Wednesday, April 30, 2014

341 The last taboo about the jewish question

This blog:

Gilad Atzmon is one of my favorite jewish teachers. I have learned a lot from him.
When they call him a 'self hating jew' he says: "Sorry, I am a proud self hating jew."

One aspect of jewish people is that some of them are very very clever.  Also jewish verbal IQ is remarkably high: 128 IQ points, if I remember it well.
If one needs an IQ of 128 to be a good journalist, a good lawyer or a reasonable author, this means that 50% of the jewish people will qualify, whereas from caucasian people only say 5 % will have an IQ higher than 128.

I knew for a long time that jewish tradition is responsible for this.
I must have read it in Kevin MacDonalds books or maybe I deduced it from Paul Johnson's book 'History of the Jews'.
I don't remember where I read it first. Or was it a conclusion I drew myself from the things I read? However, I was always on the outlook for this theory but never came across it anymore.

Till yesterday, in a video of Gilad Atzmon.

He said this:
"For more than 1500 years the jewish people in the shtetls are creating a very clever top segment.  How?
They have the tradition that the daughter of a rich jew must always marry a very talented yeshiva student.
In this way you get really clever people: not just theoretically clever, but also clever in real life: because the father of the wife is rich this means that he knows how to handle in real life.

Goyim have professors who are good in theory, but they can be clumsy in real life.  They have rich bussinessmen but these sometimes cannot understand a theory or an abstract explanation.
But jewish top segment people they can do both: theory and practice.

That is about what Atzmon said on this lecture in Geneva.

You can see it here:

Atzmon does not tell the whole story.
Because the father is rich, his grandchildren will have more money to survive difficult times ( hunger, pogroms etc.)  So you not only get children who are very clever ( practically and theoretically) , also their relative presence in the population will grow and grow.

In combination with other aspects of jewish religion and culture ( I think that the elite jews are convinced  that they have more rights to survive than the poor lower classes.  Maybe even the lower classes agree on this and know about this) this makes the jewish strategy to become rulers of the world a very strong one.

If you want to become rulers of the world (which is after all what Yehova expects of them, so its their Holy Mission: see blog) its is not a bad strategy to become the most clever group.

But how could they test for theorethical IQ ?
For that they had their Talmud.
And their schooling.
Each young jewish boy has to study very hard in the Talmud. He has to spin words and twist meanings of words. And to try to win arguments from other students or teachers.

Someone once said: The jewish religion is about the jews trying top outwit their God.
If God says: "You may not leave your house on sabbath", the jews will think of a solution and finally come with a new definition of 'house":  The house is defined by an iron wire that circles around the jewish ghetto.  So now they may leave their house, but may not leave the jewish Ghetto on sabbath.

Another aspect is their concentration on 'beïng effective '.

Do not work the land. Go into money lending.

Do not build armies. Try to controle the armies of other groups and let those do your job.

Do not speak the truth, work 'by way of deception', unless the risk of discovery is too high.

And above all: use psychology. Use the weaknesses of the human mind.

- When something happens: be the first to give your interpretation of what happened. Give it a 'spin' so that it is in your best interest.

 Then, when the real truth comes out, nobody will believe it. Why?  For a person  to change your conviction is like admitting you were wrong. We really hate that. We prefer to keep believing what is not true.
As Leo Tolstoi said: "The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow- witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him." 

- Use propaganda. Use bluff.  Tell a big lie, not a small lie. Keep repeating it.  And accuse everybody who does not agree of whatever you want. It always works.
If propaganda is abounding, everybody will begin to believe it.

Like the famous philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote: "There is no nonsense so arrant (enorm) that it cannot be made the creed of the vast majority by adequate governmental action."

The reason that this trick works is as follows:
To survive in the Ere of Evoution people lived in groups ore tribes, led by one man. Whenever the group was attacked oit was important that all members listened to the leader. Groups that are devided in itself, wil be erased from history.  Now, to agree with a leader is easier if you do not start to think about the world, but instead: agrees with the most common opinion.  If the leader is good enough, most people will support him. Independent thinkers are a threat for the leader, ànd for the survical of the group when it is attacked.  Groups with individuals who develop their own opinions are weaker groups.  So:  all surviving groups consist of people who tend to believe what the majority is believing. 
(Or: what they perceive the majority to be believing. Important : because if you manage to controle people's perception of what 'everybody thinks' ,  you can controle their opinion.) 

- Keep group- cohesion high by making the group hated.  If every member of the group is disliked by the outside world, they will stick together more, and intermarriage will be assured. The the real capital of the group: High IQ and certain character traits, will not dilute and spread over competing groups. 
One way of making the group hated is by having different standards for jews and goyim.  Particularism in stead of universalism. Jews are people, goyim are more close to horses.  One may steal from goyim, not from jews. One may kill goyim but never jews. Etc. Etc.

This article can be made much longer, which I may do one day. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

340 The Kiev- snipers were the friends of Obama.

This blog:  or

UPDATE, 18 may 2014: In march 12 Berkut agents were accused ot the sniper-murders. But on may 13  an investigation by members of the Ukraïne  parliament admitted that the Berkuyt did not do it: ( Adam Larson on Global Research

We now have several witnesses who say that the snipers who killed protesters ànd policemen around 20 febr 2014, were certainly working for the protesters, for the people who are now in power.

UPDATE:  Former head of Uk.  SAecurity Service says to RT:  The snipers were mercenaries and Parubiy brought them in. ( RT -article

These are 2 important sources for this:
1.  Umar Paet, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Estonia.
2. A German documentary: Monitor,  10 april 2014.

