Het eenvoudige pilletje Ivermectine licht de volledige sluier op: nu weten we met zekerheid waar we aan toe zijn.
De halve wereld wordt kreupel gemaakt omdat er een vreselijke besmettelijke ziekte heerst die ons bedreigt.
Maar alle normale medische regels worden overtreden:
1) de ziekte wordt niet direct aangepakt, maar men wacht tot hij ernstige vormen heeft aangenomen
2) De goedkope en effectieve middelen die door wetenschappers zijn ontdekt, worden zwart gemaakt, want daar kan Big Pharma niks mee verdienen.
3) En het meest verbazing wekkende feit dat door de weggetrokken sluier bekend werd: Onze journalisten zijn totaal stekeblind en a-moreel. Geen halve gram kritisch vermogen in hun lijf. Ze verraden in de volle schijnwerpers van de alternatieve media hun medeburgers. Ze mis-informeren het volk.
4) Minder verbazing wekkend is dat het gelijk van Bertrand Russel wordt bevestigd. Hij zei: 'Je kunt het volk àlles wijsmaken. Echt àlles'.
Ik begreep nog wel dat je ze wijs kon maklen dat Putin slecht was en Amerika heilig. Ver van hun bed. Maar blijkbaar kun je ze ook wijsmaken dat ze echt nooit nergens zelf over hoeven na te denken en dat ze in goede handen zijn bij de Elite. Een elite die al 40 jaar stinkend rijk wordt terwijl de lonen voor de gewone man al 40 jaar gelijk blijven. En: zo ongeveer èlke chemische stof die wordt uitgevonden blijkt na 30 jaar gevaar op te leveren en wordt dan uit de handel genomen. Het vaccin tegen de Mexicaans griep veroorzaakte veel bijwerkingen. Maar toch je kan het volk ook nu nog met gemak wijsmaken dat ze nu een snel ontwikkeld medicijn met vele bijwerkingen moeten geven aan hun kinderen ! Zelfs terwijl die niet eens ziek werden van de corona!
We zien de evolutie voor onze ogen gebeuren: 'Het gewone volk' doorstaat de test van de evolutie niet. Ze zijn niet 'fit' genoeg: niet ijverig genoeg om tuit te zoieken wat er met hun gebeurt Om te analyseren wie ze wel en wie ze niet moeten geloven. Het zijn de 'dodo's ' van onze tijd. Ze worden geelimineerd door een slimmer volkje. Gelukkig hebben ze niks in de gaten, gelukkig gaat het langzaam.
Laat ik de dik gedrukte regel van hierboven eens ontleden, in drie beweringen.
De halve wereld wordt kreupel gemaakt omdat er een vreselijke besmettelijke ziekte heerst die ons bedreigt.
De halve wereld. Ja. Vooral de ontwikkelde helft, waar braaf naar Big Pharma wordt geluisterd, of naar de Amerikaanse bovenbaas. De Westerse landen.
Maar ook delen van de rest van de wereld. Soms is er binnen een land verdeeldheid: Peru versus Lima. Deelstaten van India. Etc.
De andere helft heeft schijnbaar nergens last van. Hoe kan dat?
Omdat ze Ivermectine toe staan. Omdat ze hydroxychloroquine gebruiken, Omdat ze op het vitamine D niveau letten. Sommige landen hebben geluk omdat ze een jonge bevolking hebben , of omdat ze niet zo veel binnen zitten en veel zon ontvangen. of omdat ze àltijd al laag in vitamine D zitten en het dus altijd - bij wet geregeld- aan de voeding toevoegen, of omdat ze een traditie hebben van sauna's die het immuunsysteem versterken.
Sommige landen weten de dodenlijst kort te houden door het virus radicaal te isoleren. Dat deden China, Nieuw Zeeland en Australië. Deze landen hebben soms wèl grote maatschappelijke en economische schade, maar weinig doden.
.... wordt kreupel gemaakt ....
Is er opzet in het spel dan? Ja, tenzij we het normaal vinden dat gewone bloggers vanaf de eerste weken de juiste maatregelen voorstelden en dat de Medische Elite pas 14 maanden later met dezelfde oplossingen komt. ( Terwijl hun vriendjes financieel volledig binnen lopen. Het doet denken aan die arme baas van de FED, Al;an Greenspan, die in 2008 ook moest erkennen dat hij zich met zijn extreem vreemde ideeën ("Huizenprijzen zullen nooit meer dalen") 'helaas vergist had', maar vergat te zeggen dat zijn banken-vriendjes dankzij deze 'vergissing' nu stevig de baas waren geworden over vele Westerse regeringen. )
Vertrouw nooit een raar advies van iemand die stinkend rijk wordt van dat advies.
En zo werden de mensen in de rijke landen mooi naar huis gestuurd als ze zich met een virus-ziekte meldden bij hun arts. Nog nooit vertoond! Virussen ( eigenlijk àlle ziekten) moet je zo vroeg mogelijk aanpakken.
En zo werden mensen in de rijke landen verboden om over HCQ te spreken. Het zou niet helpen. Het zou gevaarlijk zijn. Gevaarlijk? Onderzoek door het WHO zèlf in maart 2017 wees uit dat je er géén hartstilstand van krijgt, alleen een langeren QT tijd. Het middel is enige miljarden keren voorgeschreven.
En zo werd mensen in rijke landen verboden om Ivermectine te gebruiken. Heet zou niet helpen, en misschien wel gevaarlijk zijn. Maar het heeft de nobelprijs gehaald, geeft veel minder bijwerkingen dan asperines en werkt even goed tegen de Corona als welk vaccin dan ook. Maar zònder de mogelijke gevaren die aan de huidige vaccins zitten.
De rijke landen zijn behoorlijk ontwricht. Hebben enorme geldschepping moeten plegen ( en misschien was het dààr wel om te doen! ) , verloren de kracht van de middenstand ( was dàt de bvedoeling?) maar maakten de enkele grote bedrijven veel sterker ( of was het dààr om te doen?).
... omdat er een vreselijke besmettelijke ziekte heerst die ons bedreigt....
In januari en februari 2020 zag het er heel ernstig uit, maar naarmate de tijd vorderde werd duidelijk hoe het zat: Oudere mensen met een hoge BMI en flink vitamine D tekort waren de slachtoffers. De oplossong was simpel: flink wat vitamine D intraveneus ( in de hormonale vorm) en later volop anti-opntsekings middelen of anti-bloedstollings middelen.
De ademnood had niks met het virus te maken, maar alles met de gevolgen van het virus: een op hol geslagen afweersysteem en bloedstolsels, waardoor het bloed gewoon niet door de fijne bloedvaten van de longen kon stromen. Bloedverdunners waren de echte oplossing, niet de zuurstofmaskers.
Er was een vreselijke ziekte, maar slechts voor een klein deel van de bevolking. Die mensen kon je 'wapenen' en beschermen, zodat de rest van de samenleving gewoon door kon draaien.
Maar dat is niet gedaan.
Het is volledig fout geelopen, als jhe het vanuit het belang van de mensen bekijkt. Misschien niet vanuit het perspectief van Klaus Schwab ebn zijn vrienden.
Wie er schuldig zijn weten we nu nog niet.
Ik denk niet dat een minister een geldige verdediging heeft als hij zegt: "Ja, maar ik ben minstens drie maal zo stom als die boer in Brabant, of die dansleraar inRotterdam." Ik denk niet dat we dat moeten geloven.
