Sunday, October 06, 2019

894 Coudenhove-Kalergie quotes.

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Kalergi Plan Conspiracy Theory - Quotes from his book Practical Idealism

Quotes from Kalergi's book Practical Idealism
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Kalergi was the father of the EU; but did he plan to destroy European peoples?

To help you decide, here are some quotes from the book Practical Idealism: The Kalergi Plan to destroy European peoples

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by Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972)

Translated by: Dimitra Ekmektsis


First edition in 1925 by PANEUROPA - VERLAG - WIEN-LEIPZIG


{p. 11} FOREWORD

Practical Idealism is heroism; practical materialism is eudemonism. Those who not believe in ideals have no reason to act ideally; or to fight or suffer for ideals. Because they know and acknowledge only one value: pleasure; only a single evil: pain.

Heroism necessitates faith and commitment to the ideal: the conviction that there are higher values than pleasure and greater evil than pain.

This contradiction runs through the whole of human history; it is the difference between the epicureans and stoics. This difference is much greater than that between theists and atheists: because there were Epicureans who believed in gods, as Epicurus himself; and there were Idealists who were atheists, like Buddha.

So, this is not about believing in gods - but about believing in values. Materialism is unconditional unimaginative and uncreative; idealism is always problematic and is often entangled with nonsense and insanity: nevertheless, humanity owes its greatest works and deeds to it. ...

{p. 12} The ultimate point of political democracy therefore is: spiritual democracy; it wants to create enjoyment for the materialists, and power for the idealists.

The leader shall replace the ruler - the noble spirit shall replace the noble name - the rich heart shalt replace the rich pocket. That is the meaning of progress which is called democracy.

Any other meaning would be cultural suicide.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that Plato, the prophet of the intellectual aristocracy was at the same time the father of the socialist economy; and also, the father of the idealistic world view.

For both, aristocracy and socialism, are practical idealism.

The ascetic idealism of the South manifested itself in religion; the heroic idealism of the North in technology.

Because nature in the North was a challenge to people. Other tribes succumbed; the Europeans accepted the challenge and fought. They fought until they were strong enough to subdue the earth: they fought until they forced the very nature which had challenged them, to serve them.

{p. 13} ... The meaning of this heroic world mission has only been grasped by Europe in modern times; for it is only with modern times that its technological age -the liberation war against winter - begins.

{p. 15} NOBILITY - 1920

{p. 17} ... Country and city are the two poles of human existence. Country and city produce their special human: the rural and urban person.

Rural and an urban people are psychological opposites. Farmers of different areas resemble each other emotionally often more than they resemble the people in the neighboring city. Between farm and farm, between city and city is space - between city and farm is time. Among European rural people live the representatives of every age: from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages, while only the metropolitan cities of the Occident, which produced the most extreme urban type, are representative of modern civilization. Centuries, often millennia, separate the big city from the farmland that surrounds it.

The urban man thinks differently, judges differently, feels differently, acts differently than the rural man. Big city life is abstract, mechanical, rational - rural life is concrete, organic, irrational. The urbanite is rational, skeptical, critical - the rural man is emotional, religious, superstitious.

{p. 18} Everything rural man thinks and feels focuses around nature; he lives in symbiosis with the animal, the living creature of God; he is one with his landscape, dependent on weather and season. ...

The rural man believes in the force of nature over man -the urban man believes in the force of man over nature.  ...

Rural man is as conservative as nature itself - urban man as progressive as society. ...

The city robs its inhabitants of the enjoyment of nature's beauty; as compensation it offers them the arts. Theater, concerts, gatteries are surrogates for the eternal and changing beauty of the landscape. After a day's work full of ugliness, these art institutes offer urbanites beauty in concentrated form. In the country they are redundant. Nature is the extensive, art the intensive manifestation of beauty.

The relationship between urban man and nature, which he lacks, is ruled by yearning; while nature is

{p. 19} always fulfilling the rural man. Therefore, urban man perceives it as romantic, rural man as classic. Social (Christian) moral is an urban phenomenon: because it is a function of human coexistence, of society. The typical city dweller combines Christian morality with his irreligious skepticism, rationalistic materialism and mechanical atheism. The resulting world view is Socialism: the modern religion of the modern city.

Christianity is tittle more than a reinterpretation of paganism with altered mythology and new superstition for the rural barbarians of Europe; -a true religion is the belief in nature, in power, in fate.

Urban and rural people do not know each other; therefore, they mistrust and misunderstand each other and live in veiled or open hostility. There are many catchwords under which this basic opposition hides: red and green internationalism; industrialism and agrarianism; progress and reaction; Judaism and Anti-Semitism. ...

The glory of the rural man is the nobleman, the junker. The glory of the urban man is the intellectual, the writer.

{p. 20} ... The gap between rural and urban people peaks in the junker and the writer. The junker's typical occupation is officer; the typical occupation of the intellectual is journalist.

The junker-officer remained, psychologically and mentally, at the level of knight. Hard on himself and others, dutiful, energetic, steadfast, conservative and narrow-minded, he lives in a world of dynastic, mititaristic, national and social prejudices. With a deep mistrust of everything modern, against the big city, democracy, socialism, gtobatism, he has a deep belief in blood type, in honor, and the world-view of his fathers. He despises the urbanites, especially the Jewish writers.

The writer rushes ahead of his time; without prejudice he represents modern ideas in politics, art, science. He is progressive, skeptical, witty, versatile, mutable; he is a eudaemonist, rationalist, socialist,

{p. 21} materialist. He overestimates the mind, underestimates the body and character: and therefore, he despises the junker as a backward barbarian. ...

{p. 23} The gentleman is set on tradition, the bohemian on protest. ...

Wilhelm's Germany was prouder of its officers and professors than of any other class. In these, it saw the glory of the nation, like England in its political leaders, and like the Roman nations saw in their artists. ...

{p. 25} The 19th century gave the German people two men of greatest style, who embodied these aspirations for a higher Germanness: Bismarck, the hero of action; Goethe, the hero of the mind. ...


Usually, the rural man is a product of inbreeding, the urban man a mixed breed.

The parents and grandparents of a farmer usually come from the same, sparsely-populated area; the nobleman comes from the same sparse upper class of the same sparsely-populated area. In both cases, the ancestors are related to each other by blood, and are therefore physically, psychologically and mentally similar. As a result, they pass on to their children and descendants their common traits, tendencies of will, passions, prejudices and inhibitions to an even greater degree. The essential features resulting from such inbreeding are: loyalty, piety, sense of family and caste, consistency, stubbornness, vigor, closemindedness; more prejudices, less objectivity, and a narrow horizon. Here is a generation that is not a variation of the previous, but simply a duplication. Conservation in place of evolution.

In the big city, races and classes meet. As a rule, urbanites are miscegenationat (mixed-race), and from various social and national groups. In them the character traits, prejudices, inhibitions, tendencies of will, and world views of their parents and

{p. 27} grandparents are eliminated, or at least weakened. The result is that mixed-breeds often supplement their lack of character, lack of inhibitions, weakness of will, inconsistency, impiety and disloyalty with objectivity, versatility, mental restlessness, freedom from prejudices and a broader horizon. Mixed-breeds are always different from their parents and grandparents; each generation is a variation of the previous one, either in terms of evolution or degeneration.