1.  There is a telephone-talk between Catherine Ashton ( UN) and the Estonian minister of Foreign Affairs, Umar Paet.
Paet was on Maidan square as an observer. He spoke to 'Olga' , head of the medics who took care of all the people who were wounded or killed by the snipers.
Olga is sure:  All the wounded people were killed by the same snipers and the same bullits: the protesters ànd the policemen.

Umar Paet and Cathy Ashton: on 8.20 min.:  "The doctors see that policemen and demonstrators were killed by the same snipers.  The new govt. does not want to investigate.  Now many are convinced it was the govt. people who sent the snipers, not Yanukovich. "

 2. German tv:  Monitor, 10 april 2014.

The German journalists went to Kiev and spoke to people who were there during the snipers shooting.
They spoke to Ukraïnians who do research to find out who did the killing.
They filmed a doctor who took care of the wounded, they listened to walkie-talkie conversations between protesters at the moment when they were being shot at.
Etc. etc.

Here are the most important facts:

- It is certain that the protesters were being shot at from the back, from Hotel Ukraïne, which was at that time fully in controle of the protesters.

- The official governement does not communicate about the investigation they say they have done, but they accuse 12 Berkut soldiers ( Yanukovich -men) of the killings.

 -  Lawyers that work on behalf of the victims get no answers and are not allowed to see any information from the official 'investigation'.

- From the voice-recordings made during the killing, we can understand that the protesters were shot at from Hotel Ukraïne. They are baffled, as the hotel is occupied by their own people.

- Some bullets went right through trees. By night, with a laser, it is possible to shine through the hole, and to see that the bullet came from Hotel Ukraïne.

 "Who were the Maidan snipers?"  ( 11 minutes )  VIDEO or:


'Right Sector' was trained by the USA ? 

Some more news,  not confirmed by other sources, and much less important:

 Thierry Meyssan qoutes a left wing Polish paper (*) who states that Right Sector was trained in Poland, a few months before the Maidan protest began.

Right Sector:  the group that led 'The Operation' : from massive prostest to hard core3 protest to snipers to coup.

They were invited by ..... the Polish Foreign Affairs  Minister Sikorski (  memeber of the American Enterprise Institure, jewish wife Anne Applebaum, In short: an American 'asset'. )

Here is the article. 

Some quote 'According to this source, in September 2013, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski invited 86 members of the Right Sector (Sector Pravy), allegedly in the context of a university exchange program. In reality, the guests were not students, and many were over 40. Contrary to their official schedule, they did not go to the Warsaw University of Technology, but headed instead for the police training center in Legionowo, an hour’s drive from the capital. There, they received four weeks of intensive training in crowd management, person recognition, combat tactics, command skills, behavior in crisis situations, protection against gases used by police, erecting barricades, and especially shooting, including the handling of sniper rifles.'

(*) The 'paper' is NIE. 
Here more info about NIE, from The Sakers comment section: 
 Tom Garrett said...

A week or so ago Der Spiegel had an interview with Yarosh, the current head of Right Sektor, running for president and trying to sound respectable and that he has nothing against Jews. Given that Kolomoisky is (reportedly) paying for the RT battalion, and by some accounts has been financing Ukrainian "fascists" right along, maybe he shouldn't.

Meanwhile, "Nie",the weekly put out by Jerzy Urban,( who was minister of information in Poland's last Communist gov't) says that (current) Defense minister Sikorski arranged for 86 Right Sector members to take 4 weeks of "intensive" urban combat training at the police training academy down river from Warsava. This was done, says Nie, last September before the Maidan crisis.

As you likely know, Sikorski is married to Anne Applebaum, who works for the right wing American Enterprise Institute in DC. No doubt, given that they inhabit pretty much the same circles, she doubtless knows Kagan and Nuland.

Sikorski,Faubus and Steinmeier were chief EU negotiators of the deal struck with Yanukovich hours before the coup.

A bit more grist, in any case, for the conspiracy mill.
28 April, 2014 23:21
From 'Moon of Alabama'  I have almost the same information:  Since 2006 the USA has trained  Uklraïnian tough men, to use them to create havoc whereever the USA needs that havoc: 

There are allegations in the following piece that parts of the neo-nazis that attacked the police in Kiev have been trained in NATO countries. I have not verified this but it seems plausible: Ukraine: Neo-Nazi Criminal State Looming In Centre Of Europe – Analysis
A number of NATO-sponsored training centers for the Ukrainian ultranationalist militants were opened on the territory of the Baltic states immediately after they joined NATO in 2004. The detailed photo report on a Ukrainian group taking a course of subversive activities at a NATO training center in Estonia in 2006 is available here (texts in Russian).Abundant financial and human resources were directed to bolster the paramilitary units of the radical UNA-UNSO, Svoboda and other ultranationalist organizations in the Ukraine. Since 1990s these thugs were participating in the Chechen and Balkan wars on the side of radical Wahhabi (!) militants and committing war crimes against captured Russian and Serbian soldiers and civilian population. One of the notorious guerilla fighters of the Ukrainian origin in Chechnya, Olexander Muzychko (aka criminal leader Sasha Biliy) today is heading a brigade of “Pravyi Sector”, the radical militant driving force of the ongoing coup d’état in Kiev.


What is a US- Army Attaché doing in Kiev , anyway ? 

Anonymous Releases Email Allegedly Detailing Western Backed False Flag in Ukraine 

A post was made on the Russian website ‘Live Journal’ on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, by a profile titled Андрей Споров (Andrey Sporaw), containing documents detailing a corrupt plan between “US Army Attache Assistant in Kiev Jason Gresh’ and ‘a high ranking official from Ukrainian General Staff Igor Protsyk’, to conduct a series of attacks on Ukrainian military bases to ‘frame up the neighbor’, or in other words, create a Ukrainian false flag event and blame it on Russia. 

