Wednesday, February 26, 2014

327 Homosexuality is used to destabilise countries.

This blog:

We all know how Russia is flooded with NGO's that stimulated homosexuals in Russia to start a fight for emancipation.
Not a natural way to act, of course.
Emancipation of homosexuality has to be endogenous, and has to grow within the population.
I think it can only grow when a country looses its old habits and values, and replaces them for new ones.
We saw what happened in Russia:  The Government had enough of it and and made a law that forbode it to make publicity for homosexuality amongst youngsters.
A safe and modest law, one would think.
Not so, it turned out.

It was used as a tool to bash Putin and Russia.
From the news one would get the impression that homo's had a terrible life in Russia.
Not true.
Their life was OK, untill the Masters of Discourse started to attack Russia.
It angered the right wingers who started to threaten and molest homo's.

But..... this is old news today.
The reason for this blog is a TV program I just saw on Belgian TV.( Video)
A Dutch author, Monique Samuel  (from Egyptian Christian ancestry), herself a lesbian, has lived in Uganda for some time in the last few years.
Her goal: to see the changes in treatement of homosexuals in Uganda.

Here is what she  said:

Life in Uganda was never too difficult for homosexuals.
They were not popular, but they could live their lives.
Two women could live together, and people would not even think anything of it.

Then came some very extreme religious preachers from the USA.
They were forbidden to preach in the USA ( where freedom of speech is like the most important 'right' known to man) .  That's  how fanatic they were.
They started to preach hatred against homosexuals in Uganda.

It made the Ugandans alert on homosexuality.
Now they said: Why are those two women living together in that house?
This caused politicians to be more and more anti-gay. A proces of the last two or three years.

The result of the more  negative publicity towards homosexuality in Uganda had an important consequence:  Western countries like the USA,  Sweden, Belgium, Denmark and others started to criticise Uganda and above all :  Ugandese politicians.
They were pictured as primitive and backwards.

That was the reason for the recent new laws: outlawing homosexualty.
Ugandan politicians felt paternalised by The West, and reacted.
A paper publicised the names of 200 homosexuals in Uganda.

The homosexuals were the victims.
In recent days  some were lynched, some killed themselves, some flew or disappeared from public life.

In the TV debate with mrs Samuel the Belgian minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reinders,  said that he is working on sanctions against Uganda, and will stop sending monmey to Uganda.

Mrs  Samuel pleaded for non interference of the West.
She says it is exactly the Western 'humanitarian measurements' that cause all the trouble.


Being a conspirationalist by profession I ask myself:
Was this all scripted?
I think it was.
I do not think that people like Reinders understand the game that is being played.
But I think it was no coïncidence that these American extremists were sent to Uganda.
And it certainly was no coïncidence that all these NGO's in Russia stimulated the Russian gays to start to fight for their emancipation.

Mrs Victoria Nuland recently admitted that the USA had spent 5 billion $ in the last 25 years to split the Ukraïne away from Russia. The USA did everything to create chaos in that country. All the time sayi8ng they are working for the good of the people.
They did the same to Afghanistan,  Iraq, Libia and Syria.  All thes e countries have changed to hell holes after USA-paid snipers created civil war.
For the Ukraïne they have the same future in mind.  And for Russia and Iran, no doubt.
It has to do with Global Power for America and even more with complete regional hegemony for Israel.
About Ukraïne:
Israel Shamir:
The Saker has many great blogs on Ukraïne. Here is one in a series:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

326 'Smear, Divide and Conquer' was àlways the strategy.

I believe that we, the peoples of the world,  are all the result of the survival skills of our ancestors. 
One of the essential skills is that, if necessary, one is willing to fight. 
So, with the genes that we have in us, we may expect there to be a war every now and then.
I would call this War 1.0 :  
The struggle for scarce means leaves no room for peoples who are completely pacifist.  

But there is also a War 2.0 
Here war is not done for survival, but for the benefit of the already Super Rich. Here the peoples are misled by these Super Rich  by False Flag attacks.  The animosity is created by the Super Rich.  

In the article below John Pilger gives us the authors and books who show us that the Korean War was just fabricated.  
There is even a book that shows us that WW2 was not inevitable ! 

The same people who created the Korean War and bombed 32 other countries since 1945, all in the name of 'Peace' ( and so killed 12 million people)  are already  smearing  Putin and Russia and are  preparing for war with China. This again has nothing to do with survival of the 300 million American people, but with the Power of the very small 0,1 % Super Rich. 

'Good' and 'Bad' War - and the Struggle of Memory Against Forgetting

The regime that Washington created in the South, the “good” Korea, was set up and run largely by those who had collaborated with Japan and America.

By John Pilger

February 13 2014 "Information Clearing House - "The New Statesman" -  Fifty years ago, E.P. Thompson's 'The Making of the English Working Class' rescued the study of history from the powerful. Kings and queens, landowners, industrialists, politicians and imperialists had owned much of the public memory. In 1980, Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States' also demonstrated that the freedoms and rights we enjoy precariously - free expression, free association, the jury system, the rights of minorities - were the achievements of ordinary people, not the gift of elites.