The inbred man is always a one-soul person - the mixed-breed man a multi-soul person. In each individual, his ancestors live on as elements of his soul: if they resemble each other, his soul is uniform; if they are diverse, the man is diverse, complicated, distinct. ...

{p. 28} ... Inbreeding strengthens the character, but weakens the mind. Miscegenation weakens the character, but strengthens the mind. When inbreeding and race mixing are favorable, they result in the highest human type, combining the strongest character with the sharpest of minds. Where inbreeding and race mixing are unfavorable, they result in a degenerate type with weak character and dult mind.

The man of the future will be a mixed-breed.

Today's races and castes will fall victim to the increased overcoming of space, time and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its features to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the

{p. 29} diversity of nations with a diversity of "personalities". According to heredity laws, variety of the descendants grows out of the variety of the ancestors, and uniformity of descendants out of uniformity of the ancestors. In single-race families, one child resembles the other: because all represent one common family type. In mixed-race families the children took different from each other: each forms a new variation of the diverse parental and ancestrat elements.

Inbreeding produces a characteristic type - race mixing produces original personalities.

The predecessor of the planetary race of the future in modern Europe is the Russian, as a Slavic-, Tatarian-, and Finnish mixed breed; because he, among all European nationals, has the least amount of any race, and he is the typical multi-soul person with a wide, rich, all-encompassing soul.

His strongest opposite is the isolated Brit, the highly inbred one-soul person, whose strength ties in character, will, and in the typical. Modern Europe owes to him the most reserved, most complete type: the gentleman.


Two types of souls compete for world domination: paganism and Christianity. With the denominations that carry these names, these souls have only superficial relationships with the denominations that carry these names. If the emphasis is shifted from the dogmatic to the ethical, and from mythological

{p. 30} to psychological, Buddhism is transformed into Ultra-Christianity, whereas "Americanism" appears as modernized paganism. The Orient is the main bearer of Christian, the Occident the main bearer of pagan mentality; the Chinese pagans are better Christians than the Christian Germans.

Paganism places energy, Christianity love at the top of the ethical scale. The Christian ideal is the loving saint, the pagan ideal the victorious hero. Christianity wants to transform the homo ferus into a homo domesticus, and the predator-human into the pet-human, whereas paganism wants to make man "superhuman". Christianity wants to tame a lion to be a house cat - paganism to raise a cat to be a tiger.

The main herald of modern Christianity was Tolstoi; the main preacher of modern paganism, Nietzsche.

The old Germanic religion was pure paganism. It lived on under a Christian mask: In the Middle Ages as chivalry, in modern times as imperialist and militaristic ideology. Officers, junkers, colonists and captains of industry are the leading representatives of modern-day paganism. Drive, bravery, greatness, freedom, power, fame and honor: these are the ideals of paganism; whereas Love, gentleness, humility, compassion, and self-denial are Christian ideals. The antithesis: paganism - Christianity does not coincide with the antithesis: rural - urban, nor with: inbreeding- race mixing. But doubtless, rural barbarianism and inbreeding favor the development of a pagan civilization, and race mixing the development of a Christian mentality.

{p. 31} Generally, pagan individualism is only possible in sparsely populated parts of the earth, where the individual can flourish and unfold recklessly, without immediately antagonizing his fellow humans. In overpopulated areas, where people live in close proximity to each other, the social principal of mutual support must complement and, in part supersede the individual struggle for survival.

Christianity and socialism are cosmopolitan products. Christianity, as a world religion, took its starting point in the diverse cosmopolitan city of Rome; socialism from the multi-national industrial cities of the occident. Both manifestations of Christian mentality are based on internationalism. The resistance to Christianity emanated from the rural populations (pagans); just as today, the rural population is the strongest resistance to the realization of a socialist way of living.

Sparsely populated, northern areas were always the centers of pagan willpower, and densely populated, southern areas were sites of Christian sentiment. Where today there is talk of the difference between Eastern and Western spirituality, it usually means nothing else but the difference between the people of the south and the north. The Japanese, as the northernmost Oriental, is often more "Occidental"; while the mentality of Southern Italians and South Americans is more "Oriental". For the state of the soul, the latitude seems to be more decisive than the degree of longitude.

Not only the geographical location: but the historical development has a determining influence on the soul of a nation. The Chinese, as well as the

{p. 32} Jews, feel more Christians than the Germanic nations, because their cultures are older. Germanic people are closer in time to primitive man than the Chinese or the Jews; these two ancient civilizations were able to emancipate themselves more thoroughly from the pagan-natural way of life because they had at least three-thousand years longer to do so. Paganism is a symptom of cultural youth, Christianity a symptom of cultural mage.

Three nations: Greeks, Romans, and Jews have conquered each one in his own way, the ancient cultural world. First, the esthetic-philosophical Greeks: in Hellenism; then practical-political Romans: in the Roman empire; and ethical-religious Jews: in Christianity.

Christianity, made ethical by the Jewish Essenes (John), and intellectual by Jewish Atexandrians (Philo) was reconstructed Judaism. As far as Europe is Christian, it is (in the ethical -spiritual sense) Jewish; as far as Europe is moral, it is Jewish. Almost the whole of European ethics is rooted in Judaism. All precursors of religious or irreligious Christian morality, from Augustine to Rousseau, Kant and Tolstoy, were Jews by choice, in a spiritual way. Nietzsche is the only non-Jewish, the only pagan ethicist in Europe. The most prominent and confident representatives of Christian ideas, that in their modern rebirth are called pacifism and socialism, are Jews.

In the East, the Chinese are the ethical nation par excellence (as opposed to the esthetic-heroic Japanese and the religious-speculative Indians), in the West it is the Jews. God was head of state of the

{p. 33} old Jews, their moral taw was civil code, sin was a crime.

Judaism has remained loyal to the theocratic idea of identification of politics with ethics throughout the millennia: Christianity and socialism are both attempts to establish a Kingdom of God. Two millennia ago, the early Christians, not the Pharisees and Sadducees, inherited and revived the traditions of Moses; today it is neither the Zionists nor the Christians, but the Jewish leaders of socialism: for they also want to eradicate, with great self-denial, the original sin of capitalism, and free humanity of injustice, violence and slavery, and transform the atoned world into an earthly paradise.

To these Jewish prophets, who are preparing a new world epoch, ethics are primary in all things: politics, religion, philosophy and art. From Moses to Otto Weininger, ethics was the main issue in Jewish philosophy. In this ethical attitude toward the world ties the root of the unique greatness of the Jewish people - and at the same time the danger that Jews who lose their faith in ethics, to fall into cynical egoism: whereas others, even after loss of their ethics, still retain a wealth of knightly values and prejudices (man of honor, gentleman, cavalier, etc.) that safeguard them from a fall into value-chaos.

What separates the Jews from the average urban citizen is mainly that they are inbred people. Strength of character combined with sharp intellect predestines the most excellent specimen of the Jews to become leaders of humanity, either false or real spiritual aristocrats, and protagonists of capitalism or revolution.