An Anonymous hacker responsible for the info says-

“We have hacked e-mail correspondence of US Army Attache Assistant in Kiev Jason Gresh and a high ranking official from Ukrainian General Staff Igor Protsyk.

It appears that they are planning to conduct a series of attacks on Ukrainian military bases in order to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.

Particularly, Jason Gresh writes to Igor Protsyk that it’s time to implement a plan that implies “causing problems to the transport hubs in the south-east of Ukraine in order to frame-up the neighbor. It will create favorable conditions for Pentagon to act”, says Jason Gresh.

Atrocities only make it to Western News Media when the victims are not Eastern Ukraïnians.  


In the news today : Heavily tortured  'bodies' of politicians found, in Eastern Ukraïne. 
But: no pictures.  Only words.
But there are no pictures of that, as far as I know. Reuters is the source. 

But there is other information, just as shocking, of which we do have the pictures:  here is a Russian speaking man, probably drunk,  who is thrown over the fence of a bridge by a masked man. Is it deep?  Can he swim?  Is it far to swim?  We don't know if he survived or not.  Also the perpetrator cannot know, so here we see a man possibly murdered before our eyes.  No mention by Reuters though. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

339 Amerika maakt weer een land kapot, zogenaamd op grond van goede bedoelingen.

This blog:

Overgenomen van Willy van Damme: ( Blog)

Oekraïne – Over dwazen en oorlogsstokers

Dat de toestand in Oekraïne na de fascistische staatsgreep van 21 februari verder ging escaleren kan geen enkele verbazing wekken. Al bijna twintig jaar is de VS met alle macht bezig in Oekraïne een machtige ultranationalistische beweging aan het creëren. Dit is het resultaat. Wie wind zaait oogst storm.
Volgens haar eigen zeggen – en wie zal haar woorden hier in twijfel trekken – stak Washington er 5 miljard (!) dollar in. Dit terwijl bijvoorbeeld de kindersterfte bij de geboorte in de VS hoger ligt dan in sommige straatarme ontwikkelingslanden. Dat bewegingen als Pravy Sector, Svoboda en Ons Oekraïne dan politiek sterk staan en veel leden hebben is dan ook logisch.
Het bewijst echter de totaal onverantwoorde natuur en zelfs criminele aard van de Amerikaanse buitenlandse politiek die denkt dat men met de rest van de wereld moet doen zoals men dat ooit met de inheemse bevolking deed van wat nu de Verenigde Staten van Amerika is.
De vernieling van Irak
De VS hebben bij hun veroveringsdrang van de voorbije twintig jaar een destructief karakter getoond om U tegen te zeggen. Wat een vrij goed werkende staat was zoals Irak is na de interventie van de VS een grote puinhoop.
Eerst brengen ze in 1979 Saddam Hoessein – een CIA-agent nota bene – aan de macht en laten hem dan een tien jaar durende oorlog tegen Iran beginnen. Het land wordt als resultaat een pak miserie met honderdduizenden slachtoffers.
Nadien begint men dat land door het bewust neerhalen van de olieprijs – het eigenlijke doelwit was de Sovjetunie – economisch te wurgen en geeft men het de indruk dat het in ruil dan maar Koeweit mag nemen. Dat bleek gewoon een val met als gevolg een wurgend embargo met opnieuw honderdduizenden slachtoffers.
Fascisten in Oekraïne
De Oekraïense vrienden van Obama, Van Rompuy, De Gucht en Verhofstadt. Wie dit uitschot wapens bezorgde moet niet verschieten van de gevolgen. Bedankt EU en VS.
En alsof die miserie nog niet voldoende is valt men het nadien onder valse voorwendsels binnen. De destructie die ze al hadden veroorzaakt was blijkbaar niet groot genoeg en dus vernielen ze er elke vorm van centraal gezag.
Met in de plaats zo sectair mogelijke politici. Elk centrale autoriteit verder ondermijnend. Dat is de Verenigde Staten in al haar glorie. En het verhaal over Irak is van toepassing op vele plaatsen, Zuid-Soedan, Afghanistan, Joegoslavië, Libië, Syrië, enzovoort.
Jozef Stalin
En dit dodelijke recept heeft men ook toegepast op Oekraïne. Dit simpel crimineel noemen is het woord oneer aandoen. Dit is veel erger. Deze realisatie van Jozef Stalin – de man die op papier de waanzin van een Oekraïens ras creëerde – was al een zeer wankele staat, maar het optreden van de VS, en ook van de leerling tovenaars uit de EU, maakt het amper of niet meer leefbaar en is dus van een nog veel misdadiger orde.
Stepan Bandera
Stepan Bandera, de leider van OUN-B, de Oekraïense fascistische beweging uit de de tweede wereldoorlog, die mee de gaskamers draaiende hielp houden. Een held voor diegenen die door de VS en EU in Kiev aan de macht werden gebracht. Een man die in realiteit honderdduizenden Sovjets en Polen hielp vermoorden. En dan raar doen als velen in Oekraïne hiertegen in opstand komen.
Men maakt dit land onbestuurbaar en stuurt de mensen die daar wonen heel bewust naar een burgeroorlog en, wie weet, naar een oorlog. Want door extremisten te steunen krijgt men uiteraard een extremistische politiek en kan men van de andere zijde alleen maar een gelijkaardige reactie krijgen. Het is simpel de reactie en tegenreactie die men voor de prijs van 5 miljard dollar in beweging zette. Gewoon ‘geniaal’.
Geen verstandig mens gaat extremisten 5 miljard dollar toestoppen om zo hun gevaarlijke politieke visie te kunnen propageren. Wie dat wel doet is niet alleen zeer onverstandig, hij hoort niet thuis in deze maatschappij. In vergelijking daarmee zijn dieven, oplichters en geweldenaars koorknapen.
Nood aan stabiliteit
Wat de VS hier heeft gedaan is te schandelijk voor woorden. En hetzelfde is van tel voor een Herman Van Rompuy, Karel De Gucht en Guy Verhofstadt. Dan moet men niet klagen dat de Russen boos reageren en dat Russischtaligen in het oosten van Oekraïne in opstand komen.
Wat we nodig hebben zijn geen herrieschoppers genre Verhofstadt maar mensen die respect opbrengen voor hun medemensen en hun buren. Politici die zorgen voor stabiliteit, economische groei, het verstevigen van de Europese cohesie en het dringend verbeteren de sociale welvaartstaat.
Herman Van Rompuy - 1
Herman Van Rompuy, een heer in maatpak met das die mooie gedichtjes schrijft maar in wezen een oorlogsstoker en fascistenvriend is.
Wat Van Rompuy & Co deden is pure oorlogsstokerij, het in gevaar brengen van de wereldvrede. Zij horen om die reden thuis voor een rechtbank. En dat de VS graag een oorlog op het Europees continent zou zien gebeuren is misschien nog begrijpelijk.
Zij profiteerden al tweemaal van die Europese moorddadige waanzin. Maar het grenst aan het feitelijk ongelooflijke dat een Verhofstadt, De Gucht en Verhofstadt hieraan meedoen. Zij alleen en niet Poetin of die opstandelingen in Donetsk zijn verantwoordelijk voor de chaos en de bijna burgeroorlog in het land.
Russen uitroeien
Beeld je in, een Julia Timosjenko die als oligarch op enkele jaren tijd miljarden wist te vergaren en dan in een telefoongesprek stelt dat voor haar part die Russen uit het oosten van haar land met atoombommen mogen worden uitgeroeid.
Ze zal het uiteraard nooit zo doen en ontkende het maar het typeert haar agressiviteit. Maar zij is dan de voor dat moreel hoog van de toren blazende westen de presidentskandidaat, ook voor het oosten van Oekraïne.
Ze steunde ook het verbieden van de Russische taal en het uit de eter halen van Russische Tv-zenders. En zij is de partijgenote van Herman Van Rompuy, Koen Geens en Kris Peeters. Frisse vrienden hebben ze daar bij de CD&V. Maar met een charlatan en crimineel als Berlusconi zijn ze er niet aan hun proefstuk.
En dan zeggen Brussel en Washington dat die mensen in Oost-Oekraïne braaf moeten luisteren naar de bevelen van een door de VS en EU aan de macht gebracht stel fascisten, oligarchen, Quislings en vulgaire racisten. Crapuul dat men noch bij Le Pen, noch bij Het Vlaams Belang zou willen.
Ze hebben het zelf bewezen: De EU staat onder leiding van dwazen en oorlogsstokers.
Willy Van Damme

