Sunday, May 11, 2014

344. Kiev 'Junta' kills civilians, but 'The West' doesn't want to see it.

This blog:

My blog 340 was called:   The Kiev snipers were friends of Obama. 
This blog may be called: The Odessa snipers were friends of Obama.

The Odessa masssacre: 40 people killed by guns, sticks and smoke.

It was all over the news in the last week: Pro-Russian demonstrators were killed in a fire  in Odessa.
But 99% of the people in the West will still think it was kind of 'by accident'.
It was not.

It was well prepared, well organised and well implemented: 

Maidan-fascists like Parubiy and Mikola worked in cooperation with Ukraïnain POLICE to kill pro-Russians. 

The goal was probably to get Russia so mad that they would enter Ukraïne.

The proof is in a video that was aired by Russian tv.
Is this a reliable source? Yes, unless you think that it is possible to falsify the pictures that you are seeing in this video. I cannot believe that this is possible.

The video is very fast, and to read the subtitles and also look at the pictures is almost impossible.
I will give two explanations in advance: first a summary, telling what you are goung to see.

Second a translation (english: in blue) of what is said in the video.  This translation is not easy to understand, but the main points will be clear. Main point being: You will see that policemen and fake demonstraters work together and all use a red band around the arm. You see that snipers shoot at people while the policemen are looking on: the police are part of the terror plot, organised by leaders from Maidan.

Here is the 7 min. Video: police working with snipers.

Here is a 3 min video from above the square across the Union building. 

People jumping from windows, then killed with sticks. 17 seconds.

Photo's taken after the killings, inside the Union building. 

An article on Information Clearing House with the same story  as I have here.

My conclusion: 
The Media are no longer telling us the truth. They are not even searching the truth. They believe every lie that they hear,  like: "Putin wants to invade Ukraïne" and  "Putin is destabilising the Ukraïne "
The 'presstitutes'  are unable and unwilling to see the reality, for which a lot of evidence is easily to be seen. 
Some evidence:  Otpor, Gene Sharp, Hillary's statement, NDI, NED, 5 million of Nuland, Paet and Ashton, calling the Maidan revolt good, and the Slaviansk revolt 'terroris'. Etc. etc. 

Summary ( of the 7 minute video) 
The leader of the Maidan-revolt, Parubiy, has worked together with the Odessa police to infuriate a group of football hooligans. 
Parubiy and the police used another group of agressive young men who all wore a Russian symbol ( orange ribbon) to make the hooligans believe that they were pro-Russians. This group I call the AP: agents provocateurs. 
From the AP shots were fired at the hooligans, to infuriate them.
Some hooligans were killed.
Then the AP retracted towards the square with the peaceful pro-Russia demonstrators, and the furious hooligans followed them. 
The infuriated hooligans saw the real pro-Russian demonstrators and attacked them and put fire on their tents. These attacked people fled into the Union building, which was their home base. In that building they were murdered by Right Sektor men who were already inside, with guns, knives or gas or by smoke from the fire. Then the Right Sector planted Russian passports on the dead people, to prove that they were Russian infiltrants. 
The cooperation between the police and the AP was visible: they all used red bands around the arms. Also we see the policemen giving instructions to the AP-mob. This was planned and organised and the junta-police was involved in killing civilians: pro Kiev hooligans as well as pro-Russian peaceful demonstrators. 

Translation of the video : russian > english > dutch.  ( of the 7 min. video)

