Friday, February 26, 2016

521 Bellingcat, Joost Niemöller, Sergey Mastepanov.

Western Propaganda keeps repeating its vague and unproven accusations to Russia and Putin.

Bellingcat is one of their assets.  Litvineko is another one.  As they have nothing, theyrepeat and repeat the old information, always from a new angle.

I find it a waste of time  to study it all, but I think I should mention it once in a while.

Below is a recent article from Joost Niemuller, Dutch journalist and blogger.

He refers to a Russian investigator who proved that Bellingcat uses photoshop as the basis for their 'proof'.

If some reader would take the time to check the material that this Russian investigator                       Sergey Mastepanov has brought up. please tell me so in a comment below. 

Brekend: bukvideo’s #MH17 in media blijken fake!

fakeDoor Joost Niemöller
Vandaag verscheen een ‘rapport’ van de blogger Bellingcat, waarin wordt beweerd dat de raket die MH17 neergeschoten zou hebben, rechtstreeks van Poetin komt, en dat we zelfs al zouden weten welke Russische legereenheid erbij betrokken zou zijn. Er worden namen genoemd. Dat dit rapport eraan zou komen, was al enige tijd bekend. Bellingcat kondigde het aan en zei erbij dat journalisten onder embargo het rapport eerder konden kijken. Uiteraard vroeg ik dat rapport ook aan. Uiteraard kreeg ik het niet. Ik hoor nu eenmaal niet bij de willige idioten.
Vandaag blijkt ook hoe perfect Bellingcat zijn pr voor elkaar heeft. Het rapport werd in de grote Nederlandse kranten en media zonder een woord van kritiek overgenomen. Ook de van te voren ingestoken interviewtjes met de medewerkers van Bellingcat, krijgen we er gratis bij cadeau. Alleen bij RTL Nieuws blijkt er nu toch enige lichte twijfel gekomen. Het woord van Bellingcat is hier ineens niet meer het woord van God.
Bellingcat heeft al in meerdere publicaties gewezen op mogelijke betrokkenheid van Rusland bij het neerhalen van MH17. Maar ook in dit rapport worden wederom geen waterdichte bewijzen geleverd. Het onderzoeksplatform geeft zelf aan te werken volgens het principe van de ‘plausibele hypothese’. Het resultaat is een rapport vol met beweringen en aannames: het zou kunnen dat…
Bellingcat schotelde ons al snel na de aanslag de sporen van een verdacht BUK-transport voor, terwijl geen enkele schakel in de keten van het BUK-transport boven alle twijfel is verheven. Toch zijn er aanvankelijk weinig vragen bij gesteld. De burgerjournalisten van Bellingcat groeiden uit tot MH17-agendasetters van de gevestigde (westerse) media. De gaten in de theorie namen we voor lief.
Een journalist die zelf nadenkt. Dat is winst.
Van Rossum van Geenstijl lijkt inmiddels niet meer goed te weten wat hij ervan moet denken. Dat is een begin, zullen we dan maar zeggen.
Hoe is dat toch allemaal mogelijk? Een stille woede maakt zich steeds weer meester van mij als ik dit allemaal zo lees. Deze anti-Poetin campagne is zo sterk dat er kennelijk bijna geen enkele journalist in Nederland nog het verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel heeft dat het achterhalen van de waarheid ook in het belang is van de nabestaanden. Maar ook dat er hier een politiek spel wordt gespeeld om het komende referendum te beïnvloeden.
Bellingcat zelf zit inmiddels al een tijdje op een andere lijn als dat hij eerst zat. Eerst wilde hij aantonen dat er zich daadwerkelijk een Buk installatie bevond in het separatistische gebied op het moment van de aanslag, en dat deze Buk vanuit Rusland binnen gesmokkeld zou zijn, en er vervolgens weer uitgereden. Dat zou ‘aangetoond’ zijn middels vele fotootjes en videobeeldjes die op het internet verschenen. De Nederlandse journalistiek nam niet de moeite eens na te gaan wat het waarheidsgehalte is van die fotootjes en filmpjes. Het paste te goed in het anti-Poetin frame. Opvallend aan dit nieuwe, vandaag gepresenteerde Bellingcat ‘rapport’ (PDF) is dat we deze foto’s en video’s niet meer terugzien. We zien nu alleen nog de Russen. Dat wil zeggen: Geplukt van datzelfde internet. Dat is typerend voor de ‘methode Bellingcat’. Wanneer hij betrapt wordt op leugens, laat hij eerder ‘bewijs’ gewoon liggen en komt hij met iets nieuws. Het produceren van materiaal voor de Westerse MSM is zijn corebussines. Daar bestaat een enorme honger voor ‘nieuws’ met steeds dezelfde insteek: Het was Poetin. Het was Poetin. Het was Poetin.
Gelukkig zijn er ook burgerjournalisten die de moeite nemen om het gepresenteerde ‘bewijs’ op internet aan eigen onderzoek te onderwerpen. Zo’n burgerjournalist is bijvoorbeeld de bij mij bekende, zeer zorgvuldig opererende, Sergey Mastepanov. Hij presenteerde gisteren een uitgebreid onderzoek naar de op het internet gepresenteerde videobeeldjes van de zogenaamd geziene Buk in seperatistengebied. Dat deed hij na eerst zo’n even degelijk onderzoek gepresenteerd te hebben over de gepresenteerde fotootjes op het internet, waarover we geacht worden de Buk te zien. Uiteraard werd dit onderzoek van Sergey Mastepanov in de media  genegeerd. Want hier is ‘burgerjournalistiek’ alleen relevant als het van Bellingcat komt.
Het gaat hier om de plaatjes en de video’s die door diezelfde media zonder terughouding gebracht zijn, die deels komen van Bellingcat, deels van de regering in Kiev, en die in alle gevallen terug te voeren zijn op zeer mistige bronnen. Sergey Mastepanov reconstrueerde niet alleen dat alle getoonde beelden door fotoshop tot stand zijn gekomen, maar hij volgde ook de weg terug naar die bronnen. Werk dat goed betaalde journalisten van grote kranten en televisie organisaties ook hadden kunnen doen, maar wat werd nagelaten. Het is zo makkelijk om het kant- en klare werk van Bellingcat over te schrijven! Zelfs nadat werd aangetoond door het Duitse weekblad Die Zeit dat Bellingcat een manipulator is. Ik schreefhier al eerder over.