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

338 About Rwanda. Another Great Game?

This blog:

Several authors (*) are convinced that the wealth that is to be found in the eastern province of Congo ( former Zaïre ) is stolen by the Power Elite's companies, because there is almost no central government for 20 years now.  During the Mobutu era it was probably given away by Mobutu, who was getting the huge bribes.

My favorite author is Keith Harmon Snow, a photographer of nature, but also an author of political articles .  He lived in the area for many years.  He saw what only  people who understand the ' big picture' notice.

Snow shows us that Museveni (Uganda) and Kagame ( Rwanda) are ruthless killers, but they are cooperating  with the Western Power Elite and are supported by them ( financially, weapons, media).

It is 20 years ago that the Rwandan genocide happened.
So we find quite a lot of articles about the genocide.

Did the Hutu's kill the Tutsi's?  Yes, they did.
Snow shows us that Kagame provoked the genocide.
But the genocide killed his fellow Tutsi's !
No. The Tutsi's that had fled Rwanda in 1960 considered the 'stay behind' Tutsi's as traitors.

The genocide on the Tutsi's made it possible for Kagame to pose as the representant of the victims.
He was helped of course by the biased Western Media.

Below you find Snow's article.

2)   The second article  is also informative.
It shows how the Western financial 'helpers of Mankind' ( IFI's)  controled Rwanda and made it suffer.
The author has another perspective: he says that these IFI's should have prevented  the genocide by forbidding the purchasing of weapons by the Hutu government.

That is not how I look at it.  Kagame startted to attack Rwanda in 1990.  He was financed by the Power Elite. Is it not quite understandable that the Hutu's began to buy weapons, just to protect themselves against the attackers?

(*) Professor Philip Reyntjes, for instance.  Here is some info: ( picture)  ( abstract) ( 2002) ( book 2009) ( 2013)


The Real Rwandan Genocide: Brainwashing Western Public Opinion. The Official Narrative is a Lie

Every year in the first week of April Western media venues are flooded with stories that begin with statements about the anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, “where at least 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus died at the hands of Hutu extremists.”
Such stories recount the official narrative about the ‘Genocide in Rwanda’,a narrative that has five or six key elements that have been almost canonized and are repeated robotically by Western English-speaking news consumers from all walks of life, economic classes, and political leanings.
1. At least 800,000 people killed;
2. Mostly ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus;
3. Slaughtered with machetes (and picks, hoes, adzes, other crude tools);
4. It was meaningless tribal savagery;
5. Committed by Hutu extremists;
6. In 100 days of genocide;
7. We (Westerners) were ‘bystanders’ and did nothing.
These jingoistic phrases have been systematically cemented into the minds of Westerners through more than 20 years of insidious Western media propaganda, including the printed word, radio programs, still photographs, video and film, and they are generally reproduced ad nauseum by emergent ‘social’ media.
There is little truth to the official narrative.

‘Tutsis as victims, Hutus as oppressors?’

