad will be ousted, the suffering of the Syrian people will really begin. Look at the fights between members of the opposition when they gathered in Cairo, last week: ( Assads Opposition) 

The question is then: Who wants this to happen?  Who makes this happen?  

 My bet is: Israel's Mossad is most responsable for Syria's demise.

1. Israel National News-  website.

An Israeli online news site writes :

 First Publish: 3/21/2011, 11:05 AM / Last Update: 3/21/2011, 11:17 AM

Seven police officers and at least four demonstrators in Syria have been killed in continuing violent clashes that erupted in the southern town of Daraa last Thursday.
The clashes came amidst growing political tension in the muslim nation, whose persidents and many senior officials have always come from Syria's influential Shia Alawite minority, when twenty students were arrested for spray-painting anti-government graffiti on a wall.

Note: The news is dated 21 march 2011, and that is on a monday. It refers to 'last thursday' , which then was 17 march 2011. The place was Daraa.
Conclusion: this was on the very first day of the 'demonstrations':  4 demonstraters kiled and seven policemen killed. 

2. Pax Christi: Wijnincks

Another source could be an employee of Pax Christie, the Belgian Marjolijn Wijnincks. 
Pax Christie is against Assad and supports the rebels. 
      (That makes them reliable when they give us information from which we can conclude that this was NOT an uprising from the people ! And that is what they do...! )  

She writes several blogs a week about ME politics, and also in march 2011 she wrote about the first protests in Syria. After writing about Daraa ( on 17 and 21 march) she writes about revoltes in Lattakia. 
Lattakkia is in Alewite country: full of Assad supporters. 

Here are two allineas of  her 27 march 2011 blog

     ( Below I will translate the yellow parts of her blog in English)

De angst heeft te maken met verschillende factoren: Het geweld, de aanwezigheid van de veiligheidsdiensten en pro-regeringsdemonstraties overal op straat, de geruchten die er rondgaan (er gaan geruchten over aanwezigheid van buitenlandse gewapende “elementen”(1), van machtsstrijd aan de top), maar ook met de onzekerheid over de toekomst.De situatie in Lattakia is afschuwelijk, gisteren vielen er volgens berichten vijf doden en er waren scherpschutters die vanaf gebouwen op de menigte schoten. (2)Een van de mensen waar we mee samenwerken woont in Lattakia en hij is geterroriseerd met zijn gezin naar hun dorp gevlucht. Lattakia ligt in het gebied waar de Alevitische minderheid vandaan komt, waar ook de president toe behoort, maar het is een gemengde stad, met Alevieten, christenen, soennieten. Het lijkt erop dat bepaalde groepen daar het sectarische conflict aanwakkeren om angst te zaaien en de eigen positie te versterken.(3)
(1) there are rumors about presence of foreign armed elements.
(2) The situation in Lattaka is terrible, yesterday five people got killed, and there were snipers who shot at the people from buildings
(3) It looks as if certain groups there want to stir up a sectarian conflict to make people afraid and to become more powerfull themselves.
My conclusions from the Pax Christie blogger:   The Syrian revolt was planned by professionals from day 1: they brought in snipers and killed people from both sides: Assad -people and Sunni protesters.  That is how you create a terrible anger and blind hatred. That is how you start an unstoppable revolt. 

3. Independent  journalist Arnold Karskens. 

Arnold Karskens is in independent Dutch War correspondent, who is interviewed by one of my favorite bloggers, Willy van Damme. A man with a fabulous knowledge about recent history and a clear view on who calls the shots. ( The article) ( Seee translation, below)

Van Damme:
"Je hebt op zeker ogenblik op TV ook gezegd dat er al van bij de eerste manifestaties 
vanuit die betogingen bewust op de ordediensten is geschoten. 
Wat de zaak al onmiddellijk deed escaleren. Wat zijn je aanwijzingen hiervoor?"

Arnold Karskens:
"Vrij snel al na Libië ben ik na de eerste betogingen in Syrië, dat was april en mei vorig jaar, als toerist naar ginds gegaan en dan hoorde ik dat verhaal er van een serie getuigen, zowel van gewone burgers als taxichauffeurs en ook van veiligheidsmensen.
Er waren toen ook al verhalen over wapensmokkel vanuit Irak. Op dat ogenblik begreep ik dat het verhaal hier wel eventjes anders was dan wat we eerst hoorden. Er bleek toen al dat tientallen politiemensen en militairen vanuit die betogingen waren doodgeschoten. En dan krijg je natuurlijk die tegenreactie van de politie en militairen. Het verhaal van vreedzame demonstraten versus een brutaal regime is maar een deeltje van de realiteit ginds.
Question:  You said on tv that already at the first demonstrations there was shooting at the police, from the prostesters. This is what escalated the rebellion.  What makes you say this? 
Karskens: I was shortly after the events in Syria, acting as a tourist,  and heard the same story from a number of people:   ordinary people , taxidrivers and security-people. 

