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823 Over de joden en 'De Staat'. benjamin Ginsberg, 1992: The fatal embrace.

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Format: HardcoverChange
Price:$33.94+ Free shipping with Amazon Prime

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October 30, 2008
I wish Benjamin Ginsburg would update this work. I learned a lot.

But, given the ferocity/ ethnic baiting of the 2008 election, the extreme leverage (PONZI scheme) of global banking, there has not been a whisper of anti-semitism (except in most veiled code) anywhere. Why is that?

Seems like a volume 2 is needed!

Anyway, I love reading this book. Who would have thought that Jewish people helped reconstruct the South after the civil war! The book is as much about power politics, as it is about any Jewish role in power. The book delivers a potent recipe for a segment of a minority who services those in power, make tons of money and gain power behind the scenes, and then is hatefully driven out of town by opposing power seekers. Have any groups other than Jews done this? If not, why not?

The latter brings up my major criticism of the book. I wish that the thesis would be broadened to other minorites. If it cannot be broadened, then we are stuck with the "singularity" of the Jewish people with regards to the dynamics of the Fatal Embraces. This begs for further elucidation.


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There has not "been a whisper" of anti-Semitism, because, as you already understand from reading this book, Jewish Power over the State corresponds to Jewish Power over the National Media (overwhelmingly both State-controlled and in Jewish hands)... Therefore, "anti-Semitism" is always downplayed- even when it is legitimate- because the general agenda of the Media is to not draw any more attention to the fact than necessary... The Media acts to distract people's minds away from "anti-Semitism" because for the Media- to emphasize it would be to draw unnecessary attention to the fact... 

Too much attention given to "anti-Semitism" is eventually going to cause a reaction... People are going to start asking about the reason for the backlash... They will wonder if it is legitimate or not, irrational or rational, true or false... This will ultimately only advertise Jewish Power and that is one of the last things that the State wants to do- especially in the case of the United States... 

In the case of the Unites States- if Americans actually realized how much overwhelming power is concentrated into Jewish/Zionist organizations and individuals- the majority of Americans would resent that and in my opinion for very good reason... 

However this unique situation gets more difficult to hide as each day passes and more and more people become aware of what Ginsberg writes about in this book- predominately via the internet... And I'm sure I don't have to remind people that this situation could turn very ugly- fast... This could be stopped if approached truthfully from the Media and its various Gatekeepers... It could be addressed openly... My fear is that it never will and that it will ultimately provoke a backlash against innocents... I remind people all the time about the law of unattended consequences...

January 18, 2015
This book sat on my shelf in it's shrink-wrap (one of the few hardcover books I can ever remember buying in plastic shrink-wrap) for almost 25 years before my now grown son noticed it and asked me why I hadn't opened it yet. I did. At first I thought it would be a tedious retelling of the successes and downfalls of now obscure Jewish names from Europe's past, but soon realized that that these first chapters were a necessary background for an insightful analysis of the Jewish political experience in America up until 1992 when the book was published.

Much has happened since 1992 that Mr. Ginzburg couldn't have forseen: the 9/11 attacks, the return of the Jewish neo-cons during Bush II's tenure, and the election of America's first African-American president that some pundits have labelled as America's first "Jewish" president because of his close ties to Jews from his days as a pol in Chicago and later in Springfield, IL. (AIPAC's one-sided viewpoint notwithstanding, I wouldn't regard Obama's frosty relationship with Bibi as anything motivated by anti-Semitism, or anti-Israel sentiment, but simply as impatience and exasperation with what even many Israelis see as an unsustainable status-quo.) Indeed, much of the events since the publish date take on a new light for me after reading this book.

The insights from this book go hand in hand with Maristella Botticini's "The Chosen Few", a history of the Jews between 70-1492 CE, whose thesis is that universal literacy, arising in the centuries following the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, is what made Jews unique in the ancient world and placed them in a position to advance dramatically in trade, medicine and administration with the rise of Islam, one of many ancient precursors to our current "globalization". Mr. Ginzburg's thesis is that this unique status also makes Jews' position in their host countries especially precarious as they become easy targets of resentment by those who perceive themselves as threatened by each new globalization.

My biggest take-away from "The Fatal Embrace" however, is that anti-Jewish outbursts are rarely spontaneous. Those who are behind them invariable have an agenda to gain or regain lost influence and control over the allocation of favor and influence. This appears to be true in all the episodes that the book analyses, but to me is illustrated most clearly in what I found to be the book's most distressing chapter about antagonism between African-Americans and Jews during the 1980 on college campuses and in New York City bureaus. An episode that once baffled me became crystal clear. People are nothing if not creatures of ambition, and some (at least the sort who tend to become politicians or vie to gain influence on university faculties) will stop at nothing to achieve their ambitions, even when it means throwing their erst-while friends and allies under the bus.