Twenty years after the pivotal events of 1994, it is time that Western media ‘news’ consumers – scholars, peace workers, academics, clergy, politicians, humanitarian aid workers, everyone – took responsibility for their own participation in the ‘Rwanda Genocide’ hysteria or, as it is, industry.
Let’s set the stage for the so-called ‘100 days of Genocide’ that purportedly began April 6, 1994, and purportedly ended July 15, 1994, in Rwanda. We can offer some critical facts that anyone who wants to mourn and sob about life and death in Rwanda ought to understand before they open their mouths and display sheer ignorance.
To begin with, ‘Hutu’ and ‘Tutsi’ are socio-economic and socio-political categories: these are not‘tribes’. Most of the ‘Rwanda Genocide’ narrative is mythology relying on simplifications, stereotypes and reductionisms about Hutus and Tutsis as tribal savages. This stuff is right out of Tarzan movies.
Prior to the imperial occupation that began after 1890, ‘Tutsi’ kings ruled Ruanda-Urundi. ‘Tutsi’ cattle herders comprised some 20 percent of the population, ruling over the 80 percent ‘Hutu’ majority with egregious violence. First the Germans (to 1916) then the Belgians (to 1960) ruled ‘their’ colony by nurturing a ‘Tutsi’ power structure to exploit the ‘Hutu’ masses. The ‘Tutsi’ comprador class served the colonial occupation, where brutality, slavery and terrorism were used to keep the ‘Hutu’ masses in the fields. A ‘Tutsi’ could lose all his cattle and descend into the ranks of the peasant ‘Hutu’agriculturalists and, though far less likely, a ‘Hutu’ could gain cattle and join the Tutsi elites. The colonial fathers issued ID cards, measured noses and cranial dimensions, and duly clarified who be‘Hutu’ and who be ‘Tutsi’. There was, of course, much money to be made.

A Rwandan woman carries a Swiss family's baby 09 April 1994 at Butare on the Rwanda-Burundi border where numerous foreigners were fleeing the civil clashes in Rwanda. (AFP Photo / Pascal Guyot)
A Rwandan woman carries a Swiss family’s baby 09 April 1994 at Butare on the Rwanda-Burundi border where numerous foreigners were fleeing the civil clashes in Rwanda. (AFP Photo / Pascal Guyot)
Witnessing the global ‘Third World’ independence (sic) movements of the 1950s, and supported by the Belgian Catholic priests, the ‘Hutus’ in Rwanda overthrew the ‘Tutsi’ monarchy in the ‘revolution’ of 1959-1960. Some people died, some people fled, some people stayed, and the next 30 years saw majority ‘Hutu’ rule, with Rwanda under constant attack by elite ‘Tutsi’ guerrillas.
Noting the winds of change, Belgium quickly swapped their support to the Hutu majority, established a comprador class of ‘Hutu’ elites, and protected their interests. There was, of course, much money to be made. Thousands of elite ‘Tutsis’ connected to the former power structure fled to Uganda, Tanzania, Europe and North America.
At the height of the Cold War, the elite ‘Tutsi’ refugees (sic) influenced the Non-Aligned Movement – newly-independent (sic) states like Brazil, India, Malaysia, etc. – screaming bloody murder and “We are the victims of imperial aggression!” all the while. This is the falsified history of ‘Tutsis’ as ‘victims’inculcated by the arrogant elite ‘Tutsi’ rulers. These facts are key to the official narrative: Tutsis as victims, Hutus as oppressors.
Like any monarchy, the ‘Tutsi’ elites believe(d) they are God’s Chosen People, the Jews of Africa, the natural-born rulers over millions of Hutu (and Tutsi) peasants.
Adopted by the Non-Aligned Movement – funded, armed, trained outside Rwanda – the elite ‘Tutsi’guerrillas attacked Rwanda throughout the 1960s and early 1970s, sowing the most egregious terrorism, usually under cover of night. Every time the ‘Tutsi’ guerrillas attacked Rwanda – whether from outside during the 1960s or from inside during the 1990s – the in-country French-speaking‘Tutsis’ suffered reprisals. The ‘Tutsis as victims’ narrative continued to expand, and while the Hutus were blamed for atrocities, usually retaliatory, the ‘Tutsi’ were coddled and protected.
Guerrilla incursions involved bombings of cafes, nightclubs, bars, restaurants and buses. The very real suffering of the French-speaking ‘Tutsi’ people inside Rwanda – those who ‘stayed behind’ – was written off by the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF, a ‘Tutsi’ political party created in 1987 by the Tutsi refugee diaspora in Uganda, now the ruling party in Rwanda) as collateral damage. The English-speaking Ugandans, the elite ‘Tutsi’ refugees (sic), who had Ugandan citizenship and high posts in the Ugandan military, defined them as Hutu collaborators. The RPF didn’t care whether they lived or died.

The foreign element

Enter, by coup d’etat, the Hutu President Juvenal Habyarimana, who ruled Rwanda from 1973 to April 6, 1994, backed by France. Historically, France was to Africa what the United States was to Latin America. Britain and Portugal controlled a few protectorates, Belgium plundered the Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, but Francophone power in Africa was vast, deeply entrenched and militarily brutal.
Habyarimana ran a one-party dictatorship, but French-speaking Tutsis who stayed behind were able to achieve some economic status, though they were kept in check, given their small numbers. Of course, this wasn’t good enough for the elite ‘Tutsis’ outside Rwanda. The United States, Canada, Britain and Israel wanted more of the African pie, and Paul Kagame was the man to get it for them.