4   Prof. Chossudowski

The revolte started on march 15 2011 in a town called Daraa, only10 kilometer from the Jordanian border.  
Prof. Chossudovsky tells us in this video that snipers came in over the border and started to shoot.  Even the Israeli papers showed that in these first days more police-men were killed than civilians ! 
The snipers did shoot at policemen ànd at people in the street.

These professional terrorists were brought in and supported by the West from the beginning. 

In the North the terrorists came in from Turkey, and The West is even admitting that they bring in  their Frensh, British and other specialists and train also mujaheddin.

6. Wikileaks. 
Today Wikileaks announced that they will disclose 2 million documents in relation to Syria.

Here is a first conclusion from Julian Assange: Assange said:

 "The material is embarrassing to Syria, but it is also embarrassing to Syria’s opponents. It helps us not merely to criticise one group or another, but to understand their interests, actions and thoughts. It is only through understanding this conflict that we can hope to resolve it."

7  The Saker and friends. 
The Saker is a blogger who was a military analist in a former life. He and the people who react to his blogs are often very well informed. ( One friend, Lysander,  is a Sunni muslim).
From this blog I learn that the Assad regime was quite cooperative to the USA. They agreed to torture people if the USA asked this from them. But at the same time Assad was resisting the USA. He simply fell out of grace, as one of the reactions says: 
( Yellow marks are mine)

FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2012

High level defection from, and heavy battles in, Syria

The BBCCBS and other are reporting this morning that Syrian Republican Guard Brigadier General Manaf Tlass has "defected" to France via Turkey.  According to CBS:
Brig Gen Manaf Tlass
The al-Arabiya television network quoted French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius as saying the defected general was already on his way to Paris, where he is known to have many personal connections, and where the international "Friends of Syria" conference was taking place.
Say again?!   An acting Brigadier General of the Syrian Republican guard was "known to have many personal friends" in Paris and amongst the participants of a conference which is clearly organized and run by the US CIA?!  And the (in)famous Syrian Mukhabarat did not find that a sufficient cause to at the very least have him removed from his position and investigated?

Looking at this grinning play-boy with the obligatory cigar in his mouth I am reminded of my good Syrian friends who more than 10 years ago were telling me how incompetent and corrupt the Syrian regime was and how its security services were feared, but only by regular people, not the regime's elites.

By the way, Tlass is not Alawite, but Sunni.  Just saying...

On a related topic, I just watched a report by Russian TV crews from the Syrian city of Duma, near Damascus.  The city was recently retaken by government forces following many days of battle against al-Qaeda units and the footage made by the Russian TV crews of the ruins of Duma reminds me of similarly looking images of Grozny after the eviction of the Chechen insurgency.  Clearly, these were heavy battles against much more than just a few "snipers" or "terrorists".   The Syrian government soldiers interviewed by Russian reporters said that their opponents were very well trained (in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Iraq) and that they were also very well armed.

I hope that I am mistaken in my hunch, but it sure looks to me like the regime is in very bad shape and could begin crumbling apart.

The Saker


Lysander said...
Saker, It may be that he is only visiting his dying father, who has been in Paris seeking medical treatment for some time. For more details, Penny over at Penny for your thoughts blog has a lot of good info:

I think you'll like that blog.
@Lysander:It may be that he is only visiting his dying father

Unlikely, alas. If he was under house arrest, it would be logical to expect him to run. If he was not under house arrest, then he is a Brigadier General of the Guard, in which case he cannot leave his country in the midst of a large-scale insurgency, much less so for a country which is "hyper-Zionist" and at the forefront of the fight against Syria.

I will be delighted if I am proven wrong, but so far I don't buy it.
@Lysander: I think you'll like that blog.

I do, it looks very good indeed. Thanks for the pointer!
Anonymous said...
Dear Saker,

This sort of defection is meaningless in the big scheme of things.
The Tlass family has traditionally been very close to the American CIA, and the Assad clan knew it all along...
CIA has been re-doubling its efforts in pushing for defections like that one, in order to compensate for the utter failure so far, in pushing the regime over the edge.


@Joe: This sort of defection is meaningless in the big scheme of things.

No doubt about that

The Tlass family has traditionally been very close to the American CIA, and the Assad clan knew it all along...

