Tuesday, December 27, 2011

186 Wie regeert nu echt de wereld?

23 december 2011
Door Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran
Prof. Dr. MUJAHID KAMRAN is plaatsvervangend rector magnificus van de Universiteit van Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Zijn boek 'The Grand Deception – Corporate America and Perpetual War' is in arpil 2011 uitgebracht Sang e Meel Publications, Lahore, Pakistan. Het is verkrijgbaar op www.amazon.co.uk enwww.mujahidkamran.com.
"Sinds ik in de politiek zit vertrouwden mannen me voornamelijk onder vier ogen hun mening toe. Enkele van de grootste mannen van de Verenigde Staten, uit de handel of nijverheid, zijn ergens bang van. Ze weten dat er een macht bestaat, zo goed georganiseerd, zo subtiel, zo alert, zo verweven, zo volledig, zo diepgaand, dat ze alleen op fluisterende toon hun afkeuring erover durven uitspreken." - Woodrow Wilson, 28e president van de Verenigde Staten (1856-1924).
"Zo ziet u, mijn beste Coningsby, dat de wereld door heel andere personen wordt bestuurd dan gedacht door hen die niet achter de schermen verkeren." - Benjamin Disraeli, Britse minister-president (1804-1881)
Het begin van de industriële revolutie, de uitvinding van een bankiersysteem gebaseerd op woekeren, en wetenschappelijke en technologische vooruitgang tijdens de afgelopen drie eeuwen hebben drie belangrijke dingen tot gevolg gehad. Ze hebben de concentratie van onvoorstelbare hoeveelheden rijkdom in de handen van enkelen mogelijk gemaakt, ze hebben geleid tot de ontwikkeling van steeds dodelijker wapens en uiteindelijk tot massavernietigingswapens en ze hebben het mogelijk gemaakt massa's mensen de hersens te spoelen door toepassing van wetenschappelijke technieken middels de media en de controle over het onderwijssysteem.
De rijkste families op deze planeet hebben de touwtjes in handen bij elke belangrijke opschudding die ze veroorzaken. Hun werkgebied strekt zich uit over de hele planeet en zelfs daarbuiten, hun hebzucht en hun streven naar rijkdom en macht kent geen grenzen, en ze zien het grootste deel van de mensheid als afval - "menselijk afval". Het is dan ook hun doel om de wereldbevolking te doen krimpen en te handhaven op een veel lager aantal dan we nu kennen.
Het was Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1840-1915) die ooit zei: "Het kan me niet schelen welke trekpop men op de Engelse troon zet om te regeren over een imperium waarin de zon nooit ondergaat. De man die de Britse geldvoorziening bestuurt, bestuurt het Britse Rijk. Ik bestuur de geldvoorziening." Wat gold voor het Britse Rijk, geldt evenzeer voor het Amerikaanse Rijk, nog steeds bestuurd door de in Londen gevestigde Elite, middels het systeem van de Federal Reserve. Aan de gevolgen te zien is het systeem van de Federal Reserve de grootste zwendel in de geschiedenis van de mensheid.
Het is triest en pijnlijk dat de grootste verwezenlijking van de mens, en de bron van bijna alle macht en rijkdom op Aarde, zijnde onze wetenschappelijke kennis - de meest sublieme, machtigste en best georganiseerde uiting van het menselijke denken, zijn nieuwsgierigheid en verwondering - een werktuig is geworden voor de onderwerping van de mensheid, een zeer gevaarlijk werktuig in de handen van een klein groepje mannen. Deze mannen 'huren' deze wetenschappers in en ontnemen de mensheid daarmee - alsof het een door God gegeven recht betrof - de kracht die de wetenschapper ontwikkelt door middel van zijn uitvindingen. Deze kracht wordt gebruikt voor hun eigen doeleinden, met enorme kosten voor de mensheid. Het doel van dit handjevol mannen, de leden van de rijkste families op de planeet, de Elite, is een Nieuwe Wereldorde, een centrale wereldregering - onder hun leiding.
Geheimhouding en anonimiteit zijn een vast onderdeel van de activiteiten van de Elite, net als een absolute meedogenloosheid, verregaande misleiding en de laaghartigste spionage en chantage. De Elite zet landen tegen elkaar op, streeft naar de vernietiging van religie en andere traditionele normen en waarden, creëert chaos, veroorzaakt met opzet armoede en miserie, en grijpt dan de macht door handlangers op de belangrijkste posities te positioneren [zie Griekenland, Italië, Spanje, de ECB]. Deze families "kopen terwijl het bloed nog door de straten stroomt" (dixit Baron De Rothschild). Oorlogen, revoluties en moordaanslagen behoren tot hun tactieken om de traditionele samenleving te vernietigen (zoals ze deden in de Sovjet Unie), vergaren macht en geld, elimineren tegenstanders, en blijven ongenadig hun gezworen doelen nastreven, generatie na generatie, opererend in geheime en niet-geheime organisaties.
Professor Carroll Quigley schreef ooit: "De machten achter het financiële kapitalisme hadden nog een ander ambitieus doel: niets minder dan een wereldwijd systeem van financiële controle in particuliere handen te creëren, waardoor men in staat zou zijn de politiek van elk land te controleren en daarmee de wereldeconomie in zijn geheel. Het was de bedoeling dit systeem te besturen middels een feodaal systeem van centrale banken over heel de wereld, die nauw samenwerkten, op basis van geheime overeenkomsten, die werden bereikt tijdens bijeenkomsten en conferenties achter gesloten deuren... De groei van het financiële kapitalisme maakte een centralisatie van de controle over de wereldeconomie en de toepassing van die macht ten voordele van de financiers en indirecte schade voor alle andere economische eenheden mogelijk.
Winston Churchill, die er uiteindelijk "de buik van vol had", schreef in 1920:

"Van in de dagen van Spartacus-Weishaupt tot de dagen van Karl Marx, tot de dagen van Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg en Emma Goldman, is deze wereldwijde samenzwering voor het omverwerpen van de beschaving en de wederopbouw van de samenleving op basis van onderdrukte ontwikkeling, van afgunstige kwaadaardigheid en onmogelijke gelijkheid gestadig blijven groeien. Het speelde een absoluut herkenbare rol in de tragedie van de Franse revolutie. Het is de oorsprong van bijna elke subversieve beweging in de 19e eeuw geweest, en nu, uiteindelijk, heet deze bende uitzonderlijke personen uit de onderwereld van de grote steden van Europa en Amerika de Russische bevolking vast bij de haren, en zijn ze de vrijwel onaantastbare heersers over dat enorme rijk.
De Kabbal ontmaskerd door JFK
Het was in de donkere dagen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog dat Churchill verwees naar het bestaan van een "grote kabbal" die nooit eerder gezien bloedvergieten had veroorzaakt. Churchill zou ook het volgende hebben gezegd over de Elite: "Ze hebben Lenin als een pestbacil in een afgesloten camion van Zwitserland naar Rusland vervoerd..." (geciteerd door John Coleman in 'The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations', Global Publications, 2006).
Wie zijn 'ze'?
Bekijk eens deze verklaring van John F. Kennedy (JFK) tegenover een publiek van Amerikaanse militairen. "Het woord 'geheimhouding' is weerzinwekkend in een vrije en open samenleving, en het is eigen aan de mensen dat ze zich al van oudsher verzetten tegen geheime genootschappen, geheime geloftes en geheime operaties. Maar we zien ons over heel de wereld geconfronteerd met een homogene en meedogenloze samenzwering, die voornamelijk afhankelijk is van ondergrondse activiteiten om hun invloedssfeer uit te breiden. Hij steunt op infiltratie, in plaats van invasie, op ondermijning in plaats van verkiezingen, op intimidatie in plaats van vrije keuze. Het is een systeem dat enorme hoeveelheden mensen en materiaal heeft aangewend voor het opzetten van een hechte, zeer efficiënte machine die militaire, diplomatieke, economische, wetenschappelijke en politieke operaties in zich verenigt. Zijn voorbereidingen worden stilgehouden, niet gepubliceerd, zijn fouten worden onder de mat geschoven, komen niet in de krant, en zijn dissidenten wordt het zwijgen opgelegd, niet geprezen, geen enkel verlies wordt bekritiseerd, geen geheim prijsgegeven... Ik vraag jullie hulp bij de enorme taak van het informeren van het Amerikaanse volk."
Geheime genootschappen, geheime geloftes en geheime operaties., infiltratie, intimidatie - het zijn woorden uit de mond van JFK!
Op 4 juni 1963 gaf JFK de opdracht Treasury-dollars* te drukken in plaats van Federal Reserve-dollars (Executive Order 11110). Hij bevool ook dat eens het drukken klaar was de Federal Reserve-dollars zouden worden teruggetrokken en de Treasury-dollars in omloop zouden worden gebracht. Een paar maanden later (op 22 november 1963) werd Kennedy op klaarlichte dag vermoord voor het oog van heel de wereld - zijn hersenpan aan stukken geschoten. Op het moment dat zijn plaatsvervanger de macht in handen kreeg herriep president Lyndon Johnson onmiddellijk het bevel om over te schakelen op Treasury-dollars, daarmee duidelijk aangevend waarom Kennedy vermoord werd. Een ander decreet van Kennedy, om niet langer betrokken te zijn bij de oorlog in het Verre Oosten door de Amerikaanse 'adviseurs' terug te trekken, werd ook onmiddellijk na zijn dood herroepen. Na de Cubacrisis wenste JFK vreedzame co-existentie met de Sovjet Unie en dat zou een einde betekenen van veel conflicten in de wereld. Hij wist dat de volgende grote oorlog nucleair zou zijn en geen winnaar zou opleveren...
(* Treasury = het Amerikaanse ministerie van Financiën)
De wapenindustrie en de banken die geld verdienen aan de oorlogen zijn eigendom van de Elite. De Elite volgt een agressieve Hegeliaanse filosofie, zoals Antony Sutton vermeldt, waarbij ze 'gecontroleerde conflicten' veroorzaken. De 1e en 2e Wereldoorlog waren allebei 'gecontroleerde conflicten'.
Hun arrogantie, hun niet aflatende energie, hun doelgerichtheid, hun absolute gebrek aan respect voor mensenlevens, hun talent om decennia vooruit te plannen, die planning uit te voeren en hun aanhoudende succes zijn verbijsterend en ontmoedigend.
Uitspraken van mannen als Disraeli, Wilson, Churchill, JFK en anderen zou elke twijfel over wie de baas is op onze planeet bij de lezer moeten wegnemen. De Amerikaanse president Franklin Delano Roosevelt schreef in november 1933 aan kolonel Edward House: "De werkelijkheid is, zoals jij en ik allebei weten, dat een financieel element in de grotere centra de regering al sinds de dagen van Andrew Jackson in zijn greep heeft."
Misschien moet ik er even aan herinneren dat het Andrew Jackson, president van de VS van 1829 tot 1837, zo woedend was over de tactieken van de banken (Rothschilds) dat hij zei: "Jullie zijn een kuil vol slangen. Ik ben van plan jullie te verdelgen, en in de naam van de Eeuwige God, ik zal jullie verdelgen. Als de mensen de hemeltergende onrechtvaardigheid van ons geld en ons bankensysteem zouden begrijpen zou er nog voor de zon opkomt een revolutie uitbreken."
In zijn boek 'Big Oil & Their Bankers In the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network ' schrijft Dean Henderson: "Bij mijn onderzoek naar de controleorganen van de banken aangaande het bezit van aandelen bij de 25 grootste bankholdings in de VS kreeg ik in eerste instantie toestemming om documenten op te vragen, maar die werd later ingetrokken vanwege de 'nationale veiligheid'. Dat is ironisch, want de meeste aandeelhouders wonen in Europa."
Dit is op zich al verbazingwekkend, maar bewijst ook dat de Amerikaanse regering voor de Elite werkt en niet voor de burgers. Het bewijst ook dat geheimhouding boven alles gaat bij de affaires van de elite. Geen enkel nieuwsmedium zal dit ooit ter sprake brengen, want de media zijn eigendom van de Elite. Geheimhouding is essentieel voor de Elite om macht te blijven uitoefenen - wanneer de wereld de waarheid over de rijkdom, de gedachtegang, de ideologie en de activiteiten van de Elite te weten komt zouden de mensen over heel de wereld in opstand komen.
Henderson stelt verder: "De Vier Ruiters van het bankwezen (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup en Wells Fargo) zijn eigenaar van de Vier Ruiters van de olie (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco en Chevron Texaco); samen met andere Europese en 'oud geld'-reuzen. Maar hun monopolie in de wereldeconomie eindigt niet aan de rand van de olievlek. Afgaande op hun SEC-aangiften behoren de Vier Ruiters van het bankwezen tot de tien grootst aandeelhouders van vrijwel alle firma's in de Forbe's 500."
Het is algemeen bekend dat in 2009 44 van de 100 grootste economische entiteiten bedrijven waren. De rijkdom van de families, die bij de tien grootste aandeelhouders van al die firma's horen, gaat die van nationale economieën ver te boven. Het Bruto Mondiaal Product bedraagt ongeveer 70 biljoen ( dollar. Het vermogen van alleen al de Rothschild-familie wordt geschat in biljoenen. Dat geldt ook voor de Rockefellers, die vanaf het begin zijn geholpen en van geld voorzien door de Rothschilds. De VS heeft een BNP van ongeveer 14-15 biljoen dollar. Dat bedrag verbleekt in vergelijking met de rijkdom van de biljonairs. De regeringen van de VS en de Europese landen hebben schulden voornamelijk aan de Elite, en er moet dus niet aan getwijfeld worden wie de Aarde bezit en wie er aan de touwtjes trekt.
We citeren Eustace Mullins uit zijn boek 'The world order: A study in the hegemony of parasitism': "De Rothschilds besturen de VS middels hun stichtingen, de Council on Foreign Relations, en de Federal Reserve, zonder echte bedreigingen voor hun macht. Peperdure politieke campagnes zijn routinewerk, met zorgvuldig uitgezochte kandidaten die een gelofte afleggen aan de World Order. Mochten ze afwijken van het programma zouden ze een ongeluk krijgen, te maken krijgen met gefingeerde aanklachten van seksueel misbruik of een financiële onregelmatigheid."
[Opm.: In dit licht zou het interessant zijn de affaires waar het echtpaar Clinton in verzeild raakt rond het presidentschap van Bill nader te bekijken]
De leden van de Elite opereren in absolute eensgezindheid tegen het algemeen belang, tegen een beter leven voor alle mensen waarbinnen alleen individuen wordt toegestaan zijn of haar talenten te ontwikkelen, tegen een leven vrij van oorlog en bloedvergieten. James Forrestal, de eerste Amerikaanse minister van Defensie, werd zich bewust van de intriges van de Elite, en had, volgens Jim Marrs, 3.000 pagina's aantekeningen verzameld die hij wilde gebruiken voor het schrijven van een boek. Hij overleed onder duistere omstandigheden en is vrijwel zeker vermoord. Zijn aantekeningen werden gestolen en een opgeschoonde versie van zijn boek verscheen een jaar na zijn dood. Vlak voor hij stierf, bijna vijftien maanden voor het uitbreken van de oorlog in Korea, had hij onthuld dat Amerikaanse soldaten er zouden gaan sterven. Marrs citeert Forrestal: "Deze mannen zijn niet incompetent of dom. Consistentie is nooit een teken van domheid geweest. Als ze gewoon dom zouden zijn, zouden ze af en toe een fout maken die in ons voordeel is." De Bilderberg Groep, de Council on Foreign Relations, de Trilateral Commission en de moeder van al die organisaties, de Royal Institute of International Affairs, zijn instituten waar beslissingen over de toekomst van de mensheid worden genomen. Wie hebben die instituten opgericht en besturen ze? De 'internationale bankiers' uiteraard.
In zijn boek 'The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World ', schrijft kolonel Fletcher Prouty, de briefing officer voor de Amerikaanse president van 1955 tot 1963, over een "intern heiligdom van een nieuwe religieuze orde". Met de term 'Secret Team' bedoelt hij een groep "individuen met toegang tot staatsgeheimen, soms wel soms geen deel uitmakend van de regering, die data ontvangen van de CIA en de NSA en handelen aan de hand van die informatie."
[Opm.: denk aan de draaideur tussen Goldman Sachs, de Federal Reserve en het Amerikaanse ministerie van Financiën]
En: "De macht van het Team berust op het uitgebreide geheime netwerk in regeringskringen en zijn directe banden met grote bedrijven, gezamenlijke fondsen en investeringsbanken en met de nieuwsmedia, inclusief binnen- en buitenlandse uitgeverijen."
Hij voegt er later aan toe: "Alle echte leden van het Team blijven in het centrum van de macht, of ze nu deel uitmaken van de zittende regering of niet. Ze roteren doorlopend van en naar regeringsposities en het bedrijfsleven of de aangename academische wereld."
Jongeren trainen voor lidmaatschap van de Elite
Het is opmerkelijk hoe 'ze' zoveel macht uitoefenen en hoe 'ze' steeds weer mensen vinden om de taken uit te voeren, en hoe 'ze' altijd de juiste beslissing nemen op het juiste moment. Dit kan alleen lukken wanneer er een verborgen programma bestaat voor het werven en trainen van nieuwe leden: mentaal, ideologisch, filosofisch psychologisch en uiteraard qua capaciteiten. En dat over langere tijd, terwijl ze op plaatsen worden gezet in het centrum van de macht in de VS en in Europa. Die training zou al op jonge leeftijd moeten beginnen.
Ook moet er een methode zijn van voortdurende beoordeling, door kleine groepjes uiterst capabele individuen, van zich ontwikkelende situaties met 'hun' mensen in de belangrijkste machtscentra in heel de wereld, zodat er onmiddellijk ingegrepen kan worden op een manier die de Elite ten goede komt.
Hoe doen ze dat?
Het is bij het zoeken naar antwoorden op deze vragen dat de rol van geheime genootschappen en de controle die ze uitoefenen over universiteiten zwaar doorweegt. Het werk van mensen als Antony Sutton, John Coleman, Eustace Mullins en anderen is wat dat betreft baanbrekend. De mensheid is dergelijke onderzoekers veel verschuldigd; onderzoekers die zwaar te leiden hebben van hun naspeuringen maar niet opgeven. Wanneer je het geldspoor volgt van belangrijke initiatieven, op poten gezet om grote oorlogen te veroorzaken, het beleid van de toekomst uit te stippelen, de macht van de Elite over de mensheid te vergroten, etc. kom je onvermijdelijk de banden met de bankiersfamilies en hun loopjongens bij de stichtingen tegen.
In April 2008 was ik een van de ongeveer 200 rectors en directeuren van universiteiten uit Azië, Afrika, Europa en de VS bij een twee dagen durende Higher Education Summit for Global Development, op het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Washington DC. We werden toegesproken door vijf Amerikaanse ministers, inclusief de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Condoleezza Rice. De nadruk lag steeds maar op één ding: dat universiteiten in ontwikkelingslanden samenwerken met de stichtingen zo dat de wereldwijde problemen kunnen worden opgelost. Dit zijn particuliere stichtingen, en de enige manier om die nadruk te begrijpen is je te realiseren dat de Amerikaanse regering geheel onder controle staat van hen die deze stichtingen bezitten. In de kantlijn: de openingsspeech werd gegeven door een oorlogsmisdadiger, verantwoordelijk voor de dood van miljoenen Rwandezen, die ook nog eens een eredoctoraat kreeg overhandigd - Dr. Paul Kagame! De eerste presentatie werd geven door de CEO van de Agha Khan Foundation!
In een fascinerende studie naar een geheim genootschap van de Yale-universiteit, Skull and Bones, onthulde Antony Sutton tal van aspecten van groot belang over dit ene genootschap. In zijn boek 'America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones ', legt Sutton uit dat er een groep "oude Amerikaanse families en Nieuwe Rijken" is die De Orde (van Skull & Bones) domineert - de familie Whitney, de familie Stimson, de familie Bundy, de familie Rockefeller, de familie Harriman, de familie Taft, de familie Bush, enzovoorts. Hij wist er ook op dat er banden met Brittannië zijn.
De banden tussen de Orde en Brittannië lopen via de Lazard Freres en enkele commerciële banken. Opgemerkt moet ook dat het Britse establishment ook een universiteit oprichtte - Oxford - en vooral ook het All Souls College. Het Britse deel heet 'De Groep'. De Groep is gelinkt aan de Joodse equivalent via de Rothschilds in Brittannië (Lord Rothschild was een van de vroegste leden van 'inner circle' van Cecil Rhodes). De Orde in de VS heeft ook banden met de families Guggenheim, Schiff en Warburg… Er is ook een link met de Illuminati.