Rwandan refugees walk on the Byumba road as they flee from Kigali on May 11, 1994. (AFP Photo)
Rwandan refugees walk on the Byumba road as they flee from Kigali on May 11, 1994. (AFP Photo)
English-speaking ‘Tutsis’ who grew up in Uganda – Paul Kagame, James Kabarebe, Fred Rwigyema, Patrick Karegeya, Laurent Nkundabatware, and thousands of others – were the soldiers of Yoweri Museveni’s guerrilla army. They committed massive atrocities in Uganda, (1980-1985), where absolute terrorism was used to remove a socialist government run by an ungrateful Hutu. The victims in Uganda were also blamed for genocide, turning the truth upside-down. This is how Museveni and Kagame – his director of military intelligence – brought Uganda back in line with the geopolitical dictates of the West: aka disaster capitalism. There was, of course, a lot of money to be made.
They burned entire villages. The RPF deceived peasants into coming to meetings only to obliterate them coldly. The RPF even created crematoriums to ‘disappear’ the skeletons and skulls, until they realized the efficacy of the model of the Jewish Holocaust death camp memorials: pile up shoes, clothing, skeletons and skulls; create an industry whose currency is the moral outrage and psychological terror of ‘genocide’. And please do not be confused: nothing is more terrifying to the Western psyche. (Of course, the same ‘device’ was created and used by the Museveni terror apparatus in the Lowero Triangle of Uganda, but it was preceded by Cambodia, where Pol Pot was the preeminent demon of the day, and the carpet-bombing, napalm strikes, or terror operations like Project Phoenix are dismissed.)

Media war

The New York Times led the charge into Rwanda, and the Western media continued to beat the‘Tutsis as victims’ drum roll. There was, after all, a lot of money to be made. Wall Street vultures began drooling. Military and intelligence operatives like David Kimche (Israel) and Roger Winter (USA) jockeyed for position – organizing logistics, maintaining supply chains, arranging weapons shipments – to support ‘our’ man Kagame and our proxy guerrilla army, the RPF. The Washington Post, Boston Globe, CNN, the Observer all described the RPF guerrillas as a highly ‘disciplined’army: if any woman was raped or civilian massacred, it was an accident, a rogue soldier, and said soldier would be duly punished (of course, they never were).
Paul Kagame put into practice what his teachers, the military strategists at the US Army Command and Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (USA), taught him: psychological operations and how to overthrow a country.
As the English-speaking ‘Tutsis’ marched into Rwanda they conscripted and lured ‘Tutsi’ youth to the‘freedom’ cause. These were young French-speaking Tutsis who were also subjected to Kagame’s ruthless modus operandi: many of them were tortured, killed, disappeared, but many survived the initiation into the RPF. Kagame and his elite Ugandan comrades didn’t trust Tutsis who had stayed behind, and they clearly sacrificed the French-speaking Tutsis of Rwanda for the cause of absolute military power.

Rwandan women and children are gathered 27 May 1994 at an International Red Cross center in Kabgayi. (AFP Photo)
Rwandan women and children are gathered 27 May 1994 at an International Red Cross center in Kabgayi. (AFP Photo)
While the power of the Rwandan Patriotic Army grew day by day, supplied from Uganda, funded by World Bank loans to Museveni, the Habyarimana government was attacked on all fronts, shackled with debt, weapons blockades, demonized by the international press, the humanitarians (sic) and world opinion.
Meanwhile, next door in Burundi, the elite ‘Tutsi’-dominated regime committed a genocide in 1972: some 200,000 to 300,000 mostly Hutu people were raped, tortured, and massacred, while hundreds of thousands more fled to neighboring countries, including Rwanda. The preeminent Africa scholar Rene Lemarchand describes this as a genocide ‘denied and forgotten’.
Instead of punishing the invading ‘Tutsi’ Ugandan forces, led by Kagame, the world punished the Habyarimana regime: political pluralism, multiparty elections, peace accords assuring power-sharing for the RPF: no diplomatic or political sacrifice was enough. Meanwhile, Kagame and the RPF grew in strength and numbers, better equipped, better trained, striking under cover of night like cockroaches – Inyenzi – the term that Tutsi guerrillas of the 1960s proudly self-identified with.
Just as Museveni had infiltrated, massacred and terrorized Uganda (1980-1985), the RPF infiltrated soldiers disguised as civilians into Hutu villages, Hutu political parties, even into Hutu youth groups organized to defend Rwanda from the invading terrorist guerrillas. While the RPF used the airwaves to terrorize the people, scapegoat and stereotype enemies real and perceived, and whip up fear of‘Hutu power’ – the same kinds of nasty propaganda, often sexualized, used by the Kagame regime to demonize its detractors from the West even today – we only even hear about ‘Hutu power’ hate radio.
April 6, 1994, President Habyarimana, his chief of staff, the president of Burundi, the French pilots – all murdered over Kigali in the surface-to-air missile attack on the presidential jet. Here is another pivotal world event that should be commemorated and remembered: the RPF assassination of two presidents.
The Western media soon began describing this terrorist action as ‘a mysterious plane crash’ and, using the now-entrenched upside-down narrative that defined ‘Tutsis’ the victims and ‘Hutus’ as killers, the double-presidential assassinations were blamed on Hutu ‘extremists’.
The United States blocked every attempt to investigate the ‘plane crash’ and the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda (ICTR) suppressed any evidence that emerged, even removing officials who touched the truth too closely. Kagame, all the while was crying crocodile tears, screaming “We are the victims of genocide,” confronting the West with its blatant ‘moral failure’ to abide the slogan ‘never again’.