{p. 35} PART TWO



Our democratic age is a miserable interlude between two great aristocratic eras: the feudal aristocracy of the sword and the social aristocracy of the mind. Feudal aristocracy is in decline, intellectual aristocracy is on the rise. The interim is called democracy, but is ruled by the pseudo-aristocracy of money.

In the Middle Ages, the rural knight ruled over the urban citizen in Europe, pagan mentality over Christian, and blood nobility over mind nobility. The knight's superiority over the citizen was based on strength of body and character, power and courage.

Two inventions conquered Middle Ages, opening the new era: the invention of gunpowder meant the end of knightly rule, and the invention of the printing press the start of intellectual rule. With the introduction of firearms, strength and courage lost their defining importance in the struggle for survival: mind, in the struggle for power and liberty, became the weapon of choice.

The printing press gave the mind power of unlimited scope: writing mankind moved into the

{p. 36} center of a reading humanity and thus elevated the writer to intellectual leader of the masses. Gutenberg gave the feather the power that (Georg) Schwarz had taken from the sword. With the help of printing ink, Luther has conquered a greater empire than all German emperors.

In the epoch of enlightened despotism, rulers and statesmen obeyed the ideas that came from thinkers. The authors of that time formed an intellectual aristocracy of Europe. The victory of absolutism over feudalism meant the first victory of the city over the rural country, and at the same time the first stage in the victory run of mind nobility, the fall of the sword nobility. Instead of the medieval dictatorship of country over city came the modern dictatorship of city over country.

With the French revolution, which ended the privileges of the blood nobility, the second epoch of the intellectual emancipation began. Democracy is based on the optimistic premise that a nobility of mind could be recognized and elected by popular majority.

Now we are at the threshold of the third epoch of the modern age: of socialism. It, too, relies on the urban class of industrial workers, led by the aristocracy of revolutionary authors. ...

{p. 37} ... A decisive step towards this goal is Russian Bolshevism, where a small group of communist intellectual aristocratic rulers governs a nation and deliberately breaks with the plutocratic democracy that dominates the rest of the world today.

The struggle between capitalism and communism for the inheritance of the defeated blood nobility is a civil war between the victorious mind nobility, a war between individualism and socialism, egoism and altruism, pagan and Christian spirit. The general staff of both parties recruited from the mental ruling class of Europe: the Jews. ...

{p. 38} ... In order to break the character and thus the resistance of the French nobility, Louis XIV lured them to Versailles; the great revolution was reserved for the completion of his work: it took away the remaining rights of the nobility who had abandoned and lost their assets. ...

Since the transformation of European culture from a knightly-rural to a civic-urban, the blood nobility felt behind ordinary citizens in intellectual terms. War, politics and the management of his estates were so demanding, that their mentat abilities and interests were often stunted.

These historical causes of a new dawn of nobility were compounded by physiological ones. Instead of

{p. 39} the hard, medieval military service, the new era brought nobility mostly unemployed life of luxury; through inherited wealth, nobility went from being the most endangered status, to the most secure; in addition, there were degenerative influences of exaggerated inbreeding, which the English nobility avoided by frequently breeding with common citizens. Through the combined effects of these circumstances, the physical, psychological and spiritual type of the aristocrat has decayed.

The intellectual nobility was not able to replace the blood nobility, because it too is in a crisis, and a state of decay. Democracy was created out of a quandary: not because people didn't want nobility, but because they couldn't find any. As soon as a new, a real nobility is constituted, democracy will disappear by itself. England, possessing real nobility, remained aristocratic, despite its democratic constitution.

Germany's academic nobility of mind, a century ago the leader of the opposition to absolutism and feudalism, and a pioneer of modern, liberal ideas, has now fallen to the mainstay of the reactionaries, the enemies of mental and political renewal. This pseudo-nobility of mind in Germany was an advocate of militarism during the war, and during the revolution a defender of capitalism. Their guiding slogans: nationalism, militarism, antisemitism, alcoholism, are also slogans in the fight against the mind. Academic intelligentsia has misjudged, denied and betrayed its responsible mission: to replace the feudal nobility and prepare a nobility of mind.

{p. 40} The journalistic intelligentsia has also betrayed its leadership mission. Called to become the intellectual leader and teacher of the masses, to supplement and improve what a backwards school system missed and violated, demeaned itself as the slave of capital; the tastemaker in politics and art. Its character broke under the pressure to represent and defend strangers' interests rather than its own - and its spirit became trivial by the overproduction the job demands.

Like the orator of antiquity, the journalist of the modern era stands in the center of the government machine: he moves the voters, the voters move the delegates, the delegates move the ministers. That is how the highest responsibility for every political occurrence falls on the journalist; and it's he, in typical urban spineless fashion, who feels free of any obligation and responsibility.

Schools and press are the two points from which the world could be made new and noble without bloodshed or violence. School either nourishes or poisons a child's soul; the press either nourishes or poisons the soul of an adult. Schools and press today are in the hands of an unintellectual intelligentsia: to put them back into the hands of the intellect should be the highest task of ideal politics, and ideal revolution.

The ruling dynasties of Europe have fallen through inbreeding; the dynasties of the plutocrats through a life of luxury. The nobility of blood degenerated because it became the servant of the monarchy; the nobility of mind degenerated because it became the servant of capital.

{p. 41} ... It is in a sense of historical nemesis that the great flood which emanates from Russia, will cleanse the world in a bloody or bloodless manner of the usurpers, who want to hold on to their privileged positions, while having long lost their mental prerequisites.


At the low point of blood- and mind nobility, it was no surprise that a third class of people temporarily seized power: the plutocrats. The form of constitution that replaced feudalism and absolutism was democracy; the form of government, plutocracy. Today, democracy is a faqade of plutocracy: since nations would not tolerate a pure form of plutocracy,

{p. 42} they were granted nominal powers, white the real power rests in the hands of plutocrats. In republican as well as monarchical democracies, the statesmen are puppets, the capitalists are the puppeteers; they dictate the guidelines of politics, rule through purchase the public opinion of the voters, and through professional and social relationships, the ministers. ...

When there was still true blood nobility, the system of aristocracy by birth was fairer than that of the moneyed aristocracy today: because then the ruling caste had a sense of responsibility, culture and tradition, whereas the class that rules today is barren of feelings of responsibility, culture or tradition. Rare exceptions of this don't deny this fact.

While the world view of feudalism was heroic-religious, the plutocratic society knows no higher worth than money and luxury: a person's value is estimated by what he has, not what he is.

Nevertheless, the leaders of plutocracy are building a sense of aristocracy, of selection: since a number of excellent personal characteristics are necessary to amass large wealth: drive, prudence, cleverness, level-headedness, quick-wittedness, initiative, boldness and generosity. Through these virtues the successful entrepreneurs are legitimized

{p. 43} as modern-day conquerors whose superior will and intellectual powers are victorious over the masses of inferior competitors. ...

The fundamental evil of a capitalistic society structure lies in the favoring of egoistical over attruistic, and materialistic over idealistic prowess; while the real aristocrats of mind and heart: the wise and kind, live in poverty and powerlessness, egoistic and violent humans usurp their positions. ...