In Neurenberg werkte die uitvlucht ook niet, en toen waren er maar heel weinig 'gekkies' die met lange lijsten van bewijzen kwamen dat Ivermectine heel goed werkt. M a w: die oude nazi's konden nauwelijks beter weten, maar onze OMT leden wèl.
Ze kozen er voor om zich af te sluiten van de rest van de wereld. Om in hun cocon te blijven. Om niet open te staan voor logische zaken.
Ze negeerden hun Eed van Hypocrates.
Ze stuurden zieken naar huis ipv iets te zoeken om mee te behandelen.
Hoe kan het zo zijn dat overal in de wereld artsen heel goede resultaten halen met HCQ en Ivermectine , en dat dit maar niet wil doordringen bij de hoge heren?
Omdat er voor Big Pharma honderden miljarden op hjet spel staan?
Omdat voor de Bankiers de absolute macht over 'het volk' op het spel staat ?
Twee heel slimme mensen spreken er 2,5 uur over en dat is geen minuut te lang.
Die video plaats ik hieronder als eerste: Kory en Weinstein.
En daaronder plaats ik de nieuwsbrief van Peter Myers van deze week.
Eerst nog even wat concrete adviezen:
Hier is de website van het FLCCC van Kory: https://covid19criticalcare.com/
Met rechts het blauwe filmpje: 'What can you do to prevent Covid" ( 4,5 min)
( Ivermectine, quercetine, zink, vitamine D, vitamine C, melatonine)
En midden boven het advies voor mensen die in gevaarlijke omstandigheden werken: het groene blokje. ( Komt er op neer: elke week 2 pilletjes Ivermectine en 0 % van deze Corona verplegers krijgt zelf de ziekte. Als geen ivermectine: 58% van hen krijgt zelf de ziekte) .
COVID, Ivermectin, and the Crime of the Century: DarkHorse Podcast with Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein ( Begint pas op minuut 6 )
Hieronder: de artikelen van Peter Myers, deze week.
Ivermectin saves India, Mexico and Peru; cheap, safe and ignored by
(1) India's Covid explosion occurred because it followed WHO &
advice; once it allowed Ivermectin widely, cases declined
(2) Some
states of India use Ivermectin for Covid, but national body
decided not to
include it (Oct 23, 2020)
(3) Early treatment could have prevented up to 85%
of COVID-19 deaths
(4) "Never never before have we [doctors] become complicit
in causing so
much harm" - Dr. Tess Lawrie
(5) India should incorporate
Ivermectin into national practice
guidelines (May 11)
(6) Ivermectin
saves - from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil
(7) COVID Deaths Plunge
after Mexico & Peru introduce Ivermectin
(8) COVID cases and deaths drop
in India & Mexico with Ivermectin use
(9) India health ministry advises
treatment with Ivermectin and
(10) Goa offers
Ivermectin to the entire adult population; Uttarkhand,
Karnataka, and Uttar
Pradesh follow
(1) India's Covid explosion occurred because it followed
WHO advice;
once it allowed Ivermectin, cases declined
by Peter
Myers, June 4, 2020
India's health system is state-based. Whilst some
states did allow
Ivermectin use for Covid, most did not, and national bodies
did not.
Delhi did not.
At the height of the death toll, they
reversed course and allowed
Ivermectin. After that, deaths declined
(2) Some states of India use Ivermectin for Covid, but national
decided not to include it (Oct 23, 2020)
India Health Ministry
has decided not to include ivermectin for Covid-19
(Oct 23)
drug ivermectin not to be included for Covid-19 treatment
protocol: Health
A government official said, "Many states, for example--Uttar
are utilising the drug as off label for treatment purpose and also
prophylaxis use against Covid-19.
ANI October 23, 2020, 06:54
Anti-parasitic drug ivermectin not to be included for Covid-19
protocol: Health MinistryNew Delhi:
The Union Health
Ministry has decided not to include ivermectin medicine
drug) in the National Clinical Management Protocol for
Covid-19 for the
treatment of virus-infected patients.
The move comes after the Central
government's National Task Force for
Covid-19 and the health ministry's
Joint Monitoring Group (JGM) chaired
a meeting on Thursday to discuss if the
anti-parasitic drug should be
included in the national treatment guidelines
or not.
A government official said, "Many states, for example--Uttar
are utilising the drug as off label for treatment purpose and also
prophylaxis use against Covid-19. Now, it has been decided not to
recommend ivermectin medicine in the National Clinical Management
Protocol for Covid-19 as there is not enough safety and efficacy
evidence as per the randomised trials held across the
Ivermectin medicine is an inexpensive and safe drug that is used
for the
treatment of intestinational parasites and scabies.
In the
fight against Covid-19, the Union Health Ministry has approved
the use of
several drugs in the treatment of coronavirus with subject to
conditions in
the Clinical Management Protocol for Covid-19.
The Central government has
already recommended the use of--remdesivir
under "investigational therapies"
only for restricted emergency use in
moderate Covid-19 cases. Another drug
called--tocilizumab is being used
as off-label for the treatment of Covid
patients. Meanwhile,
anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is being
utilised in patients
during the initial stage of infection.
(3) Early
treatment could have prevented up to 85% of COVID-19 deaths
Scrubs Stats on Vaccine-Related Deaths
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
18, 2021
According to Dr. Peter McCullough, vice chief of internal
medicine at
Baylor University Medical Center and known for being one of the
top five
most-published medical researchers in the United States, COVID-19
vaccines are killing "huge numbers" of people and the government is
simply ignoring it.
In a video interview with investigative
journalist and founder of
Liberty Sentinel, Alex Newman, McCullough says the
U.S. government, the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and health agencies
around the world
have all committed to vaccinating the global population
while sitting on
data showing the COVID-19 "vaccines" are turning out to be
the most
lethal vaccines ever created.
Safe Treatments Suppressed in
Favor of Dangerous ‘Vaccines’
McCullough, who also has a master’s degree
in public health, has
provided testimony in three different Senate hearings,
sharing the
treatments he used to help patients recover from COVID-19 and
hospitalization. He summarizes his protocol in the
These strategies are also detailed in "Pathophysiological
Basis and
Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection,"
published in the January 2021 issue of the American Journal of
Medicine.1 He was also a consulting editor of "A Guide to Home-Based
COVID Treatment."2
During a recent Texas state Senate Health and
Human Services Committee
hearing, McCullough noted that, according to
available data, early
treatment could have prevented up to 85% of COVID-19
deaths.3 Early
at-home treatment also minimizes the spread, as the amount of
you’re infectious can be reduced from two weeks to about four
Yet, despite being inexpensive and readily available, early
have all been censored and suppressed, apparently in order to
this global mass vaccination campaign. In fact, as McCullough notes,
there’s been no clarified guidance on COVID treatment at all, not even
hospital protocols.
The entire focus of our health agencies has been
on masking, lockdowns
and waiting for a gene therapy "vaccine." The results
have been
devastating. Five months into the mass vaccination campaign, more
10,000 in the U.S. and European Union have already died after getting
the shots. Any other vaccine would have been pulled from the market by
(4) "Never never before have we [doctors] become complicit in
causing so
much harm" - Dr. Tess Lawrie
Good News on Ivermectin
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
May 21,
When it comes to the treatment of COVID-19, many Western nations
been hobbled by the politicization of medicine. Throughout 2020, media
and many public health experts warned against the use of
hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), despite the fact that many practicing doctors
were praising its ability to save patients. Most have been silenced
through online censorship. Some even lost their jobs for the "sin" of
publicly sharing their successes with the drug.
