Today I came across this post by Hans Groen:
Groen op 6 november 2014
om 12:39 schreef:
Het plan ligt op schema, alles onder controle.
EU – dat schoothondje van de ‘VOC’-VS/globalistennest (roversnest) danst
naar de pijpen. De EU moet opdraaien voor het bankroet van de roversbende.
(begonnen is de EU-landen in de dwangbuis van de € (surrrogaat $) te rijgen. De
rovers van Goudman-Zakken zitten op de schatkist.
Als u goed had opgelet, was u opgevallen in het interview dat RTL7 eerder
dit jaar had met de notoir incopetante econoom Wellink (omhoog gevallen
uitverkorene, thans hotemetoot bij de machtigste bankierskliek in Europa, de
BIS). Wellink verklaarde dat de € dient als BREEKIJZER om de EU landen – onlosmakelijk
– aan elkaar te smeden.
Werk in uitvoering.
Globalisme, cq. fascisme, behelste de export van onze banen en het begin van
het plan de middenklasse van hun welvaart te beroven. (o.a.: Agenda 21-VN, ‘End
Game Memo’-Greg Palast, ‘Post Industrial zero growth’ – Club van Rome, TTIP,
‘Proofs of a Conspiracy’ –,
‘Lines of Credit, Ropes of Bondage’ – Robert H. Goldsborough, e.v.a..
We zien de laatste 30 jaar een verveelvoudiging van de geldhoeveelheid.
Waar blijft het?
1) in de zakken van de 0,001% – de obsceen rijken, de uitverkorenen – ref. o.a. Pikety
2) in het zwarte gat, dat wordt gemaximaliseerd, van het oorlogsbedrijf
1) in de zakken van de 0,001% – de obsceen rijken, de uitverkorenen – ref. o.a. Pikety
2) in het zwarte gat, dat wordt gemaximaliseerd, van het oorlogsbedrijf
Het systeem wordt juist draaiende gehouden, zodanig dat de doelen worden
bereikt. Burgers afknijpen, machteloze en volgzame schapen van maken – en
We nemen nu gewaar dat wordt ‘gewerkt’ aan het manipuleren van de
wisselkoers € – $. De multinationals en de obsceen rijken ontspringen zo’n dans
met gemak. Burgers zitten gevangen in de gevangenis die zij zelf hebben
gebouwd, en in stand houden. DE winsten (export) zijn al vrijwel volledig
geprivatiseerd. We hangen zwaar meer op import voor onze welvaart; onze
koopkracht is veel gevoeliger voor/afhankelijker van gemaakt van de Dollar, de
Amerikaanse dan. Dat belooft niet veel goeds, voor de burgers.
En dan leiden ze ons mooi af van deze vijand, door hysterische angst voor
Rusland op te wekken. We worden IN DE RUG aangevallen. Of, zoals ‘Veterans
Today’ beargumenteert: subversie van binnenuit, te beginnen bij de Regering –
niet de moslims, Polen of Russen – nee de Regering:
prof. Ewaut Engelen (economie Univ. van Amsterdam) is eigenlijk de eerste
Nederlander die uit eigen onderzoek de ins en outs van het funeste banksysteem
– dat wij in stand houden – fileert.
In het kort, dit is het doel:
Politici zijn de over-de-top betaalde (=zwijggeld) ‘talking heads’ om ons
in de fuik te lokken.Hans Groen
I had never heard of John Robison's book.