{p. 45} ... The Russian revolution means the beginning of the end for this historical era. Despite the defeat of Lenin , his shadow will dominate the twentieth century as the French revolution, despite its fall, dominated the nineteenth ...

{p. 47} From the majority of mankind in Europe that only believes in numbers, in majority, two quality races stand out: blood nobility and Judaism. Separate from each other, both believe in their higher calling, in their superior blood, and in the difference of the races. In these two heterogeneous superior races lies the heart of Europe's future nobility: the feudal blood nobility, as far as it is not corrupted by the court, and the Jewish nobility of mind, if it is not corrupted by money. Amongst the citizens of a better future, a few moral, high ranking rural aristocrats and a small fighting force of the revolutionary intelligence remain. The community grows into a symbol of Lenin , the man of lower rural nobility, and Trotzki, the Jewish literary figure: here the opposites of character and spirit, junker and writer, rural and urban, pagan and Christian are reconciled and a revolutionary aristocracy is created.

One small mental step forward would be enough to enlist the best elements of the blood nobility to serve this new human liberation. ...

{p. 49} Lenin and Ludendorff are opposites in their political ideals, but brothers in their will. Had Ludendorff been raised in a revolutionary environment with Russian students, as Lenin, he would have, like Lenin, witnessed the execution of his brother by imperial hangmen. We would probably see him leading red Russia. Had Lenin been raised in a Prussian military academy, he might have become a Super-Ludendorff. What separates these two similar characters is their intellect. Lenin's dimness seems heroic and conscious, Ludendorff's seems to be naive and unconscious. Lenin is not just a leader - he also seems spiritual; a spiritual Ludendorff so to speak. ...


Main bearers of corrupt as well as uncorrupt nobility of mind: capitalism, journalism, literature, are the Jews. They are predestined, through their intellectual superiority, to be a main influence on future aristocrats.

A glimpse into the history of the Jewish people will explain advantage in the battle to lead humanity. Two-thousand years ago, the Jews were a religious community comprised of ethical and spiritual individuals from all ancient nations, with their national Hebrew center in Palestine. Even then, what bound them together was primarily religion, not nation. In the course of the first thousand years, converts from all nations joined them, the last being king, nobles and citizens from Khazaria, South Russia. From then on, the religious Jewish community united as an artificial nationality and stood against all others.

Through unspeakable persecutions, Christian Europe has tried to extinguish the Jewish nation for

{p. 51} a thousand years. The result was that Jews who were weak witted, unscrupulous, opportunistic or skeptical, were baptized, in order to escape the never-ending persecutions. Other Jews who were not clever, smart or inventive, perished under the harsh conditions.

What ultimately emerged from all these persecutions was a small community that was hardened by the heroic martyrdom for an idea, and purified of all weaknesses and poor mental qualities. Instead of destroying Judaism, Europe has against its knowledge, through artificial natural selection, raised the leading nation of the future. So, it is no wonder that this nation, the descendants of ghetto prisoners is becoming the aristocrats of the mind in Europe. Kind providence has graciously given Europe through the emancipation of the Jews a new race of aristocrats of the mind, when feudal aristocracy decayed.

The first example of this growing aristocracy of the future was the revolutionary noble Jew, Lassalle, who combined to a great extend physical beauty, character of noble courage, and sharpness of mind: aristocrat in the truest and highest sense of the word, he was a born leader and guide of his time.

Judaism is not the new nobility; but it is the womb from which a new, intellectual nobility arises: the core around which a new intellectual nobility is grouped. An intellectual -urban "master race" is in the making: idealists, spiritual, finely tuned, just and truthful, brave as the feudal aristocrats in their best days, who happily embrace death and persecution, hate and scorn, in order to make humanity more moral, more spiritual and happier.

{p. 52} The Jewish heroes and martyrs of East- and Middle Europe's revolution are no less brave, enduring or idealistic than the Non-Jewish heroes of the World War - but they surpass them intellectually. The essence of those men and women who try to Liberate and renew humanity is a strange synthesis of religious and political elements: heroic martyrdom, intellectual propaganda, revolutionary vigor and social love of justice and compassion.. These characteristics that once made them the creators of the Christian world movement are placing them today at the top of the socialistic.

With both of these attempts at salvation (spiritual and moral) Judaism has gifted the disinherited masses of Europe more wealth than any other nation. Just as modern Judaism has more important men per capita than the other nations: barely a century after its liberation, this tiny nation is with Einstein at the top of modern science; Mahler at the top of modern music; Bergson at the top of modern philosophy; Trotsky at the top of modern politics. The prominent position that Judaism occupies today, it owes only to its superior mind, which enables it to succeed against a competition of enormously favored, hateful and envious rivals. Modern anti-Semitism is one of many reactions of the ordinary against the extraordinary; it is a modern form of ostracism of an entire nation. As a nation, Judaism experiences the eternal struggle of quantity versus quality, and inferior groups against superior individuals, as well as inferior majorities against superior minorities.

The roots of antisemitism are to be found in narrowmindedness and envy: narrowmindedness in

{p. 53} religion or in economics; envy in intellect or economic.

Because Jews emerged from an international religious community, rather than a local race, they are the nation with the most mixed blood; because they have distanced themselves from other nations for a thousand years, are they also the nation with the most inbreeding. The chosen ones amongst them combine, like high nobility, strength of will with strength of intellect, whereas another group of Jews combine the defects of inbreeding with the defects of race mixing: a lack of character mixed with closemindedness. Here we find the hotiest of self-sacrifice next to individual selfishness , and the purest idealism next to crass materialism. Here the rule is followed: the more mixed a nation is, the less the citizens are alike, and the less possible it is to construct a single race type.

Where there is light, there are shadows. Families with geniuses show a larger percentage of mentally it[ family members than average; this rule also applies to nations. Not only tomorrow's aristocrats of mind, but also today's dealer-kakistocrats recruit primarily Jews, and so sharpen the weapons of antisemitism.

A thousand years of slavery took from the Jews, with few exceptions, the feeling of being the master race. Constant oppression inhibits the development of the personality: it takes away the main element of the esthetic ideal of nobility. The majority of Jews suffer from this lack psychologically and physically, and it is the main reason that Europeans are instinctively against recognizing Jews as a noble race.

{p. 54} ... The intellectual master race of the Jews suffers from the characteristics of a slave race which they acquired in their historical development: there are still Jewish leaders that exhibit the posture and gestures of the oppressed slave. In their gestures, the lower aristocrats seem nobler than the most excellent Jew. These defects developed in evolution, and will disappear in evolution. Making Jews more rural (a main goal of Zionism), combined with physical education, will free the Jews from any residual of the ghetto that they still carry within. That this is possible proves the evolution of American Jews. The real freedom and power that Jews have won will soon be followed by the posture and gestures of free, powerful people.

Not only the Jews will change in the direction of the western noble ideal - but the western noble ideal

{p. 55} will undergo a change, that will meet Judaism halfway. In a peaceful Europe of the future, nobility will take off its warlike character and replace it with an intellectual -priestly. A pacifistic and socialistic western world will not need lords and rulers - only leaders, educators and idols. In an oriental Europe, the aristocrat of the future will resemble more a Brahman and a Chinese official than a knight.

