Wednesday, December 20, 2023

1420 Het verwijt 'Anti-semiet 'wordt als wapen gebruikt om anderen de mond te snoeren en de baas te spelen.

Een opmerkelijk artikel van Alan Sabrosky op Unz.  ( HIER

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NB: Ik krijg de mooie Afbeeldingen niet goed op dit blog geplaatst.

Lees dus bij voorkeur bij Unz zelf. 

NB: de auteur is voor een kwart joods.


Weaponizing Anti-Semitism: From Victim to Predator

Back in 2010, I published a short essay on “The Complicated Faces of Anti-Semitism”. The genesis was a conversation I had had with a Jewish friend – a judge – about why Jews had been the object of so much maltreatment and hatred throughout history, as she characterized the Jewish condition.

I responded (to briefly recapitulate) by asking her what was wrong with Jews? (I had never mentioned that I was Jewish on my father’s side, because that had never meant much to either him or me.) My question startled her, and she asked just what did I mean by that statement. So I proceeded to put it in personal terms. If a few people I met disliked me, I could easily put it down to some problem they had. But if virtually everyone I met hated my guts, it would be extremely difficult for me not to acknowledge – grudgingly or otherwise – that there was something fundamentally wrong with me or with how I behaved. Same thing applied to Jews on a macro level.

As you can imagine, that assessment did not exactly endear me to my soon-to-be-former friend. I compounded it by adding that Jews had done many charitable works and made many notable achievements in many different fields – spare me the hackneyed “but all Jews are…” nonsense. Those charities and achievements are a matter of historical record.

So are the darker things that some Jews have done, and are doing today, here and abroad. This is especially true whenever Israel or anything associated with it enters the equation: those good qualities mostly then fly out the window. On such occasions, most Jews not only tolerate but extol behavior by Israel as a country and by individual Israelis – behavior that they would never tolerate or celebrate here, or in any other country where Jews reside.

My Original Three Faces of Antisemitism

When I initially examined this topic, I identified three forms of historical antisemitism:

  1. A dislike of Jews as a people or Judaism as a religion, or both, usually because of some attributes Jews had or some way in which they behaved toward others.
  2. An opposition not so much to Jews and/or Judaism, but to an armed Jewish state (whatever it might be called).
  3. The assertion by some Jews beginning in the late 1970s that any criticism of Israel, its leaders, its policies, its actions or anything any of its advocates and supports said or did, constituted a “new antisemitism.”

In each of these instances, when I say “antisemitism” I mean allegations and/or accusations of antisemitism for any reason, not simply a blind, insensate hatred of Jews and/or Judaism, which historically is rare.

The first form of historical antisemitism has existed throughout recorded history. Part of it I suspect is simple envy, but much of it is a reaction to an unusually blood-thirsty view of others. Deuteronomy and Judges are awash in carnage, and the former (Chapters 5 & 7) gives scriptural justification for genociding people who simply worship differently. Some (all?) Jewish religious holidays (Hanukkah, Purim) have rather sanguinary antecedents or overtones; even Passover is predicated on mass infanticide. And that is just the Torah. To say that the Talmud (sort of a complementary commentary to the Torah by notable rabbis) in its entirety is downright appalling is an understatement.

Having read portions of the Talmud over the years, I can understand why Jews do not encourage the goyim (non-Jews) to do likewise. Quite the contrary: Jewish disdain for Christians in particular (made explicit in the Talmud) is as great as their desire for political and financial support from them, and extends (or descends) from theology to cheap theater, as this clip from a long-running Israeli TV show suggests. Do CUFI (Christians United for Israel) know this depiction by Israelis of their Savior?

 Video Link

Rome demonstrated the second form of historical antisemitism during its imperial days. The Roman Empire demanded obedience, expected taxes to be paid, and mandated religious tolerance to permit its diverse peoples to move and live therein. It finally tired of dealing with a rebellious and religiously intolerant people, and ultimately put its own “final solution” into effect. Rome razed Jerusalem, destroyed the Second Temple, dismembered the state encompassing it, and dispersed the inhabitants – but did nothing to Jews living, and often flourishing, throughout the Empire. Precisely why the Romans did not deal with the Jews within as completely as they did. For example, the Carthaginians without is something about which I have often wondered.