Another decades-old
antiparasitic drug that may be even more useful than
HCQ is ivermectin. Like
HCQ, ivermectin is on the World Health
Organization’s list of essential
drugs, but its benefits are also being
ignored by public health officials
and buried by mainstream media.
Ivermectin is a heartworm medication that
has been shown to inhibit
SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro.1 In the U.S., the
Frontline COVID-19
Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has been calling for
widespread adoption
of Ivermectin, both as a prophylactic and for the
treatment of all
phases of COVID-19.2,3
In the video above {at link
above}, Dr. John Campbell interviews Dr.
Tess Lawrie about the drug and its
use against COVID-19. Lawrie is a
medical doctor and Ph.D. researcher who
has done a lot of work in South
She’s also the director of
Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd.,4
which is based in the U.K., and
she helped organize the British
Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD)
panel5 and the
International Ivermectin for COVID Conference, held April 24,
Ironically, as a consultant to the World Health Organization and
other public health organizations, her largest clients are the very
who are now actively suppressing the use of this drug. ...
makes ivermectin particularly useful in COVID-19 is the fact that
it works
both in the initial viral phase of the illness, when antivirals
required, as well as the inflammatory stage, when the viral load
drops off
and anti-inflammatories become necessary.
According to Dr. Surya Kant, a
medical doctor in India who has written a
white paper6 on ivermectin, the
drug reduces replication of the
SARS-CoV-2 virus by several thousand times.7
Kant’s paper led several
Indian provinces to start using ivermectin, both as
a prophylactic and
as treatment for COVID-19 in the summer of 2020.8
During the conference, Lawrie proposed that doctors around the world
join together to form a new people-centered World Health Organization.
"Never before has our role as doctors been so important because never
before have we become complicit in causing so much harm," she
(5) India should incorporate Ivermectin into national practice
guidelines (May 11)
affordable drugs could rapidly reduce Covid-19 cases and deaths
May 11, 2021, 12:15 PM IST
Vikas P. Sukhatme and Vidula V.
The COVID-19 humanitarian calamity unfolding in India is on a
scale not
seen in this pandemic. This is an extraordinary situation – and it
benefit from an extraordinary response.
There exist affordable,
readily available and minimally toxic drugs
approved for non-COVID-19 use
which show remarkable promise in
preventing or treating the new coronavirus.
Deploying these drugs in
India is likely to rapidly reduce the number of
COVID-19 patients,
reduce the number requiring hospitalization, supplemental
oxygen and
intensive care and improve outcomes in hospitalized
Some of these drugs are being tested in large-scale randomized
trials in the US and abroad but in most cases, definitive efficacy
is pending. With the current COVID-19 situation in India, we do not
time to wait for results of these studies. Importantly, currently
available safety and outcomes data on these drugs is strong enough that
it is time to incorporate them into national practice guidelines. Indian
authorities should issue such guidelines on the most promising drugs for
each stage of COVID-19. By so doing, physicians will be encouraged to
use these interventions. The resulting real world data from a few
healthcare settings in select cities should be tracked in real time and
guidelines suitably revised. If such measures were adopted, we could see
effects in 3-4 weeks. This strategy might be unusual but it is not
unheard of: France has the Temporary Recommendation for Use, a
"regulatory instrument which aims to allow, on a temporary basis, the
use of a medicinal product to allow its effectiveness to be evaluated on
the basis of its use."
The choice of drugs is critical. We have
worked closely with personnel
at the Food and Drug Administration and have
connected with the World
Health Organization and the National Institutes of
Health to evaluate
the merits of repurposed drugs. Based on a mechanistic
rationale, data
in animal models, human retrospective analyses, clinical
trials (some
randomized, others not) and anecdotal human data, we created a
prioritized list of interventions that hold the greatest promise and
that could be deployed at scale. For instance, there is strong data from
a randomized trial and a real-world study that administering fluvoxamine
sharply reduces the need for hospitalization in COVID-19 outpatients.
Moreover, anecdotal unpublished data in over 400 acutely ill COVID-19
patients from several community practitioners suggests that
administering fluvoxamine and ivermectin together may be even more
Intervention as early as possible after symptom onset is
key. Ivermectin
is already listed as a "MAY DO" on the ICMR and Indian
guidelines for treatment of acute mild COVID-19 and we suggest
fluvoxamine be added in this category. Also, ivermectin in the
prophylactic setting merits serious consideration. For the hospitalized,
there are treatments currently used for other conditions that might
reduce the need for ventilator support and lower the risk of death.
These include inhaled adenosine, cyproheptadine and dipyridamole. For
ideas for which there is rather limited human data, the government
should offer pre-approved pilot protocols and funding for rapid
implementation in select centers rather than issue a recommendation for
To be clear, it would be ideal to pursue large clinical trials to
the efficacy of all promising interventions. A randomized adaptive
design could efficiently sift through the many possibilities. It may be
possible to rapidly set up parallel protocols in India if government
authorities can expedite the regulatory process and offer funding. US
trial investigators can be persuaded to provide protocols and web-based
data collection tools.
We hope that the Indian government will take
advantage of repurposed
drug research and use temporary use authorizations
or guidelines to
rapidly promote the most promising therapies at a national
level while
in parallel aggressively encourage pilot studies and large-scale
clinical trials with shovel-ready protocols and funding. Given the
current situation, India has little to lose in piloting these
approaches: the potential gains could benefit not just the country but
the world.
The views presented here reflect those of the authors and
are not
necessarily those of the institutions to which they are affiliated.
Vikas P. Sukhatme MD, ScD, is the Robert W. Woodruff Professor of
Medicine, Dean of Emory University School of Medicine, and Chief
Academic Officer of Emory Healthcare. ... Vidula Sukhatme, MS, is an
adjunct instructor at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health
(6) Ivermectin saves - from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to
Don't Know of a Bigger Story in the World" Right Now Than Ivermectin:
Times Best-Selling Author
Posted on May 25, 2021 by Nick
So why are journalists not covering it?
Capuzzo, a New York Times best-selling author , has just
published an
article titled "The Drug That Cracked Covid". The 15-page
article chronicles
the gargantuan struggle being waged by frontline
doctors on all continents
to get ivermectin approved as a Covid-19
treatment, as well as the tireless
efforts by reporters, media outlets
and social media companies to thwart
Because of ivermectin, Capuzzo says, there are "hundreds of
actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh
India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying." Yet media
outlets have done all they can to "debunk" the notion that ivermectin
may serve as an effective, easily accessible and affordable treatment
for Covid-19. They have parroted the arguments laid out by health
regulators around the world that there just isn't enough evidence to
justify its use.
For his part, Capuzzo, as a reporter, "saw with
[his] own eyes the other
side [of the story]" that has gone unreported, of
the many patients in
the US whose lives have been saved by ivermectin and of
five of the
doctors that have led the battle to save lives around the world,
Marik, Umberto Meduri, José Iglesias, Pierre Kory and Joe Varon. These
are all highly decorated doctors. Through their leadership of the Front
Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, they have already enhanced
our treatment of Covid-19 by discovering and promoting the use of
Corticoid steroids against the virus. But their calls for ivermectin to
also be used have met with a wall of resistance from healthcare
regulators and a wall of silence from media outlets.