{p. 56} OUTLOOK

The aristocrat of the future wit[ be neither feudal, nor Jewish, neither bourgeois nor proletarian: he wilt be synthetic. The races and classes of today will disappear, the personalities will remain.

Only through mixing with the best blood, the viable traits of former feudal nobility will rise to new heights; only through breeding with the top Non-Jewish Europeans will the Jewish element of the future nobility reach its full potential.  ...

{p. 57} ... Only the noblest men will be able to choose the noblest women, and vice versa - the inferior will have to be satisfied with the inferior. The erotic life style for the inferior and the average will be "free love", for the superior: "free marriage". The race of the future nobility will not be born out of the artificial norms of human classes, but out of the divine taws of erotic eugenics. ...


{p. 61} ... Culture has turned Europe into an insane asylum, and the majority of people into forced laborers. ...

The existence of a buffalo in the jungle, a condor in the Andes, a shark in the ocean is unbelievably more beautiful, freer and happier than that of a European factory worker, who, day in and day out, hour after hour, chained to a machine, performs inorganic hand movements in order not to starve.

In prehistoric times, man was also a happy being, a happy animal. He lived in freedom, as a part of the tropical nature which fed and warmed him. His life consisted of satisfying his urges. He enjoyed life until he met a natural or a violent death. He was free, lived in nature - instead of in the state, he played -instead of work: therefor he was beautiful and happy. His courage and his joy were greater than any pain that he felt, or dangers that he faced.

Over the millennia, man lost this delicious, free existence. The Europeans, who think of themselves as the glory of civilization, live unnatural, ugly, unfree, unhealthy and lives in unnatural and ugly cities. With withered instincts and weak health, he

{p. 62} breathes bad air in dark rooms; organized society, the state, robs him of any freedom to move or act, while the harsh climate forces him to work his entire life. ...

{p. 63} ... Man has lost all freedom: this was the original sin. ...


Two things drove man out of his paradise: overpopulation and the migration into cold climates. Through overpopulation, man lost the freedom of space; everywhere, he bumps into his fellow men and their interests - and so became a slave to society.

Through migration to the north, man lost the freedom of time: his leisure. The harsh climate forces him to work against his will in order to eke out a living. So, he became a slave of northern nature.

{p. 64} Culture has destroyed the three forms of beauty that belonged to the natural man: freedom, leisure, nature; in their place came the state, work, and the city.

The cultured European is exited from the South, exited from nature.


The two tyrants of the cultured European are named: Society and Climate.

Social bondage reaches its climax in the modern metropolis, because here overpopulation and hustle are greatest. There, people live not only next to each other, but layered on top of each another, waited in in artificial blocks of stone (houses), constantly guarded and under suspicion through the organs of society, having to submit to a number of rules and regulations, and if they don't comply, they wilt be tortured for years (locked up) or murdered (put to death). Social unfreedom is less severe in the country, and least severe in sparsely populated areas, as in Western United States of America, Greenland, Mongolia or Arabia. There, people can still develop in the space without getting in conflict with society; there, social freedom still exists.

The unfreedom from climate is most oppressive in the civilized nations of the North. There, man must wrest his food for the entire year from the sunless earth in a few short summer months, while at the same time protect himself from the winter frost through the procurement clothing, shelter and heat.

{p. 65} If he resists this forced labor, he wilt starve or freeze to death. He is forced to tedious, exhausting work by the northern climate. He is granted more freedom in milder zones, where man must serve only one tyrant: hunger -while the other, frost, is restrained by the sun. Freest is the tropical man, because he can eat fruit and nuts without having to work. Only there exists freedom from climate.

Europe is an overpopulated, Northern strip of land; therefore, the European is the most unfree man, a slave to society and nature.

Society and nature supply each other's victims: the man who escapes the city for the country in order to leave the hustle of society, only to be threatened by the cruel climate, hunger and frost. The man who escapes the forces of nature and moves to the city in order to find safety, is threatened by a ruthless society that exploits and crushes him.


World history consists of liberation attempts of humans from the prison of society and exile of the north.

The four main ways in which humanity has tied to return to the lost paradise and leisure were these:

I. The way back (emigration): to privacy and to the sun. With this goal, people and nations have been migrating from densely populated strips of land to sparsely populated, and from colder to warmer areas. Almost all migrations of the nations, and a large

{p. 66} number of wars can be traced back to this original yearning for freedom of movement, and for the sun. ...

III. The way inward (ethics): away from the outward hustle into the inward seclusion, from the outward labor into the inner harmony! ...

IV. The way forward (technology): out of the era of slave labor into a new era of freedom and leisure through the victory of the human spirit over the forces of nature! The overcoming of overpopulation through increase in productivity and of slave labor through the enslavement of the forces of nature. Technological and scientific progress is based on this urge to break the tyranny of nature.



The question about the destiny of European culture is: "How will it be possible to protect mankind living on a narrow, cold and barren strip of land from famine, hypothermia, homicide and exhaustion, and give to it the freedom and leisure that once gave it happiness and beauty?'.

The answer is: "Through the development of ethics and technology." Ethics in schools, the press and in religion can transform European man from predator into a domestic animal, and make him mature enough for a free society. Technology can give the European free time and energy through increased productivity and through operating machines instead of hard labor, which is needed to expand culture.

Ethics solves the social problem from within, technology from without - in Europe, only two classes of people have the prerequisites for happiness: the rich, because they can do and have whatever they want, and the holy, because they don't want to do or have more than their destiny grants them. The rich conquer an objective freedom through the power they have to turn their fellow men and the forces of nature into a toot for their will - and the holy conquer a subjective freedom, through their indifference with which they view earthly goods. The rich can develop outwardly -the holy inwardly.

{p. 68} All remaining Europeans are slaves of nature and society: forced laborers and prisoners. ...

{p. 69} ... Since the states came into existence, humanity dreams of anarchy, the ideal condition that is free of the state, and since labor came into existence, humans dream of leisure, the ideal condition of free time. ...

{p. 71} ... The voluntary human society is not a curse - only the forced state. ...

{p. 72} ... What good are morals if humanity starves freezes? What good is technological progress if humans misuse it to slaughter and maim one another?

Civilized Asia suffers from overpopulation more than from hypothermia. It could, therefor, forgo technology much easier than Europe, where ethics and technology must complement each other.



Asia's greatness lies in its ethics - Europe's greatness in its technology. Asia is a teacher/ master of self -control for the world. Europe is the teacher/ master in the mastery over nature. In Asia, the main focus of the social question is in overpopulation - in Europe it is in climate. . ...

{p. 78} ... Additionally, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Jewish society is much older than that of Germans, who until 2000 years ago lived in anarchy. Asians have developed their social virtues better and longer than Europeans. ...

{p. 80} ... With the modern age begins the cultural mission Europe's. The essence of Europe is the will to change and improve the world through action. ...

In Jewish mythology, the European spirit corresponds to Lucifer - in the Greek, Prometheus: the light-bringer who carries the divine spark to earth, and who rebels against the heavenly-Asian harmony, the divine world order; the prince of the world, the father of battle, of technology, of enlightenment and of progress; the leader of man in his struggle against nature.