After reading this book, I can no longer take my privileged status as a Jew in America for granted.

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Your last sentence is brilliant and soothes my troubled mind

Why do you say "my priviledged status as a Jew In America ". In what way priviledged ? Why do you call your father's accomplishments priviledges ?

January 23, 2004
This valiant effort to address the question of the danger of the Jewish alliance with government fails to pick out other important points. The basic argument here is that throughout history, since 70 A.D to be exact, Jews have tried to embrace government so as to be protected by it. As the weakest and more discriminated against people in Europe Jews frequently worked in the courts of Kings. When communism and socialism wee being Born this book shows how Jews worked to establish the Soviet in Russia and fought in the Spanish civil war. In America Jews quickly embraced the more tolerant state, aiding on both sides of the civil war and occupying a seat on the supreme court for more then a century.
The question this book asks is: Has the Jewish alliance with the state proved to be a fatal tactic? Examples of the expulsion from Spain in 1492 and the Stalinist purges of Jews in Russia seem to be prime example. But the book does not address the fact that in the middle eastern countries Jews had no status and frequently existed with no alliance to the state and yet the Jews of the middle east were also suppressed, pogromed, and sometimes expelled. Jews of the middle east, despite the fact that they were not visible were still hated and they were forced to wear distinctive embarrassing clothes and were restricted from riding horses and forced to work on the Sabbath. So the conclusion should be that it really doesn't matter whether Jews embrace or shun the state, either way we will be at risk and the reality is that at least by embracing the state Jews have gotten a measure of power to help influence government so that it is harder for government sanctioned anti-Semitism to take place.

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Michael5 years ago (Edited)

Your comment on jews in the middle east (muslim countries I presume) is skewed.

Jews were better treated than any other minorities. They were better treated than Christians, pagan blacks (which were the majority of the Arab slaves), iranian/persian groups, indians, turkish groups, etc.

In the Ottoman empire for instance, the jews were the most privileged of the non-muslim groups, and enjoyed many positions of power close to the Sublime Porte. Jews never suffered any major pogrom in Ottoman lands, contrary to greeks, armenians, bulgarians, and even arabs from the peninsula.

Jews like Frantzman never ask themselves whether their own behavior causes the reaction against them. And, judging from his comments, they never will.

July 31, 2001
This is an eye opening book for most American Jews. As most Jews are assimilated into the political culture, enjoy reasonable prospects in the current era and have learned how to avoid the worst of anti-Semitism (consciously or otherwise), it comes as a shock to learn that it is actually a tool of politics used to subtley intimidate and manipulate us.
In thinking through comments made about NYC political life (in reference to municipal and educational politics) in the 1960s and my own experiences, I now realize how manipulated I was. It was systematic, calculated and directed...that makes it worse than if it was random, as it bespeaks an evil knowledge. It affected the employment of my wife, my in-laws and others I knew in the educational field. NYC education suffers today from the purge of Jews that occurred from that time on and we are all poorer for it.
This book is an explanation of why anti-Semitism does not get "solved", but merely goes into remission until needed again -it is a tried and true technique to influence people. That both Democrats and Republicans have used such techniques also indicates its universality and that no one party is a "friend of the Jews". This is the knowledge used by practitioners of the "politics of division". Black anti-Semites use it in their power moves within the Democratic Party. Bill Clinton used it in his defense of pardoning Marc Rich and it is used by Republicans in dealing with Middle Eastern politics as viewed here in the US to forestall the will of the Congress on a Jerusalem based embassy.
This book will annoy those who do not want to hear that message, that an age old hatred is so institutionalized that it is current state-craft.