Het is dus de vraag of we hier nog wel kunnen spreken van luiheid bij de mainstream journalisten. Het lijkt er meer op dat deze journalisten domweg te kwader trouw zijn. Bellingcat is ontmaskerd, en toch blijft Bellingcat een betrouwbare bron. Wat hen beweegt weet ik niet. Maar veel goeds kan het niet zijn. Het continu inspuiten van anti-Poetin gif kan maar één gevolg hebben: oorlog. De Europese burgers zullen van deze oorlog het eerste slachtoffer zijn.
Laten we eens kijken wat Sergey Mastepanov precies zegt over de video’s en de foto’s. Allereerst over de video’s.
Er zijn drie videootjes waarin we zo op het oog een Buk zien rijden, kennelijk door separatistengebied. (Daarnaast zijn er vier foto’s) Dit materiaal is zeer snel na de crash van MH17 ge-uploaded op het internet.
Sergey Mastepanov bewijst over de video’s die via de televisie in alle Nederlanders huiskamers binnen zijn gekomen en zo de geesten van de Nederlanders hebben vergiftigd, dat het  om gemanipuleerd materiaal gaat.
-Bij alle video’s is de kwaliteit zeer slecht, en zijn er modderige beelden ontstaan.
-We zien, met uitzondering van een video, de zogenaamde Buk op zeer grote afstand, en vanuit een beperkte hoek.
-Nergens zie je de wielen draaien van de kennelijke truck waarop de Buk vervoerd zou worden.
-De truck met de Buk is slechts vier seconden te zien.
-Twee video’s werden ge-uploaded via een anoniem account, waarop verder geen andere video’s te zien zijn. Bij één ervan gebeurde dat al op de dag van de aanslag. De derde video werd gebracht door de Oekraïense autoriteiten. Het is bewezen dat de Oekraïense autoriteiten welbewust de locaties manipuleerden van deze ‘Buk-video’s’:
All three videos have problems suggesting that the vehicles, including the Buk launcher, were added into the videos with the help of photo and video manipulation software, such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects. The vehicles in the videos are most likely just photoshopped images. The videos have common characteristics: the vehicles have low picture quality and are blurry, they are shown at a far distance (excluding the Luhansk video), at a limited angle, you cannot see the wheels spinning of any vehicles, and in two videos, the truck with the Buk are visible only for about four seconds. Two videos were uploaded by anonymous accounts that have no other videos, one of which was created on the day of the incident. The third video was uploaded by Ukrainian officials. Evidence exists of deliberate deception by Ukrainian officials concerning the location of the area shown in the Luhansk video.
Zeer verdacht is de eerste video van de Buk, die zich in de omgeving van Snizhe zou bevinden, de plek waar volgens de Amerikaanse propaganda de Buk afgeschoten zou zijn. (Maar van het lanceren in dit bewoonde gebied werd nooit enig sluitend bewijs gevonden.) De ‘Buk’ op de video verdwijnt al snel achter een boom en op dat moment is er door een fout een duidelijk fotoshop effect te zien: De boom en de Buk worden namelijk kaarsrecht van elkaar afgesneden. Bladeren en takken verdwijnen als door een wonder. (Ook blijkt de Buk ineens een stuk kleiner wanneer hij weer achter de boom verschijnt!) Deze video verscheen op de dag van de crash op een anoniem account zonder andere activiteiten en verdween daar weer na een paar uur. Het hoofd van de Oekraïense geheime dienst toonde deze video de volgende dag tijdens een persconferentie:
The copy at the highest resolution (1088 x 1920) shows a video artifact when the Buk is moving behind the tree, which looks like something that can appear due to an error in the fake video-making process in After Effects, rather than because of some video compression. The video was uploaded to YouTube by an anonymous account within a few hours after MH17 was shot down. The account was created on the same day and has no other activity. The video’s title said that this is the weapon that shot down MH17, as well as the place (Snizhne), and the date (July 17, 2014). The uploader removed the video within a few hours. The head of the Security Service of Ukraine showed the video the next day at a press conference.
Ook veel vertoond in de media is de video van een Buk in de buurt van de plaats Zuhres. De opnamen hiervoor zouden plaatsgevonden hebben op 17 juli, de dag van de crash. Maar er kan betrekkelijk eenvoudig aangetoond worden dat de windrichting op de video niet overeenkomt met de werkelijke windrichting op die dag. Het kan ook eenvoudig aangetoond worden dat de zogenaamd bewegende Bukin werkelijkheid een foto is van een Buk, die wordt voortbewogen over een rechte lijn, na enkele eenvoudige automatische bewerkingen waarvoor software bestaat. Ook deze video verscheen op een anoniem account, waarop verder geen andere video’s stonden. Er stond zelfs geen titel bij, zodat hij onmogelijk te vinden was voor iemand die het bestaan ervan niet kende. Toch werd het bestaan van de video verspreid door een pro-Oekraïens Twitter account. En ineens verschenen er toen wel gegevens bij. Hierna nam Bellingcat de video over. De video was op 22 juli nog niet bij het grote publiek bekend. Maar al op 19 juli brachten de Oekraïense autoriteiten een screenshot van deze video, samen met een foto van een tank en van een open vrachtwagen met personen, die zich ogenschijnlijk op dezelfde weg bevond. Deze twee andere voertuigen, die suggereren dat het hier om een militair konvooi met een Buk zouden gaan, zijn op de video zelf niet te zien. De video werd van het anonieme account verwijderd in maart 2015. De verwijzingen naar het account via een anoniem Twitter account werden al op 28 augustus verwijderd:
In the video, the wind is blowing from the south, but in Zuhres, on the day when this video was allegedly recorded at (July 17, 2014), the wind was blowing from the east or northeast. In the stabilized version of the video, the truck and the Buk look like mostly just an image moving from one location to another. The video was uploaded on July 17, 2014 on YouTube, had no description, and had “IMG 0647” as title. The uploader added the description between July 23 and July 27, 2014, which said, “coordinates of this and other videos: [link].” The account is anonymous and has no other videos. Between July 17 and July 22, 2014, a Twitter user named 3Andryu sent a message to a blogger named Ukraine@War that had the link to the Zuhres video and details, such as the coordinates, the date and time the video was recorded at. The tweet was retweeted by another user to Bellingcat on July 22. There doesn’t seem to be any copies of this video uploaded to YouTube before July 21, 2014, which means that the public was not aware of the video until around July 22, 2014. On July 19, 2014, Ukrainian spokesman showed a cropped screenshot from the Zuhres video at a press conference before the video was publicized, but not the video. He also did not say that it was Zuhres and showed a tank and a truck loaded with people that look like they are a part of the Zuhres video, but the Zuhres video does not show these vehicles. The video uploader removed the video from YouTube in March 2015. Twitter account named 3Andryu or his tweet with the video’s details were deleted by August 28, 2014.
Het meest beroemd was de video van de zogenaamd ‘vluchtende Buk’ op een weg bij de stad Loegansk. Dit beeld is van dichterbij. Toch is het zeer vaag. De kwaliteit is ronduit modderig. Ook zien we de wielen niet draaien. De Buk is slechts vier seconden te zien. Het is mogelijk, zelfs vrij eenvoudig, om dit ‘bewegende beeld’ te creëren met een enkele foto die wordt gemanipuleerd. Merkwaardig genoeg hangt er een zeil over de Buk, maar nu juist net niet waar het interessant wordt, want er is op te zien dat een van de vier raketten mist. De truck met de Buk moet bovendien afkomstig zijn uit een gebied dat door Oekraïense troepen bezet is. Deze video werd ge-uploaded door de Oekraïense geheime dienst op 18 juli, dus de dag na de aanslag. De dag ervoor lieten de Oekraïense autoriteiten al op een persconferentie – een half uur na de crash!- weten dat ze in bezit waren van deze video. Andere video’s of foto’s van deze Buk in de –grote!- stad Loegansk bestaan er merkwaardig genoeg niet. De Oekraïense autoriteiten gaven eerst een andere locatie van de video, namelijk de stad Krasnodon. Mogelijk was deze opzettelijke mis-informatie bedoeld om de Russen op een verkeerd spoor te zetten, zoals Sergey Mastepanov overtuigend beredeneert in zijn stuk:
The video is of low quality and is blurry, just like the truck with the Buk. You cannot even see the wheels spinning. It shows the vehicles at a limited angle for only four seconds. It is possible to create the animation of the truck and the Buk as seen in the video with just having one photoshopped photo of the truck and the Buk. The Buk has its back covered, but is clearly advertising the missing missile. Based on the truck’s direction and the road shown in the video, the truck would have to come from the west of Luhansk via road M04, but according to Kiev’s own military map shown at a press conference on July 18, 2014, Kiev’s forces were right by Luhansk city, to the west and to the north of it. Since according to Ukrainian officials, this Buk was in Snizhne the day before and was being transferred to Russia after it shot down MH17, moving it from Snizhne to Russia via a major city of Luhansk makes no logical sense, as this is not the safest nor the quickest route. It was uploaded on July 18, 2014 to YouTube by Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs and was allegedly recorded by Ukrainian surveillance team on the same day. The day before, Ukrainian spokesman said during a press conference, which was held about 30 minutes after MH17 was shot down, that they know that separatists have Buk and that they even have a video of [it] recorded in Luhansk, but there are no other publicly known videos of Buk in Luhansk except this one. Ukrainian officials have claimed that the video was recorded in Krasnodon, not in Luhansk city. On July 18–19, disinformation appeared on the Russian internet concerning the location of the video, claiming that the city is Krasnoarmeysk. The coordinates of the area shown in the video (Luhansk city) were revealed by Ukrainian official in a Facebook comment on July 22, just a day after Russia’s MoD briefing.
Het knappe van het onderzoekswerk van Sergey Mastepanov is dat hij niet alleen aantoont dat deze drie video’s door fotoshop tot stand kwamen, maar hij herhaalt de truc door er zelf in alle drie de gevallen een ‘bewegend’ militair voertuig in te monteren. De resultaten zijn verbluffend! Het is niet van echt te onderscheiden, en toch gaat het in al die gevallen om een simpele foto die werd in gemonteerd, en waar een bewegend beeld van werd gemaakt. Ik raad u aan de video’s in het artikel goed te bekijken. Wie zich werkelijk moet laten overtuigen, moet het zeer gedetailleerde, en lange, stuk maar precies bestuderen.
Eerder toonde Sergey Mastepanov al aan dat de foto’s van de Buk door fotoshop tot stand kwamen. Dat zal minder verbazen. Dat er ook bij video’s makkelijk gefotoshopt kan worden, zullen mensen waarschijnlijk niet zo snel aannemen. Het lijkt ‘moeilijk’.  Mastepanov volgde een simpele cursus fotoshop en kon het toen zelf ook.
Bellingcat bouwt met zijn nieuwe ‘rapport’ voort op de fake foto’s en fake video’s, zonder het daar nog veel over te hebben.  Hij komt nu met een overvloed aan nieuwe fotootjes en filmpjes van het internet die iets zouden moeten bewijzen. We kunnen erop wachten dat ook dit materiaal weer ontmaskerd wordt, of dat erover vast gesteld wordt dat het niets zegt. Maar wanneer dat gebeurt zullen opnieuw de media zwijgen als het graf waarin de slachtoffers van MH17 eerst begraven en nu verraden worden.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