But is that not the strongest possible indictment of both the Tlass family and the Assad clan? If the Tlass family are traitors and the Assad family knows this, then are they not ALL traitors?

Clearly this regime who, let me remind those who like to "forget" about this, was more than willing to sub-contract and torture "rendered" *SUSPECTS* for the US CIA was full to the brim of pro-US and CIA-linked individuals, and not anti-Israeli Syrian patriots. And then, I want to restate something else here:

I personally cannot imagine that the Israelis would have murdered Imad Mughniyeh without the active support of top-level individuals in the Syrian regime.

So my conclusion is this: the Assad regime was ROTTEN ROTTEN ROTTEN to the core.

Frankly, if it wasn't my belief that the so-called Syrian opposition was even worse, I would personally cheer the overthrow of Assad and his clique of corrupt and immoral minions a la Tlass.

Unlike those who now like to lionize Assad as some kind of heroic resistant to the Empire, I see him as another Saddam, another Mubarak or as another Noriega: a puppet of the Empire who fell out of favor or who out-lived his useful "shelf life" and who can now be replaced by some other CIA puppet.

This is all very disgusting and very depressing as the victims of all these ugly operations are, as always, the Syrian people...
Lysander said...
Honestly Saker, I have to say you're being too harsh regarding Syria's role in resistance. It's far from a perfect record, but it certainly can't be compared to Mubarak or the Jordanian and Saudi kings. Not even close.

Yes, they joined Gulf War one and yes they helped the CIA in the early two thousands (though they legitimately thought that radical Salfists are their enemies as well and who could blame them.)

On the key elements Syria never budged despite enormous pressure. There was huge pressure during the Bush years to get them to close Hamas offices in Damascus. No dice for the empire. Huge pressure to break away from Iran and Hezbollah. But in fact they drew closer to them.

I recall Rumsfeld in the month after the Iraq invasion accusing Syria of hiding Iraq's nonexistent WMD. That was a serious hint and threat. Syria stood firm.

Sorry but as a Sunni Muslim I have to ask myself when was the last time a Sunni lead state exhibited the resistance shown by Syria/Iran/HA today? Maybe Egypt under Nasser came close and that ended in disaster with Egypt now firmly in the collaborationist camp.

At this point, the only choice is 
(a) to support the rebels, whose ultimate goal is to break up the Syrian state (the actual fighters may not want that, but their western paymasters sure do) or
 (b) the government...for all its faults...that will keep the country together.

A very easy choice for me.
Lysander said...
Off Topic, but I wanted to commend Xerxes, one of your occasional commenters. While I ate up Erdogan's BS like it was ice cream a couple of years back, Xerxes had him pegged from the first moment. I should have listened to him.

8. Mossad is most responsable for Syria's demise.

Who would want this to happen to Syria ?  
The Sunni Syrians?
A Russian poll showed that as late as march 2012, only 12% of all Syrians  wanted Assad to leave his office. And Alastair Crooke confirmed these 12%  as realistic.
So even the large majority of Sunni Syrians want to keep the devil they know. 
I am convinced that its the Israeli's'who are the driving force behind the revolte in Syria. 
And they are using these allies: 

-US government ( Democracy! Human rights!) and the 

-Turkish government ( down with the Shiites, help to Sunni-friends ) and the 

-Saudi government  ( a good muslim sells his soul to the USA , down with the bad Shiites !) 

-Salafist extremists ( we don't care who gives us weapons: we want to force old fashioned islam on the rest of the world and begin with the other muslims). 

-The Main Stream Media. ( The Media power to show us Assads opposition again and again, as if they are the only Syrians).   

Where do I get my ideas from? 
- I  rely heavily on past history ( Russian Revolution, 911 etc.) that shows us the enormous Israeli influence, as well as their enormous capability to keep it unknown.

- And I rely on common sense: of course it is a beneficial for you when your opponents start killing each other. 
 And I rely on Oded Yinon and Israel Shahak, two Israeli's who wrote about Israels need to create internal chaos in countries around Israel, like Iraq, Syria, Egypt etc. 