Antisemitism Militant

So far, so good – or bad, depending on one’s perspective. Theologically. Judaism isn’t quite a companion of the old Aztecs, but it has more than enough bloodshed and darkness within the books of the Torah (the Old Testament) that Christianity would have done better going from Genesis straight to the Gospels. And the Talmud as the primary source of Jewish law is replete with outright malevolence. Combining such hostility with the power of a state – any power, any state – is a mortal danger to that state’s neighbors, and any others it can reach.

The third form of historical antisemitism was initially almost a passive defense mechanism, not widely shared and limited in application. Where I went wrong in my original discussion was to misunderstand the complexity of that “new antisemitism” and to underestimate its ramifications and sociopolitical reach. Sometime between the end of the Reagan Administration and that of Obama, it spawned a more proactive variant. Together, passively and actively, antisemitism and the new antisemitism now constitute the shield and sword of a militant hyper-Zionism. Israel is its current home base and the United States as its enforcer of the moment.

The assertion of antisemitism (“new” or otherwise) manifests itself in many different ways in many different countries, and an overview of its conceptual complexity is readily apparent. While I am primarily concerned with the United States, a bit of perspective is important. It needs to be understood that it is not at all clear whether communism was an outgrowth of modern Zionism, as depicted in the chart, or its precursor. Marxism (or communism, as we in the U.S. called it – and yes, I am aware of the distinctions then and now) predated modern Zionism, although the idea itself was not new. But Jews figured prominently in both movements virtually from their beginnings, with something verging on synergistic interdependence as the 20th century dawned.

For example, when Lenin left Switzerland for Russia in 1917, he took with him fifty-odd Bolsheviks who had also been in exile, all Jews, most of whom had leading roles in the first Soviet government. Marxist Jews elsewhere in Europe led uprisings (all ultimately failing) at the end and in the aftermath of the First World War. Moreover, as nearly as I can tell, every communist party in Europe, as well as in the United States and apartheid-era South Africa was founded and led by Jews. (I am not sure about Canada, Australia and New Zealand)

In the aftermath of World War II, many of the communist parties and their Jewish members took a strongly pro-Zionist stance that did not extend to open support of Israel. This resulted in an odd inconsistency in both Soviet Russian and Israeli policy with regard to their international alignment as well as with Jewish emigration from the USSR to Israel I would like to explore further in the future. (I cannot find hard numbers on how many Jewish communists emigrated to Israel. I would appreciate it if anyone has that data.)

The Rush to Radicalism

Over the centuries, Jews overall have acquired a well-deserved reputation for disruption, in addition to other more admirable qualities. Virtually every social disorder afflicting the West in general and especially he United States today, for example, appeared in the Weimar Republic of Germany in the 1920s and early 1930s. Cities like San Francisco now mirror Hamburg from that era. Pick your extremism or perversion, they had it then as we have it today. Then as now, Jews figured conspicuously in all of those movements, as the litany of their involvement in our day and time depicts. Also then as now, social and economic disorder was seen by its Jewish architects as something to be exploited to their own advantage, impervious to its impact on the population as a whole.

Today, as before, the prevailing strains of Jewish political radicalism and societal perversion run strong and deep. Simply review the very long list of activities in which Jews have the lead and/or are principal financiers. Radical feminism; critical theory and its offshoot, “critical race theory” (CRT); the racist, destructive “Black Lives Matter” extortion scam; Antifa; and the promotion of gender dysphoria and pedophilia, are just a few of the entries on an appalling list of shame. Nor does the old affinity for communism give any evidence of waning. One wonders what a Hollywood dominated by (e.g.) Ukrainian expatriates from the 1930s on would say about “Uncle Joe” and his minions?

The Pursuit of Power

As in the early Soviet Union, the Jewish quest for economic power extended to political power and influence in the greater society of all Western countries. I’ll only look here at the United States, but the situation is much the same throughout all of Western Europe and much of Eastern Europe, as well as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Indeed, if it were not so destructive of everything whites had built over the centuries, one could almost admire the single-minded Jewish determination to dominate – a determination in which some innate consensus almost eclipses the need for conspiracy and cabal. (The operative word is “almost.”)