520 In defense of Putin and Russia

Here are a few recent publications.

1.  An article by Sharon Tennison who worked in Russia for some decades and met Putin long before he became president and was impressed by him back then.

2. An interview with Maria Zakharova, spokesperson of the Kremlin. She is fantastic, and in the last 5 minutes shows exactly why  no Russian ever wants war.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

519 Creëer instabiliteit en neem de macht.

Op de blog van de Saker schrijft een gastschrijver, Scott.
In dit artikel vertelt hij dat een joodse organisatie probeerde een ( joodse) kunstwerk-colletie terug te krijgen van de Russische overheid.
Putin heeft geantwoord ( sept 2014): "de collectie is genationaliseerd in de eerste jaren van het communisme, en toen bestond 85% van de regering uit joden." (Toen Putin dit uitsprak was daarbij een flink aantal documenten om dit te onderbouwen.)
Verder zegt Putin: " Die ( joodse) regering heeft destijd een holocaust uitgevoerd op o.a. Russen. Misschien moeten we een eist tot schadevergoeding indienen? "
De claim van de joden stopte meteen, maar enkele maanden later ging een archief in Moskou ( met heel veel info over de rol van de joden in Rusland)  in vlammen op...
Verder vertelt Scott over de grote invloed van joden in Rusland, ook nu nog.

Verder zijn er op deze blog een aantal informatieve reacties gekomen. Enkele daarvan zal ik hieronder plaatsen.

A curious case of Moty Cristal, Chabad, and Israeli militants in Odessa, by Scott

On Sunday, February 14th, an English RT’s Senior Political correspondent Anissa Naouai interviewed Moty Cristal, a self proclaimed specialist on terrorism, an attorney, founder of Israel-based Nest Consulting LTD. On his twitter account Mr. Cristal names his fields of expertise as “Negotiator. Trains & consults worldwide on complex negotiations and crisis management. Political activist & designer of operational networks.”
Normally, I would treat this sort of interview as a self-advertisement, at the expense of Russia’s taxpayers. However, Mr. Cristal went way far from the beaten path of national security officers peddling their business. He presented an ethno-genesis theory for the modern jihad movement, only very slightly reflective of Lev Gumilev’s, and concluded that Islamo-fascism is unbeatable, as long as Islam exists, because Islam today is the same “age” Christianity was at the time of the Inquisition. He offered to examine the age of culture. He also implied that Islamo-fascism is a historical and logical development of Islam, and that’s why there are no methods to stop terrorism and to defeat it.
Drawing parallels between terrorism and religion, Moty Christal forgot to clarify what age Judaism was at the beginning of 20th century, when followers of this religion orchestrated the Red Terror in Russia after the anti-government coup, or “color revolution” in 1917.
Very recently, during the blunt attempt to take over the Schneersohn library, Israel and the Chabad-Lubavitch organizations had threatened Russia with prosecution, similar to the process over Hitler’s Germany, claiming that Soviet government was persecuting people of Jewish nationality. Since Germany has reduced to a trickle its enormous payments to the state of Israel and other Jewish organizations, they have decided to find another cash cow, and to milk the Russian people instead. I have very few doubts that if Russia had surrendered the Schneersohn collection to Chabad, it would then face claims of a holocaust of Jews in Soviet Russia.
In August 2010 a federal judge in Washington, Royce Lamberth, ruled that the Hasidim proved the legitimacy of their claims to the ancient Jewish books and manuscripts, opening a very curious precedent for treating ownership of arts and antiquities in accordance with their creators’ provenance and nationality. Say, British museums are packed to the brim with stolen art, manuscripts and artifacts. Using the decision of this court, the countries of origin should just immediately demand the return of all those treasures that were stolen from them by the British. First, the British so called “royal family” should return one the Russian Imperial crowns that was stolen from Russia, and that their queen is not ashamed to wear publicly.
The case of the Schneersohn library is relevant here, due to the message that President Putin conveyed at a meeting with representatives of the European Jewish Congress in September 2014:
“The decision to nationalize the Schneersohn library was made by the first Soviet government, members of which were Jews. There was about 80 to 85% of Jews in this government. However, it was them who, directed by false ideological considerations went to conduct repressions and arrests of many Orthodox Christians and followers of Judaism, and representatives of other religions, including Muslims. They combed up all.[meaning, they were repressing and arresting everybody in the country.] These ideological blunders and false ideology, thank God, have collapsed.”