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Typical attitude of those Jews who, unlike the author, refuse to accept ANY responsibility historically (or in their own lives) for the fact that many Jews have curried favor with those in power for their own selfish gain, at the expense of non-Jews, and have contributed to atrocities as well (such as the killing of millions under Stalin). By completely ignoring and rejecting any responsibility on the part of Jews for the anti-semitic attitudes and actions their behaviors have contributed to (if not outright CAUSED), you completely disregard one of the main theses of the book and like a good little Jewish victim, of course, promote the idea that there's nothing you or any other Jews can or should do, do avoid provoking "anti-semitism", because of course, you had nothing to do with causing it in the first place. Your attitude guarantees that "anti-semitism" will be with us forever, and possibly increase, because it's not based on being SEMITES at all, what it really is in most cases is non-Jewish people (ie, us goys) who dare to oppose a group of people that through nepotism, zionism, and other means, is ACTING in ways that are against our own well-being as non-Jews. Finally a brave Jewish author has the courage and insight to point out that there just "might" be some correlation between the behavior of Jews, and the animosity against them, but here comes the Zionist hero, Alan, to dismiss his entire point with ridiculous and irresponsible "reasoning", reinforcing the stereotype of Jewish people as selfish "victims", who blame those who "persecute" them, but take no responsibility whatsoever for their own actions, that contributed to the animosity against them in the first place!!!

Aluf B.7 years agoIn reply toan earlier post

It isn't hence you dropping out!
But you are still infected.
Sadly so.

Martin Pierce7 years ago (Edited)

No matter how paranoid a Jew may be, it's never enough is it?

New York hasn't done any purges. Name one Jew who was fired simply for being Jewish. Would that not have been grounds for a lawsuit? Also, the book actually said that Jews used the blacks' civil rights movements to advance their own interests. If you read it, you only saw what you wanted to see.

Maybe "anti-semitism" bears some remote connection to Jewish racism...



    Yanis Varoufakis and Noam Chomsky on money and the sickest Joke in the History of Mankind.

    opgenomen : New York Public Library.

    Varoufakiszegt dat de Europese Raad niet echt legaal is/
    Hij noemt een zeer invloedrijke man die niemand kent.

    Hij zegt dat Schäuble heel invloedrijk is in Europa.

    1. Varoufakis boort de bekende economie de grond in: hun modellen houden geen rekening met tijd en plaats en volken.

    2. Hij zegt dat de Eurogroup wordt geleiud door de Troika.

      Hoofd van de Eurogroup wordt door Schauble benoemd in de realiteit.

      Thomas Wieser is de ware macht: Hoofd vande Euro -working Group.

      De labor marked reforms zoals die in Afrika door het IMF worden geeist, helpen helemaal niks.

      Ministers worden als oud vuil behandeld.
      De Troika bepaalt alles.

      Etc etc.

    3. 1.13 : Schauble zegt dat verkiezingen niet het economische beleid van de EU mogen veranderen.

      1.15: Varoufakis: In die grotye vergaderingen kun je elkaar zien via grote beeldschermen. "Ik dacht wel eens: Als we deze vergadering direct zouden streamen. dankwam het volk in opstand. '

    4. 1 uur: Geen enkel land voldeed aan de eisen voor toelating. Je werd toch toegelaten. Maar m,et die officiele eisen kan een groot land zo'n klein land dwingen: het als een stok gebruiken.

    5. Jan schreef "Hij zegt dat de Eurogroup wordt geleiud door de Troika."

      Wist je dat niet? Toen ik me er jaren geleden in verdiept heb, ben ik tot de conclusie gekomen dat wij nu in de Sovjet Unie leven. De naam is anders maar de structuur is hetzelfde. Blijkbaar is Gorbatsjev (niet de minste) tot dezelfde conclusie gekomen want die heeft eens gezegd dat hij niet begreep dat, na de val van de USSR, de EU deze in principe weer opbouwde. Feitelijk is de USSR van plaats veranderd. Mensen die zeggen dat we nu in het Vierde Rijk leven, weten a. niets van het Nationaal Socialisme en b. hebben dus niet door wat er werkelijk aan de hand is noch wat er in de jaren 30 en 40 speelde.

      Jan schreef "Hoofd van de Eurogroup wordt door Schauble benoemd in de realiteit."

      Klopt, er iets werkelijk niets democratisch aan de EU.

      Jan schreef "Thomas Wieser is de ware macht: Hoofd vande Euro -working Group."

      Hoewel ik de (functie van) de Euroworking Group ken, heb ik geen idee wie die persoon is maar dat zal de bedoeling van het geheel wel zijn. Ogenschijnlijk hebben de ministers van Financiën de touwtjes in handen maar dat zal in de praktijk echt anders liggen.

      Jan schreef "De labor marked reforms zoals die in Afrika door het IMF worden geeist, helpen helemaal niks."

      Het IMF doet niets anders dan het rondpompen van geld en het in standhouden van de macht van de federale banken.

      Jan schreef "Ministers worden als oud vuil behandeld. De Troika bepaalt alles."

      Dat verbaast me niets, de EU is alles behalve democratisch. Maar net als de USSR zal ook dit model falen en ineen storten. Het is onhoudbaar.