Historians, like journalists, play their most honourable role when they myth-bust. Eduardo Galeano's 'The Open Veins of Latin America' (1971) achieved this for the people of a continent whose historical memory was colonised and mutated by the dominance of the United States.
The "good" world war of 1939-45 provides a bottomless ethical bath in which the west's "peacetime" conquests are cleansed. De-mystifying historical investigation stands in the way. Richard Overy's '1939: the countdown to war' (2009) is a devastating explanation of why that cataclysm was not inevitable.
We need such smokescreen-clearing now more than ever. The powerful would like us to believe that the likes of Thompson, Zinn and Galeano are no longer necessary: that we live, as Time magazine put it, "in an eternal present", in which reflection is limited to Facebook and historical narrative is the preserve of Hollywood. This is a confidence trick. In 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', George Orwell wrote: "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
The people of Korea understand this well. The slaughter on their peninsula following the second world war is known as the "forgotten war", whose significance for all humanity has long been suppressed in military histories of cold war good versus evil.
I have just read 'The Korean War: A History by Bruce Cumings' (2010), professor of history at the University of Chicago. I first saw Cumings interviewed in Regis Tremblay's extraordinary film, 'The Ghosts of Jeju', which documents the uprising of the people of the southern Korean island of Jeju in 1948 and the campaign of the present-day islanders to stop the building of a base with American missiles aimed provocatively at China.
Like most Koreans, the farmers and fishing families protested the senseless division of their nation between north and south in 1945 - a line drawn along the 38th Parallel by an American official, Dean Rusk, who had "consulted a map around midnight on the day after we obliterated Nagasaki with an atomic bomb," wrote Cumings. The myth of a "good" Korea (the south) and a "bad" Korea (the north) was invented.
In fact, Korea, north and south, has a remarkable people's history of resistance to feudalism and foreign occupation, notably Japan's in the 20th century. When the Americans defeated Japan in 1945, they occupied Korea and often branded those who had resisted the Japanese as "commies". On Jeju island, as many as 60,000 people were massacred by militias supported, directed and, in some cases, commanded by American officers.
This and other unreported atrocities were a "forgotten" prelude to the Korean War (1950-53) in which more people were killed than Japanese died during all of world war two. Cumings' gives an astonishing tally of the degree of destruction of the cities of the north is astonishing: Pyongyang 75 per cent, Sariwon 95 per cent, Sinanju 100 per cent.  Great dams in the north were bombed in order to unleash internal tsunamis. "Anti-personnel" weapons, such as Napalm, were tested on civilians. Cumings' superb investigation helps us understand why today's North Korea seems so strange: an anachronism sustained by an enduring mentality of siege.
"The unhindered machinery of incendiary bombing was visited on the North for three years," he wrote, "yielding a wasteland and a surviving mole people who had learned to love the shelter of caves, mountains, tunnels and redoubts, a subterranean world that became the basis for reconstructing a country and a memento for building a fierce hatred through the ranks of the population. Their truth is not cold, antiquarian, ineffectual knowledge." Cumings quotes Virginia Wolf on how the trauma of this kind of war "confers memory."
The guerrilla leader Kim Il Sung had begun fighting the Japanese militarists in 1932.  Every characteristic attached to the regime he founded - "communist, rogue state, evil enemy" - derives from a ruthless, brutal, heroic resistance: first to Japan, then the United States, which threatened to nuke the rubble its bombers had left. Cumings exposes as propaganda the notion that Kim Il Sung, leader of the "bad" Korea, was a stooge of Moscow. In contrast, the regime that Washington invented in the south, the "good" Korea, was run largely by those who had collaborated with Japan and America.
The Korean War has an unrecognised distinction. It was in the smouldering ruins of the peninsula that the US turned itself into what Cumings calls "an archipelago of empire". When the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s, it was as if the whole planet was declared American - or else.
But there is China now. The base currently being built on Cheju island will face the Chinese metropolis of Shanghai, less than 300 miles away, and the industrial heartland of the only country whose economic power is likely to surpass that of the US. "China," says President Obama in a leaked briefing paper, "is our fast emerging strategic threat." By 2020, almost two thirds of all US naval forces in the world will be transferred to the Asia-Pacific region. In an arc extending from Australia to Japan and beyond, China will be ringed by US missiles and nuclear-weapons armed aircraft.  Will this threat to all of us be "forgotten", too?

Monday, February 10, 2014

325 The Money shows who is really in power in the USA.

Washington’s Military Aid to Israel 
Fake Peace Process, Real War Process 
By Chase Madar
We Americans have funny notions about foreign aid. Recent polls show that, on average, we believe 28% of the federal budget is eaten up by it, and that, in a time of austerity, this gigantic bite of the budget should be cut back to 10%. In actual fact, barely 1% of the federal budget goes to foreign aid of any kind.
In this case, however, truth is at least as strange as fiction. Consider that the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid over the past three decades isn’t some impoverished land filled with starving kids, but a wealthy nation with a per-head gross domestic product on par with the European Union average, and higher than that of Italy, Spain, or South Korea.
Consider also that this top recipient of such aid -- nearly all of it military since 2008 -- has been busily engaged in what looks like a nineteenth-century-style colonization project. In the late 1940s, our beneficiary expelled some 700,000 indigenous people from the land it was claiming.  In 1967, our client seized some contiguous pieces of real estate and ever since has been colonizing these territories with nearly 650,000 of its own people. It has divided the conquered lands with myriad checkpoints and roads accessible only to the colonizers and is building a 440-mile wall around (and cutting into) the conquered territory, creating a geography of control that violates international law.
“Ethnic cleansing” is a harsh term, but apt for a situation in which people are driven out of their homes and lands because they are not of the right tribe. Though many will balk at leveling this charge against Israel -- for that country is, of course, the top recipient of American aid and especially military largesse -- who would hesitate to use the term if, in a mirror-image world, all of this were being inflicted on Israeli Jews?
Click here to read more of this dispatch.

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