Monday, June 26, 2017

627 Wanneer komt dat proefschrift over 'Conspiracy' nu eindelijk?

    Despite their popularity and normalization, the public image of conspiracy theory remains morally tainted. Academics contribute by conceiving of conspiracy theorists as a coherent collective: internal variety is sacrificed for a clear external demarcation. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in the Netherlands, we explore variation in the conspiracy milieu through people’s own self-understanding. More particularly, we study how these people identify with and distinguish themselves from others. The analysis shows that they actively resist their stigmatization as ‘conspiracy theorists’ by distinguishing themselves from the mainstream as ‘critical freethinkers’. The trope ‘I am not a conspiracy theorist’ is used to reclaim rationality by labelling others within the conspiracy milieu the ‘real’ conspiracy theorists. Secondly, their ideas of self and other make three groups apparent: ‘activists’, ‘retreaters’ and ‘mediators’. Conspiracy culture, we conclude, is not one monolithic whole, but rather a network of different groups of people, identifying with different worldviews, beliefs, and practices.
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    Author biographies
    Jaron Harambam is currently finishing his PhD at the Rotterdam Centre for Cultural Sociology of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. His main research is on conspiracy theories having carried out extensive ethnographic fieldwork in the Dutch conspiracy milieu. He has recently published in Public Understanding of Science (2015) about why conspiracy theorists contest the epistemic authority of science. His broader sociological interests lie at the intersections of science, popular culture and religion. He is an editor of the Dutch peer-reviewed journal Sociologie, co-edited a special issue on actor-network theory (2014), and has published on the commercialisation of virtual worlds (2011) and cultural beliefs about online sociality (2013).
    Stef Aupers is professor of media culture at the Institute for Media Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium. Most of his work deals with post-traditional forms of religion, spirituality and conspiracy culture and, particularly, the way such beliefs are mediatized. Stef has published in journals such as Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Public Understanding of Science and European Journal of Communication. His latest international books are Religions of Modernity: Relocating the Sacred to the Self and the Digital (Brill, 2010) and Paradoxes of Individualization: Social Control and Social Conflict in Contemporary Modernity (Routledge, 2011).


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      Maar op Bliks site heb ik afgelopen dagen een heel nieuwe visie op evolutie en populatiebiologie ontwikkeld. Niks nieuws denk ik, maar ik heb het wel zelf bedacht: de genetische zwerm! Waarbij elk individu een mierenkolonie of spreeuwenzwerm van genen is. Bijna altijd onafhankelijk. Dat ik dat zelf bedacht heb zegt niks, het concept bestaat ongetwijfeld al jaren.

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      Deze visie verwerpt de ideëen van schrijvers van boeken zoals dit:

      1. Ja, Rootman,
        ik heb met je gesproken op Blik over die zwerm theorie.
        Ik wist niet dat je die net uit je duim had gezogen !

        Nu heb ik geen tijd om er op in te gaan, maar als je de theorie van Rushton ( mijn grote held) hebt weerlegd, dan ben ik zeker geïnteresseerd.
        Zoals je weet had ik die link aan je gegeven.