Elk jaar sinds 1832 worden er 15 jonge mannen, en recent ook vrouwen, opgenomen in de Orde. Wie selecteert ze? Een studie van de loopbanen van veel van deze uitverkorenen toonde aan hoe ze uitgroeien tot vooraanstaande personen in het Amerikaanse openbare leven, en hoe de leden van hun groep ervoor zorgen dat ze doordringen tot de kern van de belangrijkste Amerikaanse instellingen. Ze worden steeds weer teruggevonden op de belangrijkste posities ten tijde van oorlog en in vredestijd, onophoudelijk manipulerend en observerend.
De invloed van deze Elitaire families op de denkwereld van landen gebeurt dus via academische instellingen en organisaties en via de media. Sutton schrijft:
"De American Historical Association, de American Economic Association, de American Chemical Society en de American Psychological Association werden allemaal opgericht door leden van De Orde, of mensen met nauwe banden met De Orde. Al deze organisaties zijn doorslaggevend voor het vormgeven van de samenleving. Het fenomeen dat De Orde steeds als eerste ter plaatse is zien we vooral bij al deze Foundations, maar hun aanwezigheid in de beheerraden is wel degelijk permanent. de eerste voorzitter van een zeer invloedrijke maar bijna volledig onbekende organisatie, opgericht in 1910, was eveneens een lid van De Orde: William Howard Taft en de American Society for the Judicial Settlement of Disputes. The Society was de voorloper van de League to Enforce Peace, die zich uiteindelijk ontwikkelde tot de League of Nations (de Volkenbond) en uiteindelijk tot de Verenigde Naties."
De Verenigde Naties zijn een werktuig van de Elite, ontworpen voor het opzetten van een centrale wereldregering, onder controle van de Elite. Het hoofdkantoor van de VN staat op grond die eigendom is van de Rockefellers.
Het uitkiezen van de toekomstige premiers om de New World Order te dienen
In zijn artikel 'Oxford University - The Illuminati Breeding Ground', schrijft David Icke over een incident dat aantoont hoe deze geheime genootschappen en groepen, werkend voor de Elite, selecteren, opleiden en plannen om hun mensen op de sleutelposities te kunnen plaatsen. In 1940 sprak een jonge man tot een "studiegroep' van de Labor Party in een zaal van de University College Oxford. Hij benadrukte dat hij deel uitmaakte van een geheime groep zonder naam die een 'Marxistische staatsgreep' in Brittannië, Rhodesië en Zuid-Afrika wilde plegen, middels het infiltreren van het Britse parlement en het ambtenarenapparaat. De jonge man verklaarde dat hij de politieke vleugel van de groep leidde en dat hij verwachtte dat ze hem op een dag premier van Brittannië zouden maken. De jonge man was Harold Wilson, en was minister-president van 1964 tot 70 en van 1974 tot 76!
Alle jonge mannen die studeren aan de Ivy League-universiteiten, maar ook aan de andere, dienen zich te realiseren dat ze doorlopend worden beoordeeld door hun professoren, met de bedoeling vanuit hun middens diegenen te kiezen die de Elite zullen dienen, die deel zullen worden van het mondiale netwerk van met elkaar verbonden geheime en niet-geheime organisaties, om te werken voor de New World Order. Sommige die al geselecteerd werden zullen zich onder hen bevinden, met hen omgaan en toch, diep van binnen, van hen gescheiden door een gevoel bij een broederschap te horen met een missie die heel ver terug gaat. Deze jonge mannen weten ook dat ze goed beloond zullen worden, maar ook dat ze vermoord kunnen worden als ze falen.
Volledige geheimhouding en absolute loyaliteit zijn doorslaggevend voor dit programma. Dit wordt afgedwongen door de angst vermoord of geruïneerd te worden en via een cultus die waarschijnlijk teruggaat tot in de dagen van de piramides en daarvoor. Filosofisch geloven 'ze' in de Hegeliaanse dialectiek, waarmee ze het veroorzaken van afschuwelijke oorlogen rechtvaardigen - die ze eufemistisch 'gecontroleerde conflicten' noemen. Hun politieke ideologie is 'collectivisme', waarbij de mensheid moet worden geleid door een groep mannen, door hen, georganiseerd met een doel - een verborgen dominante minderheid. Ze geloven dat ze het beter weten dan gewone stervelingen. De Illuminati, de Vrijmetselaars, leden van andere bekende en onbekende geheime genootschappen, slaan onder leiding van de rijkste kabbal die de menselijke geschiedenis ooit gekend heeft de handen ineen om een betoverde, slapende en murw gebeukte mensheid van de ene afgrond naar de andere te voeren. Voormalig MI6-agent John Coleman heeft het over een "Committee of 300" die deze uitgebreide ondergrondse machinerie stuurt en gidst.
In zijn in 2002 gepubliceerde 'Memoirs ', schrijft David Rockefeller Sr. dat zijn familie "al meer dan een eeuw" wordt aangevallen door "ideologische extremisten. Sommigen geloven zelfs dat we deel uitmaken van een geheime kabbal en strijden tegen de belangen van de Verenigde Staten, ze omschrijven ons als 'internationalisten' en dat we samenzweren met anderen over heel de wereld om een meer geïntegreerde mondiale politieke en economische structuur op te bouwen - één wereld, zo u wilt. Als dat de aanklacht is, beken ik schuld, en ik ben er trots op."
That’s it!

185. Jewish religion

This blog: http://tiny.cc/q2w0zw  tiny.cc/q2w0zw

Just a short view on Jewish religion.

Christians learn that they have to be compassionate to other people and they even should 'love their enemies'.
If they live really bad, they will have to suffer in eternity: they will for ever burn in Hell.

How about Jews,  what happens to them after they die ?

I quote WikipediaDaniel 12:2 proclaims "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, Some to everlasting life, Some to shame and everlasting contempt." Judaism does not have a specific doctrine about the afterlife, but it does have a mystical/Orthodox tradition of describing Gehenna. Gehenna is not Hell, but rather a sort of Purgatory where one is judged based on his or her life's deeds, or rather, where one becomes fully aware of one's own shortcomings and negative actions during one's life. The Kabbalah explains it as a "waiting room" (commonly translated as an "entry way") for all souls (not just the wicked). The overwhelming majority of rabbinic thought maintains that people are not in Gehenna forever; the longest that one can be there is said to be 12 months, however there has been the occasional noted exception. Some consider it a spiritual forge where the soul is purified for its eventual ascent to Olam Habah (heb. עולם הבא; lit. "The world to come", often viewed as analogous to Heaven). This is also mentioned in the Kabbalah, where the soul is described as breaking, like the flame of a candle lighting another: the part of the soul that ascends being pure and the "unfinished" piece being reborn.
According to Jewish teachings, hell is not entirely physical; rather, it can be compared to a very intense feeling of shame. People are ashamed of their misdeeds and this constitutes suffering which makes up for the bad deeds. When one has so deviated from the will of God, one is said to be in gehinom. This is not meant to refer to some point in the future, but to the very present moment. The gates of teshuva (return) are said to be always open, and so one can align his will with that of God at any moment. Being out of alignment with God's will is itself a punishment according to the Torah.

Myths  about how it all began: 
In de joodse traditie ging de Heer bij alle volkeren van de wereld langs en bood hen de Thora aan. Alle volkeren vroegen op hun beurt, "wat staat erin?" Ieder volk was ontevreden met het antwoord. Als allerlaatste vroeg de Heer het de joden, een arm en hulpeloos slavenvolk dat niets te verliezen had. Zij namen de Thora wel aan, en verklaarden, "Na'aseh ve-Nishma" ("wij zullen doen en wij zullen horen").
Later, toen het volk tijdens de tocht van Egypte naar het Land Israël bij de berg Sinaï de Thora in ontvangst nam, wilden de joden die volgens de Talmoed niet direct in ontvangst nemen. Daarop tilde de Heer de berg Sinaï op, hield die boven de hoofden van de joden, en verklaarde: "als jullie de Thora accepteren - goed; zoniet, dan wordt dit jullie graf."

Conclusion: All other peoples in the world were given the chance to become 'Gods chosen people', but they all refused. 
The jews were not very willing, but then God forced them to be his 'chosen people'.

Some more characteristics about the jewish religion: 
  1. God koos het Joodse volk om een uniek verbond met God te hebben; de beschrijving van deze overeenkomst is de Thora zelf. In tegenstelling tot wat vaak wordt beweerd, zijn de Joden niet Gods verkozen volk op zich. Joden geloven dat zij voor een specifieke opdracht zijn gekozen; om een licht te zijn voor de naties en een overeenkomst met God na te komen zoals die wordt beschreven in de Thora. Het reconstructionistisch jodendomverwerpt de idee van verkozen te zijn geheel en al.
  2. Er zal een Joodse messias komen of wellicht een messiaans tijdperk.
  3. De ziel is zuiver bij geboorte. Mensen zijn geboren met een jetser hatov, een tendens om goed te doen, en een jetser hara, een tendens om slecht te doen. Daarom zijn de mensen vrij de weg in het leven te kiezen die zij willen nemen.
  4. Mensen kunnen boeten voor zonden, die slechts fouten zijn in het nakomen van de wetten. De liturgie van de 'ontzagwekkende dagen' (Rosj Hasjana en Jom Kipoer) en de tien dagen van inkeer ertussen, verklaren dat het gebed, boete doen en tzedaka, het verplichte geven voor goede doelen (en in deze verschillend van de vrijwillige liefdadigheid), zonden herstelt. Boete doen wordt alleen zinvol geacht indien vergezeld van een oprecht besluit om op te houden met onaanvaardbare acties en zelfs dan alleen als acties om verontschuldigingen aan derden aan te bieden eerlijk worden ondernomen.

The Jews believe that they have a mission, given to them by God:

They must help the world. ( Tikkun Olam)
They must be a light to the world.
They must lead the world.
They must become leaders of the world
They must rule the world.
All other people must become like servants or even slaves to the jews. ( See below: * )

As we see: there is a continuum which starts as benevolence and ends in terror.

In the countries and era when jews were Masters of the goyim, the goyim were terrified of the jews.

- It happened in Persia, according to the bible, where the Persians were terrified of Mordechai.
- It happened in Poland and Ukraine from 1500 to 1800 where the Poles were less than slaves.
- it happened in Russia where the jews destroyed the christian culture and had terror.(Citation 4)

How can such a small group of people get so powerfull ? How can just a few million wield power over billions?
It has to do with a few things:
1. They keep their gene-pool separated and internal cohesion high.
2. They breed their race for high IQ and skills for deception.
2. They are magicians, not with rabbits or cards, but with words and concepts.
3. They lend out money which they don't really have. It's like a magic trick. ( See below: ** )
4. They cash in on interest in a big way.
5. They cash in on financial tricks and constructs in a big way.
6. They force their own people to give money for bribing politicians all over the world.
7. They have people in high places in many countries and in almost all int. institutions.
8 They always mobilise the masses for a movement that seems to be 'the common interest.'
    Think of socialism, communism, a One World Government ( no more wars !) , globalisation, Europe,
   the United Nations, fighting Terrorism, fighting WMD's, Responsability to Protect,  etc. etc.
9  The masses will destroy their own elite and their own religion.
10. After that there is no one to rule them except for the jews. ( They use their goy assets for that.)
11. Another strategy is to induce or force countries to lend money from foreign banks. ( Perkins).
12. The ages when jewish Goldsmith's could lend out 'gold' ( replaced by 'I owe you's ' ) which they did not posses was a quick road to wealth.  Imagine: they had one kilo of gold, but could lend out 9 extra kilo's at 10 % interest.  Each yaer their wealth doubled !
13 Nowadays it is all a bit different, but not really: they still make everybody believe that only they can safely print money. For that printing they let us pay 3 times for one and the same house: one time we pay the construction company, and in the later years we pay the bank two more houses, in the form of interest, for which the banks have to do nothing at all.  
14. By steering the Mass Media they have virtual controle over the whole world.
Media are copy cats. JP Morgan learned that in 1915 when he inquired how he could controle the American press. ( Callaway )
The best proof for this fact is 911. There are very convincing scientists who explain beyond any doubt that the Twin Towers and WTC7 were blown up with explosives.  Hard facts, easy to grasp even for lay people. A story told on camera by dozens of engineers. But the Media will not spent any attention to it, so the masses will not believe it, nor even hear of it. That is the proof that journalists are kind of negatively selected: only if you are naive enopugh you will stay in bussiness.  ( Architects)
The official investigators are not ashamed to tell lies, on camera: John Gross.