What Jews have done in America and in so much of the West is what they tried to do in Germany during the aforementioned Weimar Republic, but here they have been more patient and circumspect until very recently. In 20th century Germany, they openly identified with the communists, and advocated practices such as gender dysphoria and pedophilia (led by Magnus Hirshfeld) before they were in a position to stave off critics and attacks. (They ended up fleeing the country when Hitler and his party came to power in the early 1930s – theirs were the books that the National Socialists famously burned).

Not so here. Jews in the U.S. founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) in 1909, and later took the lead in radical movements such as the “Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)” and the “Free Speech Movement” during the combined militancy of the antiwar and civil rights movements of the 1960s. But when their hoped-for revolution did not materialize, they went – well, not so much underground, but into a form of low-key radicalism, as I have discussed elsewhere. In this phase, they initially emphasized infiltration of universities. Once within the academic bastions, they staffed the critical professions: education and law first, then business along with the faculties of higher education themselves.

The end result was that they gained control of the mainstream media, much of academe, and prominence in many other areas. This, combined with the growing power of two Jewish-led organizations – the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) – as arbiters of political acceptability, had the intended effect of ensuring that the American people rarely heard, read or saw anything critical of Israel, let alone Jewish power or Jewish supremacism. Interestingly enough, the ADL in particular is now openly joining the chorus of anti-white voices, and declaring that criticism of Antifa (recall its heritage) to be “hate speech.” Both ADL and SPLC have become much more adept at defaming and ruining critics of causes they support, then of defending the Jewish people themselves or others against slander and abuse. In the process, they’ve liberally enriched themselves and their leadership.

To those who might say I am exaggerating Jewish power, I would say (quoting an individual who will remain nameless for his own protection): “I’ll stop believing its the Jews when people can say its the Jews in public, without having their lives destroyed by powerful Jews.” I expect Kanye West and some others in the black community who dared mention something those “powerful Jews” did not appreciate could add to that.

But it was not simply power in the media, academe, finance and the courts. There was a significant growth in direct Jewish participation in the government, no matter which political party is in power, wholly different from the situation 60-odd years ago. For example, for decades, Jewish groups such as ADL and SPLC had increasingly vetted nominees for political appointments. They could not always get the ones they supported, but they had an effective veto over ones they did not support – I speak from personal experience.

At this point in time , no one in either party can be a serious contender for the presidency in the face of Zionist opposition (or Jewish, perhaps a distinction without a difference). And that includes DeSantis and Trump as well as Biden. No serious contender for any national office, with the partial and very occasional exception of the House of Representatives, dares criticize Israel or mention directly the Jewish role in everything bad that is happening – they talk around them, but few say the “I or “J” words critically. Not even former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (whom I generally and genuinely admire) or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. They know what will happen if they do. And the same holds for governors like Kristi Noem (SD) and Greg Abbott (TX) , who understand full well the extent to which the power of organizations like ADL and SPLC and their cohorts extends into state governments – especially state legislatures.

As for the administrations themselves, for the last thirty years or so, they have been so heavily Jewish that one could relocate them to Tel Aviv and not notice the difference. Trump talked about “Making America Great Again,” but he was a far better president for Israel than he was in fact – if not in words – for the United States. A list of some of the principal things Trump did for Israel indicates as much. Like Trump’s administration before him, Biden’s administration is dominated by Jews [Figure 9 about here] . and there are many Jewish holdovers from the Trump era among those charged with overseeing the response (such as it was) to the Covid-19 plandemic.

It is amazing that the blue field and white stars on our flag have not been replaced with Israeli flag elements, considering that almost all of these officials – as well as most Jewish members of both houses of the Congress and many senior civil service officials – have dual Israeli citizenship. They speak openly of their “dual loyalty” – which in practice means loyalty to Israel first. Hence, the designation “Israel Firsters.”