"I really wish
the world could see both sides," Capuzzo laments. But
unfortunately most
reporters are not interested in telling the other
side of the story. Even if
they were, their publishers would probably
refuse to publish it.
may explain why Capuzzo, a six-time Pulitzer-nominated journalist
best known
for his New York Times-bestselling nonfiction books Close to
Shore and
Murder Room, ended up publishing his article on ivermectin in
Mountain Home,
a monthly local magazine for the of the Pennsylvania
mountains and New York
Finger Lakes region, of which Capuzzo's wife is
the editor. It's also the
reason why I decided to dedicate today's post
to Capuzzo's article. Put
simply, as many people as possible
–particularly journalists — need to read
his story.
As Capuzzo himself says, "I don't know of a bigger story in
the world."
Total News Blackout
On December 8 2020, FLCCC member
Dr Pierre Kory gave nine minutes of
impassioned testimony to the US Homeland
Security Committee Meeting on
the potent anti-viral, anti-inflammatory
benefits of ivermectin. A total
of 9 million people (myself included) saw
the video on YouTube before it
was taken down by YouTube's owner, Google. As
Capuzzo exhaustively lays
out, both traditional and social media have gone
to extraordinary
lengths to keep people in the dark about ivermectin. So
effective has
this been that even in some of the countries that have
benefited most
from its use (such as Mexico and Argentina) many people are
unaware of its existence. And this is no surprise given how
information is actually seeping out into the public arena.
news blackout by the world's leading media came down on Ivermectin
like an
iron curtain. Reporters who trumpeted the COVID-19 terror in
India and
Brazil didn't report that Ivermectin was crushing the P-1
variant in the
Brazilian rain forest and killing COVID-19 and all
variants in India. That
Ivermectin was saving tens of thousands of lives
in South America wasn't
news, but mocking the continent's peasants for
taking horse paste was.
Journalists denied the world knowledge of the
most effective life-saving
therapies in the pandemic, Kory said,
especially among the elderly, people
of color, and the poor, while
wringing their hands at the tragedy of their
disparate rates of death.
Three days after Kory's testimony, an
Associated Press "fact-check
reporter" interviewed Kory "for twenty minutes
in which I recounted all
of the existing trials evidence (over fifteen
randomized and multiple
observational trials) all showing dramatic benefits
of Ivermectin," he
said. Then she wrote: "AP'S ASSESSMENT: False. There's no
Ivermectin has been proven a safe or effective treatment against
Like many critics, she didn't explore the Ivermectin data or
evidence in
any detail, but merely dismissed its "insufficient evidence,"
instead the lack of a recommendation by the NIH or WHO. To describe
real evidence in any detail would put the AP and public health agencies
in the difficult position of explaining how the lives of thousands of
poor people in developing countries don't count in these matters.
just in media but in social media, Ivermectin has inspired a strange
form of Western and pharmaceutical imperialism. On January 12, 2021,
Brazilian Ministry of Health tweeted to its 1.2 million followers
not to
wait with COVID-19 until it's too late but "go to a Health Unit
and request
early treatment," only to have Twitter take down the
official public health
pronouncement of the sovereign fifth largest
nation in the world for
"spreading misleading and potentially harmful
information." (Early treatment
is code for Ivermectin.) On January 31,
the Slovak Ministry of Health
announced its decision on Facebook to
allow use of Ivermectin, causing
Facebook to take down that post and
removed the entire page it was on, the
Ivermectin for MDs Team, with
10,200 members from more than 100
In Argentina, Professor and doctor Hector Carvallo, whose
studies are renowned by other researchers, says all his
documentation for Ivermectin is quickly scrubbed from the
Internet. "I
am afraid," he wrote to Marik and his colleagues, "we have
affected the
most sensitive organ on humans: the wallet…" As Kory's
testimony was
climbing toward nine million views, YouTube, owned by Google,
erased his
official Senate testimony, saying it endangered the community.
biggest voice was silenced.
"The Most Powerful Entity on
Malcom X once called the media "the most powerful entity on the
They have, he said, "the power to make the innocent guilty and to
the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds
masses". Today, that power is now infused with the power of the world's
biggest tech and social media companies. Together social and traditional
media have the power to make a medicine that has saved possibly millions
of lives during the current pandemic disappear from the conversation.
When it is covered, it's almost always in a negative light. Some media
organizations, including the NY Times, have even prefaced mention of the
word "ivermectin" — a medicine that has done so much good over its
40-year lifespan that its creators were awarded the Nobel Prize for
Medicine in 2015 — with the word "controversial."
Undeterred, many
front-line doctors have tried to persuade their
respective health regulators
of the unparalleled efficacy and safety of
ivermectin as a covid treatment.
They include Dr. Tess Lawrie, a
prominent independent medical researcher
who, as Capuzzo reports,
evaluates the safety and efficacy of drugs for the
WHO and the National
Health Service to set international clinical practice
"[She] read all twenty-seven of the Ivermectin studies Kory
cited. The
resulting evidence is consistent and unequivocal," she announced,
sent a rapid meta-analysis, an epidemiolocal statistical multi-study
review considered the highest form of medical evidence, to the director
of the NHS, members of parliament, and a video to Prime Minister Boris
Johnson with "the good news… that we now have solid evidence of an
effective treatment for COVID-19…" and Ivermectin should immediately "be
adopted globally and systematically for the prevention and treatment of
Ignored by British leaders and media, Lawrie convened the
streaming BIRD conference—British Ivermectin Recommendation
Development—with more than sixty researchers and doctors from the U.S.,
Canada, Mexico, England, Ireland, Belgium, Argentina, South Africa,
Botswana, Nigeria, Australia, and Japan. They evaluated the drug using
the full "evidence-to-decision framework" that is "the gold standard
tool for developing clinical practice guidelines" used by the WHO, and
reached the conclusion that Ivermectin should blanket the
"Most of all you can trust me because I am also a medical doctor,
and foremost," Lawrie told the prime minster, "with a moral duty to
people, to do no harm, and to save lives. Please may we start saving
lives now." She heard nothing back.
Ivermectin's benefits were also
corroborated by Dr. Andrew Hill, a
renowned University of Liverpool
pharmacologist and independent medical
researcher, and the senior World
Health Organization/UNITAID
investigator of potential treatments for
COVID-19. Hill's team of
twenty-three researchers in twenty-three countries
had reported that,
after nine months of looking for a COVID-19 treatment and
nothing but failures like Remdesivir— "we kissed a lot of frogs"—
Ivermectin was the only thing that worked against COVID-19, and its
safety and efficacy were astonishing—"blindingly positive," Hill said,
and "transformative." Ivermectin, the WHO researcher concluded, reduced
COVID-19 mortality by 81 percent.
Why All the Foot Dragging?
most health regulators and governments continue to drag their feet.
evidence is needed, they say. All the while, doctors in most
around the world have no early outpatient medicines to draw
upon in their
struggle against the worst pandemic in century. Drawing on
his own
experience, Capuzzo describes the absence of treatments for
COVID-19 as a
global crisis:
When my daughter Grace, a vice president at a New York
agency, came down with COVID-19 recently, she was quarantined in
"COVID hotel" in Times Square with homeless people and quarantining
travelers. The locks on her room door were removed. Nurses prowled the
halls to keep her in her room and wake her up every night to check her
vitals—not to treat her, because there is no approved treatment for
COVID-19; only, if her oxygen plummeted, to move her to the hospital,
where there is only a single eective approved treatment for COVID-19,
steroids that may keep the lungs from failing.