The situation at the end of 2011 is like this:
1) The Jews have taken all power in the USA in the last 30 years, and with their financial hooliganism, war mongering and exportation of industries they have destroyed the country.

2) By willingly creating a financial mess they have brought Europe on its knees: the governments are ready to hand over power to Brussels, where behind the curtains the bankers are in power now.

3) Israel is of absolute vital importance for every jew: the Messiah will end it all , and wake up all ( jewish ) death if and when the Jews have Jerusalem and are in charge of all other people in the world. So we read in the Torah. ( as in the bible).
The main threat for Israel is all the arab -muslim neighboring countries.
So to serve God they should neutralise all arab powers. God even  ordered them to wipe the arabs off the map, as it were:Deuteronomy 25:17-19 (“[T]hou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt not forget [to do] it”
The way to do this is to create chaos and internal strive in all arab countries. It was written in the Yinon Plan in 1982, and we see it again in 'A Clean Break' ( 1996).
2011 was a fantastic year: After Iraq now also Egypt and Libya are in full self-destruction.  The only real powers still intact are Sudan and Iran. But they are working on that.

4) If they would succeed to destabilise Russia, then who s left to counter jewish power in the world?
I see the Japanes and Chinese and India as countries that will prefer to cooperate with the jews, just like all those Big Corporations ( Monsanto. Bechtel, Rockefeller etc. etc.)  have done in order to survive.

There are prophecies that something big will happen in 2012.  I never believe those prophecies, but if this one would be true, then it could be the 'coming out' of jewish power. I think of America really starting to oppress the people, and rounding up free thinkers like Rense, Brother Naftanael and many others. Any sources that may spill the beans and expose the jewish power behind the scenes, anbd the jewish agenda in all those 'humanitarian missions'.

* God tells the Jews that they should conquer the world, and that he will help them with it.

Psalm 2:8-9 (. . . I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance. . . . Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel”)

Psalm 21:8-10 (“[T]hy right hand shall find out those that hate thee.  Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the Lord shall swallow them up. . .”);

Psalm 79:6-7 (“Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen. . . [f]or they have devoured Jacob [i.e., Israel], and laid waste his dwelling place”);

Psalm 149:7-8; Isaiah 45:14 (“Thus saith the Lord, . . . in chains. . . they shall fall down unto [Israel]. . .”);

Isaiah 60:12 (“. . .[T]he nation and kingdom that will not serve [Israel] shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted” );

Isaiah 61:5-6 (“. . .[S]trangers shall stand and feed your flocks. . . : [Y]e shall eat the riches of the Gentiles. . .”);

Jeremiah 30:10-11 and 46:28 (“Fear thou not, O Jacob [i.e., Israel], my servant, saith the Lord: . . . for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee: but I will not make a full end of thee. .

Numbers 25:6-13 (wherein God commends Phineas for his initia-tive in running a javelin through both parties to a marriage of Jew and gentile),
Deuteronomy 25:17-19 (“[T]hou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt not forget [to do] it”). 

** Jews have different rules for behavior towards jews and towards non-jews. 
For instance:  Deuteronomium -- 
15:6 You will certainly lend on pledge to many nations, whereas you yourself will not borrow; and you must dominate over many nations, whereas over you they will not dominate--  23:19 You must not make your brother pay interest--  23:20  You may make a foreigner pay interest, but your brother you must not make pay interest.

Israel Shahak wrote extensively about the difference between stealing from a jew or from a non-jew. 
Or robbing. or killing a jew or a non-jew.  If a jew kills a non-jew there is hardly any punbishment. But if a jew kills another jew, he will be tortured to death.   This reflects the difference in value between jews and non-jews. Non jews are not real humans, They are closer to a horse than to a jew, many rabbies believe.  Shahak: Ch 5. Rense: Shahak.  Kings Torah

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

184. Six million people killed.

( See also my blog 183.)

If you mention 6 million people killed, 100% of the people will think about this one group of death's.

But nobody will think about the other group of 6 million death's.

Why ?

Try to find out yourself.
Once you understand it, you will understand in what kind of world you live.

Good news:  The Real News ( Paul Jay c.s. )  will send a journalist to the Congo who will work from there permanently, and they will have news 3 times per week.

Here are three preliminary interviews:

                                          Part 1: Obama, the US and 5 million deaths in the Congo.

Part 2: Congo: Chaos by design.


Part 3: The US, Mining and dictators in The Congo.


Monday, December 19, 2011

183. Israel and the Holocaust.

My remarks or summaries are written in red.   I have made all yellow markings. For the original, unmarked text look here.      URL of this blog: http://tiny.cc/4azsz 

                        Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo

See also my blog 184.
7 February 2008

Maurice Templesman is one of the top funders of Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. Templesman was the unofficial ambassador to the Congo (Zaire) for years, but a new Israeli-American tycoon has replaced him. In the world of bling bling and bling bang, some things change, some stay the same. The CIA, the MOSSAD, the big mining companies, the offshore accounts and weapons deals—all hidden by the Western media. The holocaust in Central Africa has claimed some six to ten million people in Congo since 1996, with 1500 people dying daily.[1] But while the Africans are the victims of perpetual Holocaust, the persecutors hide behind history, complaining that they are the persecuted, or pretending they are the saviors. Who is responsible?

Why don't we hear from these 6 million people killed? 
Gertler took over 'power' in Africa from Tempelsman. 
Gertler is a religious fanatic, but does not mind having people killed. This is only possible if he believes that black people are not equal to jews. What does Gertler c.s., who almost rule the world now, think about you? What will happen to you and your children in the future?  
For Israeli-American Dan Gertler, business in blood drenched Congo is not merely business, it is a quest for the Holy Grail. Young Dan Gertler goes nowhere—does nothing—without the spiritual guidance of Brooklyn-born Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Leibovitch, a personal friend of Condoleeza Rice.[2]Gertler and Leibovitch are two of the principals behind a diamond mining company, Emaxon Finance Corporation, involved in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Gertler and gang won the majority rights to the diamonds from the state mining company, Société Minière de Bakwange, MIBA, found near the government-controlled town of Mbuji-Mayi, the rough diamond capital of the world.
Gertler = Examon. 
Emaxon Finance Corp. has apparently out-maneuvered diamond competitors, especially the big rivals Energem and De Beers. Energem is one of the many shady mining companies connected to Anthony Teixeira, a Portuguese born businessman now residing in South Africa whose daughter married Congolese warlord Jean-Pierre Bemba. The warlord’s deadly battle in Congo in March 2007 was a bid between rival agents—Jean-Pierre Bemba and Joseph Kabila—to be the black gatekeeper for the mining cartels run by dynastic families like Templesman, Oppenheimer, Mendell, Forrest, Blattner, Hertzov, Gertler and Steinmetz, and for companies like NIKANOR, whose stock prices rose early in July 2006 in expectation of a July 30th “win” for Joseph Kabila.[3] Africa Confidentialcalled President Kabila’s 2003 visit to the Bush White House a “coup” for the Israeli diamond magnates Dan Gertler and Beny Steinmetz.
Gertler's Competitors: 
     -Energem ( Canada) = Buckingham + Texeira + J P  Morgan + Branch Energy.                                                         
Canadian-based Energem, formerly DiamondWorks, is owned by British mercenary Tony Buckingham and its director/shareholders include Mario and Tony Teixeira, J.P. Morgan, and Gertler’s partner Israeli-American Beny Steinmetz (50%).[4] Through subsidiary Branch Energy, the Energem-DiamondWorks gang has perpetuated war in 11 African countries.[5] In December 2007, Energem re-launched itself on the London Stock Market with the newly laundered image of a renewable energy company. Regarding diamonds, it said only it “had decided to give up exploration rights in the Central African Republic.”[6] The Energem spokesman explained that Tony Teixeira “had a clean bill of health” etc., etc. Of course, Energem “quit” the C.A.R. because Jean-Pierre Bemba marched his troops into C.A.R., where they raped and pillaged widely.[7] Energem is still operating in Congo, but Dan Gertler is the new, unofficial ambassador to the Congo for the George W. Bush gang.

Gertler and partners like Beny and Danny Steinmetz, Nir Livnat, Chaim Leibovitz and Yaakov Neeman run a hornet’s nest of companies involved in African hotspots, including: Dan Gertler International (DGI), Steinmetz Global Resources, International Diamond Industries, NIKANOR and Global Enterprises Corporate.

“Dan Gertler is ‘the new kid on the block,’” writes Yossi Melman in Israel’s Haaretz news. “Bold, sophisticated, brutal, he is an adventurer with a short fuse.” Haaratz confirmed that Dan Gertler owns a complex network of interconnected companies, often registered in offshore tax havens and involved in IndiaRussiaBelgium and the United States, and that Dan Gertler is looking to God for guidance. [8]


“In the diamond industry,” Melman wrote, “Gertler is considered something of an odd bird. He maintains few ties with the other merchants and is not very sociable... Alongside his business affairs, most of his energy is channeled into matters of faith. He is a donor to religious institutions and from time to time makes a pilgrimage to the rabbi he most admires, Rabbi David Abuhatzeira, from Nahariya, in order to consult with him and receive his blessing. Gertler is surrounded mostly by religious people and laces his speech liberally with praise to God.” [9]

In 2003, Condoleeza Rice, then Assistant to President Bush for National Security Affairs, introduced Dan Gertler and Chaim Leibovitch to U.S. official Jendayi Frazer, a Harvard Kennedy School affiliate and former National Security Council agent focused on Africa. On December 6, 2006, Frazer, then Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, was one of seven special Bush delegates sent to the inauguration of Congo’s newly installed President Joseph Kabila in Kinshasa.[10]

When Dan Gertler and Chaim Leibovitch and their friends visit the luxury Gertler villa in Lumumbashi, the capital of KatangaCongo’s large southern province, their kosher meals arrive by private plane from Kinshasa. The special executive jet that flies their kosher meals a few hundred miles over the roadless Congo costs some $US 23,000 per trip.[11]

The average income for Congolese citizens each year—if they survive it—is about $95. Shootings at mining facilities and diamond mines are common, land is stolen from Congolese people, strikes are crushed by security forces that companies are partnered with, and black overseers of state terror routinely arrest and torture any vocal opposition—and sometimes disappear them—in support of white bosses. The Société Minière de Bakwange—MIBA—and the diamond fields of Mbuji-Mayi inCongo have a long history of bloodshed backed by Western powers, including Israel, from the beginning.[12] Amnesty International points out that not a single state agent has ever been prosecuted for the extrajudicial executions of suspected “illegal” miners in Mbuji-Mayi.[13]
The mining company treats the Congolese workers like slaves, or worse. Does our religious mr. Gertler care, or does he just profit from this?  
After a century of exploitation and slavery, we find MIBA consistently withholding payment of salaries to starving Congolese laborers and middle managers for months at a time. April and May 2007 saw strikes and protests leading to the Kabila government’s arbitrary arrest, detention and torture of trade union organizers like Leon Ngoy Bululu; police have also shot protestors.[14] So-called ‘illegal’ diamond workers—disenfranchised local Congolese people forced into “criminal” activities to survive—were summarily executed on MIBA concessions in Mbuji-Mayi. MIBA security guards have also been sniping unemployed diamond miners.[15]