Replacement and racism as Political Tools

There is another element to “new antisemitism” that did not exist before which implies very clearly that these Marxist Jews – whom I have called hyper-Zionists – are playing the end game now. This entails the deliberate replacement of white populations everywhere they have been a majority with a growing influx of migrants from Africa, Latin America and the Middle East – the so-called “Great Replacement.” The details and implications of this development, along with the unfolding of the Civil Rights movement (an essential failure, as far as blacks in America were concerned) can only be touched on briefly here, and are certain to be the subject of considerable contention and debate.

Suffice to say that illegal immigration coupled with civil rights frustrations provided fuel for the simmering fire that was, and is, black crime in America, capped by six months of urban upheaval in 2020 following the death in police hands of a black career criminal named George Floyd. A final autopsy showed Floyd died of a drug overdose, having enough fentanyl (among other drugs) in his body to kill three adult males – or two Stacey Abrams. The Democrats did nothing to check the riots, nor did President Trump.

Biden took office in the wake of a deeply flawed 2020 presidential election and an unarmed non-insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 (about which I will write a good deal more in a subsequent article). Afterwards, millions of illegals swarmed into the country, perhaps seven to ten million so far. Even worse, these illegals are often aided and recruited from places as far away as central Africa not only by left-wing organizations, but also by the very Department of Homeland Security whose supposed mission was to keep illegal immigration from happening. Just coincidentally, the Secretary of Homeland Security is Jewish.

It should be understand that Jewish leaders use blacks as both a foil and as a distraction from Jewish behavior as well as to attack whites and Asians so that they themselves are not in the forefront. They use accusations of racism and hateful fill-in-the-blank accusations against the critics of black misconduct – because the same people who criticize huge black crime rates, for example, are often the same people who condemn Jewish influence over our government.

The Jewish role in the campaigns against racism and “white supremacy” serves three purposes:

  1. it sets whites against blacks within the US;
  2. it elevates blacks at the expense of whites, who are seen as the principal obstacle to Jewish ambitions; and
  3. it further disrupts and diminishes American society and the largely white culture on which its success has been based.

Until very recently, Jews and Jewish groups in the US have not been quite as blatant as they are in Europe about the goal of racially mixing ethnic Europeans with people from Africa and the Middle East, until white majority countries simply do not exist. What has been called the “Kalergi Plan” for a “Pan-European Union” may well have provided a theoretical framework for some of this. One of many Jewish advocates of this policy went from America to Israel and then to Sweden – where she helped facilitate the social disaster afflicting that country. She speaks proudly of the Jewish role in which she sees multiculturalism as an essential transformation for Europe, and acknowledges that Jews may be hated for this. A refrain repeated endlessly by prominent Jews and Jewish-led organizations is their very accurate understanding of the end result of this practice of massive migration and eventual miscegenation.

 Video Link

Yet given that the same type of people (Jewish globalists and Marxists) and many of the same organizations and movements are involved on all sides, it is reasonable to assume the worst in America. Biden has said – does he even know what he said? – that it will be a good thing when whites are no longer a majority in this country. He has also repeatedly said that “white supremacy” is the greatest threat facing the United States, and that those whites who object to his policies are “domestic terrorists,” and threatened to use F-16s against them at least twice in 2022 – assuredly a first for any American president, sentient or not.

His entire administration, including all of the armed services and all of the intelligence services, are pushing the “DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) initiative intended to minimize white participation and artificially maximize participation of almost all other groups. Again with the exception of East Asians, who apparently are considered “honorary whites” because of their “excessive” [s ic.] success rate. Teachers unions, most colleges and universities, many corporations, and Democrat-led everything mirror the DEI emphasis.

Biden’s growing senility is (or ought to be) self-evident by now. Yet it cannot be ignored that the current administration is pursuing domestic and immigration policies whose net effect is to demonize and demean whites and Asians. It will shift the demographic makeup of this country to a multiracial stew – and thus measurably less intelligent, less educated and more malleable. The policies are also meant to flip “red” (Republican) states to “blue” (Democrat) ones – assuming, of course, that elections still matter.

Coupled with these developments, there is a continual push from Jewish groups for whites to have fewer children. The five Western Jewish-owned advertising conglomerates (three in the U.S., one each in Britain and France) and the Jewish-dominated entertainment industry continually pump out messaging encouraging white females to mate with black and brown males to produce fewer white offspring and more racially mixed children. It is quite a witches’ brew, with a predictably ghastly outcome – for our culture. Our race and our country, if not for Jews.