There are three
possible explanations for health regulators' refusal to
allow the use of a
highly promising, well-tolerated off-label medicine
such as
As a generic, ivermectin is cheap and widely available, which
there would be a lot less money to be made by Big Pharma if it became
the go-to early-stage treatment against covid.
Other pharmaceutical
companies are developing their own novel treatments
for Covid-19 which would
have to compete directly with ivermectin. They
include ivermectin's original
manufacturer, Merck, which has an
antiviral compound, molnupiravir, in Phase
3 clinical trials for
COVID-19. That might explain the company's recent
statement claiming
that there is "no scientific basis whatsoever for a
therapeutic effect of ivermectin against COVID-19.
approved as a covid-19 treatment, ivermectin could even threaten the
emergency use authorisation granted to covid-19 vaccines. One of the
basic conditions for the emergency use authorisation granted to the
vaccines currently being used against covid is that there are no
alternative treatments available for the disease. As such, if ivermectin
or some other promising medicine such as fluvoxamine were approved as an
effective early treatment for Covid-19, the vaccines could be stripped
of authorisation.
This may explain why affordable, readily available
and minimally toxic
drugs are not repurposed for use against Covid despite
the growing
mountains of evidence supporting their
Ivermectin has already been approved as a covid-19 treatment in
than 20 countries. They include Mexico where the mayor of Mexico City,
Claudia Scheinbaum, recently said that the medicine had reduced
hospitalisations by as much as 76%. As of last week, 135,000 of the
city's residents had been treated with the medicine. The government of
India — the world's second most populous country and one of the world's
biggest manufacturers of medicines — has also recommended the use of
ivermectin as an early outpatient treatment against covid-19, in direct
contravention of WHO's own advice.
Dr Vikas P. Sukhatme, the dean of
Emory School of Medicine, recently
wrote in a column for the Times of India
that deploying drugs such as
ivermectin and fluvoxamine in India is likely
to "rapidly reduce the
number of COVID-19 patients, reduce the number
hospitalization, supplemental oxygen and intensive care and
outcomes in hospitalized patients."
Four weeks after the
government included ivermectin and budesonide among
its early treatment
guidelines, the country has recorded its lowest case
count in 40
In many of India's regions the case numbers are plunging in almost
vertical fashion. In the capital Delhi, as in Mexico City,
hospitalisations have plummeted. In the space of 10 days ICU occupancy
fell from 99% to 70%. Deaths are also falling. The test positivity ratio
slumped from 35% to 5% in just one month.
One of the outliers of this
trend is the state of Tamil Nadu, where
cases are still rising steeply. This
may have something to do with the
fact that the state's newly elected
governor, MK Stalin, decided to
exclude ivermectin from the region's
treatment protocol in favor of
Remdesivir. The result? Soaring cases. Late
last week, Stalin reversed
course once again and readopted
For the moment deaths in India remain extremely high. And
there are
concerns that the numbers are being under-reported. Yet they may
begin to fall in the coming days. In all of the countries that have
ivermectin widely, fatalities are the last thing to fall, after case
numbers and hospitalizations. Of course, there's no way of definitively
proving that these rapid falloffs are due to the use of ivermectin.
Correlation, even as consistent as this, is not causation. Other factors
such as strict lockdowns and travel restrictions no doubt also play a
But a clear pattern across nations and territories has formed that
strongly supports ivermectin's purported efficacy. And that efficacy has
been amply demonstrated in three meta-analyses.
India's decision to
adopt ivermectin, including as a prophylaxis in some
states, is already a
potential game-changer. As I wrote three weeks ago,
if case numbers,
hospitalizations and fatalities fall in India as
precipitously as they have
in other countries that have adopted
ivermectin, it could even become a
watershed moment. But for that to
happen, the news must reach enough eyes
and ears. And for that to
happen, reporters must, as Capuzzo says, begin to
do their job and
report both sides of this vital story.
This entry
was posted in Guest Post on May 25, 2021 by Nick Corbishley.
Deaths Plunge after Mexico & Peru introduce Ivermectin
create home-treatment-kit for 22 million-strong population
Deaths Plunge After Major World City Introduces Ivermectin
Authorities create
home-treatment-kit for 22 million-strong population
WND May 31; Global
Research June 1, 2021
A citywide initiative in Mexico City to prescribe
ivermectin to COVID-19
patients resulted in a plunge in hospitalizations and
deaths, two
studies found.
Hospitalizations were down by as much as
76%, according to research by
the Mexican Digital Agency for Public
Innovation, Mexico's Ministry of
Health and the Mexican Social Security
Institute, according to a
TrialSiteNews report highlighted by
Earlier this month, as WND reported, a significant decrease
in cases in
India coincided with the national health ministry's promotion of
ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine treatments.
In Mexico City, after a
spike in cases in December, the city's Ministry
of Health created a
home-treatment kit for residents. The city's metro
population is 22
At the time, the head of the Mexico City Ministry of Health,
López, said told reporters her agency had determined "that there is
enough evidence to use in people positive for SARS-CoV-2, even without
symptoms, some drugs such as ivermectin and azithromycin."
Dec. 29, people who tested positive for COVID from an antigen
test and who
were experiencing at least mild symptoms began receiving
one of the
government's ivermectin-based treatment kits, TrialSiteNews
The Mexican government then began a study to track the
impact of the
early treatment of COVID with ivermectin on the city's
The study tracked 200,000 people, dividing in two cohorts —
those who
received ivermectin and those who did not.
Through a
phone-call-based monitoring system and hospital data on
admissions for
COVID-19, the researchers found a reduction of between
52% and 76% in
hospitalizations for those who took ivermectin compared
to those who did
The government's findings were corroborated by Dr. Juan J.
Chamie-Quintero, a senior data analyst at private Colombian university
He found that excess deaths in the city dropped sharply only a
few weeks
after the ivermectin treatments began.
Chamie-Quintero also
conducted a study in Peru, where the government
approved ivermectin as a
treatment for the virus in May 2020.
In the 24 Peruvian states that
adopted early use of ivermectin
treatment, excess deaths plummeted on
average by 59% just 30 days after
the peak death rate. And it had dropped
75% after 45 days in those over
60 years old.
'Large, statistically
significant reductions in mortality'
Worldwide, more than 50
peer-reviewed studies have shown the
effectiveness of ivermectin as a
treatment and prophylaxis against COVID-19.
A study by the American
Journal of Therapeutics that analyzed 18
randomized controlled treatment
trials found ivermectin elicited "large,
statistically significant
reductions in mortality, time to clinical
recovery, and time to viral
clearance" in COVID patients.
The study concluded that "the many examples
of ivermectin distribution
campaigns leading to rapid population-wide
decreases in morbidity and
mortality indicate that an oral agent effective
in all phases of
COVID-19 has been identified."
In February, a
peer-reviewed study found that invermectin reduces
coronavirus infections,
hospitalizations and deaths by about 75%.
Ivermectin, in more than 30
trials around the world, causes "repeated,
consistent, large magnitude
improvements in clinical outcomes' at all
stages of the disease," according
to the study, which was published in
the U.S. journal Frontiers of
The evidence is so strong, the researchers believe, the
drug should become a standard therapy everywhere, hastening
global recovery.
"The data is overwhelming – we are in a pandemic, and
this is an
incredibly effective way to combat it. If we use ivermectin
widely, our
societies can open up," said study co-author Professor Paul
director of emergency and pulmonary care at Eastern Virginia Medical
A previous study by Professor Andrew Hill of Liverpool University
found ivermectin cuts death rates by about 75%.