Real Hutu extremists

What is a Hutu extremist? According to the official mythology, a ‘Hutu extremist’ is a Hutu who ruthlessly and coldly set out to wipe every Tutsi off the face of the earth. In reality, a Hutu ‘extremist’ was any Hutu who saw total war coming at the hands of their erstwhile elite Tutsi oppressors. A Hutu ‘extremist’ was someone who understood only too well that the elite ‘Tutsis’ invading from Uganda, the elite ‘Tutsis’ massacring thousands of people, the elite ‘Tutsis’ (read RPF) infiltrating of social, economic, military and political institutions in Rwanda, the elite ‘Tutsi’ Inyenzi bombings of public places and their assassinations of countless political figures and pesky Rwandan journalists, or the elite ‘Tutsis’ slaughtering of thousands of innocent Hutu men, women and children and wiping entire Hutu villages off the map, that these were very real certainties that Hutu’s had a right and necessity to defend themselves against.
What is a Hutu ‘moderate’? Any Hutu who believed that the RPF offered a democratic alternative to one-party dictatorship, that Paul Kagame was sincere in his proclamations of political pluralism, freedom and brotherhood. These were empty promises.

Rwandan Tutsi refugee camp pictured on April 30, 1994, in Niashishi, in south Rwanda, where more than eight thousands Tutsi are gathered under the protection of French soldiers. (AFP Photo / Pascal Guyot)
Rwandan Tutsi refugee camp pictured on April 30, 1994, in Niashishi, in south Rwanda, where more than eight thousands Tutsi are gathered under the protection of French soldiers. (AFP Photo / Pascal Guyot)
The genocide of the majority Hutu people, launched October 1, 1990, proceeded unabated during the RPF march to power in Rwanda, and it was even more clearly executed during the RPF hunting and slaughtering of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children – mostly Hutus – in the Congo. These were organized campaigns of genocide, with intent to rape, murder and disappear Hutu people because they were Hutu people, and the perpetrators were the elite ‘Tutsis’ from Uganda.
No such planning or organization of genocidal intent has been proven against the Hutu government of Juvenal Habyarimana – which, in any case, was decapitated on April 6, 1994 – or against the Interim Hutu government that briefly held sway after April 6, 1994, and the judges at the ICTR have found as such. There were indeed hundreds of thousands of French-speaking Tutsis raped, brutalized and massacred in what amount to very real acts of genocide in Rwanda, and these occurred over the now sacred ‘100 days of genocide’. But there were also hundreds of thousands of Hutus killed, and far more Hutu than Tutsi.
Hutu lands were cleared of their owners, taken by foreign ‘Tutsi’ who flooded in on the heels of the RPF. And by the way, practically everyone in Rwanda owns a machete; there were massive imports in January of 1994, by a British citizen; purchases of machetes occurred using World Bank funds, for agricultural use, not for an evil genocide conspiracy. Anyway, the RPF routinely killed people with machetes, to save on bullets, and disguise the perpetrators.
And today, terror reigns silently in Rwanda.
Facts don’t seem to matter however, because Western hysteria has been whipped up by the media, the Pentagon, the intelligence sector, and by the Kagame regime. The Western psyche has been indoctrinated to believe exactly what Kagame and his benefactors want us to believe. We stood by, we did nothing, we should have stopped ‘the genocide’.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
There was a coup d’etat in Rwanda. The victors, the oppressors, the killers have been applauded, shielded, and/or hidden from the eyes of the world. A proxy army of elite ‘Tutsis’ murdered with abandon in Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo, where they are still murdering with abandon.
The real coup d’etat has been the brainwashing of the Western mind and psyche, transforming rational discerning individuals into hysterical self-congratulatory humanitarians (sic), unable to separate truth from lie, and certain of their conclusions, no matter how erroneous. Just show them a machete, or a skull, or a weeping ‘Tutsi’ ‘survivor’ of ‘genocide’ and you can count on their compliance in commemorating the anniversary of ‘Genocide’ in Rwanda, and bowing at the feet of Paul Kagame. There is, of course, much money to be made.
Keith Harmon Snow, for RT
Keith Harmon Snow is a war correspondent and photographer who has worked in 16 African countries, including conflict areas in Congo, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda and Sudan. A former genocide and war crimes investigator for Genocide Watch, Survivor’s Rights International and the United Nations, who has worked at the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda, testified at numerous US immigration asylum hearings for Rwandan and Congolese refugees and testified at the Audiencia Nacionale in Madrid, Spain, in support of the war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide indictments issued against the top 40 Rwandan Patriotic Front officers. He is persona non grata in Rwanda and Ethiopia.


2) Here is the origina article, with some photograps. 

Rwanda: How Habyarimana and the genocide perpetrators were financed

Starting on 7 April 1994, in less than three months, nearly one million Rwandans – the exact figure has not yet been determined - were exterminated because they were (or supposed to be) Tutsis. Tens of thousands of moderate Hutus were also slaughtered. This was indeed a genocide, that is, the deliberate destruction of an entire community through mass murder in the aim of preventing their biological and social reproduction.
In this context, it is crucial to investigate the role played by international financial institutions. Everything we know leads us to believe that the policies imposed by these institutions, the main financial backers of General Juvénal Habyarimana’s dictatorial regime accelerated the process resulting in the genocide. In general, the negative impact of these policies is not taken into consideration to explain the tragic unfolding of the Rwandan crisis. Only a few authors highlight the responsibilities of the Bretton Woods institutions |1|, which have rejected any kind of responsibility.
At the beginning of the 1980s, when the debt crisis exploded in the Third World, Rwanda (like its neighbour Burundi) had very little debt. Whereas in other parts of the world, the World Bank and IMF were abandoning their go-go loan policy and preaching abstinence, they adopted a very different attitude with respect to Rwanda to which they granted major loans. Between 1976 and 1994, there was a twenty-fold increase in Rwanda’s external debt. In 1976, it amounted to $49 million, while it was nearly $1 billion in 1994, increasing especially rapidly as of 1982. Its principal creditors were the IFIs or International Financial Institutions — the World Bank, the IMF, and similar institutions, and the WB and the IMF played the most active role in this debt process. In 1995, IFIs held 84% of Rwanda’s external debt.
The dictatorship in place since 1973 guaranteed that there would be no progressive structural changes in the country. That explains why it was actively supported by Western powers such as Belgium, France, and Switzerland. In addition, it could be a rampart against the countries in the region that were still mulling over thoughts of independence and progressive change (for instance, neighbouring Tanzania where there was the progressive President Julius Nyerere, one of the African leaders in the Non-Aligned Movement).
Throughout the 1980s and up until 1994, Rwanda received many loans, but the dictator Habyarimana embezzled much of them. The loans granted were supposed to be used to better integrate Rwanda’s economy into the world economy by developing its capacities to export coffee, tea, and tin (its three main export products), which was detrimental to the crops cultivated there to satisfy local needs. This model worked until the middle of the 1980s, when the price of tin, then that of coffee, and finally tea, collapsed. Rwanda, for which coffee was the main source of hard currency, was hit hard by the breaking up of the coffee cartel at the beginning of the 1990s by the United States.