And So?

Let’s see where we stand. Jewish-funded NGOs are pushing migrants into the US and Europe. Jews are prominent in the leadership of “woke” groups such as LGBTQ++ and radical feminists, as well as predominating in academe as “cultural Marxists” advocating CRT and child mutilation (sorry, “gender-affirming”) surgery. Several generations of graduates from the “re-education camps,” with radical values firmly inculcated, and have now infiltrated all of our institutions from corporations to nonprofits to art and entertainment – and to the armed forces, which get most of their officers from ROTC on campuses.

The Jewish-dominated media praise all of the above and suppress criticism of any of it, including reports of its abuses. The Jewish-dominated social media platforms likewise censor criticism of their efforts, as well as keeping gruesome accounts of what went very, very wrong out of the public eye. The Jewish-dominated entertainment media glorifies everything Jews are pushing, while belittling whites – especially straight white males. But noticing any of the foregoing constitutes “hate speech,” and even a whisper of criticism makes one a raging antisemite and a prime candidate for utter ruin.

The net effect is to paralyze opponents of the woke/radical agenda into inaction. Why? Because Jews do figure so noticeably in virtually all such groups, any criticism of the groups is immediately denounced by the Jewish-owned media and the Jewish-heavy academic establishment And ADL and SPLC as antisemitism. Virtually all of the critics then shut up rather than be demonized and penalized as antisemites, even when the abuse being criticized involves insane gender beliefs that can directly harm the biological health of men, women, boys and girls. It is an insidious strategy that almost always works. (I say “virtually” and “almost” because there may be a handful of exceptions.)

On the surface, many progressive secular black people, Jewish people, LGBTQ activists and feminists seem united in their hatred of white people – especially straight white men.Nut in reality, it’s basically a hatred of Western civilization that unites them, a civilization which was largely founded by white pagans in the Greco-Roman classical era, expanded later by white Christians during the Renaissance and the Reformation, and industriously shaped much of the modern world. Delete white achievements, and globally one is essentially back to what were medieval times in Europe.

That hatred, invoked and stoked by Jews and none other, compels these groups to try to destroy anything that white culture created, including patriarchy, Western civilization, and the United States of America. They are the barbarians within, and under predominately Jewish leadership. Make no mistake: They are well on their way to bringing this edifice down. The one-time victim – actual or assumed – has become a full-fledged predator, intent on making Deuteronomy reality. We must not let this happen. I will turn to how we do this in the future.

Author’s note: I wish to extend my great appreciation to my editorial associate and good friend Cat McGuire for her excellent assistance.

Alan Ned Sabrosky (PhD, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran. He served in Vietnam with the 1st Marine Division and is a graduate of the US Army War College. He can be contacted at


  1. I'm not a antisemite, I'm a proud antisemite.😎

    1. Het was Gilad Atzmon die dat zei !

    2. Weet ik. Ik mag toch ook wel jatten? Al is het een kreet.

  2. BNR: Bernard Hammelburg: ‘Trump spettert van de energie'


    Uiteraard zul je van Hammelburg niks horen over de Olifant die we nu in de kamer hebben: de Neocons. Zij zijn sinds Clinton de baas in de VS.
    Onder Reagan kregen deze Neocons al enige macht.
    Richard Pipes ( Team B) maakte Reagan wijs dat de Russen een zeer sterk leger hadden, en dat de VS dus flink moest bewapenen.
    Richard Perle begon moslim-schooltjes te financieren in centraal Azie, om daar 'grondstof' voor een eigen proxy -legertje (jonge moslim-puriteinen die bereid waren moderne vooruitstrevende moslimleiders kapot te maken) op te bouwen.
    Paul Craig Roberts was toen onderminister van Financien, en kan er veel over vertellen. Zie zijn blog.
    Maar Reagan en papa Bush konden de Neocons nog wel de baas, en gooiden ze op straat. Onder Clinten werden ze de baas.
    De Amerikaanse economie van 'auto's en goederen produceren' werd onder Clinton vervangen door een 'Wall Street economie' : Laat de Chinezen alles maken want die doen dat bijna voor niks, en de 'financials' worden schatrijk door geldschepping. De gewone man, de Trump stemmer, werd gewoon vergeten. Hij werd werkeloos.
    Kortom: Onder Reagan was er nog een Elite die het goed voor had met de Amerikanen.
    Onder Trump was er maar één man die het goed voor had met de Amerikanen: Donald Trump.
    De ( vijandige) elite en de uitkerings-gerechtigenden zijn tègen Trump, maar dat loopt een keer dood, natuurlijk. Er wordt fysiek te weinig geproduceerd, en te duur.