'Inaction in
front of mounting evidence'
Dr. Pierre Kory, the chief medical officer of
the Front Line Covid-19
Critical Care Alliance, is known for his
congressional testimony about
the effectiveness of ivermectin. In a live
Zoom conference May 13, he
showed the promising data from various states in
India in the two weeks
after ivermectin was promoted.
See Kory's
a Senate hearing in December, Kory presented evidence that ivermectin
prevents infection and saves lives.
"Although we, like many, are
extremely encouraged by the apparent
successes in developing effective
vaccines, we also are dismayed at the
near complete absence of guidance and
research on effective early,
at-home, or preventative treatment options
apart from vaccines, a
reality we find unconscionable," he said in his
Kory said he and his colleagues are "worried that if our call
to action
is not followed through, confidence in our health care leaders and
agencies will be irreparably tarnished."
"Inaction in front of
mounting evidence of safety and effectiveness
during a catastrophic pandemic
may also compromise widespread
vaccination support," he warned.
will look back to the impact that actions versus inaction had on the
and the globe two months from now," Kory said. "If we do nothing,
present trend will continue. History will judge."==
Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks: cheap, safe and
ignored ...
(8) COVID cases and deaths drop in India & Mexico with
Ivermectin use
Dr. Pierre Kory video:
Pierre Kory Exposed WHO's Suppression of Ivermectin. YouTube Keeps
This Video.
Thankfully, we have the video preserved for
by JD Rucker May 31, 2021
Dr. Pierre Kory Called Out
the WHO for Suppressing Ivermectin. YouTube
Keeps Deleting This
One of the most disappointing things I hear from people I like and
respect is that they've received the Covid-19 "vaccine." I've been
scratching my head so often lately my wife bought me dandruff shampoo.
The cognitive dissonance on display is shocking as people I know who do
not trust government, who allegedly read up on the many questionable
characteristics and statistics associated with the "vaccines," still
rushed to get their jabs.
As I researched to determine if this is an
insurmountable "strong
delusion" placed over the masses or if it's just a
man-made conspiracy,
I came across a video that called out the propaganda
being employed to
promote the vaccines. But promoting the vaccines is one
"Debunking" effective early treatments of the disease, including
Ivermectin, goes far beyond simply promoting vaccines. It's about
misleading people into believing the only way they can survive the
pandemic is if they inject experimental drugs into their body.
video has since been removed from YouTube for violating "Community
Pierre Kory Video
video was going viral, though there's no telling just how viral it
because by the time I was able to check on it from a news report
(below) by
Art Moore at WND, the video had been removed. According to
the Facebook post
by Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, "Dr.
Pierre Kory, Chief
Medical Officer of the FLCCC Alliance, discusses the
ways that public health
agencies are manipulating scientific data on
{the "I" medicine} for COVID-19
in order to sow uncertainty about it—
and why they are doing it."
Pierre Kory spoke only the truth in this video that touted
showing the extreme efficacy of Ivermectin when applied on a
wide scale to
Covid-19 cases. He discussed how death rates in a highly
populated area of
Mexico plummeted once they adopted Ivermectin as an
early treatment, an area
that has had under 2% adoption rate of the
Then, he got
into the major point of the video: The cover-up. Why have
reputable science and healthcare organizations been
suppressing the
statistics of drugs like Ivermectin and
Hydroxychloroquine since long before
the vaccines were even developed?
They knew very clearly that the drugs
worked wonderfully as has been
exposed many times in forced releases of
their internal communications,
including at the World Health
There appears to be a true conspiracy in play, one that has
been bent on
mass deployment of these "vaccines" ever since the beginning of
pandemic. Some have made valid arguments that the plans were in place
before the world had even heard of Covid-19, all tied to The Great Reset
from the World Economic Forum.
"The major action against Ivermectin
was perpetrated by the World Health
Organization, but they are not unique in
their guilt of really
distorting the science around Ivermectin," he said.
The major action against Ivermectin was perpetrated by the World
Organization, but they are not unique in their guilt of really
distorting the science around Ivermectin.
Others have speculated that
Big Pharma has so much riding on the
constant flow of vaccines around the
world, a flow that they believe
will continue for years to come in the form
of "boosters" and new
vaccines for different variants, that they're
operating a disinformation
campaign to prevent actual treatments from coming
to light. This, too,
may be at least partially correct, but the fact that so
many in
government, media, Big Tech, and academia are all involved seems to
far beyond the depths of even Big Pharma's deep pockets.
At the
center of all this is the World Health Organization. As Dr. Kory
said, "I do
want to talk about what they're doing today which is they
are actually
working contrary to the public interest and that needs to
be called out and
that's why I'm lecturing on this issue again today."
Watch the video.
It's over an hour but well worth understanding this
aforementioned article at WND, reprinted below with permission,
shows just
how effective Ivermectin has proven to be. Why is this
information being
suppressed by everyone, including YouTube?
Ivermectin saves lives. This
has been shown to be true by people like
Dr. Pierre Kory and others at
Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care. Why are
so many bent on suppressing this
data in favor of vaccines? [...]
Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of
epidemiology at the Yale School of
Public Health and Yale School of
Medicine, is one of many health experts
who decry the politicization of
COVID-19 treatments such as ivermectin
and hydroxychloroquine.
can hardly believe what anybody says anymore," Risch said in an
interview in
December with Fox News' Laura Ingraham. "We've lost 300,000
lives in the
United States because our government has basic told
everyone to go home,
stay home, and if you can't breathe, go to the
That's not
a form of treatment, he said, "it's what we call therapeutic
He said the federal government, through the FDA, CDC and
Institutes of Health, have misrepresented the benefits of the
"These are drugs that everywhere else in the world they are being
very effectively," he said.
Risch contends the COVID-19
mortality rate is five times lower in the
Third World "because that's all
they can afford to do."
"And we're here twiddling our thumbs and telling
everyone to stay home.
It's absurd," he said.
'The Purge' by Big Tech
targets conservatives, including us
Just when we thought the Covid-19
lockdowns were ending and our ability
to stay afloat was improving,
censorship reared its ugly head.
(9) India health ministry advises
treatment with Ivermectin and
blob: https://www.brighteon.com/557cbfdb-6888-4c6c-a79a-4e87e069110c
COVID-19 cases plummet as the country turns to Ivermectin and
May 16, 2021 (updated May 17, 2021)
DELHI — India has received the baton for title of COVID Capitol of
the World
after China, Italy and the United States held it for much of
The world second-most populace country after China had fewer than
138,000 total active COVID cases in early February 2021. That's the
lowest figure since January 2020. India active COVID cases sit around
3.6 million today, according to the India Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare. Mainstream media are blaming the massive spike on a "scary,
mutant variant" called B.1.617.
Said media are also speculating
whether or not the "vaccines" will work
against the variant. Only about 2.8%
of India is vaccinated. Have no
fear. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are
The India health ministry updated its guidelines on April 28 for
quarantines, treating the asymptomatic and those with mild symptoms of
COVID-19. The agency now says that asymptomatic patients should
"consider Tab Ivermectin (200 mcg/kg once a day, to be taken empty
stomach) for 3 to 5 days." Caregivers of patients in quarantine are
instructed to "take Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis as per protocol and
as prescribed by the treating medical officer." See the full document
World Health Organization, big pharma freak out
There are
292 studies (219 are peer-reviewed) proving the effectiveness
hydroxychloroquine as both a treatment and prophylaxis against
Ivermectin has 93 studies (54 peer-reviewed) showing its
effectiveness as
treatment and prophylaxis against COVID-19. Despite the
fact that these drugs essentially kill COVID-19 within
hours or days, the
Bill Gates-funded World Health Organization (WHO) and
big pharma are having
fits over India's new guidelines and the results.