Meanwhile, Dan Gertler’s kosher meals depart Kinshasa, the capital of the big Congo, through the arrangements of Rabbi Chlomo Bentolila, high priest of the Chabad of Central Africa. Rabbi Chlomo Bentolila has been a Kinshasa Rabbi since 1991, and he was a spiritual force who survived the terrorism of the old dinosaur, Mobutu Sese Seko, the way most elites did: by working with him. Rabbi Bentolila is a member of the Chabad Lubavitch Global Emissary Network, headquartered inBrooklynNew York, and his wife Miriam is the sister of Rabbi Mena’hem Hadad, a high priest inBrussels.[16]

“Kosher does not mean that a Rabbi blesses the food,” Rabbi Betolila corrected me, “but rather that the food was supervised by a Rabbinical Thora [sic] authority who sees that the ingredients were in accordance with the laws of Kashrut expressed in the Bible (Leviticus and Deuteronomy).” [17]

Dan Gertler often flies people into Congo, on his private jet, for sacred Jewish rituals. For the Bar Mitsvah of Rabbi Chlomo Bentolila’s son Binyamin Avrahim in June 2005, guests included eminent Rabbis, Hassidic singer Yoni Shlomo and special orchestra Yossef Brami, all arriving in “special flights” from IsraelNew York and Brussels. The reception was held at the luxurious and exclusive Memling Hotel. Joseph Kabila sent a sizeable delegation but did not attend: his closest advisers provided a blessing on his behalf.[18]

The Gertler, Steinmetz and Templesman interests are advanced in part through the support of the Committee of the Jewish Community of Kinshasa—le Comité de la Communauté Israélite—that is tightly coordinated with the power structure in Kinshasa to exert influence and assure control of Israeli-Belgian-Anglo-American interests over the geopolitical arena.

From June 26-30, 2007, the Communaute Israelite de Kinshasa received a visit from the Israeli Ambassador Yaakov Revah, director of the Africa Department of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Revah also flew to Lumumbashi for meetings with Dan Gertler and his agents, including Moishe (Moses) Katumbi, the Governor of Katanga, and they most likely enjoyed a lovely, $23,000 kosher meal sent from the Chabad in Kinshasa.[19] The Communaute Israelite de Kinshasamaintains very intimate political relations with President Joseph Kabila’s PPRD party, the People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy. On March 1, 2006, in a formal ceremony, the President of the Communaute Israelite de Kinshasa, Ashlan Piha, was awarded the Congo’s Medal of Civil Merit. 

( covet= to wish for other peoples properties) 
Before his assassination on January 16, 2001, Laurent Desire Kabila—the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)—made a deal with the Gertler gang that would play out in favor of the current President Joseph Kabila and, it seems, be a central factor in relation to both Congo’s ongoing war and the bloody warlord’s battle in Kinshasa in March 2007.[20]

Back in 2000, former Congolese president Laurent Kabila offered a monopoly on Congolese diamonds, and 88% of the proceeds, to Gertler’s International Diamond Industries (IDI) in exchange for Israeli military assistance to his new government.[21] Top Congolese military officials apparently flew to Israel in 2000 to negotiate the deal. Gertler pledged military assistance to President Laurent Kabila through top Israeli officials.[22]

The original Gertler-Kabila deal fell through after Laurent Kabila was assassinated for not cooperating with the Great White Fathers of industry (January 2001), but Gertler and Leibovitch and their disciples formed another company, Dan Gertler International, and advanced their Congo plan.[23] By 2002 Gertler’s company was the leading exporter of Congolese gems, controlling a diamond mining franchise worth about $US 1 billion annually. [24]

MIBA makes a deal with Gertler in 2003: diamonds in exchange for Israëli military help.
In 2003, the mighty Congolese diamond parastatal ( = working with the governmentSociete Miniere De Bakwanga (MIBA)—which has been forever controlled by the Great White Fathers (De Witte Paters) in BelgiumIsrael and America—signed an exclusive contract with Gertler’s startup company, Emaxon Finance International. The deal involved Israeli’s Foreign Defense Assistance and Defense Export Organization (SIBAT), and high-level Israeli defense and intelligence officials. Gertler and his buddies reportedly bribed Congolese officials and Angolan generals who, on and off, have commanded Angolan Army troops protecting Kinshasa,Congo’s capital.[25],[26]

Security for mining operations in Congo is provided by exclusive security companies like Overseas Security Services (OSS) one of the many DRC interests of Belgian billionaire tycoon Philippe de Moerloose. A member of the Kinshasa elite, de Moerloose supplies jets and other presidential toys to DRC President Kabila. In 2006, President Joseph Kabila’s campaign helicopter was at the centre of a legal battle involving Philippe de Moerloose.[27] De Moerloose’s companies operated in Mobutu’s Zaire from at least 1991, backing state terrorism and Western corporate plunder that was rendered invisible by the Western media. De Moerloose is also an adviser to European Union (EU) Commissioner—and diamantaire—Louis Michel.

Dan Gertler and Philippe de Moerloose were, reportedly, the only two white men who attended the wedding of Joseph Kabila and the two clearly share interests in “security” provided by OSS at MIBA and elsewhere in Congo. The April 2003 secret agreement signed between the Gertler/Steinmetz company Emaxon Finance and the Kabila government involved MIBA and two de Moerloose companies, OSS-Congo and Demimpex, and other firms.

Overseas Security Services (OSS) operations are apparently grounded in the experience of top expatriate security operatives formerly involved with the biggest security firm in Mobutu’s Zaire.[28]According to OSS public relations materials, “these persons have a not unimportant experience in the safety of this country.”[29] Providing mine security, body-guard and protection services, OSSoperates in BurundiIvory CoastRwandaDubaiSouth AfricaRepublic of Congo (Brazzavile) andBelgium, placing them in cahoots with all sides warring and plundering eastern Congo today.[30]

Emaxon Finance International is a real gem, one of these octopuses of mining tangled up with interlocking companies and subsidiaries based in specious geographical offshore “tax havens” that work to shield from prosecution people who are responsible for money laundering, weapons and drugs operations, assassinations and other terrorism.

NIKANOR is registered as an Isle of Man (UK) company, an offshore tax haven that helps to conceal criminal activities and maximize profits. NIKANOR directors include Dan Kurtzer, former U.S.ambassador to Israel (2001-2005) and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research under Madeleine Albright. NIKANOR partners include Mende and Moshe Gertner [sic], Israeli property tycoons with vast holdings in London who control 22 percent of NIKANOR. Another partner is Israeli-born Nir Livnat, managing director of Johannesburg-based Ascot Diamonds, a member of the Steinmetz Group of Diamond Companies, and a principal involved in numerous U.S.-based businesses from Miami to New York.[31]


Back in 2001, when the Gertler enterprises surfaced in dirty diamond deals, public relations was handled by Lior Chorev, the “Special Strategic and Communications Consultant” to International Diamond Industries (IDI), and Chorev continued in this role to support Dan Gertler businesses.[32]Today, Lior Chorev is partnered with the brothers Yuval and Eyal Arad as director-owners of the Israeli marketing and public relations firm, ARAD Communications.[33]

“We do work for Mr. Gertler on some of his business issues,” said Lior Chorev.[34] ARAD’s many clients include Dan Gertler companies, Los Angeles-based Coral Diamonds and an Israeli aeronautics weaponry manufacturer producing Unmanned Aerospace Vehicles (UAVs)—robotic weapons and intelligence platforms like those being used against the people of Congo today.[35]As a political strategist, Lior Chorev has worked for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and current Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.[36] He has also participated in Israel-NATO defense planning conferences.[37]

Dan Gertler is close to Israeli politicians, especially Avigdor Lieberman, head of the right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu party, and he is very close to diamantaire Beny Steinmetz, a good friend of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Gertler’s inseperable friend, Chaim Leibovitz, is also very close to Lieberman, and was “a regular fixture” in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s offices.[38]

Beny Steinmetz is considered to be one of the richest billionaires in Israel. The Steinmetz Group, controlled with his brother Daniel, is one of the biggest clients of the de Beers diamond syndicate. Steinmetz is also involved in an Israeli real estate group that purchased the assets of the British Haslemere real estate company for $1.46 billion. Steinmetz’s real estate partners include the billionaire Israeli investors David and Simon Reuben, and the Saudi Arabian Olayan Group, an investment company that is deeply connected with Bechtel Corporation.[39] The Steinmetz web site map of operations hides their involvement in war-torn Congo.[40]

Seems Dan Gertler’s land grabs and exclusion in Congo have a lot in common with the current crimes against humanity being committed by Israel through its illegal partition in the Middle East. On January 3, 2008, the Jerusalem Post reported that Lior Chorev was an integral part of past Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s advisers, and he was recently quoted to say that even though Sharon did not get to finalize Israel’s final borders (he suffered a debilitating stroke in 2006), the route of the security fence—which he decided—would ultimately serve as the basis for the border and as Sharon's lasting legacy.[41]

“He felt he needed to set the border because he didn't trust the younger generations,” Chorev was quoted to say. “He knew the fence route by heart and the reason for every stretch of land being on one side or the other.”[42]

In 2003, the U.N. Panel of Experts on war in Congo revealed that Emaxon Finance International is controlled by Israeli diamond traders Chaim Leibovitz and Dan Gertler.[43] Emaxon lists as its address an office in MontrealCanada, but Emaxon’s majority shareholder is listed as FTS Worldwide, a nebulous global corporation whose business address is that of a firm of lawyers, Mossack Fonseca & Company, in Panama City. FTS Worldwide is registered with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission to lawyer Andre Zolty of Geneva Switzerland. A copy of the MIBA-Emaxon contract was signed on 13 April 2003 by Israeli-Americans Yaakov Neeman and Chaim Leibovitz.[44]

Yaakov Neeman is a founding partner of Herzog, Fox and Neeman, Tel Aviv, one of Israel’s top law firms, and he has held Israeli government cabinet and ministerial positions.[45] Neeman is on the Advisory Board of Markstone Capital Group, a very influential group of investment bankers, with Eli Hurvitz. On the board of Israel’s Teva Pharmaceutical Industries with Eli Hurvitz is Northrup-Grumman director Philip Frost.[46] Both Philip Frost and Maurice Templesman are top-level councilors for the American Stock Exchange. Eli Hurvitz sat on the International Advisory Counsel ofHarvard University’s Belfer Center, 2002-2005, during the period when the Belfer Center and their intelligence operative Robert Rotberg formalized the “Kimberley Process” to officially whitewash blood diamonds.[47] Yakov Neeman is also a governor of the World Zionist Organization and Jewish Agency for Israel.

One of the main objectives of the Kimberley Process, and the Harvard Belfer Center’s role, was to protect the South African Oppenheimer and De Beers diamond cartels and their leading buyers and agents like Maurice Templesman and Beny Steinmetz.[48] Added to those diamond industry firms whitewashed by the Kimberley Process are all the Zionist diamond dealers and cartels that have risen like a phoenix out of the ashes of the Holocaust.