The spirit of Europe has broken political despotism and the domination of the forces of nature. The European does not yield to his fate, but seeks to master it through his actions and mind, as an activist and a rationalist.


Greece was the precursor of Europe; it first perceived the essential difference between itself

{p. 81} and Asia, and discovered its activist- rationalist soul. Its Olympus was not the paradise of peace, but a site of battles; its highest god was an impious rebel. Greece overthrew kings and gods, and put in their place the state of the citizen and the religion of man.

This European period of Greece began with the fall of the tyrants and ended with the "Asian" despotism of Alexander and his successors; it was briefly continued in the republic of Rome and ended for good with the Roman Empire.

Alexander the Great, Greek kings and Roman emperors were the heirs of the Asian idea of great kingdoms. The Roman empire was no different from the despotic regimes in China, Mesopotamia, India and Persia. ...

{p. 83} ... Europe owes its cultural advantage to technology. Only through technology has Europe become the master and leader of the world.

Europe is a function of technology - America is an escalation of Europe. ...

{p. 85} ... One era that compares to the European in meaning and dynamics, but whose traces are lost, must have preceded the ancient Babylonian culture, the ancient Chinese and Egyptian culture. This Pre-Europe created the foundation for all the cultures of the last millennia; like modern Europe, it was a cultural tangent that separated from the cycle of the ancient precultures. ...

{p. 86} ... At the start of the age of technology, two great Europeans have sensed the meaning of Europe: Leonardo da Vinci and Bacon von Verulam. Leonardo dedicated himself to technology with as much passion as to art. His favorite problem was human flight, the solution of which our era has witnessed. ...

Bacon was the creator of the bold utopian novel "New Atlantis". Its technological character distinguishes it from all previous utopias, from Plato

{p. 87} to Thomas Morus. The shift from middle-age/ Asian thinking to modern-age/ European is found in the contrast between Morus' ethical/ political "Utopia" and Bacon's "New Atlantis". Morus still sees social-ethical reforms as the lever of world improvement, Bacon the technological inventions.

Morus was still a Christian - Bacon was European.

{p. 88} ... The contemplative man lives in peace with his surroundings, the active man in a constant state of war. ...

After hundreds of thousands of years of battles, man has won domination over the animal world. This victorious fight of relatively weak man against all

{p. 89} extinct and still existing large and wild animal species is a greatness that can be compared to the conquest of the ancient world by a small village, Rome.

Man won against all horns and teeth, paws and claws of his better equipped rival only with the weapon of his superior mind, which he continually sharpened in the fight.

The goals in the human war against his animal enemies were defensive and offensive: protection and enslavement.

At first, man was content to render his enemies harmless through defense and extermination; later, he began to tame and use them. He turned wolves into dogs, buffalo into cattle, wild elephants, camels, donkeys, horses, lamas, goats, sheep and cats into domestic ones. He subdued a host of former rivals into an army of animal slaves, an arsenal of living machines, to work and fight for him, and to increase his freedom and his power.

3. WAR

To maintain the power he won, and to increase it, man moved to fight his fellow man with the same methods as he fought the animal kingdom. The era of hunting became the era of war. Man fought with man over the distribution of the conquered earth. The stronger warded off the weaker, and either killed or enslaved him: war was a special form of hunting, slavery a special form of animal husbandry. In the fight for freedom and power, the stronger,

{p. 90} bolder and wiser won over the weaker, the cowardly, and dumber. War also sharpened the human mind and manpower.


In the long run, hunting and war could not feed humanity. Changing again, man went to war against inanimate nature. The age of work began. Wars and hunting still brought fame and glory - but the emphasis of life shifted towards work, because it gave him food, which he needed for his preservation.

Work was a special form of war - technology a special form of slavery: instead of humans, natural forces were dominated and enslaved.

Through work man fought hunger: he subdued the ground and the crops and reaped the profit. Through work, man fought against the winter. He built houses, wove fabrics, felled wood. He protected himself against the forces of nature through work.


The way hunting, war and work merged into each other, makes it impossible to separate them chronologically. For thousands of years, the age of hunting ran parallel to the age of war, as today the age of war runs parallel to the age of work; but the center of gravity of war'shifted and shifts continually. White originally hunting was at the center of human activity, war took its place, and finally, work.

{p. 91} War, which was once necessary for the .advancement of culture, lost its meaning and has become a dangerous destroyer of culture. Today it is inventions that mark progress, not wars.

Today, humanity's deciding battles for freedom play out in work.

In time, when the world war wilt fascinate only historians, our turn of the century will be famous for the birth of aviation.

In the era of war, hunting acted as anachronism, so in the era of work, war acts as anachronism. But in this era, every war is a civil war because it is directed toward fellow fighters and the entire army of workers.

In the era of work, the glorification of war is as untimely as the glorification of hunting in the era of war. Originally, the dragon and lion slayer were heroes; then it was the commander; finally, it is the inventor. Lavoisier has contributed more to the human development than Robespierre and Bonaparte put together.

As the hunter ruled the era of hunting, the warrior in the era of war, the worker will rule in the era of work.


The era of work is divided into agriculture and technology.

{p. 92} As a farmer, man is defensive against nature - as technician he is offensive. ...

{p. 93} ... Through the population increase, the situation is becoming increasingly desperate for the European. Despite. all previous advances in technology, he is still in a miserable state. He has pushed back the ghosts of famine and hypothermia - at the price of his freedom and leisure.

For the European, fruitful forced labor begins at age seven with forced schooling, and ends, usually, with death. His childhood is poisoned by his preparation for a life of fighting, which in the following decades devours his time, personality, vitality and zest for life. Leisure is punished by the death penalty. The average, asset-less European citizen has two choices: either work to exhaustion, or starve to death, together with his children. The whip of hunger drives him to continue to work, despite exhaustion, disgust and bitterness.

The European nations have made two political attempts at improving this wretched state: colonial policy and socialism.


The first form of colonial policy consists of conquest and settlement in thinly populated areas of land by nations suffering from overpopulation. Emigration is actually able to save nations from

{p. 94} overpopulation, and secure a dignified existence for people who find the European hustle unbearable. Emigration still offers millions of people an escape from European heU, and should therefor be promoted in every way.

The second form of colonial policy consists of exploitation of warmer areas and colored peoples. People of southern races are roused from their golden leisure with European cannons and rifles, and forced to work in the service of Europe. The poorer, but stronger North systematically plunders the richer but weaker South; it steals the wealth, freedom, and leisure, and uses them for its own wealth, freedom and Leisure.

Several European nations have this robbery and slavery to thank for their prosperity, which enab es them to improve the lives of their own workers.

It will fail in the long run: because the inevitable outcome witI. be an enormous revolt of slaves, and Europeans will be expelled from the colored colonies and Europe's tropical culture base will be overthrown.

Even emigration is only a provisional solution. Some colonies are now almost as overpopulated as their mothertands, approaching a similar misery. The time must come when there are no more deserted areas on earth.

By then, new ways have to be found to counter the European doom.


The second effort to alleviate European mass misery is socialism.

Socialism will exorcise the European hell through even distribution of the workload and earnings. ...