It has a very interesting Editors Review on amazon:
About the Author
John Robison (1739–1805) was a Scottish physicist and mathematician. He was a professor of philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. A member of the Edinburgh Philosophical Society when it received its royal warrant, he was appointed as the first General Secretary to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Robison invented the siren and also worked with James Watt on an early steam car. Following the French Revolution, Robison became disenchanted with elements of the Enlightenment. He authored Proofs of a Conspiracy in 1797—a polemic accusing Freemasonry of being infiltrated by Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati. Robison and French priest AbbĂ© Barruel independently developed similar views that the Illuminati had infiltrated Continental Freemasonry, leading to the excesses of the French Revolution. In 1798, the Reverend G. W. Snyder sent Robison's book to George Washington for his thoughts on the subject in which he replied to him in his Letter to the Reverend G. W. Snyder (24 October 1798). Modern conspiracy theorists like Nesta Webster and William Guy Carr believe that Robison's book described what the Illuminati may have started was the template for the subversion of otherwise benign organizations by radical groups through the 19th and 20th centuries. Spiritual Counterfeits Project editor Tal Brooke has compared the views of Proofs of a Conspiracy with those found in Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope (Macmillan, 1966). Brooke suggests that the new world order, which Robison believed Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Illuminati) had in part accomplished through the infiltration of Freemasonry, will now be completed by those holding sway over the international banking system (e.g., by means of the Rothschilds' banks, Federal Reserve, IMF, and World Bank). --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
Geel gemarkeerd door mij, staat er , vrij vertaald: De werkwijze van de Neocons om goedaardige organisaties en Doo-Good organisaties te infiltreren en over te nemen en zo te gebruiken is misschien wel voor het eerst toegepast door de Illuminati.
Ook het tweede boek dat door Hans Groen ius genoemd is interessant.
Ik vond een blog waarin we meer over dat boek lezen:
The Non-Bloody Classroom Revolution
by Kathy Lerich
How many times did you attend public school growing up with the intent of merging comfortably with the Soviet Union? Yeah, me neither. In the early 1950s, the United States House formed an official committee known as the Reece Commission and launched an official inquiry to determine if subversive and un-American activities by tax exempt foundations under Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller were being infused into the schools and colleges of America. It turns out that “Yes, they were”, and sadly, already in 1910, the President was giving the directives. Norman Dodd, Research Director, had uncovered minutes from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace dated 1910!
In Robert H. Goldsborough’s book, Lines of Credit: Ropes of Bondage [(Washington Dateline Publishers, Baltimore, Maryland, 1989)]: the question was asked in the 1910 minutes of the Carnegie Endowment trustees: “Is there any way known to man more effective than war to so alter the life of an entire people?” After charitably looking for other, “peaceful” ways to transform an entire people, the trustees concluded that war was the most effective way to change a people.
Since Carnegie wanted to change an entire people, he and his Endowment trustees took their cue from centuries of history all the way back from the time of Plato’s Republic, and decided that if they could gain control of the education system in the United States, we Americans wouldn’t attempt to return to our former “American” way of life. You remember the old catchphrase, “Truth, justice and the American way?” Because the task was so monumental in scope, the Rockefeller Foundation was quickly recruited to assist. A confidential memorandum was rushed to then-President Wilson asking him if he“could not end the war too quickly?” (WWI) to accommodate the Foundations request for ample time for planning and implementation.
WWI changed the face of war to something much more sinister and grotesque. Gone were the one-on-one combats, replaced by gases and bombs, that could decimate entire villages of people, animals and buildings—BOOM—right off the map. Worse still were the atrocities left upon those having lived through the carnage.
The Congressional Investigations of the Reece Committee are one of the very undeniable pieces of evidence that verify all this has actually transpired, and can be found online. The hearings detail in depth what was happening behind the scenes as “the economic welfare of the American people had been transferred heavily to the Executive Branch of the Federal Government” and “that a corresponding change in education had taken place from an impetus out of the local community, and that this “revolution” had occurred without violence and with the full consent of an overwhelming majority of the electorate”, from 1903, leading up to the hearings in 1954.
The offenders in 1910 were subdivided under the main three:
The American Council of Learned Societies, the National Research Council, the Social Science Research Council, the American Council on Education, the National Education Association, the League for Industrial Democracy, the Progressive Education Association, the American Historical Association, John Dewey Society, and the Anti-Defamation League.