The Israeli-American enterprises of the Gertler/Steinmetz gang have proliferated and today are major shareholders or owners of diamond concessions in Congo’s Kasai province and copperbelt concessions in Katanga. The copperbelt is the big money in Congo. Copper prices recently hit an all time high due to monopoly control by corporations and new applications in transportation, aerospace and weaponry. Cobalt is used in dye and paint processes for manufacturing. More importantly, it is elemental to superalloys used for tank armor, spacecraft, turbines, ship hulls, ship hulls, blast furnaces, refineries, petroleum drilling rigs, nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. Like coltan, or columbium-tantalite, cobalt is also used in cell phone batteries. The Katanga copperbelt is also rich in germanium, a rare metal used in optical fibers, infrared lenses and telecommunication satellites.[49]

The entire military-industrial-prisons complex revolves around minerals like cobalt, niobium and heterogenite (cobalt oxide), yet the truth about what happens to African people in lands taken over by these mining companies is hidden by the corporate media. More and more land is being stolen, more and more atrocities committed, with less and less transparency, and less and less accountability, and fewer and fewer voices for the voiceless. And, as usual, there are always a lot of empty promises.


Over the past fifty years, elite Israeli nationals have perpetrated conflict and injustice in Africa, fueled by and for minerals. Operatives associated with the Israeli military or intelligence services—the Mossad—maintain strategic criminal syndicates in competition and in partnership with other syndicates involving men like Philippe De Moerloose, Louis Michel, Viscount Etienne Davignon, John Bredenkamp and Tony Buckingham.

Israeli trained shock troops became Mobutu’s bodyguards, with Mossad advisers. According to a report by the American Jewish Committee: after 1980 “Mossad agents, military emissaries, and a small group of private businessmen… replaced diplomats as Israel’s main interlocutors with African leaders and political (mainly opposition) groups.” The report cites rising involvement of private defense and security interests, especially in Angola, DRC and Central Africa Republic, since 1992.[50]

Israeli operatives and “businessmen” appear everywhere there is egregious suffering and dispossession. Dan Gertler’s forays into the bloody world of diamonds involve Israeli arms dealers Yair Klein, who is reportedly wanted by the U.S. for training Medellin drug-cartel militias inColombia, and Dov Katz.[51] Klein was convicted by Israel (1991) for his involvement with groups that targeted and assassinated Colombian politicians, journalists, and police. Jailed in Sierra Leonein 1999, Klein was a field representative for Gertler in war-torn Sierra Leone and Liberia. Gertler also mingles with the Russian Military Brotherhood, a group of “retired Russian generals whom Gertler describes as good friends.” [52],[53]

Retired Israeli Defense Forces Colonel Yair Klein reportedly organized arms for diamonds networks in Sierra Leone and Liberia after President Charles Taylor was deposed. In 1999 Klein was arrested in Sierra Leone on charges of smuggling arms to the rebel Revolutionary United Front.[54] The U.N. also documented collaborations between Sierra Leone’ rebels and Lazare Kaplan agent Damian Gagnon; Lazare Kaplan International is one of the organized crime syndicates of Jewish American Maurice Templesman.[55]

The Steinmetz Group of companies are also involved in the bloody diamond fields of Sierra Leone, along with Energem (formerly DiamondWorks), the company described above that is connected to the white mercenaries depicted in Hollywood’s Blood Diamond propaganda film.[56] In December 2007, local people in Sierra Leone struggling to gain the smallest livelihood from their own resources were shot by police during peaceful protests against the Steinmetz-controlled Koidu Holdings site. It’s the same old local people’s story, happening everywhere. These were people from communities driven off their own land by mining companies that promised the world, cajoled the trusting people, and gave nothing after. The Steinmetz gang called in the local paramilitary, a curfew was imposed and people were shot; the police, as usual, falsely claimed that protesters were armed.[57]

Like most mining mafias in Africa, the Israeli octopus—organized crime syndicates, offshore subsidiaries, interlocking directorships and affiliated mercenaries—has gripped the very heart of Congo like an octopus grips and stuns its prey. Mining regulates the pulse of Congo, and foreign mining companies with their black sell-out agents are sucking the blood out of the people and the wealth out of the land.


Beyond the intriguing Jewish rivalry for diamonds in the heart of darkness, this tale takes a chilling turn with the involvement of certain German firms and New York City lawyers. NIKANOR, another Gertler/Steinmetz company of dubious origins operating in DRC, has a subcontract with the notorious ThyssenKrupp conglomerate, a company comprised of two former Nazi weapons manufacturers linked to the New York law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, to Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., Lehman Brothers, Chase Manhattan Bank, J.P. Morgan, DuPont and IBM, in the great Nazi-American money plot.[58]

These companies were all behind the Jewish Holocaust. The infamous German Krupp firm is the industrial corporation that collaborated with former CIA director Allen Dulles and former U.S.Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Clients of the Dulles brothers’ law firm Sullivan and Cromwell included Adolph Hitler.[59] Ted Terry, one of the senior counselors of the law firm Sullivan and Cromwell today, is also a director of a philanthropy called the Harold K. Hochschild (HKH) Foundation, named for the mining magnate behind AMAX, a company operating in the copperbelt in Zambia, but whose parent company, Phelps Dodge, operates in Katanga, Congo. Harold K. Hochschild was close to the CIA, and he appears to have backed the Katanga succession in the 1960’s just as Dan Gertler in recent years backed the reorganization of power in Congo by force. Sullivan and Cromwell was also the law firm for AMAX. [60],[61]

Brown Brothers Harriman & Company (BBH) was the primary Wall Street connection for German companies and the U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen, an early financial backer of the Nazi party. BBH bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, steel, fuel, coal, and U.S. treasury bonds to Germany. These were used to build Hitler's war machine, and the ties proliferated even after the Nazi concentration camps began churning out skeletons. The horrors of the concentration camps atAuschwitz, Birkenau and Buckenwald became public knowledge long before they became public outrage. It is the same story for Congo.


There are no records or statistics of the numbers of people brutalized or killed in the diamond or cobalt mining areas, like KolweziMbuji Mayi, Tshikapa, Banalia, or Kananga in DRC, or Ndola inZambia, and many of the victims of security abuses will never be known.

When Gertler and Steinmetz and their buddies came to Congo it was soon clear that they had to challenge Zimbabwean tycoons John Bredenkamp and Billy Rautenbach—two cronies of dictator Robert Mugabe involved in pillaging Congo and Zimbabwe for decades. The United Nations Panel of Experts on DRC named both men for plundering copper and cobalt from Katanga, and both deal globally in weapons. Bredenkamp is one of the fifty richest men in England and he reportedly owns a mansion several doors down from Margaret Thatcher’s residence in London.

On November 7, 2007 it was reported that Dan Gertler was instrumental in putting together a deal in which Katanga Mining Ltd. would buy rival NIKANOR for $2.1 billion and merge their adjacent mine projects in Congo to form the world’s largest cobalt company. Also announced was a joint venture between the Central African Mining & Exploration Company (CAMEC) and another Gertler-controlled firm called Prairie International Limited.

The CAMEC/Prairie joint venture will exploit DRC’s Luita copper processing facility, develop the Mukondo Mountain cobalt mine—called the world's richest cobalt mine—and work on “other” exploration properties. Prairie is majority owned by the family of Dan Gertler. CAMEC is connected to Zimbabwean/South African/British tycoon Billy Rautenbach.[62] The DRC government effectively banned controversial Zimbabwean businessman Billy Rautenbach from the country by declaring himpersona non grata in July 2007, but this doesn’t seem to stop him from getting what he wants.Rautenbach is also wanted in South Africa on 300 charges of fraud, corruption and theft.
Rautenbach is a former motor car rally driver who controls a business empire in Southern and Central Africa through a British Virgin Islands company called Ridgepoint Overseas Development Limited. In 1998, the short-lived President of Congo, Laurent Kabila, named Rautenbach the managing director of La Générale des Carrières et des Mines (Gécamines), one of Africa's biggest cobalt mines, theKatanga properties of the Union Miniere de Haut Katanga formerly developed by the Belgian colonial government. Rautenbach today is one of the Africa's largest exporters of heterogenite (cobalt ore) from the DRC through his Congo Cobalt Company (CoCoCo), but he also has shares in two other lucrative DRC mining firms—Boss and Mukondo—which reportedly earn over US$100 million a month.[63]
While there has been a lot of Western media fanfare over the Kabila governments’ supposed “independent” review of mining contracts, little substantive change can be expected.[64] Structural factors exploit the Congolese people and lands and benefit white businessmen, arms dealers, bankers, and their embraceable black agents. Big business benefits from perception management articles well-placed in media to give the impression that the international system is just, that there are watchdogs, checks and balances.

However, while the DRC and the World Bank present a propaganda front about their ostensible attention to mining reform and the new mining code, NIKANOR—Mining Journal reports—“is in the advantageous position of having entered into a post mining-code contract, ‘which makes us [NIKANOR] relatively comfortable’” [65] In other words, the mining review is a sham, it may force some changes, but it will be cosmetic at best.

Dan Gertler and the Steinmetz Group’s partner Jewish-American Nir Livnat is also a director of Anglovaal Mining with Rick and Brian Menell and Basil Hersov of the South African Menell and Hersov dynasties.[66] Hersov has been named as a beneficiary of fraud and racketeering involving British BAE Systems weapons deals with shady offshore companies.[67]

The octopus of South African connections is a story in itself, with links to top officials from Britain toCanada, like Canadian Senator J. Trevor Eyton, and offshore mining companies involved in all the big money (diamonds, gold, petroleum, cobalt) and big corporations with interlocking directorships: Coca Cola, Nestlé, General Motors, and the Bush-connected Barrick Gold Corporation. Barrick, of course, is partnered up with the Oppenheimer/De Beers firm Anglo-American Corporation at six sites in Africa, including Congo.

