Saturday, May 27, 2017

618 Larchmonter 445 is optimistisch: De VS is finished. De normale mensen krijgen de overhand: Rusland en China.

Larchmonter 445 is een (anonieme)  pundit.
Hij schrijft af en toe reacties op de Saker. Maar soms hoor je maanden niks van hem.
Ik hoop dat hij dan studeert op  'de toestand in de wereld'.
Hij geeft mij in elk geval de indruk erg goed  op de hoogte te zijn.

Dat is een verschijnsel waar zelden bij wordt stil gestaan: schrijvers, journalisten, politici, zakenlieden:  ze hebben nog niet 10% van de tijd die een  'bemiddelde pundit' of een gepensioneerd iemand heeft om zich een beeld te vormen van de snel veranderende 'toestand in de wereld.'

Een persoonlijk voorbeeld: In januari 2008 schreef een Volkskrant-journalist over de crisis.  Uit zijn betoog bleek dat hij nooit van de Glass-Steagal  Act had gehoord.  Ik mailde hem en gaf hem volop informatie over die wet.  Hij was sportief en bedankte me uitvoerig.

Hieronder een drietal reacties van Larchmonter 445 zoals ze verschenen op een blog van The Saker.

Mogelijk dat ik ze nog in het Nederlands ga vertalen.

Opmerkelijk:  De Saker-moderator heeft enkele al te harde en al te expliciete opmerkingen geschrapt.  We moeten raden waar die opmerkingen over gingen, maar ik heb wel een idee.
( Zou de Saker veel ellende hebben ervaren nadat hij deze blog schreef ? Is deze censuur het gevolg?)


HIER het artikel van De Saker waar Larchmonter op reageerde. Ook zeer de moeite waard.