WHO Chief Scientist
Soumya Swaminathan tweeted on May 10 that her
organization recommends
against the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19. She
deleted the tweet shortly
thereafter. Swaminathan, who happens to be
Indian, cited a February press
release from Merck, the company that
discovered and once owned the
long-expired patents on Stromectol (aka
Ivermectin). The company wrote that
there is "no meaningful evidence"
and "no scientific basis" for using
Ivermectin to treat and prevent
COVID-19. Merck is one of the top donors to
the CDC Foundation, as is
the now-merged Pfizer/GlaxoSmithKline
The Canadian Global Television Network called Ivermectin and
hydrochloroquine "two drugs that conspiracy theorists say cure COVID-19
and that scientists say are useless at treating the disease." The Middle
East North Africa Financial Network said there is "little evidence" of
Ivermectin's effectiveness. Times of India called both drugs
COVID cases plummeting in India last two weeks
Pierre Kory is the chief medical officer of the Front Line Covid-19
Care Alliance. Mainstream media label the good doctor as
He is best known for his Congressional testimony about
Ivermectin. Dr. Kory
did a live Zoom conference this week showing just
how effective Ivermectin
and hydroxychloroquine have been since India
implemented the changes in its
{visit the link to see the graphs}
Here are the data
from the state of Maharashtra in the two weeks since
are the data from Delhi.
The same thing happened in Mexico when it
started using Ivermectin.
Check out the full video {at the above
(10) Goa offers Ivermectin to the entire adult population;
Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh follow
cases falling in the parts of India that approved Ivermectin use
Things are
turning around in India — starting within days of increasing
the use of
Ivermectin again.
But where is the media? Who is reporting that the
turnaround in some
states of India has started within a couple of weeks of
the expanded use
of Ivermectin — the 50 cent old drug that has been used for
3.7 billion
prescriptions worldwide, given to children to treat headlice,
and worms and is used by the ton on cattle and sheep
Hallalujah? Or read and weep — how much of the ghastly debacle
have been stopped before it even started?
Ivermectin starts
again in India
Ivermectin starts again in India (shaded dark grey)
On April 20th, New Dehli, AIIMs reccommended Ivermectin be
added to the
take home care package. So people getting tested would be able
to start
early treatment.
Cases started slowing down almost
Cases of Covid in New Dehli. India.
On May 10th
the Health Minister for Goa recommended the use of
Ivermectin in Goa.
Indeed, he offered it to the entire adult population.
The next day, the
WHO, ever so helpfully, warned against the use of
Ivermectin in
Goa, India. Cases of Covid, after Ivermectin
By Justus R. Hope, MD, Desert Review
Just three
weeks after adding Ivermectin, Delhi now leads India out of
the deadly
second surge of the COVID pandemic. Cases that had peaked at
28,395 on April
20 plummeted nearly 80% to just 6,430 on May 15. Deaths
peaked May 4, and
now they are also down 25%.
Meanwhile, three other Indian states have
followed Goa's lead in adding
Ivermectin: Uttarkhand, Karnataka, and Uttar
Pradesh. And, as expected,
they have seen a drop in new daily cases as well,
with Uttar Pradesh
down nearly 75% from a peak of 37,944 just four days
after they began
following the April 20 AIIMS guidance to just 10,505 on May
Sadly Tamil Nadu is going the other way, they used Ivermectin for
days, then stopped it, and bought up Remdesivir instead (a Gilead drug
that costs around $3000 a patient.) Still, it's handy to have a control
Shame the people of Tamil Nadu are part of the experiment.
Hard to
believe the Chief Minister in Goa is M K Stalin.
Cases of
Covid in Tamil Nadu, Graphed.
Justus R. Hope:
Twenty thousand
doses of Remdesivir cost 60 million dollars, while
20,000 doses of
Ivermectin go for a few hundred. Where is a developing
country getting the
60 million dollars a day to purchase the Remdesivir?
Why is their leader
throwing away a cheap drug, Ivermectin, that has
saved lives in other
India started using Ivermectin back on August 8, 2020 at the
peak of the
first wave. It's not easy to find out when or if the use of
slowed or stopped. Indeed it is strangely difficult to find
anything on
most search engines apart from fact checks that warn against the
use of
There are claims that the use of the drug stalled
in January, but very
little official confirmation.
Waves of Covid in
From Twitter
Could the media get the situation more
Back on April 28th at the peak of new cases in India the geniuses on
Business Insider said it was the perfect storm for India and blamed,
among other things, the slow roll out of the vaccine. Nameless experts
even blamed Ivermectin.
Experts said some doctors in India have –
whether due to a lack of
training or sheer desperation – tried administering
medications that
don't work against the virus, like ivermectin, a
prescription used to
treat parasitic infections.
"I've heard stories
of people getting three, four, five, six meds
prescribed to them,
medications that have not been shown to be effective
at all," Kuppalli said.
"I think people are just grasping for straws and
that just adds to the chaos
and the anxiety."
The message from one doctor in India:
report from India
From Twitter
In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid
deaths by 75% in 6 weeks: cheap, safe and
quite ignored
Ivermectin is a
drug so useful early researchers got a Nobel Prize in
Medicine for work on
it. It's so well known that in the last thirty
years more than 3.7 billion
doses of Ivermectin have been given out.
It's so safe we can use it on cats
and dogs and even toddlers. It's dirt
cheap and its use in Ag-science is
measured in tonnes. The cost of
Ivermectin is around 15c in the third world,
and $50 for one round for a
human in New York. (It's a lot cheaper than a
$5000 a day ICU bed.)
Paul E Alexander, Robin Armstrong,
George Fareed, Kulvinder, K. Gill,
John Lotus, Ramin Oskoui, Chad Prodromos,
Harvey A. Risch, Howard C
Tenenbaum, Craig M. Wax, Peter A. McCullough
(2021) Early Multidrug
Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
(COVID-19) and Reduced
Mortality Among Nursing Home Residents, doi:
Een belangrijke man in het IVERMECTINE bewijs is een man van Columbiaanse afkomst,wonend in de buurt van Harvard, een data analist.
ReplyDeleteHij heet Juan Jose Chamie.
Hij werkt al een jaar intensief aan heel nauwkeurig data
onderzoek, en heeft op dioe manier bewezen dat precies op de plaatsen waar Ivermectine wordt gebruikt, het aantal Corona gevallen snel daalt.
Dit is belangrijk omdat Ivermectine overal zijn tegenstanders heeft die effectieve invoering blokkeren.
Het motief van die opponenten?
Ik kan het wel bedenken:
Mensen in de rol van 'De Deskundige' die zich openlijk hebben uitgesproken voor methode A, en nu niet willen horen dat ze er naast zaten.
Of mensen die profiteren als hun land of stad de vaccins zal kopen.( Sywerts hebje overal)
En zo is in vele landen een vaag beeld ontstaan: helpt ivermectine nu wel of niet?
Juan Chamie heeft de cijffers verzameld tot op regionaal of stads-niveau en toont op die manier aan dat het zeker wel helpt.
In November gaf zijn informatie de doorslag voor dr Kory om voluit achter Ivermectine te gaan staan. ( Kory vertelt dat ook in het lange intervieew met Weinstein, hierboven.)