Rick Menell is a director of Bateman Engineering—owned by Benny Steinmetz—the junior partner of the NIKANOR projects in KatangaBritain’s Earl of Balfour is a director of both Bateman and NIKANOR. Menell is also the director of Teal Exploration and Mining, whose directors include Joaquim Chissano, former President of Mozambique; Murray Hitzman, a Clinton administration official with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (1994-1996); Hannes Meyer, who worked with Anglo-Gold Ashanti in Congo, 1999-2006, when militias in Ituri were funded to get the gold out. Teal Exploration also has ties to Anvil Mining and Anglo-American Corporation.[68]

Brian Menell, Nir Livnat’s associate on the board of Anglovaal, is on the board of Energem (formerly DiamondWorks) with Tony and Mario Teixeira. The Livnat connection ties Teixeira into networks that have supported both Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba in Congo’s bloody wars. Energem is also involved in the trans-Uganda-Kenya pipeline, along with Nexant, a subsidiary of the deep intelligence and defense insider Bechtel Corporation.[69]

Brian Menell is also on the board of First Africa Oil, which operates in seven African countries, and First Africa Oil director John Bentley is a director of Osprey Oil and Gas, whose directors include Carol Bell, a director of the Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank. Bentley is also on the board of Adastra Minerals—formerly America Mineral Fields (AMF, AMFI, AMX), a company based in 1995 in Hope, Arkansas—and set up by Robert Friedland and Max and Jean-Raymond Boulle, notable “friends of Bill” Clinton. Since 1995, American Mineral Fields has been involved in BrazilRussia,NorwayZambiaAngola and the DRC. A criminal backer of the war in DRC, Jean-Raymond Boulle, who holds 36.4 % of the company stock, was the former General Director of De Beers in Zaire, part of the Templesman alliance of terrorism under the Mobutu regime.[70],[71]

The Gertler/Steinmetz interests apparently curry huge favors with Congo’s number two most powerful man, Augustine Katumba Mwanke, one of Joseph Kabila’s closest allies and financiers, former Governor of Katanga (1998-2001) and director of Australia’s Anvil Mining. The UN Panel of Experts (2002) cited Mwanke for illegal arms deals and plunder of Congo: Mwanke negotiated arms purchases through Belgian banks and the DRC mining company MIBA.[72] Reportedly, Mwanke personally clears $US 1,000,000 a day through his interests in Katanga mining deals.[73]

Anvil Mining has been involved in massacres in DRC.[74] Anvil directors include former U.S. Ambassador Kenneth L. Brown, who served at U.S. embassies in BrusselsKinshasa,Congo-Brazzaville and South Africa. Brown was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Africa(1987-1989) under George Schultz and George H.W. Bush and Director of Central African Affairs (1980-1981). The former top internal intelligence and security chief of the United Nations Observer’s Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) has been worked for Anvil mining in Katanga since 2006.[75]


Gertler/Steinmetz interests have also been jostling for copper and cobalt concessions with Kinross-Forrest Group. Gertler has bought up or invested heavily in companies just to close them down. George Forrest also made the UN hit list of Congo’s looters and Forrest and his three sons helped bankroll Joseph Kabila’s 2006 election “victory”.[76] George Forrest’s daughter is reportedly married to the son of Louis Michel. Malta and George Forrest are controlling directors in Katanga Mining Limited.

Born as Entreprise Générale Malta Forrest, the Belgian Forrest interests have been pillars of exploitation in Congo since at least 1922, when they launched mining operations in Katanga. Forrest’s Katanga Mining directors include: three Canadians; Congo’s Jean-Claude Masangu Mulongo, a former Governor of DRC and high official at the IMF and World Bank; and the current Governor of the Central Bank of DRC. The Forrest dynasty has munitions factories in Belgium andKenya, and has partnered with OM-Group, in Ohio [USA], dealing in Congo’s cobalt and coltan. Forrest International also operates in Europe, Burundi—involving him on both sides of Congo’s bloody war—and the Middle East.[77] Forrest interests in DRC include aviation, foods, plantations, construction, logging, copper and cobalt mining. Forrest companies are enmeshed in the coltan plunder in eastern Congo.

Katanga is the world’s richest mining metropolis, part of the vast copper belt that stretches across northern Zambia and southern Congo—and the home to unprecedented human misery due to state orchestrated repression and communities overrun with toxic mining, tuberculosis, cancers, immune disorders, racial discrimination and slavery. The Zambian copperbelt concessions over the border involve many of the same companies and interests mentioned above, and others.[78]

Workers and communities in and around these mines suffer all the standard treatable maladies (typhoid, malaria, tetanus, polio, malnutrition) as well. However, such stories are off the agenda for the North American, European, Japanese, Australian and Israeli media corporations providing the mainstay of English language indoctrination meant to instill racial superiority and a vast ignorance and obliviousness that leaves westerns populations shaking their heads and wringing their hands and clicking their tongues, while all the while wondering “what is to be done?” It does not cross people’s minds that their own hands are dirty, that their own consciousness has been falsified, as all the raw materials from Congo enrich the lives of people in the United StatesCanada, Europe andIsrael.

The immediate capital investment required for just one Gertler project in Katanga—the Komoto Oliveira Virgule (KOV) project—is reportedly $US 1.8 billion dollars, income to kick start billions of dollars of unused equipment mothballed in the middle Mobutu era. There are rumors that Bechtel is involved, but the KOV project involves ThyssenKrupp AG as a minor player.[79]

The Krupp firm is one of several German firms involved in the plunder in eastern Congo, exploitation which involves the DeutscheGesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit—GTZ—a “German technological cooperation agency” whose Supervisory Board has representatives of four Federal [German] Ministries.[80] Krupp industries use coltan and cobalt for superalloys.[81] Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard D. Schultz, a ThyssenKrupp director, is also a director of Bayer AG, the Germany firm whose subsidiary H.C. Starck was named for its involvement in the ongoing illegal plunder of coltan and cassiterite (tin) in eastern Congo. NIKANOR director Jay Pomrenze is also a consultant for the Deutsche Bank.[82] Certain German and U.S. firms benefit from the military occupation of Rwandan-backed warlord Laurent Nkunda in North Kivu, DRC, where Nkunda controls the Lueshe niobium mine “owned” by Gesellschaft fuer Elektrometallurgie GmbH, a subsidiary of New York-based Mettalurg Group.[83], [84]


Dan Gertler’s grandfather, Moshe Schnitzer (d. November 2007), was known in Israel as “Mr. Diamond;” in youth he joined the pre-state underground organization Etzel (Irgoun), an Israeli military cell self-defined as an “untra-nationationalist Jewish militia,” but one that committed acts of terrorism in service to the Israeli cause.[85] Moshe Schnitzer assumed a major role in the Africa-Israeli diamond trade in the 1950’s in a partnership business called Schnitzer-Greenstein. Schnitzer later founded the Israel Diamond Exchange in Tel Aviv in 1960, which today brings Israel $14 billion annually in blood business, and is the country’s second-largest industry, but Israel’s top export. King Leopold III of Belgium decorated Schnitzer in recognition of his activities favoring the close relationship of BelgiumIsrael and the DeBeers diamond cartels, and Schnitzer was also President of the Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Museum in Israel.[86] 

The diamond jewelry trade in the United States is more than $30 billion annually, and 99%—everything that is not synthetic or artificial diamonds—involves blood diamonds and the above organized crime syndicates. Israel buys more than 50% of the world’s rough diamonds, and theU.S. buys two-thirds of these. The diamond factories are located in Nethanya, Petach Tikvah, Tel Aviv, Ramat GanJerusalem, and other cities around the country, but most of the offices were in Tel Aviv in the financial district on Ahad Ha'am Street.[87]  Dan Gertler’s father, Asher Gertler, and his uncle, Shmuel Schnitzer, manage the original family business, and Shmuel is Vice-Chairman of the Belgian-based World Diamond Council—the entity that spends more money promoting the false image of “conflict-free” diamonds than it does helping any of the people dispossessed or brutalized by the diamond industry.[88]

On August 16, 2007 Rabbi Bentolila in Kinshasa received a communication asking: “What does the Torah say about men exploiting other men for vast profits while other men are starving and dying all around them? Is there some hierarchy to the Torah that suggests, for example, that black people or Africans are lesser beings, and therefore not to be a concern where profound profits are being made?”

There was no reply from Rabbi Bentolila, he was apparently busy readying for another Bar Mitsvah inBelgium. Unfortunately for Dan Gertler and his spiritual advisers, the Torah says that a Jew can keep a slave, but a Jew kept as a slave must be redeemed, and that—an empty, foolish justification for exploiting innocent people—is how religion falsifies spirituality. ~