The list would be much more expansive under today’s standards when you think in terms of how many societies are headed under the name “American” –something and get their funding from one of these top three sources.
Continuing from Lines of Credit: Ropes of Bondage by Robert H. Goldsborough (Washington Dateline Publishers, Baltimore, MD, 1989), Chapter 10]:
“The Reece Committee learned that the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace were, with tax-exempt dollars, funding leftist propaganda operations aimed at changing America through the brain not the battlefield. Patriotism, national sovereignty, individual responsibility and Christian beliefs were belittled while the concepts of a One World Government, socialism, collectivism and humanism were deemed essential for peace in the modern age.”
Norman Dodd, a Yale Graduate, and a New York Investment Banker, served as Research Director of the Reece Committee Investigations which were heard before Congress during May through July of 1954. The following researched and confirmed shift in education was 5-fold:
- Directing education in the United States toward an international view-point and discrediting the traditions to which, it formerly had been dedicated.
- Training individuals and servicing agencies to render advice to the Executive branch of the Federal Government.
- Decreasing the dependency of education upon the resources of the local community and freeing it from many of the natural safeguards inherent in this American tradition.
- Changing both school and college curricula to the point where they sometimes denied the principles underlying the American way of life.
- Financing experiments designed to determine the most effective means by which education could be pressed into service of a political nature.
From Norman Dodd’s Report: “They seem to explain the employment of social scientists by the Federal Government and why they seem to have used their influence to transform education into an instrument for social change. We wish to stress the importance of questioning change only when it might involve developments detrimental to the interests of the American people, or when it is promoted by a relatively small and tightly knit group backed by disproportionately large amounts of money which could threaten the American ideal of competition.”
Mr. Dodd’s report states on page 11, “In summary, the study of these entities and their relationship to each other seems to warrant the inference that they constitute a highly efficient, functioning whole. Its product is apparently an educational curriculum designed to indoctrinate the American student from matriculation to the consummation of his education. It contrasts sharply with the freedom of the individual as the cornerstone of our social structure. For this freedom, it seems to substitute the group, the will of the majority, and a centralized power to enforce this will-Presumably in the interest of all. Its development and production seems to have been largely the work of those organizations engaged in research, such as the Social Science Research Council and the National Research Council.”
The bombshell of excerpts from Lines of Credit: Ropes of Bondage by Robert H. Goldsborough’s, while lengthy, brings the betrayal full circle to the Office of the President. This conversation did not make it into the official minutes of the Reece Tax Exempt Investigation, as they were spoken off the record.
“The Ford Foundation, largest of all the foundations, balked when it received a preliminary questionnaire from the Reece Committee. H. Rowan Gaither, President of the multi-billion dollar foundation summoned Committee Research Director Dodd to the foundation offices in New York City. At the meeting, Gaither asked Mr. Dodd, “We invited you to come here because we thought that perhaps, off the record, you would be kind enough to tell us why the Congress is interested in the operations of foundations such as ours.”
Rowan Gaither answered his own rhetorical question with a startling admission:
“Mr. Dodd, all of us here at the policy-making level of the foundation have at one time or another served in the OSS (the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the CIA) or the European Economic Administration,operating under directives from the White House. We operate under those same directives. The substance of the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant-making power to so alter life in the United States that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union.”
I’ll give you a minute to catch your breath.
Continuing the excerpt: “Stunned, Dodd finally replied, “Why don’t you tell the American people what you just told me? You could save the taxpayers thousands of dollars set aside for this investigation.” Gaither responded,“Mr. Dodd, we wouldn’t think of doing that.”
It is interesting to note here, that while Gaither never admitted publicly of what he had boasted to Mr. Dodd in private, Gaither chose not to sue or even CHALLENGE Mr. Dodd’s numerous repetitions of Gaither’s shockingly sickening words.