Most slaves of Asian despots are freer than the "free" worker of socialized tabor. ...

{p. 99} ... The galley-staves owe their liberation to modern ship technology, while with the introduction of petroleum heating modern technology is beginning to liberate the ship's fire stokers from their hellish profession.

The inventor who, by atomic destruction, finds a practical substitute for coal will have done more for mankind than the most successful reformer, because he will rescue millions of coat workers from their inhumane existence and wipe out a large part of the

{p. 100} human workload, whereas today no communist dictator could avoid condemning people to that life underground.

The chemist who succeeds in making wood edible, would free the people from the yoke of famine, which has been suppressing them longer and more cruelly than any human domination.

Neither ethics, nor art, nor religion, nor politics will wipe out the biblical curse, but technology. Organic technology -medicine, is expected to banish the woman's curse: "With painful labor you will give birth to children." Inorganic technology is expected to.banish the man's curse: "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your bread."

In many respects, our age is similar to the beginning of the Roman empire. At that time, the world hoped for salvation through the empire's Pax Romana. The hoped-for change came, but from a completely different direction. Not from the outside, but from within. Not by politics, but religion. Not by Caesar Augustus, but Jesus Christ.

We too are facing a world turn. Humanity today expects the socialist era to be the dawn of the golden era. The hoped-for world change will come, maybe, but not through politics, but by technology. Not by a revolutionary, but by an inventor. Not through Lenin, but by a man who may already be living nameless somewhere today and who will someday succeed in liberating humanity from famine, frost and forced labor by opening up new, unimagined energy sources. ...

{p. 112} ...Typical for the dynamic attitude of our age is its male-European character. Nietzsche's male European ethics are our time's protest against the feminine-Asian morality of Christianity.

The emancipation of women is also a symptom of the masculinization of our world, because it does not lead the feminine type to power, but the masculine. White in the past the feminine woman by her influence on the man participated in world leadership, today "men" of both sexes wield the scepter of economic and political power. The emancipation of women signifies the triumph of the "man-woman" over the real, feminine woman; it does not lead to the victory, but to the abolition of women. The "lady" is already extinct: the "woman" should follow her. Through emancipation, the female sex, which has been partially excluded, is being mobilized for the technological war and placed in the army of tabor.

The emancipation of Asians takes place under the same conditions as the emancipation of women; it is a symptom of the Europeanization of our world: because it does not lead the Asian type to victory,

{p. 113} but the European. While in the past the Asian spirit dominated Europe through Christianity, today white and colored Europeans share world domination. The so called Orient's Awakening means the triumph of the yellow European over the true Oriental; it does not lead to the victory, but to the destruction of Asian culture. Where the blood of Asia triumphs in the East, the spirit of Europe wins with it: the masculine, hard, dynamic, purposeful, active, rational mind. In order to participate in progress, Asia must replace its harmonious soul and culture with the European. The emancipation of the Asians means their entry into the European -American army of work and their mobilization for the war of technology. After its completion, Asia will again be Asian, and women will be able to be feminine again: then Asia and women will educate the world in a purer harmony. Until, then, however, Asians will have to wear the European uniform, women the male.


Anyone who understands culture as harmony with nature must call our era barbaric; anyone who understands culture as confrontation with nature recognizes the specific, masculine-European form of our culture. The Christian-Asian origin of European ethics made us misunderstand the ethical value of the progress of technology; it is only under the perspective of Nietzsche that the heroic-ascetic struggle of the technological age for salvation through mind and work appears as good and noble.

The virtues of the technological age are, above all: energy, perseverance, bravery, renunciation,

{p. 114} self -control and solidarity. These qualities steel the soul to the bloodless, hard fight of social work. ...

From the Christian morality, the ethic of work will take over the spirit of pacifism and socialism: because only peace is productive for technological progress, and war is destructive, and because only the social spirit of cooperation of all creators can lead to technology's victory over nature.


Any passivist and hostile propaganda against the technological and industrial development is treason against the army of the European work force: because it is a call for retreat and desertion during the deciding campaign. Totstoians and neo-Buddhists are guilty of this cultural crime: they challenge mankind to surrender to nature shortly before the final victory, to evacuate the terrain conquered by technology and voluntarily return to the primitiveness of agricutture and cattle breeding. Tired of the battle, they want Europe to live a poor, childish existence instead of creating a new world

{p. 115} through the highest application of the mind, will and muscles. ...

Buddhism would suffocate technology, and with it, the spirit of Europe.

Europe should remain true to its mission and never deny the roots of its nature: heroism and rationalism, Germanic will and Hellenistic spirit. Because the miracle that is Europe arose from the marriage of these two elements. The blind drive of the Nordic barbarians became seeing and fruitful through contact with the spiritual culture of the middle European nations: so, warriors became thinkers, heroes became inventors.

{p. 116} mental clarity; Asia's passivism threatens its mate energy. Only if Europe resists these temptations and dangers and remembers its Hellenic and Germanic ideals, wilt it be able to fight the battle of technology to the end, to redeem itself and the world.



Stinnes is the leader of the capitalist economy of Germany - Krassin is the Leader of the communist economy of Russia. In the following they are considered as exponents of capitalist and communist production, not as personalities. ...

{p. 118} Capitalism and communism are just as much related to one another as are Catholicism and Protestantism, which for centuries thought of themselves as extreme opposites and fought bloodily. Not their difference, but their kinship is the cause of the bitter hatred with which they persecute each other. ...

The success speaks for Stinnes, against Krassin: capitalist economy is flourishing, while the communist is at a standstill. To deduce the value of the two systems from this statement would be simply unfair. For it must not be overlooked under which circumstances Communism took over and led the Russian economy: after a military-, political-and social collapse, after the toss of important industrial areas, in a fight against the whole world, under

{p. 119} pressure of years of a blockade, continuous civil war and passive resistance by farmers, civilians and intelligentsia; to this was added the catastrophic crop failure. If one considers atI. these circumstances, as well as the lower organizational talent and education of the Russian people, one can only marvel that some of the Russian industry has survived.

To compare the failure of the five-year old communism with the success of the mature capitalism under these circumstances, would be just as unfair as comparing a newborn child to an adult man and then determining that the child was is idiot - while in him, maybe, sleeps a genius.

Even if communism in Russia collapses, it would be equally naive to declare the revolution a thing of the past -just as it would have been foolish after the collapse of the Hussite movement to believe the reformation was over: because after a few decades Luther appeared and led many of the Hussite ideas to victory. ...

{p. 120} ... The main technical advantage of communism lies in the fact that it has the opportunity to combine all the productive forces and natural resources of its economic area and to rationally use them according to a uniform plan. ...

{p. 121} ... Capitalism will fail, not because of its technical, but because of its ethical defects. 

{p. 122} ... The labor state is introducing the same reforms in the labor army: it proclaims mandatory labor, nationalizes the industry, bans private enterprise, replaces the private entrepreneurs with state-appointed directors and glorifies work as a moral duty.

The future belongs to Krassin - the Russian experiment will decide today's economy. That is why it is in the best interest of the whole world not only not to disturb this experiment, but to strongly support it.  ...

Capitalism corresponds to the mercenary army in the age of war - communism to the people's army. ...