[1] In January 2008 the International Rescue Committee, who is also discussed in this article, released its second survey of mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo, estimating that 5,400,000 people have died, or some 1500 people every day. Mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: an Ongoing Crisis, International Rescue Committee, January 2008, <http://www.theirc.org/special-report/congo-forgotten-crisis.html>. However, IRC statistics are highly biased and politicized. See: keith harmon snow, “Over Five Million Dead in Congo?” All Things Pass, January 3, 2008, <http://www.allthingspass.com/journalism.php?catid=71>.
[2] Personal interview, Democratic Republic of Congo, August 2006.
[3] keith harmon snow, “Warlord’s Deadly Battle, Toward Freedom, 2007.
[4] Officers: Antonio Teixeira, President & CEO; Robert G. Rainey, CFO; Brett Thompson, COO, Mining; Dimitri (Jimmy) Kanakakis, Vice President, Corporate & Legal Affairs; Bernard Poznanski, Corporate Secretary; Board Members: Brian Menell, Richard Dorfman, Bruce Holmes, Robert Rainey, Antonio Teixeira, <www.energem.com>.
[5] See: “Africa/Diamonds: Rough diamonds,” Africa Confidential, 5 March 2004, Vol. 45, No. 5; and “Equatorial Guinea: All Theft is Property,” Africa Confidential, 17 Nov. 2006, Vol. 47, No. 23: p. 12.
[6] Tim Hoare, the head of the advisers that launched it, Canaccord Adams, sits alongside rock star and champion of Africa Bob Geldof on the board of the television-production company Ten Alps. See: Ben Laurance, “Energy firm link to blood diamonds,”The Sunday Times, December 30, 2007.
[7] See: keith harmon snow, “A People’s History of Congo’s Jean-Pierre Bemba,” Toward Freedom, September 18, 2007.
[8] Yossi Melman and Asaf Carmel, “Diamond in the rough,” March 24, 2005, <www.haaretz.com>.
[9] Yossi Melman and Asaf Carmel, “Diamond in the rough,” March 24, 2005, <www.haaretz.com>.
[10] See: keith harmon snow, “Congo’s President Joseph Kabila: Dynasty or Travesty?”Toward Freedom, November 13, 2007, <http://towardfreedom.com/home/content/view/1171/1/>.
[11] Private interview, Kinshasa, August 2006.
[12] See: “Terror in the Diamond Fields: Excessive Force and Impunity in the DRC,” Amnesty International Canada, <http://www.amnesty.ca/realsecurity/DRC.php>;Democratic Republic of Congo: Government should investigate human rights violations in the Mbuji Mayi diamond fields, Amnesty International, October 22, 2002;
[13] Making a Killing: The Diamond Trade in Government Controlled DRC, Amnesty International, 2002, AFR 62/017/2002 22/10/2002.
[14] See: “ICEM protests Congo’s Transport, Diamond Injustices,” International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Worker’s Union, May 7, 2007, <http://www.icem.org/en/78-ICEM-InBrief/2243-ICEM-protests-Congo%E2%80%99s-Transport-Diamond-Injustices>.
[17] Private communication, Rabbi Chlomo Bentolila, August 16, 2007.
[18] “Lag Baomer in Kinshasa,” June 2005, <www.hassidout.org/page_derniere26.htm>.
[19] “Visite de l’Ambassadeur Revah a’ Kinshasa,” Kadima 010, June-September 2007, <>.
[20] See: keith harmon snow, “Behind the Scenes: Warlord’s Deadly Battle in Congo,”Toward Freedom, August 9, 2007.
[21] Nicole Gaouette, "Inside Israel's diamond trade: a family affair," Christian Science Monitor, 21 February 2002, <http://www.boycottisraeligoods.org/modules6437.php>.
[22] Yitzhak Danon, Top Israelis accused of illegal diamond deals: Israel: Lawsuit claims corruption in Congo diamonds for arms deal,” Globes (Israel), 18 February 2004,<http://www.minesandcommunities.org/Action/press269.htm>. See also: “Column One: What Lieberman Wants,” Jerusalem Post, October 20, 2006. <http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1159193481395&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FPrinter>.
[23] Christian Dietrich, Blood Diamonds: Effective African-Based Monopolies, African Security Review, Vol. 10, No 3., 2001, <http://www.iss.co.za/ASR/10No3/Dietrich.html>.
[24] Yitzhak Danon, Top Israelis accused of illegal diamond deals: Israel: Lawsuit claims corruption in Congo diamonds for arms deal,” Globes (Israel), 18 February 2004,
[25] Yitzhak Danon, Top Israelis accused of illegal diamond deals: Israel: Lawsuit claims corruption in Congo diamonds for arms deal,” Globes (Israel), 18 February 2004,<http://www.minesandcommunities.org/Action/press269.htm>. See also: “Column One: What Lieberman Wants,” Jerusalem Post, October 20, 2006. <http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1159193481395&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FPrinter>.
[26] See: keith harmon snow, “Behind the Scenes: Warlord’s Deadly Battle in Congo,”Toward Freedom, August 9, 2007. The Angolan military protected Kinshasa during the so-called “rebellion” involving Rwanda and Uganda. The Angolans do not like the Rwandans or Ugandans due to their military and commercial relations with Angolan rebels, the União Nacionalpara a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA), and because Rwandan and Ugandan soldiers invaded Angola after their failed bid to control theCongo’s strategic Inga Dam power station and Matadi port between 1998 and 2001.Angola sent troops to Congo in July and August 2006, and there were black Angolan troops amongst the European Union mercenary forces—EUFOR—sent to quell any possible rebellions during the “historic national elections.” Angola also sent troops toCongo to back Kabila during the warlord’s deadly battle of March 2007.
[27] “Presidential Chopper,” Africa Confidential, Vol. 47 Number 23, November 17, 2006.
[28] See: Overseas Security Services Congo sprl web site, <www.oss-congo.com>.
[29] See: Overseas Security Services Congo sprl web site, <www.oss-congo.com>.
[30] OSS-Congo owner Philippe de Moerloose communicated with this author after his name appeared in a prior story mentioning OSS-Congo and offered to meet in Europe and provide the author with the “correct” information about his companies operations inCongo. Repeated communications with De Moerloose seeking clarifications and information for this story were not answered.
[32] Lior Chorev, The First [DRC] Diamond Polishing Plant to Move into Full Production, Press Release,  DGI Group of Companies, January 11, 2005, <http://www.pressemeldinger.no/read.asp?RecNo=8106>.
[33] ARAD Communications web site,
[34] Private communication, Lior Chorev, January 19, 2008.
[35] See: keith harmon snow, “Over Five Million Dead in Congo?” January 30, 2008.
[36] Private email communication, Lior Chorev, January 19, 2008. See also: Gil Hoffman, “Olmert, Netanyahu Rivalry Gets Personal,” Israel.jpost.com, March 26, 2006; “Sharon allies and foes joust over new party as March 28 elections are set,” Associated Press, November 22, 2005,  <http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Politics/7095.htm>; 
[37] NATO Transformation, the Mediterranean Dialog, and NATO-Israel Relations, October 23, 2006, <http://www.nato.int/med-dial/2006/registered_participants_isr.pdf>.
[38] Yossi Melman and Asaf Carmel, “Diamond in the Rough,” Haaretz.com, March 24, 2005.
[39] The Olayan Group web site: <http://www.olayangroup.com/directory.asp>.
[40] The Steinmetz Group, http://www.steinmetz-group.com/>. 
[41] Gil Hoffman, “Politics; Unconscious Legacy,” Jerusalem Post, features.jpost.com, January 3, 2008.
[42] Gil Hoffman, “Politics; Unconscious Legacy,” Jerusalem Post, features.jpost.com, January 3, 2008.
[43] United Nations Panel of Experts Confidential Report.
[44] Under the contract Emaxon granted Miba loans totaling $5-million in 2003, and a further $10-million subsequently. In exchange, Emaxon gained rights to 88% of Miba’s production at a discount, formally, of 5%.
[45] Herzog, Fox and Neeman web site: <http://www.hfn.co.il/pages/lawyers/neemany.htm>.
[47] See: keith harmon snow and Rick Hines, “Blood Diamond: Doublethink and Deception About those Worthless Little Rocks of Desire,” Z Magazine, June and July, 2007.
[48] On Neeman and Hurvitz, see Markstone Capital Group, <http://www.markstonecapital.com/markstone2_5.htm>; on Robert Rotberg, Maurice Templesman and the Harvard Belfer Center, see: keith harmon snow and Rick Hines, “Blood Diamond: Doublethink and Deception About those Worthless Little Rocks of Desire,” Z Magazine, June and July, 2007.
[49] Criminal rackets known to the United Nations security were or some time illegally shipping uranium and cobalt out of Katanga by road to Zimbabwe and Tanzania (private interview, U.N. Official, 2006).
[50] Israel and Africa: Assessing the Past, Envisioning the Future, The Africa Institute American Jewish Committee and The Harold Hartog School Tel Aviv University, May 2006.
[51] Ron Ben-Yishai and Molly Camprier-Kritz, “The Murder Request Went to the Wrong Address,” Yediot
Aharonot weekend supplement on 19 September 1999.
[52] Nicole Gaouette, “Inside Israel's diamond trade: a family affair,” Christian Science Monitor, 21 February 2002, <http://www.boycottisraeligoods.org/modules6437.php>.
[53] For a discussion of the veracity of these facts and more on the “Russian Military Brotherhood” see: Central Africa Minerals and Arms Research Bulletin, Edition 2, International Peace Information Service, June 18, 2001.
[54] Jimmy Johnson, "Israelis and Hezbollah Haven’t Always Been Enemies," Appearing in Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions USA, 6 September 2006, <>.
[55] Report of the Panel of Experts Appointed Pursuan2t to UN Security Council Resolution 1306 (2000), Paragraph 19, in Relation to Sierra Leone, December 2000, <http://www.sierra-leone.org/panelreport-I.html>.
[56] Energem web site: <http://www.energem.com/energem_logistics_industrial.html>; and also: keith harmon snow and Rick Hines, “Blood Diamond: Doublethink and Deception About those Worthless Little Rocks of Desire,” Z Magazine, June and July, 2007.
[58] Charles Higham, Trading With The Enemy: The Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949, Delacorte Press, 1983.
[59] Charles Hingham, Trading With The Enemy: The Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949, Delacorte Press, 1983.
[60] Susan Mazur, “Deeper Into the Dillon-Euphronios Nexus with David N. Gibbs,”SCOOP, April 26, 2006, <http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0604/S00323.htm>.
[61] David Gibbs, The Political Economy of Third World Intervention: Mines, Money andU.S. Policy in the Congo CrisesUniversity of Chicago Press, 1991.
[62] Eric Onstad, “UPDATE 2-CAMEC shares soar after agrees Congo joint venture,”Reuters, Nov. 7, 2007.
[63] Brenna Chigonga, “Zimbabwe: Meet Country’s Richest People,” The Herald, July 14, 2007.
[64] See: Maurice Carney, “Congo’s Contract Review,” Pambazuka News, January 17, 2008.
[65] Martin Creamer, “Funded NIKANOR presses on with $1,8bn copper mine, refinery,”Mining Weekly, September 21, 2007.
[66] Julie Walker, “Hersovs and Menells are in no hurry to yield control of Anglovaal,”Sunday Times,  <http://www.btimes.co.za/98/0517/comp/comp17.htm>.
[67] Evelyn Groenink, “Arms deal: Who got R1bn in pay-offs?” Mail & Guardian, January 12, 2007, < http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=295457&area=/insight/insight__national/>.
[68] Teal Exploration & Mining web site:  <http://www.tealmining.com/tp/brief.asp>.
[69] Press Release: Kenya-Uganda Oil Products Pipeline, Kenya-Uganda Joint Co-coordinating Commission for Extension of Oil Pipeline, August 17, 2005, <http://www.energyandminerals.go.ug/Press%20Release_Oil%20PipeLine%20Extension.pdf>; see also: Energem web site: <http://www.energem.com/energem_corporate_info.html>.
[70] François Misser and Olivier Vallée, “Des matières premières toujours convoitées. Les nouveaux acteurs du secteur minier Africain,” Le Monde Diplomatique, May 1998, p.24-25; also Wayne Madsen, Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa, 1993-1999, Mellon Press, 1999.
[71] Diamond Fields International Management: <http://www.diamondfields.com/s/Management.asp>.
[72] ‘Inculpations à la Belgolaise’, Le Libre Belgique, 4 June 2004.
[73] Private interview, Kinshasa, DRC, April 2007.
[74] Norm Dixon, “Congo Massacre: Australian mining company's managers indicted,”Green Left Review, November 4, 2006 <http://www.greenleft.org.au/2006/689/35790>.
[75] His name is known, but he threatened to track down and break the author’s legs if he is revealed.
[76] See: Barry Sergeant, “NIKANOR’s Quandry: Meet Dan the Man, King of the Congo,” MoneyWeb, 4 April 2007, < http://www.moneyweb.co.za/mw/view/mw/en/page1329?oid=84351&sn=Detail>; “Congo Kinshasa: After the Election" Africa Confidential, Vol. 47, No. 23, 17 Nov. 2006; and United Nations Security Council Report to the Secretary General, S/2003/1027, 23 October 2003.
[77] George Forrest International, <http://www.forrestgroup.com/uk/home.html>.
[78] Personal investigation, NdolaZambia copperbelt mines, 2000.
[79] http://www.nikanor.co.uk/default.asp?page=15
[80] These are: the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ); Federal Foreign Office; Federal Ministry of Finance; and Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor. Since 1998 the Supervisory Board Chairman has been State Secretary Erich Stather from the BMZ.
[81] Karen Hayes and Richard Burge, Coltan Mining in the Democratic Republic ofCongo: How tantalum-using industries can commit to the reconstruction of the DRC, Fauna & Flora Int’l, 2003.
[82] NIKANOR web site.
[83] Metallurg Group <www.metallurg.com>.
[84] See keith harmon snow, “Three Cheers for Eve Ensler? Propaganda, White Collar Crime, and Sexual Violence in Eastern Congo,” Z Magazine on-line (Z-Net), October 24, 2007.
[85] Yossi Melman and Asaf Carmel, “Diamond in the Rough,” Haaretz.com, March 24, 2005.
[86] “Moshe Schnitzer: Un Legende s’en est Allee,” Kadima 010, June-September 2007, <>.
[87] “The Israel Diamond Exchange - Kiryat Moshe Schnitzer”, Diamond Key, 2002, <http://www.diamond-key.com/diamonds-newsletter/>.
[88] Nicole Gaouette, “Inside Israel's diamond trade: a family affair,” Christian Science Monitor, 21 February 2002, <http://www.boycottisraeligoods.org/modules6437.php>.