Tuesday, March 19, 2019

817 Bernard Lazare. Hij bekritiseerde beiden: anti-semieten en fanatieke joden.

Bernard Lazare  wordt geroemd door Laurent Guyénot en Gilad Atzmon.

Hij leefde van 1865 tot 1903.
Hij was een der eerste Zionisten, maar bekritiseerde hen ook.

Eerst een lijstje met publicaties. Originele site HIER.

NB: Sommige links hebben een rijkdom aan vervolg-links: zoals Jews and the workers movement.  Ik zal die in een volgend blog expliciet tonen.

Bernard Lazare


“To those who denounce the Jewish peril before you, respond by attacking capital, whatever kind it might be, Jewish or Christian. Capital without any qualifier. To those who enlist you to cry “Down with Israel!” answer “Down with Capital! Down with property!” and don’t go any further than that; don’t allow yourself to be distracted from your route by those who want to guide you into an impasse which will lead you to nothing. Finance, speculation, capital, property, in one word, all your enemies are not Jews, they are universal: they are Christian, Muslims, Buddhists. Be careful not to help them and to compromise the cause by unconsciously supporting theirs. They will laugh at you after you will have foolishly served them as an auxiliary, and they will profit from their victory to better enslave you. Au revoir, my dear Jean. If you have any more questions to ask me don’t hesitate. In the evening I have the time to answer you.” Anti-Semitism and Revolution, 1899


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