Bruce Clarke, from the project "The Upright Men" on the Rwandese genocide
Using international loans to prepare for the genocide
Only a few weeks before the Patriotic Front of Rwanda launched its offensive in October 1990, the government of Rwanda signed an agreement with the IMF and the WB in Washington to implement structural adjustment measures.
When they were implemented in November 1990, the Rwandan currency dropped by 67%. By way of compensation, the IMF granted strong currency loans for quick disbursement so that the country could keep importing goods. The funds were used to artificially improve the balance of payments. The prices of imported goods skyrocketed: for instance, the price of petrol went up by 79%. Selling imported goods on the domestic market made it possible for the government to pay the army’s wages, and the number of recruits increased in staggering proportions. The structural adjustment measures included a decrease in public spending, wages were frozen, and there were massive layoffs in the civil service, but part of the savings were used for the army.
Whereas the prices of imported goods increased, the price at which producers could sell coffee was frozen, as imposed by the IMF. As a result, hundreds of thousands of small coffee producers went bankrupt |2|, and together with the most deprived layers of city dwellers they became a permanent supply of soldiers for Interahamwe and army recruiters.
The following measures were among the ones the WB and IMF imposed in Rwanda: an increase in consumption taxes and a decrease in corporate taxes, an increase in direct taxes on low-income families through a reduction of fiscal advantages for large families, and restrictions on credit facilities to farmers.
To account for its use of loans from the IMF/WB, Rwanda was allowed to submit old invoices for imported goods. This practice made it possible for the government to pay for the massive purchase of weapons intended for the genocide. Military expenses increased three-fold between 1990 and 1992 |3|. Over this period of time, the WB and the IMF sent out several missions of experts, who highlighted the positive consequences of the austerity policies enforced by Habyarimana, yet threatened to discontinue payments if military expenses increased further. The Rwandan government then used various ploys to conceal military expenses: Lorries bought for the army were accounted for in the budget of the transport ministry, a significant portion of the petrol used in the army or militia vehicles was part of the budget for the ministry of health. The WB and the IMF eventually stopped providing financial support in early 1993, but they did not expose the existence of bank accounts the Rwandan government had in foreign banks on which there were substantial amounts of money still available to buy more weapons. It can be said that they failed in their duty to control the use of the funds loaned. They should have stopped their loans in early 1992 when they learned the money was being used to buy weapons. They should have warned the UN at once. As they went on supplying support until 1993, they helped a government that was preparing a genocide. As early as 1991, human rights organisations had tried to draw international attention to the massacres that paved the way for the genocide. The World Bank and the IMF systematically supported a dictatorial regime, with the help of the US, France, and Belgium.
Exacerbated social contradictions
For the genocidal project to be achieved, more than just a government was needed to devise it and acquire the necessary tools; the people also had to be impoverished and driven to a level of desperation at which they were ready to do anything. 90% of the population in Rwanda was living in the countryside, and 20% of farm families owned an acre or less. From 1982 to 1994, most of the farming population fell into poverty, while a few others at the other end of the social spectrum were accumulating a huge amount of wealth. Professor Jef Maton states that in 1982 the richest 10% of the population made 20% of rural income; in 1992 they had grabbed 41%, in 1993 45%, and in early 1994 51% |4|. The disastrous social consequences of the IMF and WB enforced policies combined with the plummeting price of coffee (itself a consequence of policies applied by the Bretton Woods institutions, and the US doing away with the cartel of coffee producers at that time) played a key role in the Rwanda crisis. Habyarimana’s regime exploited the widespread social discontent to carry out the genocide.
|1| Chossudovsky, Michel et al. 1995. « Rwanda, Somalie, ex Yougoslavie : conflits armés, génocide économique et responsabilités des institutions de Bretton Woods » (Rwanda, Somalia, ex-Yugoslavia: armed conflicts, economic genocide, and the responsability of Bretton Woods institutions); Chossudovsky, Michel and Galand, Pierre, « Le Génocide de 1994, L’usage de la dette extérieure du Rwanda (1990-1994). La responsabilité des bailleurs de fonds » (The Genocide of 1994. The use of Rwanda’s external debt (1990-1994). The responsability of financial institutions), Ottawa and Brussels, 1996. See also: Duterme, Renaud Rwanda : une histoire volée (Rwanda: a stolen history), Co-edition Tribord and CADTM, 2013
|2| Maton, Jef. 1994. Développement économique et social au Rwanda entre 1980 et 1993. Le dixième décile en face de l’apocalypse. (Economic and Social Development in Rwanda between 1980 and 1999.)
|3| Nduhungirehe, Marie-Chantal. 1995. Les Programmes d’ajustement structurel. Spécificité et application au cas du Rwanda.(Structural Adjustment Programmes: Specificities and Application to the Case of Rwanda.)
|4| Maton, Jef. 1994. Ibid.

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Publication date of original article: 07/04/2014
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