Er was op vrijdag een voetbalwedstrijd. Daar komen ultra rechtse jongeren op af die allen fel nationalistisch zijn: pro Kiev. Ik noem ze: de Kiev groep.
Ze zijn gewapend met stokken en stenen , en ze marcheren door de straat. 
Toen verscheen een groep jongeren die duidelijk als pro Rusland herkenbaar waren, want ze hadden allemaal het bekende oranje-met-zwarte-strepen lintje om. 
Maar ze hadden , eigenaardig genoeg , ook allemaal een rode band om de arm. 
Nog vreemder is dat er ook politieagenten tussen of naast stonden met precies zo'n rode band om de arm. 
De Rusland groep (de aanvallers) was kleiner, en kon dit nooit winnen. 
Dan splitste die Rusland groep in twee en lokte zo een deel van de Kiev hooligans achter zich aan. De hooligans roepen: "Maar 50 man, die kunnen we van uit de zijstraat pakken."
De grote groep Kiev hooligans raakt in gevecht met de rode band Russen. Wat opmerkelijk is,m dat is dat het politie cordon soms wordt geopend om de rode band 'Russen' door te laten. Een camera registreet een man die vanaf een dak schiet: hij heeft een rode band om. Toen vielen de eerste doden. Dan zien we weer een man met rode band schieten. Vlak achter hem staat een politieagent en kijkt toe ! Die agent wordt door bloggers herkend als politite- baas Dmitry Fuchedze. Op eerdere beelden zien we hem samen met de rode-band 'Russen' mensen lopen , op weg naar het gevecht. Dan zien we een ambtenaar van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken in uniform, die instructies uit deelt aan de Rode band 'Russen'. 
Dan zien we een man in kogelvrij vest die schiet op de Kiev hooligans, terwijl hij vlak achter een politieagent staat.
Nu is de strategie wel duidelijk: de politie en haar als Rusland-sympathisant verklede helpers met rode band willen de hooligans tot razernij brengen.
Maar waarom? 
Dat werd duidelijk toen een groep met Rode band-Russen een groep Kiev Hooligans naar het plein voor het Vakbondsgebouw leidde of lokte. De demonstranten zijn daar al enkele maanden met hun tenten en borden. 
Geen enkele demonstrant had een rode band om de arm, uiteraard. 
De demonstranten vluchtten het gebouw in en probeerden de deuren te barricaderen. 
In de massa bevonden zich twee politiebataljons en ook een flink aantal Right Sector activisten in burgerkledij. De voetbalfans of hooligans dienden als kanonnenvoer. Heel 'toevallig' verscheen op die vrijdag 2 mei de commandant van het Maidan plein,Andrei Parubiy in Odessa. Parubiy was er zelfs al een dag eerder: hij heeft alles georganiseerd. De brandweer kwam wel een uur later aan dan de politieagenten...
Dan is er nog die man in militante kleding die omstandig klaagt over de aanvallers (de pro Russen) , en dat vier van zijn collega's zijn gewond. Hij spreekt voor de Ukraiense tv, dat is een opzetje. Hij beweert dat hij ongewapend is, maar we zien hem schieten op de mensen die uit het gebouw willen vluchten.
Het ministerie beweert dat de mensen in het Vakbondsgebouw zichzelf in brand hebben gestoken, omdat de ramen op 3 hoog nooit met molotov cocktails bereikt kunnen worden. 
Maar hier is wat een getuige vertelt die in het gebouw zat: 

Het bleek dat de Maidan lieden óók al in het gebouw zaten. Ze gooiden een adembenemend gas in de ruimte. Op de video zien we ze ook met de Ukraïense vlag zwaaien achter een van de ramen. 
Ook zien we wel degelijk vuur op de derde verdieping. 

De Ukraïense Media hebben allerlei leugenachtige mededelingen gedaan. 
Er werd oa. beweerd dat de doden n het gebouw allemaal Russen waren. Die leugens zijn ontzenuwd.
Veel doden hadden geprobeerd te vluchten, maar ze vertonen schotwonden en zijn dus vermoord in het brandend gebouw.

Translation of the video: Russian > english.  ( Of the 7 min. video)
There are lots of photos and videos of what was going on in the city on Friday and there are lots of details attracting special attention. Information to consider is quite enough for full investigation. It was taken by Pavel Ptshelkin. 

At the very height of punitive action in the country when tensions in Russian-speaking Odessa reached the top level –there was a football match. “Metallist” from Harkov was playing with “”Chernomorets”, Odessa. Several thousand ultras of both teams came to the city. These fans are nationalists, proponents of Maidan and they get a permission to march along the streets of Odessa in support of united Ukrain. They gathered here, near Sobornaya Square. Meanwhile from Alexandrovsky Avenue towards them there moved a group of well-equipped young men armed with batons and reinforcement. Many of these wear “Georgian bands” but the main distinctive feature – all of them have a mark made of red scotch on the sleeve. The authorities called them pro-Russian militants but it seems somebody needed everybody to believe it. And lots of eyewitnesses made these very conclusions. 

And here is the first strange thing and “mismatch” with junta’s official version. The same red marks were on the sleeves of some policemen. The most interesting thing is it was where these policemen stayed that the “break” of “separatists” to the members of the march happened. 