Hier geeft hij een interview aan dr Been.
Helaas is Jose de engelse taal niet echt goed machtig.
Hij is moeilijk te verstaan.
Je kunt de engelse ondertiteling aan zetten, dat scheelt, maar de woorden Ivermectione en Hydroxychloroquine worden door Youtube gecensureerd, dus daar 'hoort' de computer steeds andere woorden. Hij bedenbkt een woord dat op Ivermectine lijkt, maar het is steeds een ander woord.
De uitspraak van Juan Chamie is zo belabberd dat je het woord maar met moeite herkent.
Als je dat allemal kunt 'incasseren' dan is dit een heel interessant interview.
Hij legt uit hoe in Mumbai de ziekte uit brak, hoe 50% van de stad werkloos wed en naar hun dorpen vertrok in overvolle treinen, waarna in al die dorpen de ziekte enorm toe nam.
Hoe het bestuur van Uttar Pradesh besloot tot algehele invoering van Ivermectine, en dat je daarom in die deelstaat ( 200 miljoen mensen) niet een toename van Corona zien, hoewel er zeer veel werkers per trein aan kwamen uit Bombay.
Hij toont hoe Mexico Stad (21 miljoen inwopners!) in stilte besloot om Ivermectine te gaan gebruiken, waarna het aantal zieken snel en drastisch daalde, maar hoe de stad dit Ivermectine succes eigenlijk verzwiojgt en toeschrijft aan mensen die naar de VS reiswden om een injectie te halen ( !!! Het arme Mexico weet precies wat de machtioge buur wil horen. Aan welke eisen je moet voldoen om jouw eigen leven te mogen redden: Hun leugenachtige narrative bevestigen in de media.)
Juan Chamie Discusses COVID in India and Mexico
Mijn favoriete guru, dr Mark Hyman
ReplyDeleteinterviewt de nu 75 jarige Goldie Hawn, die zich nu in zet voor de ontwikkeling van kinderen.
Ze leren de kinderen oa om 'dankbaar' te worden, want dat heeft een goede invloed op de hersenen.
Ik ben een groot voorstander van dit soort beroemdheden: mensen die hun energie , geld en beikendheid gebruiken voor het algemeen nut.
The SECRET To Enhancing BRAIN DEVELOPMENT In Children | Goldie Hawn & Mark Hyman
Hyman is een notoire 'slechte spreker' : hij spreekt worden maar half uit en spreekt vele te snel.
Goldie is niet veel beter.
Je kunt de snelheid op 0,75 zetten, en de ondertitels aan zetten.
Mijn favoriete scene komt in het begin: als ze beiden zeggen dat zij als kind buiten speelden en dat hun moeder hen dan om 18 uur binnen riepen om te eten.
Tegenwoordig spelen de kinderen binnen, met hun ipad. Niet goed.
Dr Been geeft antwoord:
ReplyDeleteYour 32 Questions About Ivermectin
NB: Als je minder dan 1,5 mg per kilo neemt. heb je geen effect. Bij 85 kg heeft 12 gram dosis dus geen effect !
Dus bij 85 kilogram: 3 pillen à 6 gram = 18 gram per dosis.
Hoe vaak dosis nemen?
Been: elke week. ( profylactisch)
FLCCC: Als in gevaarlijke omgeving : elke week. Anders minder.
Ik neem ze elke 10 dagen. Zeker in de zomer niet vaker dan dat.
NB: Ivermectine werkt als een bloedverdunner. Dus op de dag dat je Ivermectine neemt, die dag geen bloedverdunner nemen.
Reactie zojuist op BLIK geplaatst:
ReplyDeleteJan Verheul6 juni 2021 om 14:31
Dit is wat de 'slimmerikken' het afgelopen jaar
hebben bijgeleerd:
Dit is waar ze over spraken en schreven: Corona bestaat niet. Het is een poging van Bill Gates om ons te chippen en te controleren.
Ik was er maar druk mee de afgelopen 17 maanden: Eerst zoeken naar zelf-bescherming. Gevonden. Dan ontdekt dat vitamine D enorm belangrijk is voor vele processen in het lichaam, maar dat vrijwel geen arts dit weet, en Big Pharma dat graag zo houdt, want anders verliezen ze 30% van hun omzet: dan wordt er bijna niemand meer ziek!
Zo kwam ik op het spoor van de suiker-maffia en begon koolhydraat-vrij te eten, waardoor ik 8 kilo gewicht verloor en mijn lichte diabetes ( Hb1Ac = 6,4 werd 5,6 ) zomaar verdween.
Ondertussen leerde ik dat het met de bedrieglijkheid van de Media nog veel erger is dan ik vreesde.
En ik leerde dat 'de mens' te lui is om zich het vege lijf te redden. Hij wil helemaal niet horen dat ie zelfmoord pleegt met mes en vork. Hij gelooft helemaal niks van de moderne wetenschap. Hij gelooft zijn huisarts weet en die behandelt hem met de stand van kennis van 40 jaar geleden.
Nu ik weet dat mijn vrienden zelfs te lui zijn om zichzelf het vege lijf te redden, neem ik hen niet meer zo kwalijk dat ze kritiekloos mee betaalden aan de moord op miljoenen moslims in Irak, Libië, Syrië en Iran. Het was gewoon domheid en luiheid. Nu nemen ze uit domheid en luiheid de vaccins die hun mogelijk hun gezondheid gaan kosten. Terwijl ze die niet nodig hebben, en hun kinderen hebben die vaccins al helemaal niet nodig.
Onze joodse vrienden hebben dus gewoon gelijk:
de evolutie gaat gewoon door . Eerst vielen de zwakken af, en nu de stommerikken. Ze zullen uitsterven.
De goyim zijn gewoon als de Dodo's die naar de kookpotten van de schipbreukelingen waggelden. Wij geloven onze joodse Media die ons er in luizen, by way of deception they will win their war.
Ik heb dus een fascinerend jaar gehad, en weer heel veel bijgeleerd.
Op de NOS zagf ik dat er tegenover de Russische Ambassade weer 298 stoelen zijn neergezet, o a door Hans de Borst, de man die zijn enige kind, de 17 jarige Elsemiek, verloor.
Ik heb deze reactie geplaatst:
Tragisch lot voor deze man. Maar nu, 7 jaar na de ramp, doet hij nog precies hetzelfde. Het feit dat Rusland geen enkel voordeel heeft bij het neerhalen van een passagiers-vliegtuig, dat telt voor hem niet mee. Het feit dat Amerika al vele jaren bezig is om Rusland zwart te maken, en daarbij geen enkel middel schuwt, telt voor hem niet mee. Het indirecte bewijs wijst altijd maar weer naar de VS ( motief, mogelijkheid) . De VS die het ene land na het andere verwoestte (Irak, Afghanistan, Libië, Syrië) kan op de niet aflatende steun van Hans de Borst rekenen. Putin, die het volk in zijn land weer veiligheid en welvaart gaf, en bedreigde mensen in Donbass en Krim en Ossetië veiligheid gaf, en geen enkel land binnen viel, en in Syrië de door VS en Nederland geholpen ISIS terroristen verdreef, die wordt door Hans de Borst aangevallen. Aan één tragisch lot (het verlies van zijn dochter) voegt Hans er geheel vrijwillig nog een tweede toe: Hij valt de goed mens Putin aan, en dient daarmee de agenda van de slechte mensen van deze wereld.