      Begrijp je nu waarom ik steeds schrijf dat kapitalisme (of misschien moet ik zeggen het kapitalisme van het grootkapitaal) en communisme twee zijden van dezelfde munt zijn?

    6. Sophia,

      dank voor de reacties.
      Ik heb ghet idee dat jij veel beter thuis bent in dit hele verhaal dan ik.

      Ik besluister deze podcasts terwijl ik ander werk doe, en dan heb ik niet de kans om 100% geconcentreerd te luisteren , noch om aantekeningen te maken.

      maar ik heb wel een aardige indruk , na afloop van zo'n podcast.
      Deze duurt 1,5 uur, en ik heb nog niet alles gehoord.

      Ja, je schrijft steeds dat communisme en kapitalisme vrijwel hetzelfde zijn, en iets daarvan begrijkp ik wel, maar 'ik ben er nog niet helemaal'.

      Groet, JV

    7. Overigens is er inmiddels een nieuw hoofd van de Eurogroep, de Nederlander Hans Vijlbrief (sinds februari 2018), die - hoe verrassend - banden heeft (gehad) met De Nederlandse Bank.

    8. Jan schreef "Ik heb ghet idee dat jij veel beter thuis bent in dit hele verhaal dan ik."

      Volgens mij is jouw 'probleem' dat je je te eenzijdig informeert. Je kijkt alleen naar Joodse bronnen, wat op zich goed is al is het alleen al dat je nooit van anti-semitisme beschuldigd kan worden, maar je mist daardoor het totaalplaatje.

      Ik denk dat het verschil in visie op de situatie in Syrië daar ook een gevolg van is. Jij ziet een kapot land (wat in werkelijkheid maar voor een klein deel zo is), een buur waar Israël geen last meer van zal hebben (wat in werkelijkheid niet zo is want Assad zit er nog steeds - dat hij weg moest, was het hoofddoel - ), bovendien zit nu Iran legaal in Syrië (wat voorheen niet zo was), Hezbolla zit er nu legaal en Rusland heeft via Syrië een (stevige) voet tussen de deur in het M.O. (wat de macht van de V.S. ondermijnt). Ik zie daar geen successtory in, zeker als je de huidige staat van Syrië vergelijkt met de huidige staat van Libië (dat laatste was de werkelijke bedoeling).

      Het zou kunnen dat de idiote move van Trump om de Golan hoogte tot Israëlisch grondgebied te verklaren in het licht van die mislukking moet worden gezien.

    9. ( Zie jouw reactie nu pas)

      Het is 'divers' en 'met veel facetten', beste Sofia.

      Natuurlijk heb je gelijk dat Assad er nog zit en dat veel steden ongehavend zijn. Maar de social-fabric van het land is volgens mij zwaar getroffen: wantrouwen tussen bevolkingsgroepen, flink deel is vertrokken. brain drain , wie gat er investeren ? Etc.
      Putin die bevriend is met Netanyahu en zegt dat de Goln maar aan Israel moet worden gegeven...

    10. Jan schreef "Putin die bevriend is met Netanyahu en zegt dat de Goln maar aan Israel moet worden gegeven... "

      Heb je ook een bron voor die 'wijsheid'? Ben je niet in de war met Trump?

      Putin over de Golan "Regarding recognition of the Golan Heights as a part of Israel, you already know Russian stance. It's been presented in a statement by Russia's Foreign Ministry. The [US] move violates respective UN Security Council resolutions,” Putin stated.

    11. Sofia,
      ik heb nu geen broin meer, want ik ben vergeten waar ik het hoorde.
      Wellicht op TruNews.
      Als ik het weer vind, zal ik het hier plaatsen.

  2. Interview met Baudet:

  3. Hoi Jan, lang geen contact gehad. Hopelijk gaat Alles goed met je. Doordat ik net de docu "The Veto" over media manipulatie van de bovenste plank mbt Syrië gehad gezien, zocht ik iets op mijn eigen blog en kwam daarna via de comments hier uit. Daar ga ik me in verdiepen. Bedankt voor jouw/jullie info!

    Hier de link naar the veto:

    1. H Grijze duif !

      Wat lang geleden !
      Ik denk juni 2014 of 2015: De Balie, Amsterdam.
      Met van Wolferen.

      Ik hoor niet veel meer van je ( op blogs bedoel ik)

      Zag nog wel op mijn gmail dat je daar met een rond symbool met een duif er in staat. Dus deze week viel me dat weer op: wellicht toch iets van extra sensory perception.