By reason of observation and thought we can see that the US/Hegemon is on the rampage again. Mattis and McMaster are unleashed. The Deep State rules. Trump is but a passenger atop the back of the Beast.
The fruits of its labors however are gathered by Eurasia (Russia, China, Iran).
The coup in Turkey, backfired, and Erdogan, though diminished in his dreams is more solidly in control of his nation as all-powerful autocrat. Turkey is forced into alliance with Russia and Iran. Turkey must work with Russia to limit the US-backed Kurdistan development project. Turkey, rejected by Germany and EU, must turn to Eurasia. Turkey, in need of energy, must go forward with the Gazprom Turkish Stream. Turkey, ever the target for CIA-Mossad coup plots must rely on Russia’s SVR, GRU and FSB for counter-Intel.
The great Arab nation of Egypt has turned its mind and heart to Russia. Al-Sisi, a friend of the USA knows that only Russia can help him secure a future for his government, for his military-political base, and for economic development. His fight against ISIS, and the powerful social force of MB inside Egypt, requires Russian expertise and military certainty. Though he sits with the other Arab powers, he walks with Putin. Egypt needs big infrastructure development. The future is with Eurasia. China’s wealth is clearly going to have to come to Cairo since the wealth of the oil states has been miserly and the US has no wealth to offer.
Libya is standing in line at the Russian doorstep. General Haftar has been working for over a year to get Russian military to help fight ISIS and AQ. The US-UN have no solution, only more war.
Thus, MENA is lost to the US, except to keep chaotic and in hot conflicts. Russia has the Eastern Mediterranean and North African coast as its new sphere of influence.
Turn to the Asian Pacific and we see the flux of failed US policy. Just yesterday and the day before, Pres. Duterte of the Philippines begged Putin for assistance in his fight to defeat ISIS in southern region of his nation. New foreign fighters have begun the terror war, slaughtering Filipinos. This is more radical Islam against Christianity. Russia has answered with loans and expertise. Soon, the Philippines will be in the sphere of influence of the Kremlin. (With little effort by the Kremlin.) The open door to Putin’s office and his phone is ready to receive whoever comes for Russian help in the fight against terrorism.
Even Japan, a very close ally of the US has reached out to work with Russia on economic and security issues. Japan wants in on Eurasian development. More on the Korean crisis below.
When we look at the facts on the ground, in Latin America, too, we see several nations reach to Russia and China as preferred partners.
All of these trends and events are on the side of Russia and China and non-ideological. There is no “theory” or “system” or “requisite” for partnership. Duterte turned as did al- Sisi, because they need reliability and effectiveness. Russia delivers. China, though it often extracts minerals and floods the markets with cheap products, delivers on its projects. Hospitals, schools, roads, airports, ports and utilities get built. Nations are moved from third world status to emergent and developing status. Prosperity becomes possible. Education flourishes, health services save and improve lives, all without vassalage, the usual “tax” extracted by the US.
The near-future looks unstable and chaos-filled. The Hegemon is determined to disrupt and destroy in the ME, NA, Balkans, Baltics, Black Sea, Central Asia, Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, South China Sea and the Arctic.
But, irony is strong. The US ousted Mrs. Park from Seoul and got President Moon who wants Russia as an ally. The youth-filled color revolution worked. Park may go to prison, for her sin of being friends with Beijing. But Moon is worse. He will be a sovereigntist. He understands, the US cannot protect South Korea.
The Hegemon is a blind beast, deaf, probably capable only of smell, and its sense is attuned to sulphur and burnt flesh. It tears human flesh from bone, cracks bones, smashes homes and crushes cities. But it cannot continue. It is up against civilizations that are more than ready to stop it in its tracks. Syria is the war to end the Beast.
Once Syria is cleared out of ISIS and AQ, the resulting geopolitical milieu of the region, from Ankara to Sinai, from Mediterranean to Teheran, will be like 2006 Lebanon-Israel a hundred-fold. The shock to the system of the US-Israel-Arab coalition of sponsor states will be catatonic.
Not only did their strategy and tactics, infowars and false flags, military leadership and geopolitics fail, their weapons and defenses and Intel failed.
And a Phoenix-rise of Syria will be a great secular state honoring all the religions of the nation. How splendid that will be. How honorable to all the murdered, slaughtered, raped and tortured victims of the US-Israel-Saudi satanism.
It is coming. Trump and Mattis cannot stop it. They lose. Russia-Syria-Iran will win this war. They have to. It’s not optional.
For the Hegemon, there is always the exit in shame and disarray. The US has perfected pathetic endings of its wars. Johnny doesn’t come home marching in a parade any more. He’s in a flag-draped casket or in a hospital waiting on prosthetics-fittings or drugged to calm the tremors and shock.
Ideology cannot win anywhere any longer. Those days are over. Only the Deep State has not understood that reality.
Trump cannot make a deal with the product he offers. No one wants what the US is selling. It’s poison.
But never underestimate the depravity of the minions of the Deep State. They control the tyranny of the US government, and Trump will never get control of the Beast of the Swamp.
[Comment edited; inappropriate material deleted. There is a line we do not cross, even with the First Amendment.~mod.DG]