Here are some quotes from  The Yinon Plan, written in 1982, but only now coming to be realised :   ( the numbers correspond to the paragraphs) ( Here the Plan on my blog) 

(20)  Breaking Egypt down territorially into distinct geographical regions is the political aim of Israel 
(22)  The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as 
        in Lebanon, is Israel's primary target
(23)  Iraq is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets.
(24) The entire Arabian Peninsula is a natural candidate for dissolution due to internal and 
       external pressures,

According to Israel Shahak this  Israeli view has been around for decennia, even before 1982, the year that Yinon wrote it down. ( Open Secrets)

9. Syria: how the violence began, in Daraa ( Op-ed

Syria: how the violence began, in Daraa
By Tim Anderson

"The claim that armed opposition to the government has begun only recently is a complete lie.   The killings of soldiers, police and civilians, often in the most brutal circumstances, have been going on virtually since the beginning.' -- Professor Jeremy Salt, October 2011 (Ankara)

There is no doubt that there was popular agitation in Syria in early 2011, after the events in Egypt and Tunisia. There were anti-government and pro-government demonstrations, and a genuine political reform debate. However the serious violence that erupted in March 2011 has been systematically misreported, in line with yet another US-NATO 'regime change' agenda.
For many months the big powers and the corporate media pretended that armed opposition in Syria did not exist at all. All violence was government forces against "peaceful protestors'. In the words of the US-based Human Rights Watch (strongly linked to the US Council on Foreign Relations), "protestors only used violence against the security forces " in response to killings by the security forces or " as a last resort'. This was a dreadful deceit. Washington and its allies (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and some elements in Lebanon) were sponsoring armed attacks within Syria from the very beginning.
With the revelations of foreign Islamist fighters in Syria, engaged in kidnappings, torture and executions, we can see a "revised imperial line'. These "jihadis' or "Al Qaeda' groups are said to be "on the fringes' of the rebel "Free Syrian Army' (FSA), which is said to be led by defectors from the Syrian Arab Army. An alternative line is that the genuine "revolution' is in danger of being "hijacked' by the fundamentalists.

Daraa: the killings begin
In February 2011 some anti-government demonstrations began. They were met in March with even larger pro-government demonstrations. In early March some teenagers in Daraa were arrested for graffiti that had been copied from North Africa "the people want to overthrow the regime'. It was reported that they were abused by local police. Time magazine reported that President Assad intervened, the local governor was sacked and the teenagers were released.
What followed is highly contested. The western media version is that protestors burned and trashed government offices and that "provincial security forces opened fire on marchers, killing several' (Time, 22 March). After that, "protestors' staged demonstrations in front of the al-Omari mosque, but were in turn attacked. The western media exaggerated the demonstrations, claiming crowds of up to 300,000, with 15 anti-government "protesters' killed (AP 23 March). Daraa is a border town with 150,000 inhabitants.
The Syrian government, on the other hand, stated that armed attacks had begun on security forces, killing several police, along with the burning of government offices. There was corroboration of this account. While its headline blamed security forces for killing "protesters', the British Daily Mail showed pictures of guns, AK47 rifles and hand grenades that security forces had recovered after storming the al-Omari mosque. The paper noted reports that "an armed gang' had opened fire on an ambulance, killing "a doctor, a paramedic and a policeman'.
Israeli and Lebanese media gave versions of the events of 17-18 March closer to that of the Syrian government. An Israel National News report (21 March) said "Seven police officers and at least four demonstrators in Syria have been killed " and the Baath party headquarters and courthouse were torched'. The police had been targeted by rooftop snipers.
Al Jazeera (29 April), owned by Qatar's royal family, implied the rooftop snipers in Daraa were government forces. "President Bashar al Assad has sent thousands of Syrian soldiers and their heavy weaponry into Derra for an operation the regime wants nobody in the word to see'. However the Al Jazeera claim that secret police snipers were killing "soldiers and protestors alike' was both illogical and out of sequence.
The armed forces came to Daraa precisely because police had been killed by snipers. Once in Daraa they engaged in more gun-fire and stormed the local mosque to seize the guns and grenades storied by "protesters'. Michel Chossudovsky wrote: "The deployment of armed forces including tanks in Daraa [was] directed against an organised armed insurrection, which has been active in the border city since March 17-18.'
Saudi Arabia, a key US regional ally, had armed and funded extremist Sunni sects (Salafists and Wahabis) to move against the secular government. From exile in Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Adnan Arour called for a holy war against the liberal Allawi muslims, who dominated the government: "by Allah we shall mince them in meat grinders and feed their flesh to the dogs'. The Salafist aim was a theocratic sate or "caliphate'. Sheikh Muhammed al Zughbey said the Alawites were "more infidel than the Jews and the Christians'. The original North African slogan was rapidly replaced by a Salafist slogan "Christians to Beirut, Alawites to the grave'. They would soon act on these threats.
Saudi official Anwar Al-Eshki later confirmed to BBC television that arms had indeed been provided to groups within Syria, and they had stored them in the al-Omari mosque.
While the Syrian Baathist system has been authoritarian, is has also been secular and inclusive. The Saudi-Qatari and US-NATO backed armed insurgency aims to derail the reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad. If a more compliant government cannot be formed in Damascus, the big powers will probably settle for a country mired in sectarian chaos. That is, after all, what we see across the border in Iraq.
Al Jazeera (2011) "Daraa, a city under siege', 29 April
Daily Mail (2011) "Nine protesters killed after security forces open fire by Syrian mosque', 24 March
Gavriel Queenan (2011) "Syria: Seven Police Killed, Buildings torched in protests', Israel National News, Arutz Sheva, March 21
Human Rights Watch (2011) "We've never seen such horror: crimes against humanity by Syrian Security Forces', New York, June 2011