Here we can see the red marks on the sleeves of the attackers and nearby – the same bands on the sleeves of the policemen in cordon. The number of attackers is much smaller than the members of the march and it’s obvious they are not going to disperse them. They haven’t got enough power. But it is that very place where the break happened and another small group separated. What for? Soon it became quite obvious. They seduced a crowd of fans and succeed. Here the members of the march crying: 

Fifty people – that’s… that means we can get them from side-lane, there’s few of them… 

The crowd changes the direction of movement and drives into Grecheskaya street. The main collisions happened over there. And here we can also see lots of strange things. The police chains part letting the attackers through and close down again. There are stones from both sides. Here we see a man with a red band on the sleeve – he starts firing from the roof. And it was here where the first people were killed. The guns were on both sides but here is a strange frame – the militant firing and a policeman is behind him. The bloggers recognized the deputy police head Dmitry Fuchedze. And here he is surrounded by those with red bands before the collision. And here he is walking with a group of those people to the place where the collisions with the members of the march happened. 

And here - according to his chevron - an officer of Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs is obviously instructing the attackers with red bands. 

“You should clearly understand what each unit is doing. They ran and ran. Where they ran? Look, every time there are some problems” 

But it is much more difficult to believe in these pictures – here a man in a bullet-proof vest starts firing the members of the march straight from behind the policemen. And now it becomes quite clear – the main aim is to infuriate the crowd of fans and Maidan proponents. 

Why? It became clear further when the attackers with red bands immediately left and a furious crowd aiming to Kulikovo Pole where the camp of protestors to current authorities is situated. These protestors were still there and for several months the authorities couldn’t afford to tackle with them. Naturally no people with red bands were in the camp. There on watch were some some dozens of activists. Trying to escape from the crowd they barricaded themselves in the building of Trade-unions. 

And now some words about those in the crowd. Thousands of fans accustomed to street battles – according to the plan – were likely to become cannon fodder. According to the police staff there in the crowd were two battalions of police – “East” and “Storm” recently staffed with nationalists from Right Sector in civil clothes. 

According to surprising coincidence just that very day in Odessa there appeared a former commandant of Maidam Andrei Parubiy. The police appeared here after an hour and the fire-brigade – after the police. That means there was a sign to make a pause. The leader is Parubiy. He was in Odessa yesterday and the day before yesterday. Everything was going on under his control. 

And here is one more character. A man in a bullet-proof vest surrounded by clearly non-civil companions is falsely complaining to somebody about the attackers. He is clearly working for Ukrainian TV camera. 

“They are armed, they are aggressively inclined, they have got pyrotechnics. My four guys are wounded and me too”. 

He is clearly lying that he is not armed. Here he is near the flaming building of Trade-unions – he is firing not to let people seeking shelter in the building to climb out of the windows. 

This man is called Micola and he is a leader of one of hundreds Maidan fighters. It has recently arrived in Odessa. It is well known that Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs later announced that people who died in that building fired themselves because it is impossible to throw a bottle to the third floor. This cynical statement is easily disapproved. Here is what one of the survived told in his blog: 

Meanwhile there was a message the maidans are breaking through the other corridor… how did they happen to get there… I ran there and helped to block the door. In the corridor I met two girls – they tried to move an old iron safe. I helped them to move it to the door, blocking. While I moved it and blocked there came a white-green smoke from under the door... the air from my lungs was kicked out at once. One moment I thought I would choke… 

In other words the Maidan fighters were also inside the building. Here they demonstrate the Ukrainian flag in the window followed by the crowd approval. And here are other pictures made some minutes later. You can see that in that very window at the 3d floor the fire starts. At that very moment the governor Vladimir Nemirovsky actually gives the fighter the licence for murder: 

“The actions of Odessa inhabitants aimed at neutralization and detention of armed terrorists are considered to be valid” 

As we have already told the majority of those who came to fire the building of Trade-unions were not from Odessa but inside the building they were all odessits. The fighters from Right Sector were the first to enter the building and they started at once to seek for the documents of the dead. Later the Ukrainian propagandists tried to lie stating the dead had Russian passports. These passports were in the Internet and the lie was easily destroyed – the same passports with the same family names appeared in a message on 16 April concerning alleged Russian diversionists. 

April 2 in Odessa the people were burned alive and those who tried to escape were finished off with sticks. Besides as it appeared later among the dead there were lots of people with gunshot wounds. And moreover the police even didn’t think to interfere. All in all the facts lead to one conclusion. The reason of this tragedy in Odessa is a provocation in order to disperse and arrest the members of a numerous protests on the Kulikovo Pole against acting authorities. The fans were just used for this. On both sides there were skilful instigators. Considering all in all there was hardly anyone to plan the massacre but the crowd excited by the blood and impunity couldn’t stop.


Some more good information:

Counterpunch: a list of video's about the Odessa killings: Eric Zuesse

Counterpunch: Alarm: "The Russians are coming" : William Blum.

Counterpunch: Tehe double standards of The West: Nile Bowie.

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