  3. Ik vond Vivek een verademing.

    Maar nu blijkt hij toch ook volledigf onredelijk te zijn war het Gaza betreft.
    We zien ook de enorme teleurstelling op het gezicht van Jimmy Dore:

    YT: “Israel Can Defend Itself However They Want” – Vivek Ramaswamy

    Er zijn ook al ruim 7000 reaties !
    Iedereen is teleurgesteld.

    Het toont aan dat de joodse macht in de VS gigantisch is, volgens mij.

    1. [Ik vond Vivek een verademing.]
      In welk opzicht? Hij wordt volkomen afgebrand in de comments.
      @osmetix: "Wow, I honestly was a fan of Vivek, seriously. After this I’m done. He has lost my attention. No empathy for the Palestinians. This guy is not ready to run a country." Anderen:
      "America had the right to defend itself and do anything to achieve that goal. It could nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then Ramaswamy how could you say Israel should fight according to International law. International law only applies to Russia who fight according to International law. Russia could have devastated civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. They have not done so. Anything to say Mr. Ramaswamy.
      " See I am candidate for POTUS and can't speak the truth. We are under Zionist control."
      Enz, enz, enz.

  4. Even een 'shot' gezondheid van Pierre Capel:
    Immunologie een opfrisser
    immunologie een tweede opfrisser
    Dodelijke one-liners
    De prik van Damocles
    Er is nog een 5e film, maar het systeem van blogspot kan maar 4 verwijzingen verwerken. Zodra er 5 staan, verdwijnt de hele post. Even aan de rechterkant kijken voor die 5e "Het narratief".

    1. Over gezondheid gesproken: het hele wolvennest van Wolf is ziek, een -kuch- dodelijk virus heerscht. Iedereen blaft en alleen de pup doet dat niet. Het is de enige, die nergens last van heeft. 🐺 De bofkont.

    2. ( Vanmiddag wilde mijn korte reactie niet 'uploaden')
      Dr Campbell heeft het over vitamine A. Dat zou helpen bij de huidige besmettingen.
      In kippenlevertjes zit veel A. Ik eet het elke week: lekker!
      Ook in kaas trouwens. Pas op, niet te veel A.

  5. De oekraïners, die naar het -kuch- "vrije westen" zijn gevlucht, hangt ook een zwaard van Damocles boven het hoofd: ze kunnen worden opgeroepen voor Militaire Dienst. Als doekje voor het bloeden: "Der Minister betonte, dass die Verteidigung des eigenen Landes keine Strafe, sondern eine Ehre sei." Als 2e doekje mag je lekker blowen aan het front, ehh, alleen medicinale wiet, hé.
    Hoe e.e.a. zijn beslag krijgt is nog niet duidelijk. Er zijn wat opties: UA-er raakt nationaliteit kwijt, wordt daardoor stateloos en wordt uitgewezen; hulp aan hen stopt, geen uitkering meer; politie van betreffende landen gaat actief op jacht; enz. enz. De mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos.
    De Oekraïners die naar dat 'verachtelijke' Roessland zijn gevlucht, blijven veilig. Ik denk niet, dat Poetin hen over de grens zet. Hooguit kan hij voorstellen, vrijwillig dienst te nemen in het Russische leger, dan zitten ze in ieder geval aan de winnende kant. Wellicht dat er voor hen een gratis stukje land in zit, als het zover is en zij het overleven.