What’s not in this video is a statement of fact that they collected an enormous amount of documents to substantiate his statement. Essentially, President Putin told to the representatives of the European Jewish Congress that it was Russia that might start the tribunal process on the account of the holocaust of Russians by the first Soviet government that was 80 to 85% Jewish, the rest were ethnic Ukrainians, militants from the Baltics, and also Georgians, and Polish militants.
Considering, that 90% of my family had perished during the Red Terror, and considering that my parents have never received any compensation for the death of their relatives neither from Jewish organizations, nor from Germany, I am in full support of such undertaking.
Notably, President Putin’s statement made the right impression, because claims for the return of the collection and other reparations had died out immediately. But not without some terror acts, like an arson at the library of the Russia’s Academy of Social Sciences INION in Moscow in February 2015, that destroyed a huge amount of documents pertaining to the holocaust and also to the history of Jews in Russia, and the Soviet Union.
Coming back to this very curious actor, Moty Cristal, who has been a professor of Professional Practice in Negotiation Dynamics at the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo since 2011.
In one of his tweets, Mr. Cristal complains that his “client” “cynically inserted him into Hotel Ukraina in Moscow” with the view of the flags of the EU and Israel, and the view of Russia’s Parliament building. The same building that was targeted and burned during the US takeover of the Soviet government, with the direct participation of the Israeli security services.
What Israeli national security people are teaching Russian specialists, poisoning their minds with fallacies and recruiting future members of the Russian elite as Israeli secret services agents?
Are there any Russian Orthodox military or national secure officers teaching in the Technion, in Jerusalem University, in Haifa University?
What kind of views do theses “political activist” have towards Russia and it’s government?
I also would want a disclosure on what kind of “operational networks” this “political activist” designs in Russia and for whom? Who are his clients?
What propelled me to write this post, is not just a statement by Mr. Cristal that violent Islam follows in the footsteps of violent Christianly. The Islamo-fascism from its very beginning was socially-engineered and funded by the governments of the US and EU members and Israel. It’s useless to keep insisting that jihad is a historical process coming from the within of the Islam, when the US authorities openly admit that it was them who midwifed the terrorists into existence. “… the US and Turkey created ISIS, are arming and funding it to this very day, and are using the existence and atrocities of their own proxy forces.”
I find it uncanny that the Russia Today interview with Mr. Cristal coincided with the February 14th 2016 SANA News report on a seizure in Syria of a large amount of ammunition made in Israel. ” Earlier on Saturday, the Syrian government authorities, in cooperation with the popular committees, seized hundreds of U.S. and Israeli-made anti-tank mines loaded in a pickup in the western countryside of Sweida. The weapons were bound for the terrorists in eastern al-Badiya (desert). The arms and ammunition which were confiscated included 7 Israeli-made anti-tank rocket launchers, 62 shells, 128 RPG shells of different kinds, 43 120 mm mortar rounds, 42 82 mm mortar rounds and 100 23 mm machinegun bullets.”
I was also intrigued as to why Moty Cristal has never mentioned one of the most horrific terrorists attack in the past two years, the burning alive of over a hundred Russian people in Odessa by Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who weren’t Muslim fundamentalists.
Coincidentally, as if in response to the reports of the seizure of Israeli shipment of arms to the terrorists in Syria, a Ukrainian journalist Vladimir Kornilov
posted his research into the burning of people in Odessa on May 2nd, 2014.
“Immediately after the Odessa Khatyn, I reported on the curious Israelis who actively participated in the events of May 2.
If you remember, I have reported about the video that a British journalist recorded in the center of Odessa with the use of his Google glasses. In the video, we can see a group of English speaking foreigners in the midst of a crowd of Ukrainian Nazis. One of them says to the journalist that the group was directly participated in these events. (He states it openly on the video). Speaking in a fluent English he says that he is a citizen of Israel and the USA. Suddenly, he realizes that he is being recorded on video. He loses his mojo, his English suddenly “deteriorates” and he retreats. His hands are protected by rubber gloves, and his accomplices are holding some tubes, bottles, packages.
When I reported this video, I was suddenly attacked from different sides. At first, it was said that I made it up, and that there was no video with the Israeli in it. After I presented this video showing the guy who clearly calls himself a citizen of Israel, I got screamed at that this guy “just misspoke”, that he “blurted it out without thinking” and that most likely he was an Arab, and not a Jew. Even so, I have never said anything about his ethnicity.
Well, getting back to the subject. I just found some photos of this gentleman by the name Gonen Siboni. In first photo, he is in Odessa on may 2, 2014. And on the other three images. He is in 2008. Do you recognize the uniform he is wearing? Is it Palestinian or the IDF?
In anticipating of “so what?”, I just want to note: neither in my first post, nor today do I argue that this fighter of the IDF is guilty of something. It’s possible that he, being a medical student, happened to be in the crowd of murderous Nazis, and accidentally started to help the wounded. As he now claims. But, there are a number of legitimate questions. For example, why did they accidentally walk through Odessa with medical equipment, and wearing rubber gloves? How did they know in advance that someone will be killed and wounded? Or, why did this fighter suddenly forget English when he realized that he was being recorded?
Back, in May 2014, I had recommended to question these IDF soldiers, in order to clarify their role in the event. (I reiterate: Siboni voluntarily told to the British journalist that he was participating in this event!). At the very least, it was the Ukrainian SBU that make a statement that for the burning of Russians in Odessa some kind of strange chemicals were used. In this regard, it is legitimate to ask those Israelis what kind of substance was in their tubes and bottles, right? Do you think authorities have asked this question from this activist? Oh, I doubt!..
On May 7th, 2014 he had posted on his page in the social network vkontakte (Russian facebook): “Home!” (Presumably, was quickly evacuated to Israel). Since then he has been laying low. He’s silent to this day. Curious, isn’t it?..”
The victims of terror and their families deserve justice and swift revenge. If terrorist wannabes knew that revenge will come to them fast and furious, they would be less inclined to participate in activities like burning women, children and men alive in Odessa. There is an investigation conducted by Russia’s law enforcement. If Gonen Siboni is not a terrorist, he has nothing to hide. He should go to Moscow and talk to the investigators about what had happened in Odessa. If he had helped injured people, as he claims, those people should be alive and they should be able to confirm that he and other Israelis from his group helped them. He should reveal who were the other people in his group. Law enforcement should be able to question them also.
Since he is hiding and refuses to talk to law enforcement, it means that he lies and that he was killing people along with the Ukro- terrorists.
I don’t understand why we have to treat Islamo-terrorists differently from Ukro-terrorists and Judeo-terrorists? They all work for the same organizations.
I also beg to differ with Mr. Cristal, on the account of persistence of terror. What does it tell him when CIA Director John Brennan says that they knew about upcoming acts of terror in Paris?
If we see terrorism for what it is, the Western governments’ psy-ops to destabilize countries, then we will find the way to put an end to it.
In his interview to Anissa Naouai, Mr. Cristal talks about the comprehensive strategy of the fight with terrorism. He suggests that we have to go after the terrorists and physically kill them, we have to go after their leaders and physically kill them, we have to go after their money and bank accounts, and we have to go after the members of their families. He also says that we should only negotiate with terrorists to gain time to gather intelligence. There are no reasons why we would have any agreement with terrorists. This is what Israel does. Those are acceptable international practices.
This baldy claims to be a expert, maybe we should start following his recommendations?

I looked at the list of about 15-25 current political, economic, and other “leaders” of Ukraine who are all of Jewish background, and I couldn’t resist the echo of Marx’s aphorism which states:
History repeats itself first as tragedy (as in 1917 Bolshevik revolution) then as farce (as in 2013 Maydan Bandera revolution).
What a symmetry! In both events, Jewish participation was dominant, Jewish money not as much (see Anthony Sutton: Wall St and the Bolshevik revolution).
One more comment: although the book “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” has been shown to be forgery , and a composite plagiarism of different sources, I am beginning to be amazed at the accuracy of its prediction for the last 50 years.
Regards, Spiral

had connection issues, not certain if my comment made it through, so am sending it again –
Just look at the history of Turkey during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the turn of the 1900’s till say 5 years after the end of WW1. The Committee of Union and Progress, a grouping with a strong Jewish presence, started taking over Turkey. During this time period the Armenian massacres, the first genocide of the century, started.
After lots of chaos, including the Greek invasion of Turkey post WW1, the nationalist Mustafa Kemal took over and promptly hanged most of the Committee of Union and Progress, unconcerned about the outcry from international “finance” in New York, Paris and Berlin, and banking house’s of the Rothschild’s in Vienna and London.
So it seems some people enjoy sticking their noses into other people’s business, they started with the collapse of the Ottoman empire first, done lots of killing, and got smacked on their noses by Mustafa for their effort. Then they stuck their noses into the collapse of the Tsarist empire, done lots of killing (as Bolshevik’s), and got smacked on their noses by Stalin for their effort.
Come to think of it, our Jewish brother’s seem to circle around collapsing empires / countries like vultures. At the collapse of the USSR they were there as oligarchs. At the collapse of Ukraine they are there as oligarchs. At the collapse of the British empire, pre-ww1, they probably took over then as oligarchs (Rothchild’s). Their presence at the end of the Ottoman and Tsarist empires is mentioned above. So that’s the reason they are circling so much around the AngloAmericanista empire now, its collapsing. They are in fact circling around the AngloAmericanista empire so much that it looks like its the AngloZionist empire :-)
  1. We don’t need to go too far to find a summary of Zionist Terrorism in the Near East — 1944-1948
    And let’s not forget what the Roman Empire did in the end — demolished the central temple (of magical thinking) and practically plowed salt into the earth the solve the ‘problem’. Basically following on from the Egyptians and Persians.
    With a biological-cultural ‘identity’ linked only to the ‘X’ chromosome it pretty much does not matter what happens to the “Y” — and that, along with new born infant genital mutilation, pretty much self-selects an evolutionary path of hyper existential anxiety (at least in the “Y” side of the economy) and a bias towards domination/slave relationships and away from peace and harmony. This comment is about cultural system’s bias (that would crucify a good man to save the tribal system) and not specific individuals who may (or may not) survive and transcend the local conditions.
  2. My condolences for the ancestors you lost, but this Jewish conspiracy theory is nearly as silly as the Islamic conspiracy/pseudo-numerological theory of this dorky Christal dude you’re so aptly mocking.
    Communism /= Judaism. That’s the basic problem. Communism is an ideology with a strong underpinning; agree with it or disagree with it (For the record, I broadly agree with Marx’s critique of capitalism but strongly disagree with the centralist approach of Communism as a response), it can stand on its own feet. It is foolish to underestimate ideas in the history of political struggle, not to mention class and the structure of society. All that you discount, in favour of . . . what? History as driven by a small cabal with no real structural role, some of whose most prominent members were drastically at odds with each other? Consider that Lenin and (any given major Rothschild) would have cheerfully murdered each other if given the chance.
    The notion of the October Revolution as a “colour revolution” is a nonsense. Partly because it’s a poor idea to talk about events of the past as if they were echoes of the present. But mainly because if the term “colour revolution” is going to mean a thing, it refers to the creation and use by foreign powers of local catspaws to overthrow otherwise not particularly revolution-worthy government, to install instead governments which can be counted on to serve the ends of those foreign powers. OK, so in 1917 Germany would have wanted to weaken Russia–but nobody wanted Communists to gain control of any country, and that would certainly include the establishment, financier Jews. And the government of Russia at that time sucked. Sorry, but it did; it was nasty and also inefficient, ineffective and out of touch. There were plenty of people with plenty of reasons to want big changes, and the secret police, while unpleasant, were insufficient to hold together a status quo that had too little sticking it together. What happened was a real revolution, and largely home grown, not a “colour revolution”.
    And Lenin’s bunch ended up on top of the result because they were tough, organized, and had an ideology strong enough that it had a significant following. Many of the results were nasty. That’s history for you. When one group loses power and another group gains it, bad shit happens, especially when the groups involved are large and have longstanding grievances. It’s true whether it’s an ethnic clash, a religious one, or as in this case mostly class based. One hardly requires conspiracy theories about Jews to explain that.
    Jews have been prominent in 20th century history–but they’ve been prominent on all sides of most political and intellectual struggles. It shouldn’t be surprising; 20th century history has been mainly a history driven by urban, Western, educated people. Jews are disproportionately all three–with a long, strong tradition of education and a history of often being forbidden to own land. Medieval history was driven largely by rural uneducated elites–knights and landed nobles. Jews were barely a footnote through much of that time for exactly the same reasons they’ve tended to be prominent more recently. Meanwhile, in the modern era anywhere you find history being driven by rural folk, you don’t find a lot of Jews. Not a lot of Jews among the Zapatistas, as far as I know, nor were Jews particularly big in the Chinese Communist revolution.

Friday, February 12, 2016

518 USA: Corrupte media, corrupte rechtspraak. Hier nog een bewijs.

Vandaag werd ik verrast door een overtuigend artikel op ICH omtrent de moord op Robert Kennedy.

Kennedy werd getroffen door kogels die van achter kwamen, maar de man die al 48 jaar in de gevangenis zit voor de moord, Sirhan Sirhan,  stond vóór Kennedy.

Dit moet vanaf dag 1 bekend zijn geweest, want Sirhan Sirhan werd opzij gedrukt door enkele mensen.  Die zijn zeker verhoord en zullen zeker hebben gezegd dat Sirhan nooit de kogels in de Rug van Kennedy kon hebben geschoten. ( Kennedy liep op Sirhan toe, toen de schoten vielen.)

Dezer dagen is voor de 15e maal een gratie-verzoek ingediend door Sirhan, en een 91 jarige man  die destijds door een kogel van Sirhan werd geraakt, Paul Schrade,  heeft nu heel duidelijk verklaard dat Sirhan vrij moet komen omdat hij onmogelijk de dader kan zijn geweest.

Man Shot Alongside RFK Say Sirhan Sirhan Should Be Granted Parole

By Steve Fiorina

February 11, 2016 "
Information Clearing House" - "C10" -  Paul Schrade, now 91 years old, was shot in the head on June 5, 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles while standing alongside Kennedy.
Schrade contends that Sirhan was not the only shooter that night. In an exclusive interview that aired on 10News Tuesday night, Schrade stated that Kennedy was actually killed by a second gunman.

Here is the full text of the statement he gave Wednesday to the parole board at the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility, where the now 71-year-old Sirhan is being held.

I am Paul Schrade of Los Angeles. I am 91-years-old. And back when I was 43, I was among six persons shot at the old Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles at just after Midnight on June 5th, 1968.

I was shot along with Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who had just won California's Democratic Primary Election for the Presidency of the United States. Five of us survived our wounds. And as history knows, Senator Kennedy was fatally wounded.

I am here to speak for myself, a shooting victim, and to bear witness for my friend, Bob Kennedy.

Kennedy was a man of justice. But, so far, justice has not been served in this case. And I feel obliged as both a shooting victim and as an American to speak out about this -- and to honor the memory of the greatest American I've ever known, Robert Francis Kennedy.

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was originally scheduled for release in 1984 but, after intense political pressure, his parole date was rescinded and he has since been denied 14 times.

In order for you to make an accurate determination of Sirhan Sirhan's parole, you need to know my feelings on this case and the full picture of what actually happened.

Sirhan, I forgive you.

The evidence clearly shows you were not the gunman who shot Robert Kennedy. There is clear evidence of a second gunman in that kitchen pantry who shot Robert Kennedy. One of the bullets -- the fatal bullet -- struck Bob in the back of the head. Two bullets struck Bob literally in his back. A fourth bullet struck the back of his coat's upper right seam and passed harmlessly through his coat. I believe all four of those bullets were fired from a second gunman standing behind Bob. You were never behind Bob, nor was Bob's back ever exposed to you.

Indeed, Sirhan, the evidence not only shows that you did not shoot Robert Kennedy but it shows that you could not have shot Robert Kennedy.

Gentlemen, the evidence clearly shows that Sirhan Sirhan could not and did not shoot Senator Bob Kennedy.

Several days ago, I made sure that several documents were submitted to this board for you to review. If you have not done so as yet, I would ask you to please review them very carefully during your deliberation. I will be glad to re-submit these documents to you, here today.

I believe, after you review these documents, that it should become clear to you that Sirhan Sirhan did not shoot -- and could not have shot -- Robert Kennedy. What I am saying to you is that Sirhan himself was a victim.

Obviously there was someone else there in that pantry also firing a gun. While Sirhan was standing in front of Bob Kennedy and his shots were creating a distraction, the other shooter secretly fired at the senator from behind and fatally wounded him. Bob died 25 hours later.

Gentlemen, I believe you should grant Sirhan Sirhan parole. And I ask you to do that today.

Along with what Sirhan's lawyers have submitted to you, the following are the documents that I made sure were submitted to you and which should also be factored into your decision today.

First, I want to show you this. It's a letter written in 2012 by my good friend, Robert F. Kennedy Junior. Bobby wrote this letter to Eric Holder, who was then the Attorney General of the United States. In his letter to Mr. Holder, Bobby requests that federal authorities examine the Pruszynski Recording, the only known audio recording made of his father's assassination at the Ambassador Hotel. The recording was uncovered in 2004 at the California State Archives by CNN International senior writer Brad Johnson.

This next document is a federal court declaration from audio expert Philip Van Praag, who Johnson recruited to analyze the Pruszynski Recording.