  • “The Hegemon is a blind beast, deaf, probably capable only of smell, and its sense is attuned to sulphur and burnt flesh. It tears human flesh from bone, cracks bones, smashes homes and crushes cities. But it cannot continue. It is up against civilizations that are more than ready to stop it in its tracks. Syria is the war to end the Beast.”
    Magnificent writing, like the chorus of a Greek play. Despite the optimism you evince for Syria and for the general evolution of a world without fatal interference from the Hegemon, your final remark about the deep state casts a dark shadow. I was thinking as I read your post that, ultimately the neocons will never permit peace in the world, and will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on world events. Strange that you seem to be dead on in your analysis, both positively and negatively. I don’t know quite how to process this.
    • @Jeremy,
      Briefly, I see the Hegemon capable of great damage, for that is its nature. It doesn’t dominate to bring honey and milk or fresh fruit and flowers to humanity.
      Opposed to it now are Russia (Putin) and China (Xi and the CCP). They have a lifetime of defending against the Hegemon. And have ascending nations despite all the travails and obstacles. Russia is in positive traction and China is, though awkwardly, still developing.
      That is not the condition of the Beast. It is struggling mightily.
      At basics, the human component of the Hegemon, we have the Deep State. These are freaks of ideology, the core of it Russophobia and triumphalism. Very powerful people.
      Ruthless. Disconnected from Nature, God, the Spiritual and the rest of Humanity.
      But Russia and China are now a multipolar force that has its own field of gravity and are attracting others, like Iran, like all the non-West nations who reject vassalage. But more. They are shaking loose Members of Parliaments of various European states, many ASEAN nations, African nations, Latin American nations, and many people within vassal states. This is historic disruption of Hegemonic power.
      Poised on the command deck is Putin, master strategist, who has the world’s best military precisely tuned for the war against Terror and the Hegemon. He has the defenses and the strike weapons that the Hegemon cannot defeat. And allied with him is the Wealth of China.
      For the Deep State, they can afford to lose. In fact, some of them are choosing to lose, to fight again later, as they did with the Cold War. They waited and won and took the Planet. But they are losing mastery now. To try to win against Russia-China is impossible. The two will not separate and there is no hope of winning for decades.
      So, we have the Hegemon’s hope of containment and chaos-making. It is driven by ideology and MIC oligarchy.
      But, everything comes down to Syria.
      Can the new coalition of willing Muslims put troops on the ground and defeat Russia-Iran-Syria-Hezbollah? Not a chance.
      Will NATO put troops on the ground to engage that quartet? Never.
      How many US boots will trek onto Syria soil? 2000,5000? Not likely.
      Thus, the Syrian war will go forth for this year and an ending. More and more very specialized Russian units will participate. Right now, Chechens are MPs and sprinkled here and there.
      Turan, Central Asian special ops are doing very well. Regular Spetsnaz are everywhere and are changing every battlefront. Syrian units are gaining expertise from Russians.
      And Hezbollah is still highly effective, though it has great losses from the years of warfare.
      So, we know Putin, we know the facts on the ground. He knows the Deep State.
      Their solace will be Ukraine and sanctions. That cancer will continue. It is another lost dream of the Deep State.
      They have lost the Presidential race, they are losing Syria and they will lose against Eurasia. It is hard to see sometimes. But everything is cyclical. Hegemony is past its peak.

Enkele uren eerder had Larchmonter 445 een reactie die meer asctueel was, als reactie op het nieuws van de dag:

The purpose of the big arms sales is three-fold:
Domestic revenues for MIC and defense industry jobs for US.
Saudis get some transfer of technologies and local production and jobs.
Forward positioning of latest technological weapons for US to use against Iran.
(The overall Hegemonic strategy has been to contain Russia, China and Iran, and the tactic is to forward position the defensive systems (THAAD, Aegis land) and offensive weapons (tanks, artillery, planes).
Concurrent to the military forward positioning is the covert Hybrid warfare, color revolution, terror-based destabilization efforts in the spheres of influence of R-C-I.
And, the disruption of Eurasian development, especially, OBOR and EAEU projects.


  1. Larchmonter445 is een reaguurder met veel kennis, hij reageert zelden of nooit emotioneel maar altijd met feiten, dat maakt zijn reacties ook zo sterk.

    Met dit deel ben ik het niet helemaal eens "For the Deep State, they can afford to lose. In fact, some of them are choosing to lose, to fight again later, as they did with the Cold War. They waited and won and took the Planet."