  6. BNR in gesprek met Derk Sauer.

    De engelse premier Benjamin Disraeli (joods) schreef rond 1850 al: "Er is geen enkele revolutie in Europa of joodse 'agenten' spelen hebben die op poten gezet.
    Henry Ford schreef: "Als je de 50 machtigste joden zou isoleren van de buitenwereld, dan kwam er nooit meer oorlog."

    Deze mensen waren ook cruciaal voor het ontstaan van de oorlog in de Oekraïne: Wolfowitz ( joods), Kagan familie ( joods) , Kristoll familie ( joods) , Poroshenko ( joods), Kolomoisky ( joods), John Kerry ( half joods) , Zelensky ( joods), Victoria Nuland ( joods) .
    Ook de media zijn cruciaal om de zaak mogelijk te maken. Hammelburg ( joods), Derk Sauer ( joods) .

    Intussen weten we al met zekerheid dat bij ons de chaos en armoede zal toenemen:
    massa-immigratie in combinatie met woningnood en onbetaalbare energie ( dus geen concurrerende industrie ).

    Maar gelukkig komt daar dan de complete controle over elk individu die ons zal redden: QR, CBDC, total surveillance. Alleen de brave slaven zullen ( vooprlopig ) in leven blijven, als ze niet te veel eten en hard werken, natuurlijk.

    Lemmingen ! Hallo lemmingen ! Rechtdoor !

  7. Oekraïne-vlogger Kees Huizinga: 'Angstaanjagend! Drones en raketten nu vlakbij’

    12:36 "Waarom zou je je niet mogen verdedigen?
    Juist. Gelijk heb je, Kees.
    De Amerikanen vertellen al 30 jaar lang dat Rusland klein moet blijven. Dat de kop er af moet als het weer op staat. ( Dick Cheney, Wolfowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinsky, Het PNAC Report. De Oranje Revolutie, de coup van 2014, de 'mannen in het zwart' die op de Maidan op agenten èn op burgers schoten, het besluit om de Russische taal te verbieden, het vermoorden en in brand steken en dood knuppelen van etnische Russen in Odessa op 2 mei 2014 ( Kijk deze video: You Tube zoekterm: Burnt alive in Odessa: Truth seeker.
    Op 12:18 zie je hoe iemand die uit het raam sprong, word doodgeknuppeld als een zeehond. )

    Amerika begon in 2014 het leger op te bouwen. Later gaven Merkel en Hollande dat ook toe: de vrede van Minsk2 (gesloten omdat anders het Oekraiense leger geheel zou zijn vernietigd, dus een gift van Putin) was bedoeld om het Oekraiense leger te versterken, zeiden Merkel en Hollande en Poroshenko vorig jaar. Ze bedrogen Putin. Die sluit dus nooit meer een vrede met de onbetrouwbare Westerlingen. Hij vecht door en zal zelf bepalen hoe het land wordt verdeeld.

    In 2021:
    Zelensky riep: "We gaan een atoombom maken"
    Zelensky riep: "We gaan de Krim bevrijden "
    Zelensky liet 26 bio-laboratoria in zijn land inrichten door de VS.
    In het PNAC report lezen we dat de Neocons wel positief zijn over biologische oorlogvoering: " Als je daar specigieke bevolkingsgroepen mee kan treffen." ( omdat ze er gevoeliger voor zijn) . Pagina 78.

    Denk je nou werkelijk dat Putin gaat zitten wachten tot de VS zijn land volledig schaakmat heeft gezet?

    Zoals je zegt Kees: 12:36 "Waarom zou je je niet mogen verdedigen?" Dat geldt ook voor Rusland.
    Amerika begint met de agressie. Maar hoe zou jij dat kunnen weten? Dat vertellen ze jou natuurlijk niet. maar ik vertel het je.
    En als je het niet wil horen, OK, dan ga je het voelen. Oekraiene is al verwoest. Had je maar beter moeten kijken wie de agressor was. Het is eigen schuld.
    Geldt ook voor Europa: onze energie maakt onze producten veel te duur. We hebben al verloren.
    De BRICS landen (85% van de wereld) ziet hoe we nu weer de genocide in Israel steunen en keert zich in walging van ons af. En terecht.

  8. Ken O'Keefe, van langer geleden. Hij kon geweldig praten:
