Tuesday, June 07, 2011

144. De Volkskrant and the familiar (false) accusations.

World-wide people believe that Al Qaeda is a terror-network that coordinated several terrorist attacks. 
Today De Volkskrant tells us that an Interpol boss has stated that Al Qaeda is the biggest threat to our safety. 
The paper mentions four acts of terror that were done by Al Qaeda.
As if there ever was a real investigation. As if there ever was any proof. 
There never was any proof. Never a real investigation. Only lies and a cover up. 
The US started two 'wars on terror', but they were the real terrorists.
They put people in Guantanamo without a trial, and after many years have to admit that many of them are innocent.

Always they find excuses for not having a trial. ( Think of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.) 
It is a shame that newspapers all over the world do refuse to see what many other people can see easily.
The Volkskrant gives four examples of Al Qaeda terror attacks, but all four of them are either not done by arabs (911), òr they are done so clumsily that I think they were false flag actions from the Mossad, deployed by naïve moslims. Their only goals was: to generate bad publicity for moslims.

People who do not  sheepishly believe the newspapers and study  the 'terror attacks' almost all come to the conclusion that the official version of what happened at 911 cannot be true. 
Pilots do not believe that these arabs could fly such a plane into the Twin Towers. 
Demolition experts are convinced that building 7 was prepared for demolition. 
People who were there are convinced they heard explosions. 
Only one black box was found ( !) , and this showed that the door to the cockpit was never opened.
Only jewish people were warned before the attacks, not arabs. ( Odigo, Goldman Sachs etc.) 
The young Israeli's who were waiting for the first ( and second) plane to hit the Towers, and danced and high-fived at each hit, said on Israeli tv: "We were there to document the event." ( How did they know about an event coming that morning ?) 
And the list goes on and on. 
Why does a critical paper like The Volkskrant not write about this obviously false casus belli ? 

The Shoe-bomber.
Then there was this clumsy shoe-bomber.  Was that Al Quaida? One moment they are able to hijack four planes and hit the prestigious symbol of the USA ( where were the fighter planes to chase the hijacked planes away ?)  The next month they send a man in a plane with some explosive in his shoe.... and fail. Not convincing at all. 

The Christmas smoking underpants Nigerian boy. 
The supposed terrorist had way too little explosives with hinm to really blow up a plane, as the english investigators found out ( but of course this does not end up in The Volkskrant.)  
After the 'attack' there was an American lawyer ( on CNN and other sources) who had a very interesting story to tell.  Inb Amsterdam, waiting for the plane to Detroit, he was a witness of the Nigerian boy  being refused to enter the plane.  He had no visum ànd no passport ! 
Then a distinguished looking man from Indian  origine, came and told the Dutch emnploye: Ypou can take him. We do this al the time." The employee said : ask permission of head-security.  The Indian man and the Nigerian 'terrorist' went to the employees of the Israeli company who does the security. And so this terrorist got on board: with the help op Israeli security. 
I once read that Yemen has 'terrorist cell' that in reality are Mossad undercover operations.  I believe this story: it is typically how the Mossad would handle such a job: they villify people by false flag operations. ( As in Victor Ostrovsky's book: "We're starting now to build him (Saddam) up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work.") 

Below I quote the article in The Volkskrant and give some comments in Dutch. 

De explosieven die onderweg waren.  ( vierde en laatste Vk voorbeeld.) 
Dit verhaal ben ik al weer half vergeten. Maar als Interpol bang is van Al Quaida omdat het bombrieven stuurt, die nooit doel treffen, dan is het bedroevend gesteld met Interpol.  
Wel herinner ik me nog twee zakenlieden die werden gearresteerd op Schiphol. Uiteindelijk bleek er helemaal niks aan de hand. Maar dat hinderde niet: de actie was geslaagd, want de 'moslim-terreur'was alweer dagen lang onderwerp van gesprek. 

De wereld is diep gezonken als voorheen bonafide kranten meedoen met ongegronde beschuldigingen steeds maar weer te herhalen. 
Ik heb ook niet zo veel hoop. 
Onze tegenstanders hebben de financien van de wereld in handen en kunnen bepalen of we arm of rijk zijn. Daar hebben ze trucs genoeg voor. Met dat geld beheersen ze de machtige landen ( de VS,  Engeland, Duitsland, Frankrijk) en zelfs China is (nog) niet vrij. 

'Al-Qaeda blijft grootste bedreiging voor veiligheid'.

Terreurnetwerk al-Qaeda en zijn bondgenoten blijven de belangrijkste bedreiging voor veiligheid in de wereld. De dood van leider Osama bin Laden vorige maand heeft daar niets aan veranderd. Dat heeft het hoofd van Interpol, de Amerikaan Ronald Noble, vandaag gezegd.
Een belangrijk doelwit van terroristen is volgens Noble de luchtvaart. Bijkomend probleem is de slechte controle van passagiers: 'De helft van alle internationale vluchten wordt niet doorgelicht', stelde Noble op een luchtvaartcongres in Singapore.

Het al-Qaedanetwerk heeft een aantal grote aanslagen en aanslagpogingen op vliegtuigen op zijn geweten. Zo kaapten terroristen op 11 september 2001 vier passagierstoestellen. Drie vlogen in de Twin Towers en het Pentagon, de vierde stortte neer in een weiland. Ongeveer 3000 mensen kwamen daarbij om het leven. Enkele maanden later probeerde een Britse moslim zijn bomschoenen tot ontploffing te brengen tijdens een vlucht van Parijs naar Miami. Op eerste kerstdag 2009 wilde een Nigeriaanse moslimextremist een vliegtuig van Schiphol naar Detroit opblazen. Medepassagiers konden hem overmeesteren. In oktober vorig jaar werden twee explosieven onderschept, die met vrachtvliegtuigen onderweg waren naar de Verenigde Staten.

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