{p. 123} ... Stinnes and Krassin are both commanders of mighty labor forces fighting against the common enemy: the Nordic nature. ...

{p. 125} ... Krassin realized that it is necessary for communism to learn from capitalism. That is why he recently promoted the private initiative, appointing to heads of state-owned enterprises energetic and expert engineers with the broadest authority and profit sharing, and brought back part of the displaced industrialists; finally, he supports the weak engine of idealism with egoism, ambition and coercion, and through this mixed system seeks to increase the work performance of the Russian proletariat. ...

{p. 131} Popper-Lynkeus has designed an ideal program for the development of the labor state in his work, "A Guaranteed Subsistence for All". He demands that compulsory military service be replaced by compulsory labor service. This would last more years and would enable the state to guarantee to all its members a minimum of food, housing, clothing, heating and medical care throughout their lives. This program could end the misery and worry and at the same time the dictatorship of the capitalists and proletarians.  ...

{p. 137} ... The course of the Russian revolution has shown where ethical demands lead, if they are blind to technological needs. The course of the World War has shown where technological advances lead, when they are blind to ethical needs. ...

{p. 138} ... While Europe is expanding the labor state, it must never forget to prepare the culture state: teachers and priests, artists and writers, prepare the people for a great feast that is the goal of technology. ...

{p. 141} Marx, the herald of the future state and Nietzsche, the herald of the superhuman, are both romantics of the future. They lay paradise neither in the past, nor in the distance, nor in the occult, but in the future. ...

{p. 146} Today, staying European is not just a fate, but also a responsible task, on the solution of which depends the future of each and every one of us.

Pacifism is the only "realpolitik" in Europe today. Hoping for salvation through war is giving in to romantic illusions. ...

{p. 157} ... All pacifists are opponents of the war of conquest; the way to combat it is clear: mutual commitment of states to a common defense against peace-breakers. In the future, such an organization, which the League of Nations is planning through the Guarantee Pact, will protect nations from wars of conquest and at the same time spare them individual defensive actions. ...

{p. 158} ... Conservative pacifism is centered in the Geneva league of Nations - revolutionary pacifism in the Moscow Treaty.

Geneva pacifism wants to maintain peace without eliminating the weapons that threaten to lead to a future war; Moscow pacifism wants to accelerate the international explosion in order to secure peace for the future. ...

{p. 159} The two most difficult peace problems of the future: The Indian and the Australian problem. In the Indian question, (which is a special case of the general colonial issue) the will of the Indian nation for political independence and the will of the UK to keep it in its union are seemingly irreconcilable. This situation tempts the Asian (and semi-Asian) peoples to one day unite with India in a great war of liberation.

The Australian question (which is a special case of the Pacific immigration issue) revolves around the lockout of the Mongols from the Anglo-Saxon settlements. The strong population growth of the Mongols is not proportionate to their lack of settlement areas and threatens to one day cause an explosion in the Pacific Ocean, if a valve is not opened. On the other hand, the white Australians know that admittance of the Mongols would soon push them into a minority. Which solution finds this problem, once China is as armed as Japan, is unclear.

The peaceful solution to these world problems is a very difficult task for the British, Asian and Australian pacifists.

However, European pacifists must clearly recognize that a violent solution to these questions is more likely than a peaceful one - but that they lack the power and the influence to prevent these threatening wars.

This insight clarifies the mission of European pacifism: he does not have the power to pacify the globe - but it does have the power to give permanent peace to Europe by solving the European question

{p. 160} and by preventing his part of the earth from getting involved in the Asian and Pacific conflicts. ...

{p. 162} ... The Russian question is rooted in the fact that there is a world power on the open border with Europe, whose leaders' goal it is to violently overthrow the existing European system. In order to achieve this goal, they support the social irredenta of Europe with money and hope to follow up with Soviet troops after the outbreak of a European revolution. ...

{p. 163} ... The "Pan-Europa Program" is the only way to prevent these two threats with real political means and to ensure European peace.

Its goal is:

1. Securing inner-European peace through a pa-nEuropean arbitration agreement, guarantee pact, customs union and minority protection.

2. Securing peace with Russia through a panEuropean alliance, through mutual recognition, noninterference and border guarantee, joint disarmament and economic cooperation, as well as by reducing social oppression.

3. Securing peace with Britain, America and East Asia through arbitration agreements and regional reform of the League of Nations

The Pan-Europa Program is the only possible solution to the European border problem. The incompatibility of all national aspirations, as well as the tension between geographic -strategic, historical-economic and national borders in Europe makes a fair border management impossible. A change of the borders would eliminate old injustices, but put new ones in their place.

Therefore, a solution of the European border problem is only possible by turning it off -

The two elements of the solution are:

{p. 164} A. The conservative element of territorial status quo, which stabilizes the existing borders and thus prevents an impending war.

B. The revolutionary element of gradual elimination of borders in strategic, economic and national ways that destroy the possibility of future wars.

This securing of the borders, combined with their dismantling, preserves the formal organization of Europe, while changing the west.

In this way it secures the present and future peace, as well as the economic and national development of Europe.

The other European danger of war is the Russian one. On the one hand, Russian militarization springs from fear of an anti-Bolshevik invasion supported by Europe - on the other, the will to launch an aggressive war against Europe in the name of social liberation. ...

{p. 165} ... It is a delusion of many pacifists to see the safe way to peace in their own disarmament. Under certain circumstances, peace demands disarmament - but in other circumstances, armament. For example, if England and Belgium had strong armies in 1914, the British mediation proposal would have been more likely to be accepted shortly before the catastrophe.  ...

Peace with England, whose policy is stable and pacifist, can be based on treaties - peace with Russia, which is in a revolution and does not deny its war plans against the European system, needs military security. ...


n addition to fighting for its foreign policy peace program, the pacifist should not miss the opportunity to promote international cooperation and understanding.

This determines the attitude of pacifism to the League of Nations.

Today's League of Nations is very imperfect as a peace institution; above all, it is heavily burdened by the inheritance of the war that gave birth to it. It is weak, unarticulated, unreliable; it is unfinished as long as the United States, Germany and Russia are absent from it. Nevertheless, the Geneva League of Nations is the first draft of an international world organization that is to replace the current anarchy of the nations.

It has this immense advantage over all better institutions, which are only projects.

Therefore, every pacifist must support the weak, frail, embryonic League of Nations; he should criticize it, but not fight it; work on its transformation, but not on its destruction.

Every pacifist should help eliminate the stupid hatred between nations, which harms everyone and does no good. He can do this best by spreading the truth and combating malicious and uneducated hate speech. ...

{p. 170} ... Just as enlightenment ended witch-burning, torture and slavery - so will it someday end war, the remnant of a barbaric age of mankind. ...

{p. 174} ... The goal of pacifism is not the abolition of combat, but the refinement, sublimation and modernization of its methods. ...

{p. 176} The industrialists, who long for war for the profits, should be reminded that at the end of the next European war is Bolshevism. They can expect expropriation, if not the gallows.  ...

{p. 179} ... Everyone is a hero who sacrifices his own interest for his ideal: the greater the sacrifice, the greater the heroism. ...


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