Norman Dodd notes in his report findings, “In this connection, it has been interesting to examine what the educational aspect of these unprecedented Foundation activities can be expected to produce. The first example is a pamphlet in which the Declaration of Independence is discussed as though its importance lay in the fact that it had raised two, as yet unanswered questions:1) Are men equal? and do we demonstrate this equality?2) What constitutes “the consent of the governed”? and what does this phrase imply in practice?By inference, the first question is subtly answered in the negative. By direct statement; the second is explained as submitting to majority rule but the restriction of the majority by the Constitution is not mentioned. Only an abridged version of the Declaration is printed. It is interesting that this should omit the list of grievances which originally made the general concepts of this Document reasonable.”Mr. Dodd’s CONCLUSION reads, “It seems incredible that the trustees of typically American fortune-created foundations should have permitted them to be used to finance ideas and practices incompatible with the fundamental concepts of our Constitution. Yet there seems evidence that this may have occurred. I assume it is the purpose of this inquiry to gather and weigh the facts.”
And after finding out that these Foundations were getting their directives from the White House, it’s no wonder Norman Dodd closes his report with a tinge of sarcasm. And, it certainly helps explain what we are seeing occur around us in our beloved Constitutional Republic.
For instance, the Russian Military, more specifically the Spetsnaz, in troops numbering 30,000-100,000 are here and more coming into Colorado this month. Spetsnaz are specially selected boys from age 5 or 6, set aside, raised on a strict diet of Communism, physical fitness and military combative training and DON’T mess around. They are here indefinitely, (although according to the Office of Public Relations ‘under very hospitable conditions’.) Let us not forget the government just purchased 450-million hollow point bullets. Hmmmm. Of course, the two could be totally unrelated. I find it also incredibly interesting that organizations like UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) are NOT and have NEVER been allowed into the Soviet Classroom. While we are busy watering down America and her Flag to the point of it not being worth fighting for anymore, Soviets are taught Communism…pure and unadulterated.
Then there is the Educational Agreement between the USA and Russia signed in the 1970s which “comfortably” merges the two through sharing of education (textbooks, syllabi and curricula) through “appropriate” organizations.
The President has been photographed turned AWAY from the American Flag without hand on heart. Let’s not forget Michelle’s comment, “All this for a flag?” which is captured on video. Was this a mistake, when she knows that lip readers abound in the former Land of the Free and Home of the Brave? Of course, it wasn’t. She’s watering the seed her husband planted when he wouldn’t honor God or Country.
WikiLeaks reveals Russia builds their youth on National Sovereignty, independence of political thought, Russian values and nationalist propaganda. While we are busy making terrorists and Right Wing extremists out of our stay-at-home moms here in the USA, Russia is busy with their youth at camps, such as Nashi. The keynote speaker, arriving in a black helicopter, entered the camp donning a tight tee-shirt with the demographically promotional slogan, “Home. Wife. Kids. I love my family.” What is going on here?
Furthermore, WikiLeaks reveals Russia is also rewriting their history books to whitewash the atrocities of Stalin. As in the U.S., parents do not buy their children’s history books, but rather the schools order them, which makes the choice “pre-determined.” On October 24, the Liberal Daily Journal in Russia reported the release of the latest in a long line of history textbooks rehabilitating Stalin; this one, ironically produced by the “Enlightenment” publishing company, denies the existence of totalitarianism in the USSR. The Government of Russia shows disdain for the value of individual human life and for freedom of expression and prefers to present itself as “infallible, making only correct decisions,” and that discussions about Stalin’s misdeeds might lead to unwanted questions for today’s government. Indeed, the hammer and the sickle remain strong.
There is an active plan to water-down the American way. Justice has been trampled time and again. Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next.” God has been kicked out of school and many would have him kicked out of America. God created justice; it’s part of His essence. Let’s bring our children home to teach them of the one, true, living God, and “Truth, Justice, and the American Way.” Think God. Think home. Think you.
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