In this document, Van Praag declares that his analysis of the recording concludes that two guns were fired in the Robert Kennedy shooting.

Van Praag found a total of 13 gunshots in the Pruszynski Recording. Sirhan's one and only gun at the crime scene held no more than eight bullets and Sirhan had no opportunity to reload it.

Van Praag also found what he calls "double-shots" -- meaning two gunshots fired so close together that they could not both have come from Sirhan's Iver Johnson Cadet revolver. Van Praag actually found two sets of these "double-shots".

Additionally, he found that five of the 13 gunshots featured a unique audio resonance characteristic that could not have been produced by Sirhan's gun model, meaning those five shots were fired from a second gun of a different make.

Van Praag further found that those five gunshots were fired in a direction heading away from Pruszynski's microphone. Since the microphone was about 40 feet west of the Kennedy shooting, those five shots were fired in an eastward direction, which was opposite the westward direction that Sirhan is known to have fired his eight-shot Iver Johnson Cadet.

These documents are statements from two witnesses to the Robert Kennedy shooting, both of them assistant maître d's for the Ambassador Hotel. These two men, Karl Uecker and Edward Minasian, escorted Robert Kennedy into the kitchen pantry immediately after the Senator delivered his victory speech in a hotel ballroom for having won the California Primary. Both Uecker and Minasian say Sirhan was in front of Bob Kennedy as the Senator walked toward Sirhan, meaning that Bob and Sirhan were facing each other. Both witnesses say Sirhan was still in front of Bob as Sirhan fired his gun. And both say that after Sirhan fired his first two shots, Uecker quickly pushed Sirhan against a steam table, placing Sirhan in a headlock while grabbing hold of Sirhan’s firing arm, forcing the tip of Sirhan’s gun to point away from where Bob Kennedy was and causing Sirhan to fire blindly his remaining six bullets.

In other words, Sirhan only had full control of his gun at the beginning, when he fired his first two shots, one of which hit me. Sirhan had no opportunity to fire four precisely-placed, point-blank bullets into the back of Bob Kennedy's head or body while he was pinned against that steam table and while he and Bob were facing each other.

This document is the official Robert Kennedy autopsy report summary. It shows that all bullets directed at Senator Kennedy were fired from behind him at point-blank range. As the autopsy states, and as these drawings show, the bullets traveled from back-to-front at steep upward trajectories. One bullet struck Senator Kennedy at the back of the head, two bullets at the right rear armpit and a fourth bullet at the right rear shoulder of his jacket, which passed harmlessly through his jacket.

Again, Sirhan's bullets could not have struck the back of Bob Kennedy's head or the back of his body or the back of his jacket's right shoulder, as the autopsy clear shows took place, because Sirhan was never in a position to administer any of those four Kennedy shots. The prosecution never placed Sirhan in that location and position.

These are documents from the Los Angeles Police Department that reveal LAPD misconduct in the police investigation of the Robert Kennedy murder. They detail evidence that was destroyed while Sirhan’s appeal was still pending as well as a photograph that was acknowledged by the LAPD to be "effective rebuttal" but was withheld from the defense team.

Indeed, the LAPD and L.A. County District Attorney knew two hours after the shooting of Senator Kennedy that he was shot by a second gunman and they had conclusive evidence that Sirhan could not -- and did not -- do it. The official record shows that the prosecution at Sirhan's trial never had one witness -- and had no physical nor ballistic evidence -- to prove Sirhan shot Bob Kennedy. Evidence locked up for 20 years shows that the LAPD destroyed physical evidence and hid ballistic evidence exonerating Sirhan -- and covered up conclusive evidence that a second gunman fatally wounded Robert Kennedy.

This document is a memo written by Criminalist Larry Baggett, who investigated the Robert Kennedy shooting for the LAPD. The Baggett memo states that the bullets that hit Senator Kennedy and William Weisel, another shooting victim in the pantry, were not fired from the same gun. The memo also states that the bullet that traveled upward through Bob Kennedy's body and into his neck was not fired from Sirhan's revolver. Such a finding would be proof that Sirhan did not shoot Robert Kennedy.

Mr. Deputy District Attorney, based on all of this information and more, I ask that you inform Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey that I am formally requesting her to order a new investigation of the Robert F. Kennedy assassination. I will also be making the same request of Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck.

Please note, Mr. Deputy District Attorney, that I am using the word "new" here. I am not requesting that the old investigation simply be re-opened. For that would only lead to the same old wrong conclusions. I am requesting a new investigation so that after nearly 50 years, justice finally can be served for me as a shooting victim; for the four other shooting victims who also survived their wounds; for Bob Kennedy who did not survive his wounds because his were the most grievously suffered in that kitchen pantry; for the people of the United States who Bob loved so much and had hoped to lead, just as his brother, President John F. Kennedy, had led only a few years before; and of course for justice, to which Bob Kennedy devoted his life.

Furthermore, Mr. Deputy District Attorney, I ask that you please also tell the District Attorney, Ms. Lacey, that I would appreciate the opportunity to personally meet with her in Los Angeles at her earliest convenience. Would you please convey my message to her?

I hope you will consider all of the accurate details of this crime that I have presented in order for you to accurately determine Sirhan Sirhan's eligibility for parole. If you do this the right way and the just way, I believe you will come to the same conclusion I have: that Sirhan should be released. If justice is not your aim, then of course you will not.

Again, Sirhan was originally scheduled for release in 1984 but after intense political pressure, his parole date was rescinded and he has since been denied 14 times.

The best example of this can be found in this statement of Los Angeles District Attorney John Van de Kamp.

Again, gentlemen, I believe you should grant Sirhan Sirhan parole. And I ask you to do that today in the name of Robert F. Kennedy and in the name of justice.

Thank you. That concludes my remarks.