    Ik neem aan dat hij hier schrijft over de val van de Sovjet Unie. Zoals hij het beschrijft, lijkt het alsof er een echte oorlog aan de gang was en (een deel van de deepstate) heeft gekozen deze bewust te verliezen. Ik zie dat enigszins anders. De Koude Oorlog is nooit een echte oorlog geweest, kapitalisme en communisme zijn twee zijden van dezelfde munt waarbij dezelfde puppetmasters aan de touwtjes trekken. Ik denk dat het een bewuste beslissing is geweest om de Sovjet Unie te laten vallen omdat de puppetmasters meenden deze niet meer nodig te hebben. Het leegroven en overnemen van resources en kapitaal begon immers direct en niet na verloop van tijd. Het was m.i. dus helemaal niet de bedoeling dat er weer gevochten zou (moeten) worden. Zij meenden de planeet al ingenomen te hebben en konden het dus af met 1 'hoofdkwartier'. Dat dit niet gelukt is, is een andere zaak, dat heeft de wereld aan Putin te danken, maar ik denk echt niet dat de deepstate verwacht had vandaag de dag het gevecht om wereldhegemonie nog te moeten voeren, laat staan dat zij verwacht hadden dat hun empire (lees: macht) op instorten zou staan.

  2. Sophia,
    dit was een passage die ik niet goed kon interpreteren.

    Misschien doelen ze op de oude plannen om Rusland nucleair te vernietigen. ( plannen die in 1947-1963 regelmatig op kwamen.) Toen hebben die Deep State figuren nooit hun zin gekregen. De oorlog bleef koud.
    Maar na 1991 hebben ze hem toch gewonnen.

    Anderzijds: die Deep State is pas sinds die jaren ontstaan en gegroeid. ( De CIA is in 1947 gevormd. Het Militair Industrieel Complex bestond toen al, natuurlijk, en zoals je weet was het in 1961 al heel erg machtig.)
    Maar niet machtig genoeg om de Russen nucleair te kunnen aanvallen, wat somigen van hen heel graag zouden doen.

    1. Jan schreef "Misschien doelen ze op de oude plannen om Rusland nucleair te vernietigen. ( plannen die in 1947-1963 regelmatig op kwamen.) Toen hebben die Deep State figuren nooit hun zin gekregen. De oorlog bleef koud."

      Dat zou kunnen maar ik vraag me af hoe serieus die plannen waren. Aan beide zijden werd door de puppetmasters flink verdiend, bovendien kon op deze manier bekeken worden (stel ik me zo voor) welk model het beste als basis zou kunnen dienen voor hun in te voeren wereldsysteem.

      Jan schreef "Maar na 1991 hebben ze hem toch gewonnen."

      Niet als beide systemen inderdaad een soort proeftuin waren, er dus helemaal geen oorlog was en dus ook niets te 'winnen of verliezen'. In dat geval zijn ze begin jaren 90 tot de conclusie gekomen dat het kapitalisme hun doel(en) het beste zou dienen. Dat verklaart ook de belofte van NAVO niet naar het Oosten uit te breiden (er was immers geen noodzaak tot gefingeerde dreiging meer). De grote uitbreiding vond pas plaats nadat bleek dat Putin niet de puppet was die ze meenden aan de macht te hebben gebracht. Ik denk dat het de bedoeling was (is) om van Rusland een derderangs regio (de EU is de tweederangs regio) en wingewest te maken. Dit is deels gelukt in de jaren 90 maar is inmiddels door Putin ongedaan gemaakt. In plaats van wingewest en derderangs regio is Rusland uitgegroeid tot een formidabele tegenstander. Mochten ze dus in 1991 al iets 'gewonnen' hebben dan zijn ze dat zeer snel weer kwijtgeraakt maar nu voorgoed.

      Jan schreef "Anderzijds: die Deep State is pas sinds die jaren ontstaan en gegroeid. ( De CIA is in 1947 gevormd. Het Militair Industrieel Complex bestond toen al, natuurlijk, en zoals je weet was het in 1961 al heel erg machtig.)
      Maar niet machtig genoeg om de Russen nucleair te kunnen aanvallen, wat somigen van hen heel graag zouden doen."

      De deepstate is volgens mij deels gegroeid omdat het deel wat in Moskou zat verhuisd is naar Washington en deels omdat dit inherent is aan (dergelijke) organisaties wanneer zij niet aan banden worden gelegd. Ik denk echt dat de roep om een nucleaire aanval op de Russen ketelmuziek was waar diverse redenen een rol bij speelden.