Jeremy Salt (2011) Truth and Falsehood in Syria, The Palestine Chronicle, 5 October, online: click here=17159
Joseph Wakim (2012) "Arab Spring model not a Syrian reality', ABC Drum Opinion, 27 June
Michel Chossudovsky (2012) "Syria: who is behind the protest movement? Fabricating a pretext for US-NATO "Humanitarian Intervention'', Global Research, August 6
Rania Abouzeid (2011) "Syria's Revolt, how graffiti stirred an uprising', Time, 22 March

Truth Syria (2012) "Syria -- Daraa revolution was armed to the teeth from the very beginning', BBC interview with Anwar Al-Eshki,YouTube, 10 April

10. Student Iba Abdo:  On her blog she writes on 26 febr. about a revolt that is planned for 15 march.  

zaterdag 26 februari 2011

Syrische opstand verwacht op 15 maart 2011

De organisatoren van de Syrische opstand hebben gisteren op Facebook 15 maart uitgeroepen totde dag waarop de Syrische revolutie ontketend gaat worden. Eerder werd op 5 maart een 'Syrische dag der woede' aangekondigd die echter gedoemd was te mislukken.

De reden voor de keuze van 15 maart is, volgens de organisatoren, het feit dat ze tijd nodig hebben om het volk te mobiliseren en warm te maken voor de opstand, maar ook door organisatorische redenen. Deze voorbereiding achten ze essentieel om te voorkomen dat deze opstand, net als de eerder aangekondigde 'dag der woede', niet zal slagen. Daarnaast hebben de organisatoren als reden genoemd het feit dat de revolutie in Libië nog vol aan de gang is, met als gevolg dat alle media aandacht op Libië gericht is.

Op de Facebook pagina van de Syrische opstand, die momenteel 24.500 leden telt, werd verder aangegeven dat in acht Syrische provincies al groepen zijn gevormd die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de lokale organisatie en mobilisatie van burgers.

De berichten en reacties op de Facebook pagina zijn zeer lovend en enthousiast. Het blijft echter de vraag of de woorden ook daadwerkelijk in daden zullen worden omgezet. Ik hoop het van harte!

zaterdag 26 februari 2011

Bericht over een demonstratie in de Syrische havenstad Tartous (bron nog niet bevestigd)

Enkele uren geleden is een bericht binnengekomen dat in de Syrische havenstad Tartous een klein geschil tussen families, na inmenging van de politie, uit is gelopen op een demonstratie tegen het regime. Verder is vermeld dat de demonstranten het hoofdkantoor van Al-Ba'ath partij hebben verbrand en dat hierbij gewonden zijn gevallen (bericht dient nog bevestigd te worden)!

1 opmerking:

  1. Berichten dat een kantoor van de regering werd verbrand, nog voor de "day of rage" van 15 maart 2011.

    Ik heb vernomen dat tijdens de "day of rage" in Dara'a de rechtzaal, het politiebureau, het huis van de provinciegouverneur en andere openbare gebouwen werden geplunderd en verbrand.

    In Dara'a en Homs zouden die dag meer dan 100 ongewapende politieagenten zijn gesneuveld, mogelijk beschoten door provocateurs.

    Enkele weken later werd een vrachtwagenchauffeur Nidal Jannoud in Tartous door een menigte doodgemarteld. Interessant verhaal:

    Dit klinkt niet zo heel erg vreedzaam allemaal.

1 comment:

  1. Erg sterke analyse van het conflict in Syrië en de bevoordeelde en soms hypocriete blik van onze Westerse media daarover.

    Dit is ongeveer waar ik na maanden van onderzoek ben uitgekomen. Bronnen als Tim Anderson of Michel Chussodovsky bieden een kritische kijk op het mainstream perspectief, zonder daarbij zich te buiten te gaan in absurde complettheorieën.

    Heeft u eventueel interesse om te spreken bij een lezing over Syrië?
